#Real Python

Using Python's pip to Manage Your Projects' Dependencies

What is pip? In this beginner-friendly tutorial, you'll learn how to use pip, the standard package manager for Python, so that you can install and manage packages that aren't part of the Python standard library.
#basics #tools
By | Sep 16, 2024

Build a Contact Book App With Python, Textual, and SQLite

In this tutorial, you'll be guided step by step through the process of building a basic contact book application. You'll use Python and Textual to build the application's text-based user interface (TUI), and then use SQLite to manage the database.
#intermediate #projects
By | Sep 21, 2024

#Django Project – Weblog

Nominate a Djangonaut for the 2024 Malcolm Tredinnick Memorial Prize

By Thibaud Colas | Sep 16, 2024

Last call for DjangoCon US 2024 tickets!

By DjangoCon US Organizers | Sep 18, 2024


Issue #647 – NumPy where(), Python & R, HTTP Clients, and More

By | Sep 17, 2024

#Adam Johnson – Blogs

Django: speed up tests slightly by disabling

Django’s test client provides two methods to log in a user: login() and force_login(). The latter one is faster because it bypasses the authentication backend, including password hashing, and just sets a session to have the user logged in. Typically, you’d want to use it in setUp() like this:
By Adam Johnson | Sep 18, 2024

Python: my new uv setup for development

uv is a new, fast Python packaging tool. (I believe it is pronounced as written, “uhv”, rather than spelt out like “you-vee”. This saves a syllable, fitting the tool’s ethos of speed.)
By Adam Johnson | Sep 18, 2024

Git: find when a commit was reverted or reapplied

Git doesn’t store reversion links between commits. It only relies on commit messages to track this information. When you run git revert, the default message includes a line about the reverted commit:
By Adam Johnson | Sep 18, 2024


AI-Powered Infrastructure as Code Generator

Revolutionizing Infrastructure as Code: Building an AI-Powered Terraform Generator
In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing and DevOps, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has become a cornerstone of efficient and scalable system management. Howeve…
By Ambeka Deshmukh | Sep 16, 2024

Developing Scalable AI/ML Projects with Python Modularity | AI/ML basics – Session 9

Creating a modular system in Python using Flask allows developers to manage and scale applications efficiently by dividing them into smaller, reusable components. In this article, we’ll explore how to create a modular Flask project by integrating two…
By NAGARAJU ALOORI | Sep 16, 2024

Mastering Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn: A Guide to Turning Data Into Insights

In the modern world, data is abundant, but making sense of it is the real challenge. Effective data visualization can reveal patterns, trends, and outliers in datasets, transforming raw information into powerful insights. Two of the most widely used …
By NAGARAJU ALOORI | Sep 16, 2024

Save a trained model for later use – Session 7

To save a trained model for later use, you need to manually save it using Python’s serialization tools, such as joblib or pickle. These libraries allow you to save the model to disk and load it back later without retraining it.
Here’s how you can sav…
By NAGARAJU ALOORI | Sep 16, 2024

Building an Email Spam Detection Model – Supervised Learning – Session 7

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of building a supervised learning project to detect spam emails using the Naive Bayes algorithm. We’ll cover setting up the project, loading and preprocessing data, training the model, an…
By NAGARAJU ALOORI | Sep 16, 2024

Exploring Google Colab: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Google Colab, short for Google Colaboratory, is a free, cloud-based platform designed to help developers, data scientists, and AI enthusiasts execute Python code effortlessly. Built on top of Jupyter Notebooks, Colab allows users to write and run cod…
By NAGARAJU ALOORI | Sep 16, 2024

Text-to-Speech System Using Python and the Xtts Model – Text Limitations and Solution – Part 3

Text-to-Speech (TTS) systems have become increasingly essential in the world of AI, powering everything from virtual assistants to accessibility tools. In this article, we will walk through the process of setting up and using a TTS system based on Py…
By NAGARAJU ALOORI | Sep 16, 2024


This guide will walk you through the steps needed to set up a text-to-speech (TTS) project using the XTTS model from TTS.tts. We will cover the installation, configuration, and synthesis of speech using a pre-trained model. Let’s dive in!
Related art…
By NAGARAJU ALOORI | Sep 16, 2024

Behind the scenes of python

I am new to this coding thing, but always curious to know behind the scenes of how everything works. All thanks to top-class shows like "How Do They Do It" and "How It's Made." Recently, I started learning Python with the help of Chai aur code by Hit…
By Sachin Goyal | Sep 16, 2024

🌟Day 33: Getting Started with AWS

Hello, everyone! 👋
Today, I’m thrilled to share my learnings from Day 33 of my 90 Days of DevOps challenge. I attended an enlightening live session with Shubham Londhe where we explored the vast world of AWS (Amazon Web Services). AWS is a cornersto…
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 16, 2024

Understanding Python Flask: A Beginner’s Guide to GET and POST Requests – Session 9

Flask is a lightweight web framework in Python that allows developers to build web applications quickly and with minimal code. It’s an ideal framework for beginners due to its simplicity and flexibility. Flask allows you to handle HTTP requests and b…
By NAGARAJU ALOORI | Sep 16, 2024

Soundness of Programming Languages

Programming Language 차원의 Soundness 와 Completeness

Programming 언어의 Soundness 는 언어의 Type System 의 안정성과 신뢰성을 나타내는 개념입니다.

즉, 언어의 Type System 이 Program 의 Type 관련 오류를 모두 잡아낼 수 있다면, 그 언어는 “Sound 하다” 라고 합니다.

이는 Programming Language 가 제공하는 Satety 와 Correct…
By Gyuhang Shim | Sep 16, 2024

How to Use Scikit-learn for Classification Tasks: A Comprehensive Guide

Classification is one of the most common tasks in machine learning, where the objective is to categorize data points into predefined labels or classes. Whether you're building a spam filter, diagnosing diseases, or identifying objects in an image, cl…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 16, 2024

Introduction to Pandas and NumPy


A powerful library for data manipulation and analysis.

Central to Pandas is the DataFrame, a 2-dimensional labeled data structure with columns of potentially different types.

Useful for handling missing data, performing operations on colum…
By NAGARAJU ALOORI | Sep 16, 2024

Soundness of Programming Languages

Soundness and Completeness at the Programming Language Level
Soundness in programming languages is a concept that represents the stability and reliability of a language's type system.
In other words, if a language's type system can catch all type-rel…
By Gyuhang Shim | Sep 16, 2024

Django Authentication and Authorization: A Comprehensive Guide

In web development, two of the most fundamental and frequently implemented APIs are authentication and authorization. Both private and public APIs require these basic security measures. In this blog post, we'll explore the differences be…
By Gregory Paul White | Sep 16, 2024

Think you're safe from Race Conditions? Think again

This article aims to correct a subtle but dangerous bad practice that is often overlooked. I will demonstrate practical examples using Python, FastAPI and PostgreSQL, and I will provide various solutions for the problem, each with its own trade-offs….
By Davide | Sep 16, 2024

Key Use Cases of List Data Structures in Python

Introduction to Lists in Python
In Python, lists are a versatile and widely used data structure that allows you to store a collection of items in an ordered, mutable (modifiable) manner. This makes lists ideal for various tasks, from storing a collec…
By Loquero, Rodney I. | Sep 16, 2024

Let's Start With Python

Super easy programming language ever!!!
Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its simplicity and readability. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python emphasizes code readability and allows developer…
By Jaahanvi Mahour | Sep 16, 2024

Understanding Lists of Dictionaries in Python

In Python, a list of dictionaries is a powerful way to organize and store multiple sets of key-value pairs. This structure combines two core data types: lists and dictionaries. A list can hold multiple dictionaries, where each dictionary stores data …
By Loquero, Rodney I. | Sep 16, 2024

Python Dictionaries: A Simple Guide

In Python, a dictionary is a data structure that stores data in pairs of keys and values. Unlike lists, where items are accessed by their position (index), dictionaries allow you to access data by using a unique key, making it very efficient for look…
By Loquero, Rodney I. | Sep 16, 2024


Day 9: Diving into Tuples and Sets in Python!Today, I explored the fascinating world of Tuples and Sets in Python. 🚀 These two data structures are crucial for efficiently handling collections of data.Tuples: Immutable sequences, perfect for storing …
By Rishi Rathor | Sep 16, 2024

Building an Unbeatable Tic-Tac-Toe AI with the Minimax Algorithm

Tic-Tac-Toe may seem like a simple game, but did you know that it's actually a great way to dive into the world of AI and algorithms? Today, I'll walk you through how I built a Python-based Tic-Tac-Toe AI that is unbeatable, thanks to the power of th…
By William Stetar | Sep 16, 2024

Global COVID-19 Vaccination Progress: Analysis, Insights & Recommendations

As part of my journey in data analysis, I explored the global vaccination progress against COVID-19 using data from February 2021 to January 2022. The dataset provided a snapshot of a critical phase in the global fight against the pandem…
By Innocent Ezama | Sep 17, 2024

Django File Structure for Developers

#webdev #python #django #backend
Understanding the structure of a Django project is key to efficiently navigating and developing applications. This guide will walk you through the essential elements of a Django project to help you better understand i…
By Digvijay Singh Rajput | Sep 17, 2024

An Introduction to the Suck4Luck Project

I’m a reformed American Football junkie. Well, not totally reformed, mind you. I used to play in five fantasy leagues a year, at least, and never scheduled anything on Sunday after noon (cst). I still watch my beloved Chicago Bears every time they pl…
By Jake Fitzenreider | Sep 17, 2024

🌐 Day 34: Understanding AWS WAF 🛡️

Hey everyone! 👋 Today marks Day 34 of my 90 Days of DevOps challenge, and I'm excited to share what I've learned about AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall)🚀
✅What is AWS WAF? 🤔
AWS WAF is a security tool provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that he…
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 17, 2024

10 Simple Steps to Build a Django Web App: Beginner's Guide

Introduction to Django and Web Development
Overview of Django and its popularity in web developmentDjango is a high-level Python web framework that helps you build powerful web apps quickly. It was created with the idea of making web development fast…
By Mohit Bhatt | Sep 17, 2024

Building a California Housing Price Prediction Model Using Gradient Boosting and Feature Selection: A Comprehensive Guide

In this project, we aim to build a robust machine learning model to predict house prices in California using the California Housing dataset. By utilizing a powerful algorithm like Gradient Boosting Regressor and applying advanced techniques such as F…
By NAGARAJU ALOORI | Sep 17, 2024

A Comprehensive Guide to Binary Classification in Machine Learning

Binary classification is a fundamental concept in machine learning where the goal is to classify data into one of two distinct classes or categories. It is widely used in various fields, including spam detection, medical diagnosis, customer churn pre…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 17, 2024

Day 10:-

🚀 Data Manipulation with NumPy: A Game Changer!
Hey everyone!
Today, I’m diving into the basics of NumPy, an essential library for data manipulation in Python! Whether you're working on machine learning, data science, or just love crunching numbers,…
By Rishi Rathor | Sep 17, 2024

Why Do MAANG Companies Ask Data Structures and Algorithms in Interviews for Data Engineers?

If you’ve been preparing for a data engineering job at companies like Meta, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, or Google—often called MAANG—you might have noticed something surprising. They don’t just ask questions about tools like SQL, Python, or cloud platfor…
By Vishal Barvaliya | Sep 17, 2024

Data Visualization in Python: Unlocking Insights with Matplotlib and Seaborn

In the era of big data, the ability to visualize data effectively is just as important as analyzing it. Data visualization simplifies complex datasets, reveals hidden patterns, and enhances the communication of insights to stakeholders. …
By Nityanand Madpathi | Sep 17, 2024

The Ultimate Python Learning Roadmap for 2024 🐍

Python has become one of the most popular programming languages in the world, thanks to its versatility, simplicity, and massive community of developers. Whether you're new to coding or an experienced programmer looking to add Python to your skillset…
By Manish Yadhuvanshi | Sep 17, 2024

Stay Updated with Python/FastAPI/Django: Weekly News Summary (09/09/2024-15/09/2024

Intro: Check out this insightful summary of Python/FastAPI/Django Weekly News for September 09th to September 15th, 2024. Stay updated with the latest developments, releases, and community updates in the Nil ecosystem.
Key Points:

🐍 Python 3.13 Pre…
By Poovarasu Sekar | Sep 18, 2024

Language Wars: Does It Really Matter?

As a student at the start of your career, it's natural to have questions about which programming languages to master. Many of us initially gravitate toward Java and Python, given their widespread use in the industry. I certainly thought that masterin…
By Priti Jha | Sep 18, 2024

Data Analytics with Python Pandas: A Comprehensive Guide

Data analytics plays a crucial role in driving informed decision-making by transforming raw data into valuable insights. As the field grows, Python has emerged as a leading language for data analytics due to its simplicity and powerful libraries. Amo…
By Shivanshi Singh | Sep 18, 2024

How to Use Python for Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on enabling computers to understand, interpret, and respond to human language. NLP has applications in various fields, such as chatbots, sentiment analysis, machine…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 18, 2024

Use the FARM Stack to Develop Full Stack Apps

The FARM stack is a modern web development stack that combines four powerful technologies: FastAPI, React, and MongoDB. This full-stack solution provides developers with a robust set of tools to build scalable, efficient, and high-performance web app…
By Beau Carnes | Sep 18, 2024

Why Does the "Executor Out of Memory" Error Happen in Apache Spark?

Apache Spark is a tool used to process large amounts of data. It’s fast, scalable, and great for big data tasks. However, sometimes when working with Spark, you might run into a common issue: the "Executor Out of Memory" error. If you've seen this er…
By Vishal Barvaliya | Sep 18, 2024

Coding vs Programming: What’s the Difference?

There’s a common myth in tech that coding and programming are the same thing, but they’re not. Many people use these words interchangeably, which can cause confusion. If you’re starting in tech or even if you’ve been around for a while, understanding…
By Vishal Barvaliya | Sep 18, 2024

Embark on the ML Voyage: A Beginner's Odyssey into Machine Learning

Introduction: Setting Sail on the ML Journey
Imagine you're embarking on a thrilling voyage into uncharted waters, where the winds of innovation guide you and the vast ocean of data surrounds you. Welcome to the world of Machine Learning (ML)—a trans…
By Riya Bose | Sep 18, 2024

Synty Animations with Godot and T-Pose Rest Poses

Synty currently has two animation packs to go with their highly popular low poly models:

ANIMATION – Base Locomotion

ANIMATION – Sword Combat

While Synty provides Blender source files for the animations in these packages, it can be challenging to…
By Caleb Doise | Sep 18, 2024

Understanding Pandas: A Comprehensive Guide

Pandas is a Python library used for data analysis and manipulation. It provides powerful tools to work with data in a structured way, often in the form of tables (called DataFrames).
Basic Concepts in Pandas


Think of a DataFrame as a ta…
By Usama waqas | Sep 18, 2024

Automating Atomic Poetry Dependency Updates with Bash

Dependency management is a crucial aspect of any project. Keeping your dependencies up to date ensures security, stability, and access to the latest features. However, simply running poetry update can be risky. What if you have 25 outdated packages, …
By Victor Miti | Sep 18, 2024

Common Mistakes When Using the range() in Python

Python range() is quite an utility function primarily meant for repeatitive tasks. It allows you to create a series of numbers. It is called inside a loop, such as a for loop, but people make common mistakes in using range().
List of Mistakes with Py…
By Meenakshi Agarwal | Sep 18, 2024

Step-by-Step Guide to Reading Files with Python’s Open () Function

To read a file in Python using the open() function, you can follow these steps:

Open the file: Use the open() function to specify the file path and the mode (in this case, read mode "r").

Read the contents: You can either read the whole file or rea…
By Usama waqas | Sep 18, 2024

I built my own Google Calendar Event Scheduler with FastAPI

Hey codemonkey!
I'm introducing you a simple FastAPI-based application that allows users to schedule and manage events using the Google Calendar API. The app integrates Google OAuth for authentication and enables event creation and retrieval from a u…
By Rasel Hasan | Sep 18, 2024

🌟Day 35 Guide: Exploring AWS EC2 Instances

On the 35th day of my 90 Days of DevOps challenge, I delved into the essentials of creating, connecting, and managing EC2 instances. Here, I'll provide a comprehensive overview of these processes, explain what EC2 is, and why it's widely used in the …
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 18, 2024

Day 11:-

📊 Understanding NumPy Arrays: The Backbone of Data Science! 🧠
Today, I dove into NumPy Arrays, one of the most essential tools in the data science world! 💻
Here’s why they’re powerful:
1. Efficient Storage: Arrays are way more efficient than Pytho…
By Rishi Rathor | Sep 18, 2024

How to Learn NumPy: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Let's simplify the explanation of NumPy, starting from the very basics (Zero) and moving toward advanced concepts step by step. We will make it as straightforward as possible while covering all the important features.

Step 1: Installing NumPy
By Usama waqas | Sep 18, 2024

Designing a Pure Python Web Framework

Web development is one of the most popular use cases for programming. Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. So why can't we build web apps in Python?
Making a UI should be simple, but even you have great engineers on y…
By elvis kahoro | Sep 18, 2024

Integrating MLflow into Python Logging

This article solves an arguably niche issue where we wish to log both to the mlflow tracking server as well as other sources, such as a live terminal or some cloud storage destination. To be concrete, the aim of this post is to detail the setup proce…
By Aadidev Sooknanan | Sep 18, 2024

✨Day 36: Easy Guide to AWS IAM, S3 Bucket, and AWS CLI

✅What is IAM in AWS?

Imagine you're the boss of a big company, and you need to give different employees different levels of access to your office. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) works similarly for your online resources:

Users: These are …
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 19, 2024

Tokenization with NLTK: A Deep Dive into the Fundamentals of Text Processing

Natural Language Processing (NLP) has become an essential aspect of modern technology, powering everything from chatbots to sentiment analysis systems, voice assistants, and search engines. One of the foundational steps in NLP is tokenization, which …
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 19, 2024

Dependency Injection Made Easy to Understand

In software development, dependencies are like the ingredients in a recipe. Each ingredient serves a specific purpose, and without the right combination, your dish might not turn out the way you want it to.
Imagine you're baking a cake. You need flou…
By Nishorgo Hasan | Sep 19, 2024

Day 12:-

Day [12] of My Data Science Journey: NumPy Revision!
"Consistency is key, and today is all about revision! 📚"
Here's what I covered in NumPy so far:
– 📊 Creating NumPy Arrays: Learned how to create 1D, 2D, and multi-dimensional arrays. Arrays are t…
By Rishi Rathor | Sep 19, 2024

Streamlit vs Reflex.dev: Which Python Framework Should You Choose?

Python has long been a favorite among data scientists, machine learning engineers, and backend developers for its simplicity and powerful ecosystem. However, when it comes to building interactive web applications, Python developers have traditionally…
By Rhytham Negi | Sep 19, 2024

Day 15 Task: Basics of Python for DevOps Engineers

What is Python?
Python is an open-source, general-purpose, high-level, and object-oriented programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum. Python is commonly used for developing websites and software, task automation, data analysis, and dat…
By Rakshita Belwal | Sep 19, 2024

Automate Image Background Removal Using Python: A Quick Guide.

In today's digital world, removing the background from an image is a common task, whether for graphic design, product photography, or social media content creation. While there are plenty of online tools and software that can help with background rem…
By Shubham Sutar | Sep 19, 2024

Payment in Telegram bots with Stars

Pavel Durov recently announced payment in bots with a new Telegram Stars currency in his Telegram channel. Now all digital goods in bots must be bought and sold via this currency. If your goods are not digital, you can leave payment via regular payme…
By Mihail Gok | Sep 19, 2024

Phase 3(PYTHON!!)

As I dive deeper into the world of Python, I've recently embarked on an exciting journey focused on Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and SQL alchemy. Over the past few weeks, I've tackled various challenges and learned valuable lessons that have enr…
By Samuel Ndegwa | Sep 19, 2024

How to Install and Set the Latest Python Version as Default on macOS Sequoia and Sonoma

If you're a Mac user struggling to install the latest Python version and make it your system's default, here is an easy to follow solution for you.
Managing multiple Python versions on macOS can be a bit tricky, especially when you need the latest f…
By Tony Kipkemboi | Sep 19, 2024

Deploying a Web Application to AWS: S3, CloudFront, and CI/CD with GitHub Actions

In this blog, I’ll walk you through the steps of deploying a web application on AWS using S3, setting up a CDN with CloudFront, and automating the deployment process with GitHub Actions for CI/CD.
Key Objectives:

Create an S3 bucket to …
By Hitesh Dipak Sonawane | Sep 19, 2024

Demystifying Neo's Developer Ecosystem

In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, one platform stands out for its developer-friendly approach and innovative features: Neo. If you're new to the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain, fear not! This article will guide you th…
By Ayomide Ayanwola | Sep 19, 2024

Week 7: My First Introduction to Python

Exhausted. Overwhelmed. Thrilled. Nervous. Apprehensive.
These are the emotions I was juggling at the beginning of week 7. But as I wrap up this week, those intense feelings have settled into something more manageable. I find myself feeling more prep…
By Breanna Humphres | Sep 20, 2024

A Step by Step Guide to Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) in Machine Learning

Welcome to the ninth blog post in our Machine Learning series! Today, we'll explore Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), a powerful algorithm used for reducing dimensions and classification. By the end of this guide, you'll understand how…
By Arbash Hussain | Sep 20, 2024

🚀Day 37- Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)

Table of contents :

Relational Database

What is a Relational Database?

Important Aspects of Relational Databases

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)

What is Amazon RDS?

How does Amazon RDS work?

Benefits of using Amazon RDS

By Shreyash Desai | Sep 20, 2024

Beginner's Guide: Starting a Flask App from Scratch

Have you ever been interested in wanting to get into developing a flask app from scratch in python and don’t know where to go? well you’ve found the right place. Here is a Beginners guide to how to begin your journey in developing web apps or even ge…
By Dalius Beck | Sep 20, 2024

Native vs Hybrid vs Progressive Web Apps: Choosing the Right Approach

Are you looking to build an app for your business but aren’t sure which direction to take? With the rise of mobile technology, deciding between Native apps, Hybrid apps, and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) can feel overwhelming. Each of these approaches …
By CodnestX | Sep 20, 2024

[2024 Guide] How to Extract Images from PDF in Python without Effort

PDF has long been a popular document format due to its stability and compatibility across different systems. These files often contain both text and images. Whether you're citing content for a report or saving images for later use, extracting images …
By Casie Liu | Sep 20, 2024

5 Essential Skills Every Python Programmer Needs (For Beginners and Beyond)

Are you looking to level up your Python skills? Whether you're a beginner or already know a few things, focusing on these 5 skills will help you solve real-world programming problems faster. Python is a powerful tool, and with the right techniques, y…
By Meenakshi Agarwal | Sep 20, 2024

Enhancing Recommendations with Vector Search: Integrating DronaHQ and MyScaleDB

Personalized and accurate recommendations are essential for enhancing user experiences and good UX is the key to winning. By combining the power of MyScaleDB’s vector search with DronaHQ’s low-code platform, we created a smart restaurant finder that …
By Shibam Dhar | Sep 20, 2024

Day 1. Prerequisites and Best Practices

Starting a new Django project is an exciting venture into web development with Python. However, setting up your development environment correctly is crucial for a smooth and efficient workflow. This guide will walk you through the essential prerequis…
By Sumit S Chawla | Sep 20, 2024

Day 13

Day 13
Exploring NumPy’s Array Indexing and Slicing 🧑‍💻🔍"Now that we’ve mastered array operations, let’s take a step further into Indexing and Slicing in NumPy!📌 What is Indexing?
Indexing is the process of selecting specific elements from your a…
By Rishi Rathor | Sep 20, 2024

Minita: A currency converter… but better

I am happy to showcase a portfolio project I am working on for my ALX software engineering program. Minita is a currency converter web platform that helps people with currency exchange plans gain insights into the currencies they plan to exchange and…
By Daniel Abayomi | Sep 17, 2024

Day 2: Introduction to Django

What is Django?
In simple terms, Django is an open-source web framework written in Python. It follows the "Don't Repeat Yourself" (DRY) principle, promoting reusability and reducing redundancy in code. Django's primary goal is to simplify the process…
By Sumit S Chawla | Sep 20, 2024

Streamlining GDPR Compliance: A Snowflake & Streamlit Solution

Handling GDPR data search requests efficiently is crucial for businesses in the digital age. Individuals are increasingly exercising their rights to request access to their personal data under regulations like GDPR (General Data Protecti…
By Mohammed Zeeshan | Sep 20, 2024

Simple python calculator for beginners

So I have been seeing a lot of calculator games examples on different platforms , for beginners like me its always very confusing. In beginner basic mode we have a clear understanding of variables, lists, input, for loop and conditions.
So I have mad…
By Jelod18 | Sep 19, 2024

Securing Your Django Application: Essential Practices for Protection

Securing your web application is crucial in today's digital landscape. Django, a robust web framework, provides several built-in security features to help developers create secure applications. This post explores these features in detail and offers p…
By TemiTope Kayode | Sep 20, 2024

Python Installation and Libraries for DevOps Engineers: A Complete Guide

What is Python?
Python is a powerful, open-source programming language that's known for its simplicity and readability. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python has grown to become one of the most popular languages in the world….
By Anas Ansari | Sep 20, 2024

🚀 Explore AWS Automation with Boto3! 🐍

Hello Everyone,
Last time we explored AWS CLI commands and created bash scripts for automation. But if you prefer Python over bash, you can achieve the same automation using Boto3—the official AWS SDK for Python! 🖥️
With Boto3, you can seamlessly cr…
By Jeevan | Sep 21, 2024

No best programming language ? Here's what I'm learning on my SDE journey !

When we choose our career path in the computer science domain, which ultimately leads to IT, we are often forced to learn multiple programming languages.
But why?
If there are many programming languages with the same operations, functions, and progra…
By Nithyasarathi | Sep 19, 2024

🔥Day 38: AWS VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)

✅What is a VPC? 🏗️
A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is like having your own private network within AWS. Imagine it as renting a section of the cloud where you have complete control. In this space, you can host websites, applications, databases, and mor…
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 21, 2024

Python Multitasking: Key Practices and Challenges

When I first encountered the Python language, I was amazed by what you could do with so little code, and it has been one of my favourite programming languages since. Some time ago, I faced a problem where I was trying to create something like a web s…
By Snehangshu Bhattacharya | Sep 21, 2024

Python's all docs are misleading

Going by the documentation for all, one would think all iterables will early return.

The following code will throw an AttributeError on the last item of the list iteratable.
def bad_all(o: object, att: str, l: list):
if all([o is not None, getat…
By Danny Crasto | Sep 21, 2024

Build A Simple Markdown Parser Using Django

By Temunel | Sep 21, 2024

Set Up a Working Directory in a Containerized MicroK8s Environment with Canonical Data Science Stack and GitHub Integration

In this article, we will walk through the detailed process of setting up a working directory inside a a PyTorch container running on MicroK8s, a lightweight Kubernetes distribution, using the Canonical Data Science Stack. You have the choice to use t…
By Pronod Bharatiya | Sep 21, 2024

How to print something in Python

Use the print() function.
name = "ABC";

By Inkiad Hossain Nehad | Sep 21, 2024

Introduction To Program And Linux Commands For New Programmers

Program :
Program is the combination of information & Operations/ instructions.
Ex: x = 10 #information y = 20 # information res = x + y # operation print (res) #operation

Classification of Program :
Any program can be classified into TWO types :
By Archana Prusty | Sep 21, 2024

Day 14:-

Day 14:-
Progress Behind the Scenes! 💻✨Learned something new today, but I’m holding off on sharing the details for now. Stay tuned – I’ll reveal it in a few days! It’s going to be an exciting one. 😎#StayTuned #LearningJourney #DataScienceProgress"
By Rishi Rathor | Sep 21, 2024

Create a time-based application to wish the end user using Django.

Project setup for Apple mac:
Open terminal with Cmd+Space → type terminal → Enter
python3 –version
pip3 –version
brew install uv # installing uv python manager via homebrew
# for more info go to https://docs.astral.sh/uv/
cd ~ # go to home
cd /Us…
By Vidyesh Churi | Sep 21, 2024

Design Google Drive

Features Required:

User Authentication and Authorization:

Description: Implement a user management system where users can register, log in, and have roles assigned (e.g., admin, regular user). Authorization controls access to files and operations b…
By Subhahu Jain | Sep 21, 2024

Python Testing Part 2: Dependency Inversion with Service Functions

The first article in this series dealt with avoiding excessive use of mocks when testing code that performs I/O.
This article deals with service functions that make use of dependency inversion.
Mocks should be absent from these tests altogether. This…
By Simon Crowe | Sep 21, 2024

Design (LLD) Google Drive – Machine Coding

Features Required:

User Authentication and Authorization:

Description: Implement a user management system where users can register, log in, and have roles assigned (e.g., admin, regular user). Authorization controls access to files and operations b…
By Subhahu Jain | Sep 21, 2024

🚀Day 39 Tutorial: Deploying a Node.js Application on AWS ECS and ECR

On Day 39 of my DevOps journey, I focused on deploying a Node.js application using AWS services: Elastic Container Service (ECS) for container orchestration, Elastic Container Registry (ECR) for storing Docker images, and CloudWatch for monitoring lo…
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 22, 2024

Week 5: My Coding Journey So Far

Hey everyone! 🎉I’ve officially completed 5 weeks of my coding journey, and it has been an amazing experience! Here's a quick recap of what I learned in the past week:

Topics Covered in Week 5:

Day 29: Introduction to Regular Expressions—for patter…
By Mohd.Wasim (WasimdDcode) | Sep 22, 2024

Building a Streamlit Chatbot with LangChain and Llama 3.1: Exploring LLMs — 3

If you are new to this series, find the previous related bogs for more context here.
The entire code for this blog can be found here
Quick Recap
Our initial chatbot script used the Langchain library, which allows seamless interaction with LLMs (Large…
By Abou Zuhayr | Sep 22, 2024

Day 15:-

Day 15:-
📊 Introduction to Pandas in Data Science 🐼Today, I explored Pandas, one of the most essential libraries in Python for data manipulation and analysis. Whether you're handling a small dataset or working with big data, pandas makes everything…
By Rishi Rathor | Sep 22, 2024

Security Audit and Compliance Toolkit (Windows) – A Comprehensive Guide with Code Walkthrough

Introduction to Security Audit and Compliance Toolkit
In today's digital landscape, ensuring the security and compliance of our systems is crucial. With threats ranging from unauthorized access to data breaches, organizations must regularly conduct s…
By TATHAGATA ROY | Sep 22, 2024


Automate Uploading Security Scan Results to DefectDojo

#devsecops #gitlab #defectdojo #python
By Salaudeen O. Abdulrasaq | Sep 16, 2024

Basic Python

#python #datascience #pandas
By Indrasen | Sep 16, 2024

Django project with Docker and Kubernetes

#django #docker #kubernetes #devops
By Pranav Bakare | Sep 16, 2024

Mastering Closures and Decorators in Python: From Basics to Advanced

#python #decorators #closures #functions
By Usool | Sep 16, 2024

AI dev use cases (other than code gen)

#ai #programming #python #productivity
By Dror Wayne | Sep 16, 2024

One-to-One vs. Foreign Key in Django Models: Understanding the Differences 🔗

#javascript #programming #tutorial #python
By Info general Hazedawn | Sep 16, 2024

Evaluating A Machine Learning Classification Model

#ai #machinelearning #python #deeplearning
By Chris | Sep 16, 2024

Buy Verified PayPal Accounts

#tutorial #react #python #ai
By James Mann | Sep 16, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #180: Explica este código Python

#python #spanish #learning #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Sep 16, 2024

Django vs Rails: A Senior Developer’s Perspective

#python #ruby #rails #django
By Stokry | Sep 16, 2024

Coding a Simple Python Timer with Tkinter

#webdev #python #beginners #programming
By Annie Fernandez | Sep 16, 2024

Streamlit Part 3: Mastering Data Elements for Interactive Dashboards

#streamlit #python #webdev #tutorial
By James | Sep 16, 2024

🎁Learn Python in 10 Days: Day 2

#python #development #developer #backend
By William | Sep 16, 2024

11 Open Source Python Projects You Should Know in 2024 🧑‍💻🪄

#python #webdev #beginners #opensource
By Arindam Majumder | Sep 16, 2024

How I built my Python open-source AI & Data builder

#python #ai #datascience #programming
By Vincent Gosselin | Sep 16, 2024

Mastering Machine Learning with Python: Foundations and Key Concepts

#machinelearning #python #python3 #ai
By Eztosin | Sep 16, 2024

Django File Structure for Developers

#webdev #python #django #backend
By Digvijay Singh Rajput | Sep 16, 2024

Buy Verified LinkedIn Accounts

#python #react #ai #devops
By Guy Colon | Sep 17, 2024

new opensource tool 🔥 for one command server deployments and horizontal scaling.

#devops #backend #python #bash
By somen das | Sep 17, 2024

Neural Networks: A Simple Introduction

#ai #machinelearning #tutorial #python
By Shagun Mistry | Sep 17, 2024

Setting Up Django and Building a Poll App: My Last Two Weeks of Work

#beginners #webdev #python #productivity
By Ashley Obano | Sep 17, 2024

Mastering Python Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): A Comprehensive Guide with Examples

#python #oop #webdev #softwareengineering
By Usool | Sep 17, 2024

Optimizing Python Code Using cProfile and PyPy module: A Complete Guide

#python #softwareengineering #productivity #webdev
By Usool | Sep 17, 2024

Web Scraping using Python

#webscraping #data #coding #python
By Letícia Moura | Sep 17, 2024

phyton print() method

#python #parotttasalna #javascript
By Mariam Jameela | Sep 17, 2024

Hire WordPress Developers: Getting Your Web Page Leveled Up through High-Class Customization and Performance

#wordpress #webdev #python #ai
By dylan | Sep 17, 2024

Working with Different File Modes and File Types in Python

#python #files #text #binary
By Developer Service | Sep 17, 2024


#webdev #tutorial #sql #python
By Kaira Kelvin. | Sep 17, 2024

Python vs Java: A Deep Dive into the Best Programming Language for You

#beginners #java #python #discuss
By Kudzai Murimi | Sep 17, 2024

Mastering Django REST Framework: Security, Performance, and Best Practices

#django #restapi #webdev #securitybestpractices
By SnapNews | Sep 17, 2024

5 Open Source Python Projects You Should Know About in 2024

#python #webdev #beginners #opensource
By balrajOla | Sep 17, 2024

🚀 Introducing FinceptTerminal: Your Financial Data Powerhouse 💼

#programming #python #ai #discuss
By Space Lover | Sep 17, 2024

Python Version Management with PyEnv

#tutorial #python #pyenv #linux
By Otavio Monteagudo | Sep 17, 2024

🎁Learn Python in 10 Days: Day 3

#python #backend #devops #developer
By William | Sep 17, 2024

The AI developer assistant that feels illegal to know about

#ai #python #tooling #productivity
By Dror Wayne | Sep 17, 2024

Deploying Serverless Embedding App with AWS CDK, Lambda and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL

#aws #python #lambda #rag
By Elizabeth Fuentes L | Sep 17, 2024

Building a Multimodal Search Engine with Amazon Titan Embeddings, Aurora Serveless PostgreSQL and LangChain

#aws #python #vectordatabase #rag
By Elizabeth Fuentes L | Sep 17, 2024

Beginners guide to Python

#python #beginners
By Rob | Sep 17, 2024

Programming Hangman in Python

#python #beginners
By Rob | Sep 17, 2024

Building a cache in Python

#python #sqlite #caching
By Rob | Sep 17, 2024

Rock, paper, scissors, fight!

#python #beginners
By Rob | Sep 17, 2024

A Poetic Challenge !?

#python #beginners #programming #tutorial
By Kavya Sahai | Sep 18, 2024

Simple Command Line Dungeons and Dragons

#beginners #python
By Deeter Neumann | Sep 17, 2024

Dividendenrate: Ein wichtiger Indikator für Python-basierte Finanzprojekte

#python #dividendenrate #finanzanalyse #investitionen
By Andreas Bauer | Sep 18, 2024

The Ultimate Python Learning Roadmap for 2024 🐍

#python #programming #datascience
By Manish Yadhuvanshi | Sep 18, 2024

Construyendo un Motor de Búsqueda Multimodal con Amazon Titan Embeddings, Aurora Serveless PostgreSQL y LangChain

#aws #python #vectordatabase #rag
By Elizabeth Fuentes L | Sep 18, 2024

Simple Command Line Dungeons and Dragons

#beginners #python
By Deeter Neumann | Sep 17, 2024

Stay Updated with Python/FastAPI/Django: Weekly News Summary (09/09/2024-15/09/2024

#python #django #fastapi #flask
By Poovarasu Sekar | Sep 18, 2024

A Technical Guide to Scraping Attorney Data in Atlanta, Georgia with Python

#python #automation #marketing #beginners
By Fazlay Rabbi | Sep 18, 2024

Compare Jinja and Mako

#python #backend #django #fullstack
By Pranav Bakare | Sep 18, 2024

The Easiest Network Attack for Beginners: ARP Spoofing

#programming #python #security #development
By mpoiiii | Sep 18, 2024

🎁Learn Python in 10 Days: Day 4

#python #backend #api #postman
By William | Sep 18, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #181: Explica este código Python

#python #spanish #learning #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Sep 18, 2024

PSD Batch Editor

#python #photoshop #opensource #qt
By Romain Dereu | Sep 18, 2024

在 VSCode 中幫需要命令行引數的 Python 程式除錯

#vscode #python
By codemee | Sep 18, 2024

Need a different version of Python in SageMaker Studio Jupyter Notebooks? Here's how to create your own!

#python #jupyter #aws #sagemaker
By Faye Ellis | Sep 18, 2024

Integrating Stripe Into A One-Product Django Python Shop

#python #django
By Francisco Macedo | Sep 18, 2024

How to Track Web Page Changes with Automated Screenshots

#screenshots #python #playwright
By Scrapfly | Sep 18, 2024

Integrate Google OAuth2 Social Authentication into your Django Web App

#django #webdev #oauth #beginners
By Nick | Sep 18, 2024

Using Polars with NVIDIA GPU (CUDA), on Windows using WSL2

#python #gpu #polars #cuda
By Harman Preet Singh | Sep 18, 2024

Desplegando una Aplicación de Embeddings Serverless con AWS CDK, Lambda y Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL

#aws #python #vectordatabase #rag
By Elizabeth Fuentes L | Sep 18, 2024

Effective Model Version Management in Machine Learning Projects

#mlops #machinelearning #python #aws
By Salman Anwaar | Sep 18, 2024

Designing a Pure Python Web Framework

#python #webdev #react #webapp
By elvis kahoro | Sep 18, 2024

Customizing the Django Panel: A Step-By-Step Guide

#backend #webdev #django #python
By Digvijay Singh Rajput | Sep 18, 2024

Django File Structure for Developers

#webdev #python #django #backend
By Digvijay Singh Rajput | Sep 16, 2024

HandyHub – Your Go-To Tradesman Directory

#webdev #beginners #programming #python
By Bislon A Zulu | Sep 19, 2024

Selection Sort Algorithm

#dsa #python #algorithms
By Shubham Kharche | Sep 18, 2024

Automating Birthday Emails with Python

#python #automation #100daysofcode #programming
By Rupam Biswas | Sep 18, 2024

WanderWise App

#flask #python #webdev #javascript
By Precious Oromoni | Sep 19, 2024

How I Built a Mini Programming Language for Automatic Web Page Generation – Step by Step

#webdev #python #html #css
By Mrl Alex | Sep 19, 2024

My first open source contribution

#opensource #python #openai #github
By Cleo Buenaventura | Sep 19, 2024

First collaboration!

#python #github
By aldrin312 | Sep 19, 2024

Code Against the Clock: From Clicks to Cash

#python #automation #webscraping
By Boopathi | Sep 19, 2024

First ever beginner Python Project

#beginners #python #github #vscode
By Erebus-minus | Sep 19, 2024

Python Tutorial – 2 Control Flow

#python #tutorial #beginners
By nadirbasalamah | Sep 19, 2024

Exploring Job Market for Software Engineers

#python #nushell #chatgpt #linux
By suzu | Sep 19, 2024

Understanding Python's heapq Module

#python #heapq #algorithms
By Developer Service | Sep 19, 2024

Quantum Computing: How It Will Redefine Technology

#quantumcomputing #python #javascript #java
By Nithin | Sep 19, 2024

🎁Learn Python in 10 Days: Day5

#python #backend #api #postman
By William | Sep 19, 2024

Blast from the Past: Build Your Own Space Invaders Game with Python – A Step-by-Step Tutorial

#python #pygame #coding #game
By Bernard K | Sep 19, 2024

Top 10 AI Tools to Learn Coding: A Game-Changer for Aspiring Developers

#ai #csharp #python
By AI Tools | Sep 19, 2024

Top 10 AI Tools to Learn Coding: A Game-Changer for Aspiring Developers

#ai #csharp #python
By AI Tools | Sep 19, 2024

How to scrape thousands of Trusted News Sources

#programming #python #productivity #news
By Leet Scrapers | Sep 19, 2024

Create a Telegram Bot on Python

#python #telegram #programming #webdev
By Dmitry Koleev | Sep 19, 2024

Announcing Resume Enhancer: Your Resume, Perfectly Tailored for Every Job

By Harshil Patel | Sep 19, 2024

Introducing FileWizardAi: Organizes your Files with AI-Powered Sorting and Search

#ai #python #github #angular
By Abdennacer Lachiheb | Sep 19, 2024

I was tired of manual research and web design, so I built an AI bot for it 🤖✨

#webdev #javascript #python #ai
By Sunil Kumar Dash | Sep 19, 2024

Introducing JDK 23: Java Developer's Ultimate Upgrade with Advanced AI Enhancements

#java #ai #software #python
By MyExamCloud | Sep 19, 2024

Create a Telegram Bot on Python

#python #telegram #programming #webdev
By Dmitry Koleev | Sep 19, 2024

5 Essential Steps to Become an AI Developer: A Guide to Building Strong Skills in Python and Java

#java #python #programming #coding
By MyExamCloud | Sep 19, 2024

Why is Java faster than Python? Answer

#java #python
By Code Green | Sep 19, 2024

Python regular expression methods re.match() and re.sub()

By DoriDoro | Sep 19, 2024

How to install and use Django

#django #python #webdev #programming
By Sanya_Lazy | Sep 20, 2024

A Beginner's Guide to Web Scraping with Python: Best Practices and Tools

#python #webscraping
By Erik Lindvall | Sep 20, 2024

Introduction to gen_data

#data #tool #productivity #python
By Le Vuong | Sep 20, 2024

Achieving Clean and Scalable PySpark Code: A Guide to Avoiding Redundancy

#pyspark #dataengineering #cleancode #python
By Gustavo | Sep 20, 2024

Small Dice game "break" error

#python #nubie
By Dawn Jones | Sep 20, 2024

Word-embedding-with-Python: doc2vec

#genai #vectordatabase #python
By Ravi | Sep 20, 2024

Word-embedding-with-Python: Word2Vec

#python #genai
By Ravi | Sep 20, 2024

Mastering Multithreading in Python: Boost Performance

#python #webdev #beginners #learning
By Bhavesh Thale | Sep 20, 2024

This Title Is Already Tokenized

#ai #llm #opensource #python
By David | Sep 20, 2024

Jaipur's Data Science Institute: Where Tradition Meets Technology

#datascience #python #java #sql
By Ritesh Mishra | Sep 20, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #182: Explica este código Python

#python #learning #spanish #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Sep 20, 2024

10 Tips for Writing Better Python Code

#python #programming #coding #software
By MyExamCloud | Sep 20, 2024

Medium.com API in Python

#python #api #contentwriting #webdev
By Authors' | Sep 20, 2024

Leveraging Python for Data Entry Automation: A Developer’s Guide

#python #automation #developer #dataentry
By Pangaea X | Sep 20, 2024

Secure API Key Handling in Python Projects

#python #api #security
By Hamznabil | Sep 20, 2024

Unlocking Serverless: Build Your First Python AWS Lambda Function

#awslambda #serverless #python #s3
By Niran | Sep 20, 2024

Introducing Whisper

#openai #ai #webdev #python
By Prathamesh Belvalkar | Sep 20, 2024

Logging in Python: Best Practices

#python #programming #logging
By Nishant Modak | Sep 20, 2024

Logging in Python: Best Practices

#python #programming #logging
By Nishant Modak | Sep 20, 2024

Looking for Passionate Students to Collaborate on a Real-World Python/React Project!

#python #react #openai #learning
By Anugrah Gupta | Sep 21, 2024

Contributing to another repo

#cli #opensource #python #javascript
By Andrii Sych | Sep 21, 2024

Infusion v0.1.0

#cli #python #opensource
By Andrii Sych | Sep 21, 2024

Django REST Framework: From Zero to Hero

#django #python #webdev #programming
By Sanya_Lazy | Sep 21, 2024

Exploring Model Relationships in Flask

#flask #python #womenintech #newbie
By Tess Mueske | Sep 21, 2024

readMeMaker: v0.1

#ai #python #markdown
By [email protected] | Sep 21, 2024

Mastering Python as a Busy Developer: Top Strategies for Quick Learning

#webdev #programming #beginners #python
By Sangeeth Joseph | Sep 21, 2024

Chat with your Supabase Database using Natural language and Supercog

#tutorial #python #nlp #machinelearning
By Emmanuel Onwuegbusi | Sep 21, 2024

Slimming Down Your Docker Images: A Guide to Single-Stage vs. Multi-Stage Python Builds

#docker #python #devops #softwareengineering
By Aakash Khanna | Sep 21, 2024

the LivinGrimoire software design pattern

#java #python #arduino #cpp
By owly | Sep 21, 2024

Refactoring RATOM: Day …604

#htmx #django #archive
By Jeremy Gibson | Sep 21, 2024

Waymap v1.0.3 – Web Vulnerability Scanner

#programming #python #github #softwaredevelopment
By Trix Cyrus | Sep 21, 2024

How to deploy Django in a subdirectory with Docker, NGINX and Whitenoise

#webdev #django #docker #nginx
By Daniel | Sep 21, 2024

Mastering CRUD Operations with OpenSearch in Python: A Practical Guide

#opensearch #python #tutorial #aws
By Franklin Thaker | Sep 21, 2024

Setup pygame in termux

#python #pygame #termux
By Amar Husain | Sep 21, 2024

Buy verified BYBIT account

#webdev #javascript #python #ai
By Francis Davidson | Sep 21, 2024

Two Reasons Why I Often Use Python for Creating Personal Tools (Plus One Complaint)

By koyopro | Sep 21, 2024

How to Dockerize a Flask App 🐳

#docker #python #webdev #devops
By Thesi | Sep 21, 2024

Calling All Blockchain & Oracle Rockstars 🚀

#programming #blockchain #oracle #python
By Mark Evans | Sep 22, 2024

Consumiendo Certificados de Secrets Manager en Ambientes Serverless

#aws #secretmanager #python #boto3
By Eduardo Santos | Sep 22, 2024

3 Alternatives To a Coding Bootcamp

#computerscience #javascript #programming #python
By Ameer Moukadam | Sep 22, 2024


#python #django #blog #dev
By Albert R. C. Guedes | Sep 22, 2024

How To Make A Password Cracker Using Python..

#python #password #cybersecurity #tooling
By Trix Cyrus | Sep 22, 2024

Building a Robust Data Streaming Platform with Python: A Comprehensive Guide for Real-Time Data Handling

#python #datastreaming #kafka #realtimedata
By Amit Chandra | Sep 22, 2024

Understanding Python’s Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) and Its Impact on Concurrency

#python #globallock #interpreter
By Aditya Pratap Bhuyan | Sep 22, 2024

Good things

#perl #python #theweeklychallenge
By Simon Green | Sep 22, 2024

How to Create a Cool Data View with Python and ReactJS Using Solara

#python #react #frontend #datascience
By limacodes | Sep 22, 2024

ell: Revolutionizing Prompt Engineering with Functional Elegance

#ai #promptengineering #python #programming
By Mohammed Muqtadir Ahad | Sep 22, 2024

Function Decorators in Python: Understanding @property, Getter, and Setter Methods

#python #oop #beginners
By Komfort Kimko | Sep 22, 2024

Image search with Streamlit in Snowflake (SiS) Part 1 – Creating an image gallery app –

#snowflake #streamlit #python #image
By Tsubasa Kanno | Sep 22, 2024

From Dependency Inversion to Dependency Injection in Python

#python #dependencyinversion #architecture
By Antonis Markoulis | Sep 22, 2024

The programming language conundrum

#programming #webdev #python #career
By Suriya Ganesh | Sep 22, 2024

Trix Framework: Your Comprehensive Security Toolkit

#python #programming #cli #softwaredevelopment
By Trix Cyrus | Sep 22, 2024

Unleash the Power of FastAPI: Async vs Blocking I/O

#python #fastapi #async #blockingio
By Kfir | Sep 22, 2024

Building RustyNum: a NumPy Alternative with Rust and Python

#rust #python #opensource
By IgorSusmelj | Sep 22, 2024

PDF Extraction: Retrieving Text and Tables together using Python🐍

#datascience #python #computerscience #pdf
By Rishab Dugar | Sep 22, 2024


#ai #python #programming #machinelearning
By Abhiram | Sep 22, 2024

Top Machine Learning Projects for Students to Boost Their Skills

#machinelearning #python #ai #tensorflow
By business work | Sep 22, 2024

#Daniel Roy Greenfeld Blogs

Practical Deep Learning for Coders: Lesson 1

I'm going through the fast.ai course by Jeremy Howard. This is the course notes for lesson 1.
By Daniel Roy Greenfeld | Sep 21, 2024

Practical Deep Learning for Coders: Lesson 0

I'm going through the fast.ai course by Jeremy Howard. This is the course notes for lesson 0.
By Daniel Roy Greenfeld | Sep 18, 2024