#Real Python

The Walrus Operator: Python's Assignment Expressions

In this tutorial, you'll learn about assignment expressions and the walrus operator. The biggest change back in Python 3.8 was the inclusion of the := operator, which you can use to assign variables in the middle of expressions. You'll see several examples of how to take advantage of this feature.
#intermediate #best-practices
By | Aug 14, 2024


Issue #642 – Testing with nox, Async Iterators, Log Propagation, and More

By | Aug 13, 2024

#Python Library

Creating Progress Bars in Your Terminal with Python and Textual

The Textual package is a great way to create GUI-like applications with Python in your terminal. These are known as text-based user interfaces or TUIs. Textual has many different widgets built-in to the framework. One of those widgets is the ProgressBar. If you need to show the progress of a download or long-running process, then […]
#beginner #GUI Toolkits #intermediate #Python
By Mike | Aug 12, 2024

#Adam Johnson – Blogs

Django: create sub-commands within a management command

argparse, the standard library module that Django uses for parsing command line options, supports sub-commands. These are pretty neat for providing an expansive API without hundreds of individual commands. Here’s an example of using sub-commands in a Django management command:
By Adam Johnson | Aug 14, 2024


Python: A Comprehensive Tutorial

Python is a high-level, interpreted, interactive and object-oriented scripting and general-purpose programming language.
Python was developed by Guido van Rossum, a Dutch programmer, currently a Distinguished Engineer at Microsoft.
Python supports mu…
By Jyoti Maurya | Aug 12, 2024

Make Your Python Code Faster with Dictionary Lookups

In the world of programming, efficiency is key. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned developer, finding ways to optimize your code can make a significant difference, especially when working with large datasets. One powerful tool in Python that oft…
By Shantanu Sharma | Aug 12, 2024

Relational Operators in Python

In the realm of DevOps automation, precise comparison and evaluation of conditions are fundamental for making informed decisions and driving efficient workflows. Python, as a powerful scripting language, provides relational operators tha…
By Saurabh Adhau | Aug 12, 2024

The Essential Programming Languages Every Data Scientist Should Master

Table of Contents
Introduction: The Importance of Programming in Data Science
Python Swiss Army Knife of Data Science
R Language of Statistics and Data Visualization
SQL Mastering Data Storage and Retrieval
Java and Scala Enterprise-Level Data Scienc…
By jinesh vora | Aug 12, 2024

Streamlining Resource Management in Python: A Deep Dive into Context Managers and the with Statement

Efficient resource management is a cornerstone of robust software development. In Python, one of the most effective tools for managing resources—such as files, network connections, and database transactions—is the context manager. The with statement,…
By Shrey Dikshant | Aug 12, 2024

Streamlit vs. FastAPI, Django, and Flask: Choosing the Best Framework for Your ML Projects 🛠️🔍

Choosing the right framework can make or break your ML project. Here’s a quick guide to FastAPI, Django, Flask, and Streamlit to help you decide which fits your needs best! 🚀
1. Framework Overviews

FastAPI: ⚡ Modern and fast for APIs, …
By Nischal Baidar | Aug 12, 2024

How to Create a Virtual Environment in Jupyter Notebook? (For Windows, Mac & Linux)

Step 1: Create a Virtual Environment
In a Jupyter Notebook cell, you can create a virtual environment using the ! command, which allows you to run shell commands:
!python -m venv myenv

This will create a virtual environment named myenv in the curren…
By Retr0 | Aug 12, 2024

Hello World, My Name is Monica Para and I am an Engineer, CS @ Illinois Alum, and Former Child

See my Medium page: https://medium.com/@mpara
By monica para | Aug 12, 2024

One-Hot Encoding vs. Ordinal Encoding: Which Is Best for Machine Learning?

When working with machine learning models, one of the crucial steps in data preprocessing is encoding categorical variables. Categorical data, which represents categories or groups, needs to be converted into a numerical format that algorithms can pr…
By Mohamed Abubakkar M | Aug 12, 2024

Python data types with some of their built-in functions and methods

When it comes to programming languages, data types are considered the building blocks for laying a strong foundation. There are many data types in Python; however, some of them have multiple built-in functions and methods.
This article will give you …
By Amisha Agarwal | Aug 12, 2024

Conditional Statements in Python

Conditional statements are the backbone of DevOps automation, enabling DevOps engineers to create scripts that respond dynamically to changing conditions and make decisions based on specific criteria. Python, as a versatile scripting lan…
By Saurabh Adhau | Aug 12, 2024

Introduction to the MERN Stack for Full-Stack Development

Memory updated
Introduction to the MERN Stack for Full-Stack Development
Diving into full-stack development can feel overwhelming, especially with so many technology stacks out there. If you're looking for a powerful and flexible stack, the M…
By mediageneous social | Aug 12, 2024

Harnessing the Power of Generators and Iterators for Optimal Iteration in Python

In Python, generators and iterators are key concepts that enable efficient iteration over data. These tools are invaluable for handling large datasets, streaming data, and implementing custom iteration patterns. By understanding how they work and whe…
By Shrey Dikshant | Aug 12, 2024

Building a Safe and Fun AI Chat Experience with Llama Guard 3 🦙🛡️

Hey there, tech enthusiasts and curious minds! 👋 Today, I'm excited to share a project I've been working on that combines the power of AI with the importance of online safety. Let's dive into how we can create a moderated AI chat experience using Ll…
By Martin Bowling | Aug 13, 2024

이제는 좀 구분하자! 파이썬 Iterable,

iterator, iterable 왜 알아야 할까?
1. 효율적인 메모리 사용

이터러블과 이터레이터를 활용하면 큰 데이터를 메모리에 모두 올리지 않고도 처리할 수 있습니다. 이터레이터는 필요한 순간에만 데이터를 하나씩 가져오기 때문에, 대용량 데이터 처리 시 메모리 사용을 최소화할 수 있습니다.

예를 들어, 100만 개의 요소를 가진 리스트를 모두 메모리에 올리는 대신, 이터레이터를 사용하여 한 번에 하나씩 요소를 처리하면 메모리 효율이 크…
By icehongssii | Aug 13, 2024

How to Convert Voice to Text: A Comprehensive Guide

In today's digital world, converting voice into text has become an essential task for various applications, from transcription services to voice-controlled applications. Whether you're building a voice assistant or simply transcribing audio recording…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Aug 13, 2024

Create and Publish a Python Random Password Generator Web App for Free

At my company, we’re required to change our passwords every month, so I thought, why not create my own password generator?
Initially, I used Flask to build a simple password generator. However, I found it a bit complex since it required creating sepa…
By Ahmad Afif | Aug 13, 2024

Introduction to Python Django

Python Django is a high-level web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Developed and maintained by the Django Software Foundation (DSF), it was initially released in 2005 and has since become one of the most popula…
By OMWOYO WILFRED | Aug 13, 2024

Design Patterns in Python: Applying OOP Principles

Design patterns are essential tools in software engineering, offering standardized solutions to common design problems. They help make code more modular, reusable, and maintainable. In Python, design patterns are closely associated with …
By Sanjeet Singh | Aug 13, 2024

Diff btw repr() and str() in python

The repr() Function in Python
repr() is a built-in function in Python that returns a string representation of an object. This representation is often called the "official" string representation because it's intended to be unambiguous and precise, sui…
By Shubham Jaiswal | Aug 13, 2024

Blockchain Scalability Solutions: Sharding and Sidechains Explained

Hey there! Have you ever wondered why some blockchain networks, like Bitcoin or Ethereum, struggle with processing thousands of transactions per second?
It’s a bit like trying to squeeze too many cars onto a single-lane road—it just does…
By FxisAi – Yagnesh Pandya | Aug 13, 2024

The One Thing I Changed to Make My Python Code Unhackable 🔒

Security is crucial in software development. Python, a popular programming language, requires secure coding practices to protect applications and data. This article covers the importance of secure coding, common security vulnerabilities in Python, an…
By Ella | Aug 13, 2024

How null in Python works under the hood

The concept of null is fundamental across programming languages for representing the absence of a value. Null signifies that a variable exists but doesn’t currently hold any data. It’s used to represent a lack of value, a non-existent object, or an u…
By Ashwini Jangetol | Aug 13, 2024

🌐 Enhancing Your Next.js Applications with Edge Middleware: A Comprehensive Guide

🌟 Introduction
In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, speed and efficiency are paramount. Next.js, with its array of features, continues to push the boundaries of what developers can achieve. One of its powerful tools is Edge Middleware—…
By Aditya Dhaygude | Aug 13, 2024

Decentralized Storage Solutions: Alternatives to Cloud Services

Are you concerned about the privacy and security of your data stored in the cloud? You’re not alone. As more people become aware of the limitations and vulnerabilities of traditional cloud services, decentralized storage solutions are ga…
By FxisAi – Yagnesh Pandya | Aug 13, 2024

How to Use super() in Python: Inheritance and Method Resolution Simplified

In Python, the super() function is an essential tool when working with object-oriented programming (OOP). It allows you to call methods from a parent class within a child class, which can be particularly useful in complex inheritance hie…
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 13, 2024

Cómo preparar tu máquina para proyectos de ciencia de datos.

Cuando queremos aprender ciencia de datos y machine learning, lo primero que necesitamos es configurar nuestra laptop. Si no quieres pasar por todo ese proceso, lo más fácil es ir a Google Colab y empezar a crear tus primeros notebooks desde el prime…
By Raul Mercado | Aug 13, 2024

Amazon AppRunner – The perfect sidekick for the high-code OutSystems developer

This article details the setup of an AWS AppRunner service to host a Python-based REST API using the spaCy NLP library. It provides a step-by-step guide on configuring AppRunner with source code from GitHub and integrating the deployed REST API with …
By Stefan Weber | Aug 13, 2024

Design Patterns Explained: Improve Your Software Crafting Skills

In the world of software development, the term "Design Patterns" holds a special place. Whether you're a seasoned programmer or just starting your journey, understanding design patterns can be a game-changer in how you approach problem-solving and so…
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 13, 2024

How to Merge Word Documents in Python – Three Effective Methods with Examples

In today's fast-paced work environment, automation is crucial for optimizing your repetitive tasks and enhancing your productivity.
Deploying Python functions to automate the merging of multiple Word documents into a single, cohesive file can help yo…
By Vikram Aruchamy | Aug 13, 2024

Meaning of __name__ == __main__

Unlocking the Magic of __name__ in Python: A Beginner's Guide.

When you dive into Python programming, you’ll quickly stumble upon a curious little variable: __name__. It might seem like just another technical term, but trust me, it’s a powerful tool…
By Anubhav Kumar Gupta | Aug 13, 2024

Recruiting in Technology 2024 Guide

Now what I want to share from my advice

for the interview, make sure you really use the mission and brand value statements and craft stories with the motto of [Company Value]

really be authentic and talk about communities like RTC, KWK, GHC, etc :)…
By monica para | Aug 13, 2024

Python: under the hood

Python is a very interesting language and there are many things which are being done for you under the hood to run your python file. Let us dive into the world of python and explore how things work under the hood.
Scenario overview
Suppose you are wo…
By Arpan Mondal | Aug 13, 2024

40. Combination Sum II

class Solution:
def combinationSum2(self, candidates: List[int], target: int) -> List[List[int]]:
N = len(candidates)
ans = set()

def checker(currentSum, nextIndex, nums):
if currentS…
By Tapan Rachchh | Aug 13, 2024

My Top Financial Advice for GHC24 and Tech Conferences This Fall

What is the hype about Grace Hopper anyway?

How did you get into GHC?

What should I pack?

How do I get a job at GHC?

My GHC22 experience

Practicing your pitches

Relevant Links

The motive for this page is to give a comprehensive rundown of my …
By monica para | Aug 13, 2024

Why is Python a popular programming language?

Python is a popular programming language with many uses, including data science, task automation, scripting, web development, and competitive programming.
Python is used in data science as it has in-built mathematical libraries and functions, making …
By Gagan G Saralaya | Aug 13, 2024

API 101 : Understanding RESTful APIs

In the first part of this series, we introduced the concept of APIs and their importance in modern software development. Now, let’s delve deeper into one of the most widely used types of APIs: RESTful APIs. REST, or Representational State Transfer, i…
By Shivay Dwivedi | Aug 13, 2024

API 101 : Introduction to APIs

APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, are essential tools in modern software development. They are the backbone of digital communication, enabling different software systems to interact, exchange data, and perform tasks collaboratively. This a…
By Shivay Dwivedi | Aug 13, 2024

API 101 : Building Your First RESTful API

In the previous articles, we covered the basics of APIs and explored the principles of RESTful APIs. Now, it's time to put theory into practice by building your first RESTful API. This hands-on guide will walk you through the process of setting up yo…
By Shivay Dwivedi | Aug 13, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Python for Beginners: Dive into the World of Coding

The Ultimate Guide to Python for Beginners: Dive into the World of Coding
Python is a versatile and widely-used programming language that is known for its simplicity, readability, and extensive libraries. Whether you're a complete novice…
By Samrat Kumar Das | Aug 14, 2024

Stay Updated with Python/FastAPI/Django: Weekly News Summary (05/08/2024-11/08/2024

Intro: Check out this insightful summary of Python/FastAPI/Django Weekly News for August 05th to August 11th, 2024. Stay updated with the latest developments, releases, and community updates in the Nil ecosystem.
Key Points:

🐍 Functional Programmin…
By Poovarasu Sekar | Aug 14, 2024

python 使用pycryptodome 进行AES 加密解密操作

pip install pycryptodome
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
import base64

def aes_encrypt(p…
By robin Jiang | Aug 14, 2024

The Foundation of Efficient Code: Understanding Big O Notation and Complexity


Welcome to Week 1 of our series, where we dive into the essentials of writing efficient and scalable code. In this series, I’ll be using Python as my primary language, but don’t worry—this content is language-agnostic. Whether you’re a s…
By SAI GOUTHAM | Aug 14, 2024

🚀 Mastering the Next.js App Router: Dynamic and Scalable Routing Made Easy

🌟 Introduction
As web applications grow in complexity, the need for efficient and scalable routing becomes more critical. Next.js, with its powerful features, offers the App Router—a tool that streamlines routing and enhances the dynamic capabilitie…
By Aditya Dhaygude | Aug 14, 2024

Unlocking the Full Potential of Python's datetime Module: A Comprehensive Guide

Working with dates and times is a common requirement in many applications, from logging events to handling time zones and calculating durations. Python’s datetime module provides a powerful suite of tools to handle date and time operations with ease …
By Shrey Dikshant | Aug 14, 2024

Lists and List Data Structure in Python

In the fast-paced world of DevOps, efficient management of data is key to successful automation workflows and infrastructure management. Lists, as versatile data structures, play a crucial role in handling collections of information, ena…
By Saurabh Adhau | Aug 14, 2024

The Psychology of Crypto Trading: Understanding Market Sentiment

Ever wondered why crypto markets seem to swing wildly based on seemingly nothing?
The answer often lies not in the numbers, but in the minds of the traders. Welcome to the world of market sentiment—a complex web of emotions, biases, and …
By FxisAi – Yagnesh Pandya | Aug 14, 2024

Understanding the Basics of Cybersecurity

Memory updated
Understanding the Basics of Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is more than just a buzzword—it's a necessity in our increasingly digital world. Whether you’re developing software, managing data, or simply browsing the internet, unders…
By mediageneous social | Aug 14, 2024

How’s My Eating?


"The food’s not going anywhere."

"Are you in a race?"

I eat too fast. It’s something that’s been an issue in my life for as long as I can remember. I always finish my food way faster than the people around me.
Sitting in front of the TV…
By Zachary Sturman | Aug 14, 2024

Floating Math Point: The Phantom Menace of Precision

$$0.1 + 0.2 = 0.30000000000000004$$Hear me out. Try doing 0.1 + 0.2 in your browser console and prepare for the unexpected. Why is the result 0.30000000000000004? Have I been deceived my entire life? Should I even trust my math teachers anymore? This…
By Ferran Buireu | Aug 14, 2024

Understanding and Implementing the Singleton Pattern in Python: Key Concepts and Challenges

The Singleton pattern is one of the most well-known design patterns in software engineering. It ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to that instance. This article will guide you through the fu…
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 14, 2024

Simple Calculator with Tkinter

This document describes the implementation of a basic calculator using the Tkinter library in Python. The calculator supports basic arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It features a graphical user …
By DEEPTI GOEL | Aug 14, 2024

Flask or Django: The Great Python Web Framework Debate

When developing web applications in Python, Flask and Django are two of the most prominent frameworks. Each brings unique strengths and is suited to different types of projects. This guide will clarify the key differences between Flask and Django, he…
By Sanjeet Singh | Aug 14, 2024

Detailed Article on User Engagement and Quality of Service (QoS) in Video Streaming

In the competitive world of video streaming, success is measured not just by the number of users but by how effectively a service engages its audience and delivers high-quality content. Two critical pillars that support this are User Eng…
By ritiksharmaaa | Aug 14, 2024

[PYTHON] Add or Remove Image Background in PowerPoint Slides without Effort

When handling PowerPoint presentations, people always encounter situations where they need to add or remove a background image in PowerPoint. A well-chosen image background can give your slides a more cohesive look and enhance their visual impact, ma…
By Casie Liu | Aug 14, 2024

Easy-to-Understand Python Naming Conventions and Coding Best Practices

Let's dive into the world of Python naming conventions, but this time with a sprinkle of fun and metaphors. We'll cover everything from naming your variables to creating class names, and we'll do it with practical, easy-to-remember examples. So, grab…
By Derek Armstrong | Aug 14, 2024

The Essential Skills for Full-Stack Developers in 2024

Full-stack development has become one of the most sought-after skill sets in the tech industry. In 2024, full-stack developers are expected to have a strong command of both front-end and back-end technologies, along with the ability to manage databas…
By Vastine Maggie | Aug 14, 2024

Strings in Python

A variable can be assigned a string or a character.
str1="This is a string"
str2=' key'
str3=""" this is a string"""

Multiple strings can be printed in a single line by,
str1="This is a string"
str2=' key'
str3=""" this is a string"""
By Gagan G Saralaya | Aug 14, 2024

Using Residential Proxies with Python: A Simple Example

In this post, we'll explore how to use residential proxies with Python to make requests while masking your IP address. Residential proxies can help you access web content with a more authentic IP address, which can be useful for web scraping.
What is…
By Lewis Kerr | Aug 14, 2024

Creating Views and Templates to Display Blog Posts

Welcome back! After setting up our Django project and creating a blog app, it’s time to make those blog posts visible to users on our website. In this article, we'll cover creating views and templates to display the blog posts in a web page. If you t…
By Shivay Dwivedi | Aug 15, 2024

Unleash the Power of Python Projects: A Journey into the Realm of Possibilities

Unleash the Power of Python Projects: A Journey into the Realm of Possibilities for Beginners
Embarking on the path of Python programming can be an exhilarating adventure, opening up a world of endless possibilities. By engaging in hands…
By Samrat Kumar Das | Aug 15, 2024

Market Basket Analysis using Machine Learning

In today's competitive retail landscape, understanding customer behavior is paramount. One of the most effective techniques for uncovering these patterns is Market Basket Analysis (MBA). Leveraging this technique with Machine Learning (ML) can signif…
By Priyanshu Routh | Aug 14, 2024

API 101 : Advanced Topics in API Development

In this final part of our API 101 series, we’ll explore advanced topics in API development that go beyond the basics. These topics include performance optimization, error handling, monitoring, and versioning strategies. Mastering these concepts will …
By Shivay Dwivedi | Aug 14, 2024

Sell Your Repositories on RepoMarket.io: A Simple How-To Guide

Are you a developer looking to monetize your code? RepoMarket.io is a great platform to start selling your repositories. Here’s a quick guide to help you get started:
Step 1: Sign Up/Login and Connect Your GitHub Account
Login securely to RepoMarket….
By RepoMarket | Aug 14, 2024

API 101 : Securing and Documenting Your RESTful API

In the previous articles, we walked through building your first RESTful API. Now, it’s time to address two critical aspects of API development: security and documentation. Securing your API ensures that it’s protected from unauthorized access and pot…
By Shivay Dwivedi | Aug 14, 2024

How do you sign up for a service – level agreement with Azure

To sign up for a Service-Level Agreement (SLA) with Azure, follow these steps:
1. Understand the Azure SLA: Before signing up, review the Azure SLA documentation to understand the service availability and performance guarantees for the Azure services…
By Chukwudi Onyemaobi | Aug 14, 2024

Predicting House Prices: How Size Influences Market Value

In this project, say I worked for a client who wanted to create a model to predict apartment prices in Buenos Aires, focusing on properties under $500,000 USD. To streamline the data importing and cleaning process, I wrote a custom function to ensure…
By Ayodele Adeniyi | Aug 14, 2024

#90DaysOfDevops | Day 15

What is Python?

Python is an open-source, general-purpose, high-level, and object-oriented programming language.

It was created by Guido van Rossum.

Python consists of vast libraries and various frameworks like Django, TensorFlow, Flask, Pandas, K…
By Rajendra Patil | Aug 14, 2024

Who I am?

Hello World: A New Chapter in the Realm of AI
Hi, everyone!
I’m excited to introduce myself to this vibrant community. My name is Aliya Raza, and I’m a newcomer to this corner of the digital world. Born and raised in the beautiful city of Islamabad, …
By Aliya Raza | Aug 14, 2024

Hello Spark on Minikube

Minikube is a beginner-friendly tool that lets you run a Kubernetes cluster on your local machine, making it easy to start learning and experimenting with Kubernetes without needing a complex setup. It creates a single-node cluster inside a virtual m…
By Kumar Rohit | Aug 15, 2024

Tuples: Leveraging Immutable Data Structures in Python

In the realm of DevOps automation, efficient data management is paramount for orchestrating infrastructure and streamlining deployment processes. Tuples, as immutable data structures in Python, offer a unique set of advantages for handli…
By Saurabh Adhau | Aug 15, 2024

OpenAI Structured Outputs: Why is it important?

Building reliable software often means ensuring that the data we work with follows strict formats or "schemas". Before the recent OpenAI update about structured output support, it didn’t guarantee that the data would always fit the exact structure de…
By DonvitoCodes | Aug 15, 2024

How to Create a Personal Finance Tracker with Python

Managing personal finances is more than just tracking income and expenses. As your financial situation grows more complex, you may need a more sophisticated tool to keep track of investments, budgets, savings goals, and financial forecasting. In this…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Aug 15, 2024

Building a simple website scraper using Python

Scraping web data in Python usually involves sending HTTP requests to the target website and parsing the returned HTML or JSON data. ‌ Below is an example of a simple web scraping application that uses the requests library to send HTTP requests and u…
By Lewis Kerr | Aug 15, 2024

Building a GenAI-RAG Microservice with Observability and CI/CD

Table of Contents

Problem Statement


Understanding the Concepts

Microservices Architecture

RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation)

Observability in Microservices

CI/CD Pipeline

Tools and Technologies Overview

Google Kubernetes Eng…
By GUDI KOTI ESWAR MANI | Aug 15, 2024

Improving Financial Forecasts with AI-Driven Time Series Models

If making predictions is the gold standard of finance, then investors, traders, and financial institutions will derive many benefits from it. The ability to foresee market trends, asset prices, and economic indicators has built-in advantages and risk…
By Olufemi David Salami | Aug 15, 2024

How to Recover the Model from a Subquery with SQLAlchemy

Disclaimer: This guide offers an alternative explanation to the official SQLAlchemy documentation on subqueries, providing more visual examples and simpler explanations. The information is based on SQLAlchemy==2.0.30, and newer versions or features m…
By Cosmin Marian Paduraru | Aug 15, 2024

AI: Data Analysis Tutorial with Python Step-by-Step

Data analysis is a crucial skill in today's data-driven world, and Python is one of the most popular tools for performing it. This tutorial aims to provide a comprehensive guide to basic data analysis concepts using Python. By the end of…
By John Nunez | Aug 15, 2024

Content Personalization and Recommendation Systems in Video Streaming Services

In the world of video streaming, where content libraries often span millions of videos, providing a personalized experience to users is not just a luxury—it's a necessity. Content personalization and recommendation systems are at the hea…
By ritiksharmaaa | Aug 15, 2024

Lists and Tuples in Python

Imagine you have a bunch of numbers and you assign a variable to each of these numbers. Now everytime you want to access these set of numbers you need to remember the variable name for each. This is a time consuming and tedious task right. This has b…
By Gagan G Saralaya | Aug 15, 2024

5 Stack and Queue Interview Questions (Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft)

Here, we will explore different types of data structure questions asked by tech companies during their interview process. These are some difficult questions, so feel free to skip them and come back after you have finished reading all the blogs.
By Fatima Jannat | Aug 15, 2024

The Role of Data Analysis in Enhancing Engineering Productivity

Introduction – Moving from Guesswork to Greatness with Data
Have you ever wondered why some engineering teams are on a rocket ship to success while others are stuck in the mud? Spoiler alert: it’s not about working harder but working smarter. The gam…
By Rajni Rethesh | Aug 15, 2024

Embark on a Technological Odyssey: Unraveling the Secrets of JavaScript, Java, and Python

Embark on a Technological Odyssey: Unraveling the Secrets of JavaScript, Java, and Python
In the ever-evolving realm of technology, programming languages reign supreme as the architects of digital experiences. Among the vast tapestry of …
By Samrat Kumar Das | Aug 16, 2024

LLaVA + Ollama を利用してローカルで簡単画像解析

Mac を前提に書いてるのでご了承を!
まずは Ollama のインストール。
brew install –cask ollama
LLaVa のインストール。
ollama run llava
Python で実装


mkdir ~/ollama-llava

By BLUE💙 | Aug 15, 2024

Python 3.13 – New Features & Deprecations

We introduced several cool typing and interactive interpreting features in Python 3.12. I discussed all of them here:

Before we go ahead, this is the full patch note about this new release.The biggest …
By Sadra Yahyapour | Aug 16, 2024

Lists vs Tuples in Python

In the realm of Python programming, understanding the differences between lists and tuples is fundamental for effective data management and manipulation. While both are used to store collections of items, they possess unique characterist…
By Saurabh Adhau | Aug 16, 2024

How to Use Python for DevOps

Python, with its simplicity and versatility, has become a cornerstone for DevOps engineers. Its ability to automate tasks, integrate with various tools, and analyse data makes it an invaluable asset in streamlining the software development lifecycle….
By Sanjeet Singh | Aug 16, 2024

How to create a python virtual environment on Ubuntu 22.04.

Most of the time when we are working on python projects, we have to install different dependencies that help us achieve different project goals. It is important that we create virtual environments for each and every python project so as to keep the s…
By Vishal Rathore | Aug 16, 2024

How to Automate(create, update) Excel Files from APIs with Python and Openpyxl.

So I know that when automation is mentioned, a lot of people think of it most abstractly. perhaps even thinking of a mechanic shop for fixes. lol. Anyway, automation in programming is exactly the code you write but with other techniques to help run i…
By Michelle Buchi Okonicha | Aug 16, 2024

How to Use Python for Automatic File Organization

Keeping your computer organized can be a daunting task, especially when files pile up in your Downloads or Desktop folders. Manually sorting these files into appropriate folders can be time-consuming. In this blog, we’ll create a Python script to aut…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Aug 16, 2024

Tokenization of Real-World Assets: Opportunities and Challenges

Imagine owning a piece of a luxury property or a rare painting without needing millions of dollars upfront. Sounds intriguing, right? This is the promise of tokenization—where real-world assets are converted into digital tokens, making o…
By FxisAi – Yagnesh Pandya | Aug 16, 2024

Build real-time applications with AWS Kinesis, DynamoDB, and GlassFlow

From dynamic pricing adjustments to personalized internet offerings based on location, nowadays businesses are using real-time data to stay competitive and deliver enhanced customer experiences. One powerful way to achieve this is by integrating AWS …
By GlassFlow | Aug 16, 2024

Understanding Time Complexity: A Simple Guide for Beginners

When you start learning programming, you’ll quickly encounter the term “time complexity.” It’s a concept that might seem intimidating at first, but with a little guidance, it becomes much easier to grasp. In this blog, we'll explore what time complex…
By Aniket Dhaygude | Aug 16, 2024

Seamlessly Integrating Machine Learning Model with the MERN Stack

In this blog post, I'll show you how to build a house price prediction web application using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) and a machine learning model created with Python. The application lets users enter house features, like siz…
By Rishabh Raj Verma | Aug 16, 2024

🐍Day 18: Getting Started with Python: A Beginner's Guide

What is Python? 🤔
Python is a powerful, high-level programming language designed for ease of use and readability. One of the most popular languages in the world due to its versatility and simplicity.
Python is used in various fields, including web d…
By Tanmaya Arora | Aug 16, 2024

Quine-spirations: To infinity and beyond

Stephen Hawking begins his book, A Brief History of Time, with this story:

A well-known scientist (some say it was Bertrand Russell) once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, …
By Darshan A S | Aug 16, 2024

How Recursion Works: Simple Explanation

Recursion means a way of solving problem where the function calls itself. These problem could be done through iteration also.
– Performing the same operation multiple times with different input
– In every step we try smaller inputs to make the proble…
By Fatima Jannat | Aug 16, 2024

Machine Learning Workflow for Beginners

In this blog on machine learning workflow, I'll guide you through the essential steps to build, deploy, and maintain a machine learning system.
The focus will be on the architecture and workflow, offering insights into methods and platforms to help y…
By Adani Student Programming And Development Club | Aug 16, 2024

Blockchain in Voting Systems: Ensuring Transparency and Security

Imagine a world where voting is as simple as a few clicks on your smartphone, yet completely secure and tamper-proof. This isn't some far-off fantasy—blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize voting systems by ensuring tra…
By FxisAi – Yagnesh Pandya | Aug 16, 2024

Python Basics Part – 1

I am writing this blog on Python basics and trying to give some practical examples. Here let's discuss Syntax, rules, syntax errors, and practical code examples.
synatx:-In Python, the syntax is like the rules of grammar for the computer—it tells the…
By Nabaranjan palatasingh | Aug 16, 2024

Debugging Data Persistence in Docker Containers: A Learning Experience

In my recent journey with Docker, I encountered a challenge that tested my understanding of data persistence within containers. The task seemed simple: create a Python script to add and display names, ensuring the names persist across container runs …
By Arham Iqbal | Aug 16, 2024

Adding an SQLite backend to FastAPI

While recently migrating my blog (again), I've revisited some posts including my tutorial: A simple Python FastAPI template with API key authentication.
That tutorial set out a very basic template for a FastAPI app that used API keys, but to keep it …
By Tim Berry | Aug 16, 2024

Learn to monitor your Python Application Like a PRO! 🧙‍♂️🪄

In this easy-to-follow tutorial, you'll discover how to keep an eye on your Python application using distributed tracing.
What you will learn: ✨

How to build microservices in Python 🐍.

Setting up Docker containers 📦 for microservices.

By Shrijal Acharya | Aug 16, 2024

Must-Try Recursion Problem Sets for Programmers

In the previous blog, I taught recursion. In this blog, I will solve some recursion problems. If you are new, I strongly recommend you read the blog on recursion Recursion Blog (link to the blog)
Question 1: Sum of Digits
How to find the sum of digit…
By Fatima Jannat | Aug 16, 2024

Day 15 Task: Basics of Python for DevOps Engineers

What is Python?

Python is an open-source, general-purpose, high-level, and object-oriented programming language.

It was created by Guido van Rossum.

Python consists of vast libraries and various frameworks like Django, TensorFlow, Flask, Pandas, K…
By aman chaurasia | Aug 16, 2024

Building an AI-powered MRI Report Generation App with Streamlit and YOLOv8

In today's fast-paced medical environment, efficiency is key. With advancements in AI, we're now able to streamline complex tasks, making them faster and more accurate. One such task is the analysis and reporting of MRI images. In this post, I'll wal…
By Abdul Wahab | Aug 16, 2024

Loops in Python

While coding we need to use a block of code again and again. Its tedious to write the same code again and again. This will make the program lengthy and difficult to understand. To solve this issue loops are make. Loops are a block of code which can b…
By Gagan G Saralaya | Aug 16, 2024

Building an Emotion-Detecting Telegram Bot with Python and Node.js

In today’s world, where human-computer interaction is becoming more advanced, understanding and responding to user emotions is a big step forward. This blog will show you how I built a Telegram bot that can detect emotions from user inpu…
By Rishabh Raj Verma | Aug 16, 2024

Understanding Live Streaming: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Process and Coding Flow

Live streaming is a fascinating and complex process that involves capturing, encoding, segmenting, and delivering video content in real-time to users around the world. Unlike on-demand streaming, where content is pre-recorded and stored…
By ritiksharmaaa | Aug 16, 2024

Auto-Sync Discounts between Shopify and ReCharge

For E-Commerce stores that offer subscription-based products, ReCharge is a powerful application for handling recurring payments and orders. However, ReCharge does not automatically sync discount codes from your Shopify admin, meaning discount codes …
By David Williford | Aug 16, 2024

Riccardo Spagni (entrepreneur)

Infobox table about Riccardo Spagni:

NameRiccardo Spagni


BirthplaceSouth Africa

OccupationEntrepreneur, Cryptocurrency Developer, Privacy Advocate

Years Active2011–present

Notable ProjectsBitcoin, Monero, Tari

Known For…
By Emirate | Aug 16, 2024

Quine-spirations: To infinity and beyond

Stephen Hawking begins his book, A Brief History of Time, with this story:

A well-known scientist (some say it was Bertrand Russell) once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, …
By Darshan A S | Aug 16, 2024

Creating a Simple Python App to Demonstrate CRUD Functionality using Azure Functions

Azure Functions is a serverless compute service that enables you to run event-triggered code without having to explicitly provision or manage infrastructure. This tutorial will guide you through creating a simple Python app that demonstr…
By Nebula | Aug 16, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Python Projects: Master the Art of Programming!

The Ultimate Guide to Python Projects: Master the Art of Programming!
Welcome to the comprehensive guide to Python projects, meticulously crafted to empower you as a programming maestro. Python, an esteemed high-level programming languag…
By Samrat Kumar Das | Aug 17, 2024

My 100-Day Python Programming Adventure

Welcome to my blog documenting my journey through the 100 Days of Code challenge, inspired by Angela Yu's course. This challenge has been an incredible opportunity to deepen my understanding of Python and explore various exciting projects. Here, I'll…
By Yashwanth Maringanti | Aug 16, 2024

Understanding Temporary and Permanent Redirects in Django

When building a web application, there may be times when you need to send users from one URL to another. This can happen for various reasons: a page has moved, a resource is temporarily unavailable, or you want to guide users to a new version of a pa…
By Prakash Tajpuriya | Aug 17, 2024

For Loops in Python

In the realm of DevOps automation, efficient iteration and processing of data are essential for managing complex infrastructure and streamlining deployment workflows. For loops, a fundamental control structure in Python, offer a powerful…
By Saurabh Adhau | Aug 17, 2024

Deployment Guide for Django: GCP Cloud Run, AWS ECS, Minikube & DigitalOcean

This guide provides detailed instructions for deploying our Django Weather App across various platforms. The app allows users to track weather for cities they add. We'll cover deployment processes, pro tips, and common errors for each pl…
By Prathamesh | Aug 17, 2024

Binary Tree Right Side View (Leetcode #199)

Given the root of a binary tree, imagine yourself standing on the right side of it, return the values of the nodes you can see ordered from top to bottom.
Example 1:

Input: root = [1,2,3,null,5,null,4]
Output: [1,3,4]

Example 2:
Input: root = [1,nu…
By Nawat Sunthornyanakit | Aug 17, 2024

🕒 Real-Time Awesomeness: Building Interactive Applications with Node.js and WebSockets

🌟 Introduction
In today's fast-paced digital world, real-time communication is not just a luxury—it's a necessity. Whether it's chat applications, live notifications, collaborative tools, or online gaming, users expect instantaneous updates. This is…
By Aditya Dhaygude | Aug 17, 2024

Tree/Binary Tree in Python DSA

What is a Tree?
A tree is a nonlinear data structure with hierarchical relationships between its elements without having any cycle, it is basically reversed from a real life tree.

Drinks in a cafe has been ordered in a nice hierarchy, which makes it…
By Fatima Jannat | Aug 17, 2024

A Simple Guide to Establishing Serial Communication Between Your Machine and Arduino with Python

It may be of interest to you if you have long desired to establish communication between your Python script and your Arduino script via your USB. This is indeed achievable. We will commence from the basics, constructing a straightforward circuit in t…
By Prince Larbi | Aug 17, 2024

Mesop: Google's New Python UI Framework

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, frameworks play a crucial role in streamlining the development process. Google's recent open-source release, Mesop, is a Python-based UI framework that aims to simplify the creation of w…
By Sai Aneesh | Aug 17, 2024

Basics of Binary Search Trees (BST)

In this blog, you will get a deep knowledge about binary search tree, which includes creating binary search based on Linked list and various operations, like creation, inserting, deleting and searching on binary tree data structure.
What is Binary Se…
By Fatima Jannat | Aug 17, 2024

Optimizing Database Tables with Generics: Python and SQLAlchemy Approach

It's not always shortened to types, but indeed we can use this method to optimize our tables. In this article, we'll follow the structure of benefiting from generics in models.
Tech used in this article:





By Callme-Milad | Aug 17, 2024

xAI: Grok-2 shocks the world of AI

Hi AI Enthusiasts,
Welcome to this week's Magic AI News, where we present you the most exciting AI news of the week. From the new capabilities of Grok-2 to the limitations of Large Language Models (LLMs), you can learn many new things today.
This wee…
By Tinz Twins | Aug 17, 2024

Interfaces and Abstract Base Classes in Python: A Complete Overview

In Python, abstract base classes (ABCs) and interfaces play a crucial role in designing robust and maintainable software. They help enforce consistency, promote code reuse, and ensure that your objects behave as expected. Whether you're a beginner or…
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 17, 2024

A Simple Guide to Establishing Serial Communication Between A Computer and Arduino with Python

It may be of interest to you if you have long desired to establish communication between your Python script and your Arduino script via your USB. This is indeed achievable. We will commence from the basics, constructing a straightforward circuit in t…
By Prince Larbi | Aug 17, 2024

Launch Your First Django App Like a Pro 🚀

Have you ever created Web Applications?
Don't worry if not I will teach you how to create the web application using Django.
What is Django?
Python-based web framework Django allows you to create efficient web applications quickly. It is also called b…
By OVIYAN S | Aug 17, 2024

Functions and Class in Python

When you have a large code and you have to use a block of code multiple times in different area of the code functions are used. A function is a block of code which can be called in different area of the program. I personally feel that functions are o…
By Gagan G Saralaya | Aug 17, 2024

Kubernetes end-to-end project with deployment of Django notes application

Project Overview

In this Kubernetes project, the goal is to deploy and manage an application using the ojasjawale/notes-app:latest image within a dedicated namespace, notes-app on minikube cluster. This deployment will incorporate a wide range of K…
By Ojas Hitendra Jawale | Aug 16, 2024

How to Become a Python Developer: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking to break into the exciting field of software engineering? Specifically, have you set your sights on becoming a Python developer? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to become a Python devel…
By LUNARTECH | Aug 17, 2024

How AVL Trees Work: An In-Depth Tutorial

What is AVL tree?
An AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree (BST) where the difference between heights of left and right subtree cannot be more that one for all nodes.
AVL tree is also a type of binary tree. Hence, all properties of binary t…
By Fatima Jannat | Aug 17, 2024

Disabling GIL – Unleashing the True Power of Python

Python is finally getting rid of its major limitation, the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), which it has had since 1991. Before explaining what the GIL is, let's understand how computers and programming languages were designed in the 1990s…
By Hemachandra | Aug 18, 2024

🛠️ Power Up Your Terminal: Building Command-Line Tools with Node.js

🌟 Introduction
Command-line tools (CLIs) have been a staple of development environments for decades, providing efficient and powerful ways to interact with software and systems. But did you know that you can build your own CLI tools using Node.js? W…
By Aditya Dhaygude | Aug 18, 2024

While Loops in Python

In the domain of DevOps automation, efficient iteration and automation of tasks are crucial for managing intricate infrastructure and orchestrating deployment pipelines. While loops, another fundamental control structure in Python, provi…
By Saurabh Adhau | Aug 18, 2024

Mutable and Immutable in Python

The Python data objects can be broadly categorized into two – mutable and Immutable types, in simple words changeable or modifiable and non-modifiable types.
1 Immutable types
The immutable types are those that can never change their value. In Python…
By Prakash uniyal | Aug 18, 2024

Args and Kwargs: The Dynamic Duo of Python Programming – A Comedy of Errors and Efficiency

In the last article, I mentioned that we would build a receipt generator using Python's args and kwargs. We'll start with a simple version using args and then move on to a more complex version. I'll do my best to make everything easy to understand.
By JMN | Aug 18, 2024

Introduction to Terraform

Terraform is an open-source IaC tool that allows you to write configuration files that describe the desired state of your infrastructure. Instead of manually provisioning and configuring resources through cloud provider consoles, you can use Terrafor…
By Rohit | Aug 18, 2024

Understanding How Python Works Internally: A Beginner’s Guide

Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, known for being easy to learn and use. But have you ever wondered what happens when you run a Python program? How does it turn your code into something that a computer can understa…
By Shakhawat Hossen | Aug 18, 2024

Automating a Trading System Using Python, MetaTrader 5, and Mean Reversion Theory

Automating trading systems has gained significant traction due to their ability to make data-driven decisions without constant human intervention. This article explores a Python-based automated trading system using MetaTrader 5 (MT5) and Mean Reversi…
By Sourabh Kumar | Aug 18, 2024

Top AI Trends to Watch in 2024: What Beginners Should Know

Hey developers! If you're curious about AI but haven't jumped in yet, you're in the right place. AI is becoming one of the most exciting areas in tech, and 2024 is full of opportunities for everyone, whether you're experienced or just starting out. N…
By Awais Ahmad | Aug 18, 2024

What is Binary Heap?

If you're new to this blog, it would be great if you could check out the posts on Binary Trees, BSTs, and AVLs.
Binary Tree , BST, AVL
Let's get started!
A Binary Heap is a Binary Tree with following properties:

A binary heap can be a Min heap or Ma…
By Fatima Jannat | Aug 18, 2024

Membuat Aplikasi Analisis Sentimen dengan ChatGPT

Sentimen Analisis sudah menjadi seperti "hello world" ketika kita mulai mendalami dunia Natural Language Processing (NLP). Pada blog ini juga sebelumnya kita sudah pernah membuat aplikasi sederhana untuk sentiment analysis.
By Muhammad Ihsan | Aug 18, 2024

Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree (Leetcode #1448)

Given a binary tree root, a node X in the tree is named good if in the path from root to X there are no nodes with a value greater than X.
Return the number of good nodes in the binary tree.
Example 1:

Input: root = [3,1,4,3,null,1,5]
Output: 4
By Nawat Sunthornyanakit | Aug 18, 2024

#406 – Matthias

Weeknotes (2024 week 33)

Weeknotes (2024 week 33)
It’s summer, it’s hot, and it’s dance week. Lethargy is over, Jungle Street Groove is coming up. Good times.

django-json-schema-editor 0.1: I have finally left the alpha versioning. I&rsqu…
By Matthias Kestenholz | Aug 14, 2024

#Python Software Foundation

Announcing Python Software Foundation Fellow Members for Q1 2024! 🎉

By Marie Nordin | Aug 13, 2024


MyPy Introduction

#python #mypy
By aniket purohit | Aug 12, 2024

Understanding Your Data: The Essentials of Exploratory Data Analysis

#beginners #datascience #computerscience #python
By Michelle Njuguna | Aug 12, 2024

Understanding Your Data: The Essentials of Exploratory Data Analysis

#python #datascience #data #beginners
By Olive Wakamwe | Aug 12, 2024

Understanding Your Data: The Essentials of Exploratory Data Analysis.

#python #beginners #programming #datascience
By Berlyn | Aug 12, 2024

What is Python?

#python #programming
By Amirreza karimi | Aug 12, 2024

Understanding the Differences Between Regular Classes and Dataclasses in Python

#python #classes #coding #backend
By Konrad | Aug 12, 2024

BiRefNet State Of The Art Newest Very Best Background Batch Remover APP

#ai #beginners #tutorial #python
By Furkan Gözükara | Aug 12, 2024

Python Loops 2

#python #programming #beginners #tutorial
By Irfan Faisal | Aug 12, 2024

AutoDocument – Open-Source Mail Merge Alternative

#python #productivity #opensource
By Tom Malkin | Aug 12, 2024

Building an AI Recipe App with Django and GroqCloud:Llama 3.1: My Journey with myChefAssist

#ai #django #llama #backend
By Eben | Aug 12, 2024

BigQuery and XGBoost Integration: A Jupyter Notebook Tutorial for Binary Classification

#googlecloud #machinelearning #python #beginners
By Atsushi Suzuki | Aug 12, 2024

All you need to know on how to install things with pip

#python #git #tutorial
By topjer | Aug 12, 2024

Simple Wikipedia Search App with Streamlit 🐍🕸️💻

#webscraping #datascience #webdev #python
By Anand | Aug 12, 2024

7 Open Source Projects You Should Know – Python Edition ✔️

#opensource #python #github #softwaredevelopment
By Domenico Tenace | Aug 12, 2024

Python – files

By Suresh S | Aug 12, 2024

Learn Python with AWS – Day 2

#programming #python #tutorial #aws
By Subhash Bohra | Aug 12, 2024

Key Concepts to Understand Before Diving into Nylas

#nylaschallenge #jwt #oauth #python
By Leonard Sangoroh | Aug 12, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #159: Explica este código Python

#python #learning #beginners #spanish
By Cristian Fernando | Aug 12, 2024

A Beginner's Guide to Python Libraries

#python #numpy #beginners #programming
By lilyNeema | Aug 12, 2024

Python – Dictionary, Set, Tuple

By Suresh S | Aug 12, 2024

The troubles of scraping a minecraft map.

#webscraping #python #selenium #beautifulsoup
By safu.vsc | Aug 12, 2024

Buy verified cash app account

#tutorial #programming #react #python
By Glen Keene | Aug 12, 2024

Automating Mutual Fund CAS Parser, Import and Analysis

#mutualfund #automation #node #python
By Mutual Fund Developer | Aug 12, 2024

Why did my Google Colab session crash while running the Llama model?

#machinelearning #llm #python #meta
By riddhi | Aug 12, 2024

A Deep Dive into SCRAM Authentication

#react #python #ai #devops
By keploy | Aug 12, 2024

Error Handling and Logging in Python

#python #programming #beginners
By Mangabo Kolawole | Aug 12, 2024

tea-tasting: a Python package for the statistical analysis of A/B tests

#statistics #datascience #python #showdev
By Evgeny Ivanov | Aug 12, 2024

Raster Analysis Using Uber h3 indexes and PostgreSQL

#postgres #sql #python #geospatial
By Kshitij Raj Sharma | Aug 12, 2024

ChatGPT for Coding in VsCode

#chatgpt #aiops #vscode #python
By Nonvikan Karl-Augustt Alahassa | Aug 12, 2024

Trying to get back to coding

#webdev #beginners #python
By kabir isyaka | Aug 12, 2024

Understanding Your Data: The Essentials of Exploratory Data Analysis".

#data #visualization #python #analytics
By Anne Musau | Aug 12, 2024

I made AI Book generator

#books #ai #python
By Adarsh | Aug 12, 2024

Jupyter Notebooks as an End-to-End Analytics Solution

#python #tutorial #jupyter #analytics
By Simbarashe Chikaura | Aug 13, 2024

Python common pitfalls

By Snir Orlanczyk | Aug 13, 2024

Python Environment Setup

#python #bash #linux #productivity
By Ninad Mhatre | Aug 13, 2024


#webdev #beginners #python #learning
By kiplimo patrick | Aug 13, 2024

Building a Real-Time Credit Card Fraud Detection System with FastAPI and Machine Learning

#fastapi #machinelearning #python #ai
By Ekemini Thompson | Aug 13, 2024

Spiderman Digital Web.

#webdev #javascript #programming #python
By Paul Fallon | Aug 13, 2024

The Path to Coding Mastery A Beginner's Guide

#learntocode #devops #python #beginners
By Hari Haran S | Aug 13, 2024

Use a proxy server for web scraping:Python usage examples

#python #proxy #webscraping #pip
By Lewis Kerr | Aug 13, 2024

Just build it: How we design Streamlit to bias you toward forward progress

#streamlit #designprocess #python
By Streamlit | Aug 13, 2024

Django AllAuth Chapter 5 – Extending Django AllAuth user model with custom fields

#django #python #allauth #webdev
By Andrés Álvarez Iglesias | Aug 13, 2024

Programming Languages for Server-Side Scripting

#backend #backenddevelopment #php #python
By Nitin Dahiya | Aug 13, 2024

FastAPI Beyond CRUD Website

#fastapi #api #python #tutorial
By Ssali Jonathan | Aug 13, 2024

Laravel v.s. Ruby on Rails v.s. Django

#webdev #laravel #rails #django
By añaqui apolinar morales | Aug 13, 2024

The Creation of Rooh London: Journey, Challenges, and Future Goals

#javascript #python
By Noah Griffin | Aug 13, 2024

Beginner's Guide to Python: From Installation to Understanding Variables

#python #programming #tutorial #beginners
By Job Ready Programmer | Aug 13, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #160: Explica este código Python

#python #spanish #learning #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Aug 13, 2024

✨I Built an AI Bot Under 65 Lines of Code That Checks My New Emails and Send People Invites📧🚀

#programming #tutorial #python #ai
By Sunil Kumar Dash | Aug 13, 2024

Understanding Your Data: The Essentials of Exploratory Data Analysis

#python #datascience #sql #machinelearning
By BYRON | Aug 13, 2024

The well-known Software Development Company in Fresno

#softwaredevelopment #javascript #python #node
By Henry Miller | Aug 13, 2024

Lightweight python library for scraping with LLMs

#python #llm #ai #data
By Misha Zanka | Aug 13, 2024

Operators, Conditionals& Inputs Tasks

#python #programming #operatorsconditonalsinput #tasks
By kavin suresh | Aug 13, 2024

Java 21 – A Game Changer for Python Developers

#java #python #software #coding
By MyExamCloud | Aug 13, 2024

The Wisdom of Avoiding Conditional Statements

#softwaredesign #softwaredevelopment #python
By Ivan Zakutnii | Aug 13, 2024

Django Unlocked: Beginners' Spawn Point

#django #python #mvt #webdev
By Y | Aug 13, 2024

Develop and Deploy Machine Learning Models With Entendu

#ai #javascript #python #react
By Anthony Santonocito | Aug 13, 2024

How to Create a Local RAG Agent with Ollama and LangChain

#rag #tutorial #ai #python
By Dylan Muraco | Aug 13, 2024

Developing Full-Stack Software with React.js, Next.js, Django, and SQL: A Comprehensive Guide

#javascript #react #django #sql
By Md Yasin Miah | Aug 13, 2024

max subarray problem and kadane's algorithm

#leetcode #algorithms #programming #python
By Joscelyn Stancek | Aug 14, 2024

Using Claude, Claude-Dev and Aider to Build a Ticketing System

#programming #ai #webdev #python
By Joe Giglio, Chief Remote Officer | Aug 14, 2024

Code Smell 263 – Squatting

#webdev #beginners #programming #python
By Maxi Contieri | Aug 14, 2024

How to Build a Simple AI Agent: A Step-by-Step Guide

#openai #ai #python
By Nilavya Das | Aug 14, 2024

Build an anti-spam, opt-in Email registration with Python

#python #antispam #webdev #backend
By Rutkat | Aug 14, 2024

Stay Updated with Python/FastAPI/Django: Weekly News Summary (05/08/2024-11/08/2024

#python #django #fastapi #flask
By Poovarasu Sekar | Aug 14, 2024

Unleashing the Power of Python Scripting : Day 28 of 50 days DevOps Tools Series

#devops #python #automation #development
By Shiivam Agnihotri | Aug 14, 2024

Introduction to Linked Lists in Python: A Comprehensive Guide 🔗

#linkedlist #dsa #datastructures #python
By Sabbha | Aug 14, 2024

Python Deque v/s List🐍

#python #programming
By \144\150\162\165\166(dhruv) | Aug 14, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #161: Explica este código Python

#python #spanish #learning #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Aug 14, 2024

Monitor the Performance of Your Python Django App with AppSignal

#django #python
By AMIR TADRISI | Aug 14, 2024

Python Basics 7: String part 1- Introduction

#python #programming #tutorial #beginners
By Irfan Faisal | Aug 14, 2024

How to Create a Multi-Stop Route Optimization Application with TomTom Maps API

#python #django #tomtom
By Girish Amudala | Aug 14, 2024

Create A Simple Clover Catcher Game in 20 Minutes

#gamedev #python #javascript #webdev
By Aravind Ariharasudhan | Aug 14, 2024

Run Flux.1 on M3 Mac with Diffusers

#ai #flux #python #mac
By 0xkoji | Aug 14, 2024

9 Challenging Python Programming Labs to Boost Your Coding Skills 🚀

#labex #python #programming #tutorials
By Labby | Aug 14, 2024

Creating and Managing Tasks with Asyncio

#python #beginners
By Mangabo Kolawole | Aug 14, 2024

User Input: Prompt the user to guess the number.

#python #programming
By Avinash Mathi | Aug 14, 2024

Automated YouTube Downloads

#programming #python #automation
By Aaron Kofi Gayi | Aug 14, 2024

How does a residential proxy work?

#python #pyoxy
By Lewis Kerr | Aug 14, 2024

Advanced Indexing Techniques with LlamaIndex and Ollama: Part 2

#python #llm #rag #vectordatabase
By James | Aug 14, 2024

Introducing CryptoPulse Analyzer: Cryptocurrency Analysis with Real-Time Automation

#cryptocurrency #python #developer #trading
By OmoBamidele | Aug 15, 2024

LISA+SamGIS adattato ad hardware HuggingFace ZeroGPU

#python #machinelearning #nlp #llm
By Alessandro T. | Aug 15, 2024

LISA+SamGIS on ZeroGPU HuggingFace hardware

#python #machinelearning #nlp #llm
By Alessandro T. | Aug 15, 2024

The Day I Automated XML Field Checking with Python

#programming #python #productivity #learning
By Rafa Rafael | Aug 14, 2024

Step-by-Step Guide: Loading a HuggingFace ControlNet Dataset from a Local Path

#python #tutorial #computervision
By Daniel Gattringer | Aug 15, 2024

Guide to Building a Simple Python Web Scraping Application

#python #webscraping #proxy
By Lewis Kerr | Aug 15, 2024

Synchronizing Files Between Two Directories Using Python

#python #files #sync #backup
By Developer Service | Aug 15, 2024

Cómo hacer scrapping

#python #spanish #webdev #datascience
By Joel Farell Cabrera | Aug 15, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #162: Explica este código Python

#python #learning #beginners #spanish
By Cristian Fernando | Aug 15, 2024

How to get started to Machine Learning?

#beginners #machinelearning #datascience #python
By Neha Gupta | Aug 15, 2024

Range of Numbers: Allow the user to choose the range (e.g., 1 to 50, 1 to 100, or 1 to 1000) to adjust the difficulty.

#python #programming
By Avinash Mathi | Aug 15, 2024

Connect Google Calendar to Django Application

#webdev #python #django #tutorial
By Karanjot Singh | Aug 15, 2024

End Game: Congratulate the user and display the number of attempts taken.

#python #programming
By Avinash Mathi | Aug 15, 2024

Repeat: Allow the user to guess again until they find the correct number.

#python #programming
By Avinash Mathi | Aug 15, 2024

Dumping JSON data to Django Models: Using Django Setup and Commands

#python #django #json #restapi
By Ajit Kumar | Aug 15, 2024

Quiz about Inventions & Discoveries in python for project

#python #programming #quiz
By kavin suresh | Aug 15, 2024


#python #database #datascience #sql
By allan-pg | Aug 15, 2024

SageMath Installation

#python #computerscience #opensource
By Samuel Lubliner | Aug 16, 2024

I just made an AUR helper

#archlinux #python
By alan_alexander | Aug 15, 2024

Recommended Project: Deploying MobileNet with TensorFlow.js and Flask

#labex #css #html #python
By Labby | Aug 15, 2024

Hints: Provide hints after a certain number of wrong guesses, such as whether the number is even or odd.

#python #programming
By Avinash Mathi | Aug 15, 2024

13 Must-know Open-source Software to Build Production-ready AI Apps 🧙‍♂️🪄✨

#javascript #python #ai #opensource
By Sunil Kumar Dash | Aug 15, 2024

Maximum Attempts: Set a limit on the number of attempts (e.g., 5 or 10 attempts) to increase the challenge.

#python #programming
By Avinash Mathi | Aug 15, 2024

What is Python GIL? How it works?

#python #paralelism #threads #process
By fabriciomsdev | Aug 16, 2024

Screw it! I've Developed My Own Static Site Generator!

#webdev #javascript #python #discuss
By Shazin | Aug 16, 2024

Pydantic • Dealing with validating and sanitizing data

#python #programming #tutorial
By Everton Tenorio | Aug 16, 2024

Machine Learning in Python Using Scikit-Learn: A Beginner's Guide

#python #machinelearning #datascience #software
By MyExamCloud | Aug 16, 2024

Making something new in the work

By Mauro Peluso | Aug 16, 2024

A Simple Test HTTP server from Flask

#python #flask #testing #http
By Byron Salty | Aug 16, 2024

How to Automate(create, update) Excel Files from APIs with Python and Openpyxl.

#python #softwaredevelopment #automation #excel
By Michellebuchiokonicha | Aug 16, 2024

Die Vorteile von Web Scraping für Ihr Unternehmen (20 Beispiele)

#bigdata #business #datenanalyse #python
By Emilia | Aug 16, 2024

How to Build Chat into a Flask App with API: A Comprehensive Guide

#flask #webdev #javascript #python
By Byte Supreme | Aug 16, 2024

Understanding your data: The Essentials of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA).

#python #excel #powerbi #sql
By Stephen Ndichu | Aug 16, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #164: Explica este código Python

#spanish #learning #python #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Aug 16, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #163: Explica este código Python

#python #spanish #learning #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Aug 16, 2024

From Stamped to Clean: Transforming Watermarked Images into Clear Visuals

#ai #computervision #tensorflow #python
By Yash Jivani | Aug 16, 2024

Learn to monitor your Python Application Like a PRO! 🧙‍♂️🪄

#python #devops #programming #tutorial
By Shrijal Acharya | Aug 16, 2024

Understanding MAE, MSE, and RMSE: Key Metrics in Machine Learning

#machinelearning #python #regressionmodel
By Sabbha | Aug 16, 2024

Top VS Code Extensions to Boost Your Productivity

#extensions #python #vscode #javascript
By Maksym Zavalniuk | Aug 16, 2024

Create your own Custom LLM Agent Using Open Source Models (llama3.1)

#tutorial #python #llm #machinelearning
By Emmanuel Onwuegbusi | Aug 17, 2024

Cogumelos Mágicos: explorando e tratando dados nulos com Mage

#python #mage #etl #dataengineering
By DeadPunnk | Aug 17, 2024

[leitura-compartilhada] Livro Aprenda Python Básico – Rápido e Fácil de Entender

#python #community
By Railane Passos | Aug 17, 2024

Python tricks

#python #dsa
By Yash | Aug 17, 2024

100 Days of GitHub 🔥

#programming #github #100daysofcode #python
By raghavtwenty | Aug 17, 2024

Using Canonical URLs for your next Django project

#webdev #seo #django #html
By Osahenru | Aug 17, 2024

Optimizing Your Code with Python's Walrus Operator: Real-World Examples and Anti-Patterns to Avoid

#python #programming #software #coding
By MyExamCloud | Aug 17, 2024

Python – Generate Fake Data With Faker

#python #fakedata #programming
By Ankit malik | Aug 17, 2024

Feature Engineering: The Ultimate Guide

#beginners #python #datascience
By Leon Mutisya | Aug 17, 2024

Content Recommendation System

#machinelearning #python #datascience #ai
By Amit Chandra | Aug 17, 2024

Using Scrapy: A Simple Guide to Web Scraping

#python #webscraping #scrapy #proxy
By Lewis Kerr | Aug 17, 2024

Using Scrapy: A Simple Guide to Web Scraping

#python #webscraping #scrapy #proxy
By Lewis Kerr | Aug 17, 2024

Launch Your First Django App Like a Pro 🚀

#webdev #beginners #python #softwaredevelopment
By Oviyan S | Aug 17, 2024

I am never coding the same way again

#python #mysql #ai
By Harish Mukhami | Aug 18, 2024

What is UULE? And how to generate UULE with Python?

#googlesearch #serpapi #python #apibox
By apiboxguru | Aug 18, 2024

Matplotlib Colormap Normalization: Visualizing Nonlinear Data

#labex #python #coding #programming
By Labby | Aug 18, 2024

Load Data Into Neo4j

#graphql #python #nlp #chatgpt
By praveenr | Aug 18, 2024

Installing Neo4j In Ubuntu

#graphql #python #nlp #chatgpt
By praveenr | Aug 16, 2024

MultiQuine. Weaving the web of Quines

#dna #selfrep #quine #python
By Darshan A S | Aug 18, 2024

Good keys

#perl #python #theweeklychallenge
By Simon Green | Aug 18, 2024

Mastering Python: A Collection of Captivating Coding Tutorials 🐍

#labex #python #programming #tutorials
By Labby | Aug 18, 2024

A New Tech Stack: Quick Read

#react #django #fullstack #webdev
By Daniel Agufenwa | Aug 18, 2024

Introducing a New Tech Stack:

#webdev #react #django #fullstack
By Daniel Agufenwa | Aug 18, 2024

A simple way to extract all detected objects from image and save them as separate files using YOLOv8.2 and OpenCV

#computervision #ai #python #tutorial
By Andrey Germanov | Aug 18, 2024

Pytest and PostgreSQL: Fresh database for every test

#python #pytest #postgres
By Libor Jelinek | Aug 18, 2024

Why Django Web Development Outshines Traditional CMS Solutions

#webdev #django #beginners #programming
By Teccmark | Aug 18, 2024