#Real Python

How to Install Python on Your System: A Guide

The first step to getting started with Python is to install it on your machine. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to check which version of Python, if any, you have on your Windows, Mac, or Linux computer and the best way to install the most recent version in any environment.
#basics #best-practices #tools
By | Aug 26, 2024

Web Scraping With Scrapy and MongoDB

This tutorial covers how to write a Python web crawler using Scrapy to scrape and parse data, and then store the data in MongoDB.
#intermediate #databases #web-scraping
By | Aug 28, 2024

#Django Project – Weblog

Could you host DjangoCon Europe 2026? Call for organizers

By Thibaud Colas & DjangoCon Europe Support working group | Aug 28, 2024


Issue #644 – Astrophysics, pyproject.toml, Query Languages, and More

By | Aug 27, 2024

#Adam Johnson – Blogs

Python: profile total memory allocated with tracemalloc

tracemalloc is Python’s standard library module for tracking memory allocations. It has many bells and whistles for detailed analysis, allowing you to slice allocations by file and line or compare snapshots. But for simple purposes, displaying the total memory allocated is sufficient, which is what this recipe does:
By Adam Johnson | Aug 30, 2024

Django: rotate your secret key, fast or slow

Django’s SECRET_KEY setting is used for cryptographic signing in various places, such as for session storage and password reset tokens. This makes keeping it secure a high priority since an attacker with the key could forge things like password reset tokens.
By Adam Johnson | Aug 30, 2024

Django: avoid “useless use of

Here’s a little ORM pet peeve of mine that may deepen your understanding of how QuerySets work.
By Adam Johnson | Aug 31, 2024


Run flask via waitress

在開發階段 Flask default 所提供的 WSGI ( Python Web Server Gateway Interface ) 連官方都提醒僅適用於開發環境,那之前我都是透過 Gunicorn 跑在前面,這次我想嘗試看看用 Waitress,因此產出了這篇筆記。


為了避免 Flask 不穩,先改用 waitress 取代原本的 Werkzeug。

Enable SSL。

1. 安裝 waitress
透過 pip 套件管理安裝,…
By Kanglin Wu | Aug 26, 2024

Unveiling Extraordinary Python Projects: Catalyzing Innovation and Skill Development

Unleashing the Power of Python: A Comprehensive Guide to Extraordinary Projects
Python stands as a versatile and potent programming language, empowering developers with its adaptability across diverse domains. Its simplicity, extensibili…
By Samrat Kumar Das | Aug 26, 2024

How to Build a Python Command-Line To-Do List App

Managing tasks efficiently is crucial for productivity. A command-line To-Do List app in Python is a simple yet powerful tool that allows you to keep track of your tasks directly from your terminal. This project is a great way to practice Python fund…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Aug 26, 2024

날씨에 따른 카테고리 저장하기

날씨와 카테고리 매핑 저장
맑음 날씨에는 관광명소, 카페, 쇼핑 등의 카테고리를 매핑하고,
비 날씨에는 문화시설, 카페를 매핑하는 식으로 설정해준다.
날씨와 카테고리 매핑 데이터를 저장하기 위해서는 WeatherCategoryMapping 모델에 데이터를 넣어야 한다.

장고의 데이터 마이그레이션을 통해 초기 데이터 삽입 : migrations 파일에 초기 데이터를 추가하여 자동으로 데이터 삽입

장고 관리 명령어를 통해 초기 데이터 삽입 : …
By Dayeon | Aug 26, 2024

Minimum Spanning Tree (Disjoint Set)

Minimum Spanning Tree's concept is compulsory for learning Kruskal and Prim's Algorithm.
Let's get started!
Minimum Spanning Tree
A minimum Spanning Tree (MST) is a subset of edges of connected, weighted and undirected graph which:

Connects all vert…
By Fatima Jannat | Aug 26, 2024

My Sixth Python Blog: FizzBuzz Journey

🎮 My FizzBuzz Journey: Cracking the Code with Python 🚀
Hey everyone! 👋 In this blog, I’ll be sharing one of the most popular beginner coding challenges—FizzBuzz. It’s a simple game, but it taught me some valuable lessons while coding. Let's dive i…
By Gautam Mallick | Aug 26, 2024

[Comprehensive Guide] How to Combine Cells or Split Cells in Excel with Python

When working with Excel spreadsheets, it is common to merge cells to create table headers or make the layout more visually appealing and organized. Sometimes, however, you may decide that combining cells wasn't the right choice and need to split them…
By Casie Liu | Aug 26, 2024

Machine Learning Explained: A Full Beginner’s Guide

Machine Learning (ML) is a subfield of artificial intelligence that empowers computers to learn from data and improve their performance on a specific task without being explicitly programmed. This capability has revolutionized various industries, fro…
By Fahad Iqbal Zafar | Aug 26, 2024

Crawling Web-apps after File disclosure vulnerability

I – Introduction :
Inspired by the Great Ippsec I have made a simple but yet very efficient python script that auto download the source code of any php / nginx / apache / IIS web application , you only need a file disclosure vulnerabilty and a way to…
By Ghassan Amaimia | Aug 26, 2024

Purpose and Use of Python's 'JSON' Library in Web Scraping Explained

In Python, the "JSON" library is mainly used to process the JSON data format. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data exchange format that is easy for people to read and write, and easy for machines to parse and generate. Python's "JS…
By Lewis Kerr | Aug 26, 2024

GSoC 2024 Project : AgroNota – Empowering Agriculture Through Machine Learning ⚡

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is an annual program by Google that offers students (above the age of 18) worldwide the opportunity to work on open-source software projects. Students gain real-world coding experience while collaborating with established…
By Bishal Das | Aug 26, 2024

Applying Monte Carlo Simulation Methods to NS&I Premium Bonds

This article is the first in a series that takes an in-depth look at using Monte Carlo simulations for NS&I Premium Bonds in the UK. It covers prize distribution and winning odds, and explains how to use Monte Carlo methods to simulate prize draws an…
By Jason Shiers | Aug 26, 2024

Diving into Django:Building Web Applications with Python

The Python Kumasi Meetup held at KsTu on 27th July was a success which brought together python enthusiasts from different backgrounds to learn about writing web applications with Python using the Django Web Framework. In this blog post, we'll recap t…
By Johanan Oppong Amoateng | Aug 26, 2024

Understand how Google Authenticator works by building a Django App

Have you ever used apps like Google Authenticator and Microsoft authenticator for two-factor authentication? These applications provide an easy-to-use and safe method for authenticating your account across many different websites. You may want to int…
By Mukul Aryal | Aug 26, 2024

A Comprehensive Guide to Hypothesis in Python: From Coding Practice to Advanced API Testing

Introduction to Hypothesis
Testing is an essential part of software development, but writing exhaustive test cases can be both time-consuming and error-prone. Hypothesis is a powerful Python library that simplifies this process by automatically gener…
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 26, 2024

Top 4 Most Popular Graph Algorithms

If you know graph algorithms, you must've heard of Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford, Floyd, and Kruskal-Prim's algorithms. In this blog, I'm going to dive all into these four algorithms. At first I thought of making 4 separate blogs, but then again I decided t…
By Fatima Jannat | Aug 26, 2024

Data Cleaning in Python: A Comprehensive Guide with Hands-On Practice

Data cleaning is a crucial step in the data analysis process. It involves transforming raw data into a format suitable for analysis by addressing issues like missing values, duplicates, incorrect data types, and more. In this blog, we will explore va…
By Rudraksh Gupta | Aug 26, 2024

Binary Search

When implementing binary search, the choice between using l <= r vs. l < r, and how to update l and r (l = mid + 1 vs. l = mid, etc.), depends on the specific problem and whether you are looking for an exact match, the lower bound, or the upper bound…
By Nawat Sunthornyanakit | Aug 26, 2024

Learning Python : Day 2

Python Variables
In Python, a variable is a name given to a value. Variables are used to store and manipulate data in a program. Python has several types of variables, including:
1. Integers (int)
Integers are whole numbers, either positive, negative…
By Yogesh Rajput | Aug 26, 2024

Learning Python : Day 1

What is Python?
Python is a popular programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum, and released in 1991.
It is used for:

web development (server-side),

software development,


system scripting.

What can Python do?

Python …
By Yogesh Rajput | Aug 26, 2024

Learning Python : Where to Start ?

Introduction to Python
Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is widely used for various purposes such as web development, scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more. It was created in the late 1980s…
By Yogesh Rajput | Aug 26, 2024

Web Scraping!

Ok, so i have been working for while on this particular side , and i have enjoyed and learned a lot of things about the processes and stuff!
The language i have used are #Python and #Selenium , also i have used a bit #beatifulsoup and #scrapy a bit.

By Coding Devs | Aug 26, 2024

Enhance Productivity in Data Science through Automated Data Preparation and Augmented Analytics

Data preparation is one of the most critical yet time-consuming steps in the data science workflow. It involves cleaning, transforming, and organizing raw data into a format suitable for analysis. Traditionally, data preparation requires extensive ma…
By Madhusudhan Anand | Aug 27, 2024

Stay Updated with Python/FastAPI/Django: Weekly News Summary (19/08/2024-25/08/2024

Intro: Check out this insightful summary of Python/FastAPI/Django Weekly News for August 19th to August 25th, 2024. Stay updated with the latest developments, releases, and community updates in the Nil ecosystem.
Key Points:

🐍 Python Classes tutori…
By Poovarasu Sekar | Aug 27, 2024

Quick Guide to Error Handling in Python:🚧🐍


Errors are an inevitable part of coding, but how you handle them can make a big difference in your program’s robustness. Python provides a powerful mechanism to deal with errors through exceptions. This blog will guide you on how to man…
By Shrey Dikshant | Aug 27, 2024

My Django Journey So Far: Lessons Learned and Challenges Faced

Embarking on a journey with Django has been both exciting and enlightening. As a budding developer, diving into Django has opened up a world of possibilities in web development. In this article, I’ll share the key lessons I’ve learned so…
By AbuBakar khan lakhwera | Aug 27, 2024

How to Create PDF Reports Using Python

Generating PDF reports is a common requirement for many applications, whether it's for business reports, invoices, summaries, or documentation. Python offers several libraries that make it easy to create, modify, and manipulate PDF files programmatic…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Aug 27, 2024

Building a Student Management System with Python and Streamlit: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hey there, Python enthusiasts! 🎉 Today, we're going to dive into something really cool—building a Student Management System using Python and Streamlit. Whether you're a student, educator, or just someone looking to improve your Python s…
By Proxlight | Aug 27, 2024

Essential Python Interview Questions: Day 1 Insights

What are local variables and global variables in Python?

Global Variables: Variables declared outside a function or in a global space are called global variables. These variables can be accessed by any function in the program.

Local Variables: Any …
By Yogesh Rajput | Aug 27, 2024

Summer of Bitcoin 2024: My Experience

Hey everyone, this is a continuation of my first blog about my experience with Summer of Bitcoin. In this blog, I covered my organization and my project.
Discovering PyASIC
While exploring the organizations in the Summer of Bitcoin list, I came acros…
By ABHISHEK PATIDAR | Aug 27, 2024

My Seventh Python Project: PyPassword Generator 🛡️

PyPassword Generator 🛡️
Hey there, fellow coders! 👋
After diving into some interesting projects, I thought it would be fun to create something we all need at some point—a password generator! In this blog, I'll walk you through a simple yet effectiv…
By Gautam Mallick | Aug 27, 2024

8.27 :: Hkt 구현

26일에 수면 패턴이 완전히 깨져서 되돌릴 겸 새벽에 HKT(Higher Kinded Types) 지원 관련 구현을 했다. 사실 HKT를 잘 구현하기 위해서는 기존 타입 시스템의 상당 부분을 갈아엎을 필요가 있어서, type checker / declarer 코드를 전체적으로 건드려야 했다.

처음에는 Haskell같은 언어에서 kind를 * -> * 처럼만 표기하는 걸 보고 각 타입 부분에도 제약 조건 명시가 필요할 수도 있지 않을까 싶어서 …
By loard134 | Aug 27, 2024

🚀 Boosting Performance: Implementing Caching Strategies in Express.js Applications

🌟 Introduction
In today's fast-paced digital world, users expect web applications to be lightning-fast and highly responsive. Performance plays a critical role in user experience and can significantly impact the success of your application. One of t…
By Aditya Dhaygude | Aug 27, 2024

How to Password-Protect a PDF Document Using Python

Password-protecting PDF documents is an essential practice for safeguarding sensitive information. By encrypting a PDF with a password, you can control who can open, view, and modify the document. Python offers several libraries that make it easy to …
By ByteScrum Technologies | Aug 27, 2024

How to Use Python for Batch Image Resizing and Compression

Managing a large collection of high-resolution images can be challenging, especially when storage space is limited, or you're preparing images for web use. Resizing and compressing images in bulk can save space and make your files easier to share or …
By ByteScrum Technologies | Aug 27, 2024

Learn Greedy Algorithm

In the previous blog, I mentioned I would create a separate blog on the Greedy Algorithm, and here it is. This is the blog!
Let's get started!
What is Greedy Algorithm?
Imagine a pile of both good bricks and broken pieces. Now, you are told to build …
By Fatima Jannat | Aug 27, 2024

Mastering Python: Day 3

Efficient Variable Assignments and Unpacking Techniques
Assigning Multiple Values to Multiple Variables
Python allows you to assign values to multiple variables in one line:
x, y, z = "Orange", "Banana", "Cherry"

By Yogesh Rajput | Aug 27, 2024

DataPatternX: Candlestick Pattern Analysis Starter Kit

Introducing DataPatternX, a versatile and powerful starter kit designed to simplify candlestick pattern detection and data visualization in financial datasets. Whether you're a seasoned data analyst or just getting started with market an…
By Mohammad Sarabi | Aug 27, 2024

HI Community of hashnode

Hey Hi! I'm Gustavo, a current student of software engineering and I will currently publish all my current projects here. Most of them are gonna be about college staffs and personal projects, I current handle java and python and right now I'm learnin…
By Gustavo Adolfo Camacho Vargas | Aug 27, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Comparing Node.js vs Python

Section 1: Introduction
Node.js vs Python: A Quick Overview

Node.js: A JavaScript runtime environment built on Google's V8 engine
Python: A high-level, general-purpose programming language known for its simplicity and versatility

Key Differences:

By Samrat Kumar Das | Aug 28, 2024

Implementing Explainable AI (XAI) with SHAP Values: Making Black-Box Models Transparent

As AI models become more complex, particularly in areas like deep learning and ensemble methods, understanding how these models make decisions has become increasingly challenging. This lack of transparency is a significant concern, especially in high…
By Madhusudhan Anand | Aug 28, 2024

The Role of DevOps in Modern Software Development

DevOps has become a cornerstone of modern software development, revolutionizing the way software is built, tested, and deployed. It integrates development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams, fostering a culture of collaboration and shared responsibilit…
By Omotayo Olutekunbi | Aug 27, 2024

ETL Process: A Beginner’s Guide 🚶‍♂️‍➡️

What is ETL?
ETL stands for Extract, Transform, Load. It is a core process in data engineering used to integrate data from multiple sources, transform it into a usable format, and load it into a target system, such as a data warehouse or data lake.

By Shreyash Bante | Aug 27, 2024

Article 2 of learning DSA in Python.

Binary Search
The theoretical explanation of "Binary Search" is that, whenever we have a target element, we check whether the middle element of the array/list is same as the target element.
Here comes three different cases:-

Target = Middle Element …
By Srimanth Mantripragada | Aug 27, 2024

F-Strings in Python: What They Are and How to Use Them

F-strings (Formatted strings) in Python are an easy way to add expressions in Strings. It was first introduced in Python 3.6, making string formatting much more readable and easy.
In this guide, we will understand what f-strings are and why it is so …
By Sophia Iroegbu | Aug 27, 2024

Easy Guide to Data Cleaning in Python

Introduction to Data Cleaning in Python
Data cleaning is a crucial step in data analysis. It involves fixing or removing incorrect records from a dataset. In Python, tools like Pandas make this process easy and efficient.

Steps for Data Cleaning

By Abhineet Kumar | Aug 27, 2024

Article 1 of learning DSA in Python.

A quick intro about myself, I am Srimanth Mantripragada from Hyderabad, India. I am recently graduated from Neil Gogte Institute of Technology in CSE[AIML]. A wannabe data scientist/analyst who's now trying hard to actually be a data scientist/analys…
By Srimanth Mantripragada | Aug 27, 2024

Mastering Python: Day 4

python global variable
In Python, a global variable is a variable that is defined outside of a function and is accessible from within any function. Here's an example:
VerifyOpen In EditorEditCopy code1x = 5 # global variable
3def my_function():
4 …
By Yogesh Rajput | Aug 28, 2024

Automate Data Backup and Sync Across Devices Using Python

Data loss can be catastrophic, whether due to accidental deletion, hardware failure, or malicious attacks. Regular backups and synchronization across devices are essential practices to safeguard your files. Automating this process with Python not onl…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Aug 28, 2024

Database Modeling in Django (Models)

Before delving into the concept of Database Modeling in Django we must know the basic of MTV architecture that is followed by Django , MTV stands for Model , Template & View where Templates are the skeletal structure of your basic Web page format and…
By Surya | Aug 28, 2024

load() v/s loads() in JSON module of Python

Hello folks! I recently started my Python journey and came across Python's JSON module while working on a project. I encountered two functions : json.load() and json.loads() which look similar and hence confused me a lot. After some research and play…
By Divyanshu | Aug 28, 2024

Learning Python in 2024: From Zero to Hero 🐍

If I had access to this roadmap and resources three years ago, my Python journey would have been so much faster. Now, I'm sharing these insights to help you become a Python pro.
What is Python? 🤔
Python is a high-level programming language known for…
By Utkarsh Upadhyay | Aug 28, 2024

How to Handle File Uploads in Express.js Using Multer

Handling file uploads is a common requirement in many web applications. Whether you're building a social media platform, an e-commerce site, or a content management system, allowing users to upload files is often a key feature. In this b…
By Aditya Dhaygude | Aug 28, 2024

Build a Password Manager with Python

In today's digital world, managing multiple strong passwords is essential for protecting personal and professional data. A password manager helps you generate, store, and manage complex passwords securely. While there are many password managers avail…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Aug 28, 2024

Understanding JAX: Next-Gen Machine Learning Simplified

Imagine harnessing the power of cutting-edge technology to supercharge your machine learning projects. Welcome to JAX, where your journey into the future of AI begins! Whether you're new to the world of machine learning or looking to level up your sk…
By Utkarsh Jha | Aug 28, 2024

Mastering Python List Comprehensions

Python is renowned for its simplicity and readability, and one of the features that make it so elegant is List Comprehensions. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned developer, mastering this powerful feature can significantly enhance your coding ef…
By Saarthak Maini | Aug 28, 2024

My Eighth Python Blog: A Simple Hurdle Challenge

My Simple Hurdle Challenge: Day 8 of #100DaysOfCode
Hey there, fellow coders! 👋
I didn’t have much time today. Between work, hitting the gym, and spending quality time with the family, it felt like the day just zoomed by. 🚀 But, guess what? I still…
By Gautam Mallick | Aug 28, 2024

Shallow Copy vs Deep Copy - ¿Qué son realmente?

En el mundo de la programación, copiar datos es una tarea común. Sin embargo, no todas las copias son iguales. Dos términos que a menudo aparecen son shallow copy (copia superficial) y deep copy (copia profunda). Entender la diferencia e…
By BYXN | Aug 28, 2024

Web scraping with BeautifulSoup: How I got my favorite soccer players' stats from fotmob

I'm taking a Data Engineering professional certificate path offered by IBM and Coursera. During the Python for Data Science, AI & Development course, I learned about web scrapping with Beautiful Soup Libraries.
What is BeautifulSoup?
Years ago, I did…
By Andres Uribe | Aug 28, 2024

Packet Sniffing in Action: A Hands-On Guide Using Python and Scapy

Imagine you’re curious about the data flowing through your network—what’s being sent, where it’s going, and who’s communicating with who?. Packet sniffing is a powerful technique that can help you answer all these questions. In this blog, we’ll dive …
By Akash Reddy Jammula | Aug 28, 2024

Unveiling the Enigmatic Realms of Python Projects: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Unveiling the Enigmatic Realms of Python Projects: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
Introduction: Embarking on the Python Project Odyssey
Python, a high-level interpreted programming language, has captivated programmers with its versatility and re…
By Samrat Kumar Das | Aug 29, 2024

Leveraging AI for Climate Change: Analyzing Climate Data with Spatiotemporal Models

We all know it's horrible out there, and things are getting worse by the day. Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, affecting every aspect of our planet. Its impacts are far-reaching, profoundly influencing ecosystems, human …
By Madhusudhan Anand | Aug 29, 2024

Automating EC2 Snapshots with Python: Project Overview and Lessons Learned

I’m excited to share the completion of my latest project: EC2 Snapshot Automation using Python. This project leverages the power of Python and AWS to automate the creation and deletion of EC2 snapshots, streamlining backup processes and enhancing dat…
By Arham Iqbal | Aug 29, 2024

[Comprehensive Guide] How to Copy Format in Excel with Python

Cell formatting is essential to presenting clear and organized data. For example, when dealing with financial statements, sales data, and other forms with multiple data, maintaining a consistent format helps a lot in readability and understanding. So…
By Casie Liu | Aug 29, 2024

How to Create a Python Weather App

Building a Python Weather App is a fantastic project for beginners and intermediate programmers alike. It helps you learn how to interact with external APIs, handle JSON data, and create a simple graphical user interface (GUI) using tkinter. In this …
By ByteScrum Technologies | Aug 29, 2024

Are Stablecoins the Boring Heroes of Crypto?

When you think of cryptocurrencies, the first things that probably come to mind are the wild price swings of Bitcoin or the innovative potential of Ethereum. But what if I told you that some of the most important players in the crypto wo…
By FxisAi – Yagnesh Pandya | Aug 29, 2024

Last Stone Weight (Leetcode #1046)

You are given an array of integers stones where stones[i] is the weight of the i<sup>th</sup> stone.
We are playing a game with the stones. On each turn, we choose the heaviest two stones and smash them together. Suppose the heaviest two stones have …
By Nawat Sunthornyanakit | Aug 29, 2024

What Are Data Streams? A Simple Explanation

what is stream of data ?
In the context of iterators, the term "stream of data" refers to a sequence of elements that can be accessed one at a time. An iterator doesn't store all elements in memory at once; instead, it generates or retrieves each ele…
By Rohit Rai | Aug 29, 2024

Summer of Bitcoin 2024: My Experience

Hey everyone, welcome back! In this blog, we'll cover the progress I’ve made on the project. If you haven’t read my first blog, I recommend checking it out here an introduction to the project. For more details about my organization and the project ba…
By ABHISHEK PATIDAR | Aug 29, 2024

Using a SOCKS5 Proxy to Forward HTTP Requests: A How-To

SOCKS5 proxy provides flexibility, allowing users to access any online destination without facing verification codes or IP bans, thereby enhancing the anonymity and security of network activities. SOCKS5 proxy is suitable for a variety of scenarios, …
By Lewis Kerr | Aug 29, 2024

Create a Web-Based Habit Tracker with Python and Flask

Tracking habits is a great way to maintain and build consistency in your daily life. In this blog post, we will build a simple web-based habit tracker using Python's Flask web framework. This application will allow users to create, track, and manage …
By ByteScrum Technologies | Aug 29, 2024

Wasp: The JavaScript Answer to Django for Web Development

Wasp v Django: Building a full stack application just got a lot easier
Hey, I’m Sam, a backend engineer with a lot of experience with Django. I wanted to make the jump and learn some frontend for a full stack app. I quickly experienced the arduous na…
By samuel jakshtis | Aug 29, 2024

My Tenth Python Blog: Hurdles Challenge using While Loops

🚀 Introduction Hey everyone! Today, I want to share my experience with the Hurdles Challenge in Python, using while loops. This challenge turned out to be more complex than I anticipated, but it's all part of the learning process. 💪
🔗 Check out th…
By Gautam Mallick | Aug 29, 2024

Comprehensive Guide to Iteration ,Iterables, and Iterators in Python

Iteration is a fundamental concept in Python, allowing you to loop over data structures like lists, tuples, and dictionaries. Understanding how iteration works, along with the concepts of iterables and iterators, is crucial for writing e…
By Rohit Rai | Aug 29, 2024

My Ninth Python Blog: Hurdles Challenge using While Loops

🏃‍♂️ Hurdles Challenge using While Loops 🚧
Today, I took on the Hurdle 3 Challenge from Reeborg's World, where our little robot friend has to navigate over walls to reach the goal. Sounds simple, right? 🤔 Well, it turned out to be a bit trickier t…
By Gautam Mallick | Aug 29, 2024

Enhancing Python Code Quality with an Automated Analyzer

In software development, maintaining high code quality is crucial. However, manually ensuring that every piece of code adheres to best practices can be tedious and error-prone. This is where automated code quality analyzers come into pla…
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 29, 2024

Introducing Code2LLM – Seamless Interaction with Your Codebase Using GPT-4o and Claude-3.5 Sonnet

In today's fast-paced software development world, having a tool that helps you quickly understand, analyze, and interact with your codebase is invaluable. Imagine a tool that allows you to seamlessly chat with your codebase using advanced language mo…
By Adhil Roshan | Aug 29, 2024

How to create a serverless movie API on AWS using Python, and AWS SDK for Python (boto3)

Table of Contents

Install AWS CLI

Configure AWS Credentials in the command line (CLI)

Create a virtual environment(venv)

Create Python files

Testing the application using lambda function event

Create an API Gateway Trigger

Wrapping Up

AWS is…
By Mbanugo Franklyn | Aug 29, 2024

Using Flask with our old friend Marshmallow

Flask is one of Python's most popular frameworks for building HTTP REST APIs. Although another new kid exists on the block FastAPI, Flask still holds a special place for anyone learning to build REST APIs.
Why do we need data validation?
Data is one …
By Flask India | Aug 29, 2024

Create a Python Tool for Analyzing Personal Fitness Data

Tracking your fitness progress is essential to staying motivated and achieving your goals. By analyzing personal fitness data, you can identify trends, understand your strengths, and improve your weaknesses. In this blog post, we will guide you throu…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Aug 30, 2024

Create an Advanced Web Scraper with Python and BeautifulSoup

Web scraping is a powerful technique for extracting data from websites. With Python and BeautifulSoup, you can create a web scraper that not only fetches data but also navigates through dynamic content, handles pagination, and manages login authentic…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Aug 30, 2024

Transitioning into Tech as a Data Scientist

Data Science Writing Task: – TASK 1

Open Accounts:

Create accounts on Medium.com, LinkedIn.com, GitHub.com, Dev.to, Twitter.com, and Academia.edu.

Task Overview:
As someone transitioning into tech with a focus on becoming a data scientist, your …
By Ekemini Thompson | Aug 30, 2024

🚀 Unveiling MongoDB Change Streams: Real-Time Data Updates Made Easy

🌟 Introduction
In modern applications, real-time data updates are not just a luxury but often a necessity. Imagine having a dashboard that updates in real-time without needing to refresh the page or a notification system that alerts users the moment…
By Aditya Dhaygude | Aug 30, 2024

How to use Python for automatic data collection and visualization in Excel

Excel is a powerful tool for data analysis and visualization, but manually creating reports can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Automating Excel reporting with Python can save you time, ensure accuracy, and allow you to update reports with fre…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Aug 30, 2024

How to Make Calculator in Python

Hi Person, in this tutorial we will create a Calculator using Python Tkinter.
If you don't know how to use Tkinter, don't worry, go to this TUTORIAL , and you can learn it in just 2 hours, it's very easy to learn.
The purpose of this application is t…
By Joao Futi Muanda | Aug 30, 2024

Unmasking Packet Spoofing: A Practical Guide with Python and Scapy

In the realm of cybersecurity, understanding both offensive and defensive techniques is crucial. One such offensive technique is packet spoofing—a method often employed by attackers to disguise their identity or deceive network systems. In this blog,…
By Akash Reddy Jammula | Aug 30, 2024

My Eleventh Python Blog: Navigating the Maze Challenge 🧭 🧩

Maze Challenge 🧭 – A Journey Through Code 🧩
Hey, fellow coders! 👋 Welcome back to my Python journey. In this post, we're diving into a maze challenge that really tested my problem-solving skills. 🤯 It's getting complex, but I believe that going b…
By Gautam Mallick | Aug 30, 2024

Reverse String in three steps – LeetCode 344 – Two Pointers

Hey everyone, Today we will solve LeetCode 344: Reverse String using two pointers approach.
Step 1: Initialize Pointerswe are going to initialize the low at index 0, and the high at the last index.
def reverseString(s):
low = 0
high = len(s) …
By Shojib | Aug 30, 2024

Unlocking Crop Insights from Space Tech: Part 1 – Data Acquistion

How Satellites See the Future of Farming?
Imagine a world where farmers can predict crop yields with incredible accuracy. This isn't science fiction! Thanks to advancements in satellite technology and machine learning, we're unlocking a new era of ag…
By Radhika Aggarwal | Aug 30, 2024

*Kind of* Making my own shell

In this article, we'll explore how I created a simple, custom shell specifically for Linux systems using Python. We'll cover what a shell is, why building one can be rewarding, and step-by-step instructions on handling user input, executing commands,…
By Youssef Mostafa | Aug 30, 2024

Crypto Derivatives: Understanding Futures, Options, and Perpetuals

The world of cryptocurrency is vast, exciting, and, let’s be honest, a little confusing. If you’ve ever dipped your toes into trading, you’ve likely come across terms like futures, options, and perpetual contracts. These are all types of crypto deriv…
By FxisAi – Yagnesh Pandya | Aug 30, 2024

Learn Divide & Conquer Algorithm

Hello, good people! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of the Divide & Conquer Algorithm? Let's get started!
What is Divide and Conquer Algorithm?
Divide and conquer is an algorithm design paradigm which works by recursively breaking down …
By Fatima Jannat | Aug 30, 2024

Instrumentation and Django's StreamingHttpResponse

In my work at Bevy, I recently implemented a streaming endpoint in our Django app using StreamingHttpResponse. For anyone unfamiliar with this class, using it is straightforward. You just need to pass it some iterable, and it will stream the content….
By Justin Thurman | Aug 30, 2024

Day 15 Task: Basics of Python for DevOps Engineers

What is Python?

Python is a general-purpose, dynamically typed, high-level, compiled and interpreted, garbage-collected, and purely object-oriented programming language that supports procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming.

By Vibhuti Jain | Aug 30, 2024


1. 项目结构

├── src/ # 源代码目录
│ └── package_name/ # 项目主包
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── module1….
By wuzhiguocarter | Aug 30, 2024

How to Build a RAG Pipeline with LlamaIndex

Large Language Models are everywhere these days – think ChatGPT – but they have their fair share of challenges.
One of the biggest challenges faced by LLMs is hallucination. This occurs when the model generates text that is factually incorrect or mis…
By Bhavishya Pandit | Aug 30, 2024

🌟Day 16: Learn Python Basics for DevOps

What is Python?
Python is a powerful, open-source programming language that's known for its simplicity and readability. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python is a general-purpose language that supports multiple programming pa…
By Shreyash Desai | Aug 30, 2024

A Beginner's Guide to Becoming a GIS Developer

In this YouTube playlist series, I decided to train you on how to become a GIS Developer in a hands-on format. I will try to upload 2 videos each week. This series focuses on creating real-world projects and learning important Python libraries.
the r…
By Araz shah | Aug 30, 2024

Using the alexmerced/datanotebook Docker Image

Watch My Intro to Data Playlist
Download Free Copy of "Apache Iceberg: The Definitive Guide"
Enroll in the Free Apache Iceberg Crash Course

Sometimes, you want to spin up a quick data notebook environment when doing quick data work or practice. For …
By Alex Merced | Aug 30, 2024

It's Dynamic Programming, Lazy Coder's Best Friend!

Did you know that dynamic programming is a very old concept (the name was given by Bellman) and the word "programming" here has nothing to do with writing code? Instead, it focuses on finding the optimal solution. Believe it or not, dynamic programmi…
By Fatima Jannat | Aug 30, 2024

Understanding the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) and Its Impact on Threading in Python

What is the GIL?
The Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) is a mutex that protects access to Python objects, preventing multiple native threads from executing Python bytecode simultaneously. The GIL exists because CPython, the reference implementation of Py…
By Saurav Shrivastav | Aug 30, 2024

Complex Dynamic Programming Exercises

These problems are CHALLENGING AND ADVANCED compared to the earlier ones. DO NOT feel discouraged if they are difficult. This section is for those who enjoy pain and misery. You DO NOT need to attempt these problems unless you wa…
By Fatima Jannat | Aug 30, 2024

AI Skillet : Local Fabric AI Skills App

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you probably know I have been testing Fabric AI Skills extensively. I have written three blogs so far on various ways the AI Skills endpoint can be used. The feature is still in preview but I am excited to se…
By Sandeep Pawar | Aug 30, 2024

Unlocking the Power of Data with Python and AWS: A Journey into Big Data Analysis

Unlocking the Power of Data with Python and AWS: A Journey into Big Data Analysis
In today's data-driven world, businesses and organizations are sitting on a goldmine of information. However, this raw data is often unstructured and diffi…
By Samrat Kumar Das | Aug 31, 2024

Taming LLM Responses: Dynamic Pydantic Models for Flexible Structured Output

As developers working with Large Language Models (LLMs), we often grapple with the challenge of constraining their outputs to meet our specific needs. In this post, I will share a technique I developed to enforce structured responses from LLMs, parti…
By Dan Girellini | Aug 30, 2024

The Use of The ** Operator with Python and FastAPI Pydantic Classes

The ** operator in Python is contextual or dependent on what it is used with; when used with numbers(typically between two numbers), it serves as an exponentiation operator. However in this article we will be looking at another context which it is us…
By Stephen Odogwu | Aug 31, 2024

How to Create an Intelligent Image Recognition System with Python

Image recognition has become a key feature in many applications, from social media platforms that tag friends in photos to autonomous vehicles that detect obstacles. Creating an intelligent image recognition system involves leveraging deep learning a…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Aug 31, 2024

Mastering Python : Day 6

If-Else-Elif Statements in Python
In Python, if-else-elif statements are used to control the flow of a program based on conditions. Here's a breakdown of how they work:
If Statement
The if statement is used to execute a block of code if a certain con…
By Yogesh Rajput | Aug 31, 2024

Mastering Python : Day 5

Strings in Python
In Python, a string is a sequence of characters enclosed in quotes (single, double, or triple quotes). Strings are immutable, meaning they cannot be changed after creation.
String Methods in Python
Python provides a wide range of me…
By Yogesh Rajput | Aug 31, 2024

Day 17 Guide: Learning YAML and JSON

Today, we're diving into the practical side of Python for DevOps engineers. Python is not just a programming language but a powerful tool in the DevOps toolkit. Let's explore two essential tasks: reading JSON and YAML files.
Reading and Writing JSON …
By Shreyash Desai | Aug 31, 2024

Python vs Julia: The Ultimate Showdown for Data Science Enthusiasts

Data science is very popular now. Python and Julia are the most talked-about languages. If you're diving into data science, you might be wondering which one to pick. Let's explore the strengths and weaknesses of both languages. This will help you dec…
By Vijayendra Prasad | Aug 31, 2024

Compiled code vs Interpreted code

Let's compare two popular but very different languages and see how they are executed. On one side we have C#, which is a popular compiled language, and on the other side we have python which is a popular interpreted language.

C# code is a comp…
By Rohan | Aug 31, 2024

Getting Started with PySpark

Apache Spark is a powerful distributed computing framework commonly used for big data processing, ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), and building machine learning pipelines. It supports various programming languages, including Scala, Java, and Python, m…
By Rahul Das | Aug 31, 2024

Bonus Challenging Recursion Problems

Note : If you're new to Data Structures and Algorithms in Python, it's a good idea to skip this part for now and come back after you've completed all the data structures sections.
Write a function called power which accepts a base and an expone…
By Fatima Jannat | Aug 31, 2024

Top 10 Books for Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a fundamental paradigm in software development, and Python is an excellent language for learning and implementing OOP concepts. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer looking to enhance your skills…
By Lynn | Aug 31, 2024

Monte Carlo Simulation of NS&I Premium Bonds: Crunching the numbers

In Part 1 of this series, we explored the characteristics of NS&I Premium Bonds and created a function to simulate the results of a single monthly prize draw for a given bond holding. In this article, we will build on that foundation by using this fu…
By Jason Shiers | Aug 31, 2024

Understanding Buffer Overflow Attacks: A Deep Dive

Imagine you're filling a glass with water. Normally, you'd stop pouring when the glass is full. But what if you kept pouring? The water would spill over the edges, creating a mess. In the world of cybersecurity, a similar concept exists—it's called a…
By Akash Reddy Jammula | Aug 31, 2024

My First Week in DevOps: Starting Small, Dreaming Big 🌱🚀

This week marked the beginning of my DevOps journey, and although it wasn’t a massive leap, it was the perfect start. Sometimes the hardest part is simply getting started, and now that I’ve taken that step, I’m more excited than ever to keep going. �…
By Abhishek Narwal | Aug 31, 2024

Starting Python in 2024: A Complete Resource-Packed Guide for Beginners 🐍

If I had access to this roadmap and resources three years ago, my Python journey would have been so much faster. Now, I'm sharing these insights to help you become a Python pro.
What is Python? 🤔
Python is a high-level programming language known for…
By Utkarsh Upadhyay | Aug 28, 2024

Inner working of Python language

Python doesn't convert it's code into machine code, something that hardware can understand. It convert it into something called byte code. So within python compilation happens, but it is not just in machine language. It is into byte code (.pyc or .py…
By Patel Nayan | Aug 31, 2024

GSoC'24 Final Blog Post

I started out GSoC'24 with the aim of making LabPlot a more "Python-friendly" application. The project deliverables were to:

Create Python bindings to LabPlot's C++ backend, and

Enable Python programs to control a running LabPlot application.

By Israel Galadima | Aug 31, 2024

Python String Methods: In-Depth Guide to String Manipulation

What is a string?
A string is a built-in data structure and one of the most frequently used data type in python. Essentially, it is a sequence of characters surrounded by single quotation marks ('hello') or double quotation marks ("hello").
string = …
By Namra Ajmal | Aug 31, 2024

Cheat Sheet to NumPy

This is an continuation of the series Data spell (that covers the topics of AI in the most practical and easy to understand terms)

Numpy – Numerical python is used for working with arrays. It becomes very useful while working with large high dimensi…
By Nikisha | Sep 01, 2024

2022. Convert 1D Array Into 2D Array

class Solution:
def construct2DArray(self, original: List[int], m: int, n: int) -> List[List[int]]:
idealSize = len(original)

if m * n != idealSize:
return []

arr = [[0 for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(m)]

By Tapan Rachchh | Sep 01, 2024

Create a Python Script to Monitor Website Uptime and Send Alerts

In today's digital landscape, website performance is critical for maintaining user engagement and ensuring a smooth experience. Slow or unresponsive websites can lead to decreased user satisfaction and potential revenue loss. To combat this, you can …
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 01, 2024

✍️Day 18: Essential Python Libraries for DevOps

Hey everyone! Today, I delved into some essential Python libraries that every DevOps engineer should know about. These tools make automating tasks and managing systems much more efficient. Here’s a friendly breakdown of what I learned:
1. os and sys…
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 01, 2024

Insert data and chart from Excel into Powerpoint automatically using Python

It is common to run weekly analysis and put figures and charts from this analysis into Powerpoint. I used to have such task once or twice a week as a data analyst. It is repetitive and definitely can use the help of Python to automate this process. T…
By Black Screen Academy | Sep 01, 2024

2022. Convert 1D Array Into 2D Array

You are given a 0-indexed 1-dimensional (1D) integer array original, and two integers, m and n. You are tasked with creating a 2-dimensional (2D) array with m rows and n columns using all the elements from original.
The elements from indices 0 to n -…
By PatientRent8401 | Sep 01, 2024

Django Request Life Cycle Explained

In the world of web development, understanding the request life cycle is crucial for optimizing performance, debugging issues, and building robust applications. In Django, a popular Python web framework, the request life cycle is a well-defined seque…
By Nile Bits | Sep 01, 2024

Week 1 – Python Fundamentals

Hey there, Python enthusiasts! I'm excited to start this 5-week journey of learning Python. In this post, I'll share my experiences and learnings from the first week. Let's dive in!
Setting Up the Environment

Choosing an IDE: I decided to go with …
By Jignesh Sharma | Sep 01, 2024

Automating Dam Data Scraping and Storage with Python and GitHub Actions

In this tutorial, we'll walk through the process of automating the scraping of dam data from the Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) website. We'll use Python for scraping and GitHub Actions for automation. This project allows us to collect daily u…
By Anirudh Dayanand | Sep 01, 2024

Los puntos fuertes de Django: Un Framework potente y versátil

Django es un framework web de alto nivel que se ha convertido en una herramienta esencial para los desarrolladores que buscan construir aplicaciones web de forma rápida, segura y escalable. Desde su creación en 2005, Django ha ganado popularidad debi…
By Jorge Leonardo Cespedes Tapia | Sep 01, 2024

A Minimal ASGI Server

ASGI stands for Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface. It is a successor to Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI). It adds support for async handlers. Both ASGI and WSGI servers act as middleware, a piece of technology that sits in between two other te…
By Tom Huibregtse | Sep 01, 2024

☑️Day 1: Python For DevOps

🔹Table Of content :
✅Input Handling
✅Type Checking
✅Type Casting
✅Getting Started with Python Basics
As a DevOps professional, understanding Python is crucial. Python is known for its simplicity and readability, making it an excell…
By Kedar Pattanshetti | Sep 01, 2024

Clean Energy Prediction using SVM

How Support Vector Machines Can Predict the Timeline of Clean Energy Adoption
Clean energy is more than just a buzzword—it's a critical component of our future. As the world grapples with climate change, the transition to clean energy s…
By Aditya Tomar | Sep 01, 2024

Automated Deployment and Configuration with Ansible for FastAPI Boilerplate

In modern software development, automating deployment and configuration processes is essential for maintaining consistency, reducing human errors, and speeding up delivery times. This project focuses on using Ansible, an Infrastructure a…
By Ayodeji Hamed | Sep 01, 2024

Understanding the Singleton Design Pattern in Python

The Singleton Design Pattern is one of the most commonly used design patterns in software development. It ensures that a class has only one instance throughout the lifecycle of an application and provides a global point of access to that…
By Loga Rajeshwaran Karthikeyan | Sep 01, 2024

Mastering AWS with 7 Key Projects: A Comprehensive Guide

Embarking on a journey through AWS has been both enlightening and challenging. I’ve navigated the complexities of AWS services and Python scripting through some distinct projects. This article highlights each project, the common errors encountered, a…
By Arham Iqbal | Sep 01, 2024

#406 – Matthias

Weeknotes (2024 week 35)

Weeknotes (2024 week 35)
Getting deep into htmx and django-template-partials
I have been skeptical about htmx for some time because basically everything the library does is straightforward to do myself with a few lines of JavaScript. I am a convert n…
By Matthias Kestenholz | Aug 28, 2024

#Python Software Foundation

Ask questions or tell us what you think: Introducing monthly PSF Board Office Hours!

By Marie Nordin | Aug 27, 2024

Python Developers Survey 2023 Results

By Marie Nordin | Aug 29, 2024


Leveraging __slots__ for Better Performance in Python Classes

#programming #tutorial #python #learning
By Konrad | Aug 26, 2024

Intro to the YouTube APIs: searching for videos

#webdev #javascript #python #node
By Wesley Chun (@wescpy) | Aug 26, 2024

ResNet Vs EfficientNet vs VGG Vs NN

#machinelearning #keras #python #deeplearning
By Saaransh Gupta | Aug 26, 2024

The ultimate Guide to Data Engineering.

#webdev #beginners #programming #python
By Philemonkipkirui | Aug 26, 2024

Vector Vision: Transform Your Local Image Search

#ai #python #rag #machinelearning
By Sumantha K A | Aug 26, 2024

Review: Boost Your Django DX by Adam Johnson

#bookreview #django #python
By Velda Kiara | Aug 26, 2024

StockSmart: Revolutionize Your Retail Inventory!

#machinelearning #python #ai #javascript
By Rishi Nalem | Aug 26, 2024

Building Conversational Interfaces: A Guide to AI-Powered Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

#webdev #programming #python #devops
By Stanley Wanjohi | Aug 26, 2024

First fully multi-GPU supporting and very advanced batch image captioner APP with Gradio interface published

#beginners #programming #python #ai
By Furkan Gözükara | Aug 26, 2024

Best Practices for Implementing Exception Handling in Python

By Kyota Nakada | Aug 26, 2024

Working with Sorted Lists in Python: Magic of the `bisect` Module

#python #algorithms #code #codenewbie
By Andrew | Aug 26, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #171: Explica este código Python

#python #spanish #beginners #learning
By Cristian Fernando | Aug 26, 2024

Python Tuples, Sets & Dictionaries || Day #5 of #100daysofMiva

#python #100daysofmiva #100daysofcode
By TD! | Aug 26, 2024

Introduction to Python

#python #beginners
By 文本权 | Aug 26, 2024


#python #security #api #authentication
By Geovany Mendes | Aug 26, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Data Analytics

#dataanalytics #python #sql #datavisualization
By Anne Musau | Aug 26, 2024

Build a Real-time GitHub Stats Dashboard with Python

#python #kafka #streamlit #tutorial
By Merlin | Aug 26, 2024

Understanding the Role of the 'JSON' Library in Python and Its Use in Web Scraping

#json #webscraping #python
By Lewis Kerr | Aug 26, 2024

Sorting Algorithms in Python

#python #algorithms
By TheCSPandz | Aug 26, 2024

A Comprehensive Guide to Continuous Integration Testing

#testing #react #python #ai
By keploy | Aug 26, 2024

The Importance of Timely Office Phone System Repair: Keeping Your Business Connected

#webdev #javascript #programming #python
By FaRaZ HaShMiii | Aug 27, 2024

Unleash Your Python Skills with the 'File Type Counter' Project

#labex #python #programming #course
By Labby | Aug 26, 2024

Handling Automated Jira Tickets for New EventBridge Schema Discoveries

#aws #eventdriven #python #cloud
By Lorenz Vanthillo | Aug 26, 2024

Building a tiny vector store from scratch

#ai #rag #python #tutorial
By Vivek Alhat | Aug 27, 2024

Processing DAGs with async Python and graphlib

#python #asyncio #dag
By Roman | Aug 27, 2024

Why You Should Use AWS Lambda Layers 📦

#serverless #aws #lambda #python
By awedis | Aug 27, 2024

Python and Ruby Development Tools: A Quick Reference

#python #ruby #development #tooling
By Saad S | Aug 27, 2024

Stay Updated with Python/FastAPI/Django: Weekly News Summary (19/08/2024-25/08/2024

#python #django #fastapi #flask
By Poovarasu Sekar | Aug 27, 2024

Huge Daily Developments for FLUX LoRA Training (Now Even Works on 8GB GPU) and More

#programming #python #ai #opensource
By Furkan Gözükara | Aug 27, 2024

Python-A Machine Language

#webdev #python #beginners #learning
By wasifali | Aug 27, 2024

Add multithreading to shutil ?!

#discuss #python #programming
By mengqinyuan | Aug 27, 2024

Variables Part-04

#python #programming #beginners #tutorial
By Monirul Islam | Aug 27, 2024

AWS DMS Table failure due to freeze period in source

#aws #dms #python #boto
By mkarthik18 | Aug 27, 2024

Machine Learning Model Deployment as a Web App using Streamlit

#machinelearning #python #stremlit
By Yosuke Hanaoka | Aug 27, 2024

TipsNOW is LIVE !

#webdev #python #productivity #opensource
By Bhavik Rohit | Aug 27, 2024

Mocking Python Classes

#python #testing #pytest #oop
By Chen Ashkenazi | Aug 27, 2024

Python Trick: Using List Comprehensions with Conditional Logic

By Developer Service | Aug 27, 2024

CSV – Process Local & Remote Files in Python

#python #csv #devtools
By Sm0ke | Aug 27, 2024

New in Python Connectors Release: Microsoft Excel Integration and Updated Subscription Model Support

#python #pythonconnector #database
By Devart | Aug 27, 2024

Monitoring Django WebApps with Prometheus

#monitoring #django #prometheus #devops
By Fife Oluwabunmi | Aug 27, 2024

I built an AI tool to handle my mom's invoices and saved her 20 hours of work! 😲

#python #webdev #beginners #programming
By Sunil Kumar Dash | Aug 27, 2024

Part 2: Building a Todo API with FastAPI: Step-by-Step Guide

#python #fastapi #webdev #tutorial
By James | Aug 27, 2024

Help Needed with Creating a Console Bot Using OpenAI Assistants API

#discuss #help #python #api
By King Triton | Aug 27, 2024

Python – Jira ticket management

#python #programming #productivity
By victor_dalet | Aug 28, 2024

The Clojure Paradox

#aws #clojure #python #programming
By Jorge Tovar | Aug 28, 2024

SurvBot🎥: Automatic Surveillance Tagging using Moondream and Streamlit

#tutorial #python #machinelearning #computervision
By Aryan Kargwal | Aug 28, 2024

Part 3 – Using Claude, Claude-Dev and Aider to Build a Ticketing System

#ai #python #webdev #programming
By Joe Giglio, Chief Remote Officer | Aug 27, 2024

Navigating Django REST URLs Like a Pro: A Fun and Easy Guide for Beginners 🌟

#django #api #100daysofcode #100daysofmiva
By mayowa-kalejaiye | Aug 28, 2024

F-Strings in Python: What They Are and How to Use Them

#python #beginners #programming #tutorial
By Sophia Iroegbu | Aug 27, 2024

How Comparison Optimization Makes Python Sorting Faster

#python #learning #performance #softwareengineering
By Aliaksandr Valshtein | Aug 27, 2024

Automating Python Library Releases Using GitHub Actions and Commitizen

#python #githubactions #cicd
By Antonis Markoulis | Aug 27, 2024

A Different Approach to Sharing Your Professional Profile.

#showdev #github #python #bot
By lemi melkamu | Aug 28, 2024

python program Lists

#python #programmming #pattasalna
By Avinash Mathi | Aug 28, 2024

How to build an event-driven architecture with Fluvio

#webdev #eventdriven #python #pubsub
By Vincent Lee | Aug 28, 2024

Building a Basic Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in Python

#ai #machinelearning #deeplearning #python
By Abhinav Anand | Aug 28, 2024

🧠 Building a Basic Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in Python

#ai #machinelearning #deeplearning #python
By Abhinav Anand | Aug 28, 2024

How to scrape infinite scrolling webpages with Python

#webscraping #webdev #python #tutorial
By Saurav Jain | Aug 28, 2024

Python Trick: The Magic of __slots__

By Developer Service | Aug 28, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #172: Explica este código Python

#python #spanish #learning #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Aug 28, 2024

Not Day One: Where do I start?

#webdev #beginners #programming #python
By Gabriella Guerra | Aug 28, 2024

The Timeline of Artificial Intelligence – From the 1940s to the 2020s

#java #python #ai #machinelearning
By MyExamCloud | Aug 28, 2024

Why Developers Choose FCS API’s Cryptocurrency API for Real-Time Data

#webdev #programming #python #css
By FaRaZ HaShMiii | Aug 28, 2024

Useful automations using Slack, GitHub, Jira, Google tools and more

#python #automation #devops #lowcode
By haimzlato | Aug 28, 2024

9 Captivating Python Programming Tutorials from LabEx 🚀

#labex #python #programming #tutorials
By Labby | Aug 28, 2024

Django is for everyone.

#django #progressiveenhancement #discuss
By Trey Piepmeier | Aug 28, 2024

d[IA]gnosis: Vectorizing Diagnostics with Embedded Python and LLM Models

#angular #ai #python #vectordatabase
By InterSystems Developer | Aug 28, 2024

d[IA]gnosis: developing RAG applications with IRIS for Healt

#angular #ai #python #vectordatabase
By InterSystems Developer | Aug 28, 2024

Text to IRIS SQL with LangChain

#database #python #sql #vectordatabase
By InterSystems Developer | Aug 28, 2024

Building a frontend using only Python

#python #frontend #programming #webdev
By InterSystems Developer | Aug 28, 2024

Master Programming with Expert-Free Courses

#programming #coding #python #opensource
By ourhouchmohamed97 | Aug 28, 2024

Test-Driven Development (TDD): A Disciplined Approach to Software Development

#programming #tutorial #react #python
By keploy | Aug 29, 2024

Django Tailwind

#django #tailwindcss #css
By Will Vincent | Aug 28, 2024

Django UserProfile Model

By Will Vincent | Aug 28, 2024

Using JIT-compilers to make my Python loops slower?

#python #quant
By kanndide | Aug 29, 2024

High or Low Card Game

#beginners #python #learning #github
By Nevin Kadlec | Aug 29, 2024

Shallow Copy vs Deep Copy – ¿Qué son realmente? – Ejemplos con JavaScript y Python

#javascript #python #programacion #programming
By BYXN | Aug 29, 2024

Applied Data Science on data breaches + Bonus

#cybersecurity #datascience #learning #python
By a.infosecflavour | Aug 29, 2024

Python Interview Question – Beginner to Advance

#python #interview #career
By Jasper Rodda | Aug 29, 2024

Getting Started with Django Tutorial

#django #python
By Will Vincent | Aug 29, 2024

Flask vs Django in 2024: A Comprehensive Comparison of Python Web Frameworks

#django #flask #python #web
By Will Vincent | Aug 29, 2024

Como enviar logs para o AWS CloudWatch usando Python

#aws #python
By Fernando Muller Junior | Aug 29, 2024

How to create a fullstack application using Django and Python Part 5

#django #env #python3 #virtualenv
By Maria Campbell | Aug 29, 2024

Pandas Pop() Method | Python Data Analysis

#labex #python #coding #programming
By Labby | Aug 29, 2024

Python Fundamentals || Arrays, Classes & Objects, For & While Loops, Functions, If else, Inheritance, Lambda.

#python #100daysofmiva #100daysofcode
By TD! | Aug 29, 2024

🔥 Fine-Tuning Your Large Language Model (LLM) with Mistral: A Step-by-Step Guide 🚀

#ai #gpt3 #python #llm
By Abhinav Anand | Aug 29, 2024

10 Key Features Of Python You Need To Know In 2024

#django #python
By Haniska Roy | Aug 29, 2024

Data Types Part-05

#python #beginners #programming #tutorial
By Monirul Islam | Aug 29, 2024

System Dashboard to monitor your server health

#python #webdev
By Deepak Raj | Aug 29, 2024

Which country has the most content on Wikipedia?

#python #datascience
By Julien Verneaut | Aug 29, 2024

Is It Safe to Do Online Banking on an Unsecured Network?

#python #hackathon #webdev
By John Ethan | Aug 29, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Data Analytics

#python #datascience #analytics #machinelearning
By Victor Alando | Aug 29, 2024

Python Trick: The else Clause on Loops

By Developer Service | Aug 29, 2024

AI Apps for Your Startup

#webdev #beginners #python #discuss
By quick technologies | Aug 29, 2024

Computer Vision: An Introduction

#computervision #ai #deeplearning #python
By Leela Sai Krishna Arja | Aug 29, 2024

How to Deploy Django on a Budget with Hetzner and Dokku

#python #dokku
By Developer Service | Aug 29, 2024

Navigating the Data Analytics Job Market in 2024

#career #datascience #dataanalytics #python
By Pangaea X | Aug 29, 2024

How to Record Audio in Python: Automatically Detect Speech and Silence

#python #code #learning #ai
By Abhinav Anand | Aug 29, 2024

How do I forward HTTP requests through a SOCKS5 proxy?

#socks5 #proxy #python #http
By Lewis Kerr | Aug 29, 2024

API Versioning at Monite

#webdev #python #programming #opensource
By Stanislav Zmiev | Aug 29, 2024

Building a calculator using Flet with python

#beginners #python #mobile #flutter
By Arsey Kun | Aug 29, 2024

13 open-source tools that will make you 99% more likely to land any AI job 🪄✨

#javascript #python #ai #opensource
By Sunil Kumar Dash | Aug 29, 2024

Amazon parsing on easy level and all by yourself

#python #captcha #amazon #script
By Markus | Aug 29, 2024

LLMware.ai 🤖: A revolutionary Python platform that will accelerate your enterprise

#python #llm #rag #slm
By Rohan Sharma | Aug 29, 2024

The Journey Continues…(GMTK)

#python #gamedev #pygame #coding
By Muhammad Faseeh | Aug 29, 2024

Basic of python

#python #programming #pattasalno
By Avinash Mathi | Aug 29, 2024

5 Python bugs that every developer is still facing in 2024 (and how to fix them)

#python #testing #programming #tutorial
By Rupesh Sharma | Aug 29, 2024

Elevate Your Python Mastery with the Advanced Python Mastery Course

#labex #linux #python #programming
By Labby | Aug 29, 2024

Free Project: Use ChatGPT to Plot with Python and Matplotlib

#python #matplotlib #ai #machinelearning
By Cognitive Class | Aug 30, 2024

Face detection in movie trailers

#python #moviepy #clustering #facerecognition
By Antonio Feregrino | Aug 30, 2024

My Honest Review of Harvard’s CS50x: Tips, Guidelines & Free Certificate

#programming #cs50 #python #c
By Shihab Haque | Aug 30, 2024

🚀 Introducing SpotAPI: A Python Library for Effortless Spotify Integration 🚀

#opensource #python #spotify #api
By Aran Services | Aug 30, 2024

How to Build a Line Graph in Matplotlib | Python Data Visualization Tutorial 📊

#python #data #ai #machinelearning
By Dubeyrock | Aug 30, 2024

Cloud & DevOps FAQs 2024

#javascript #beginners #python #react
By Baaraku | Aug 30, 2024

How to Build a Simple Chatbot in Python Using OpenAI [Step-by-Step Guide]

#ai #python #programming #learning
By Abhinav Anand | Aug 30, 2024

Introducing Intelliscore: Extension for Predicting Football Match Outcomes

#showdev #python #webdev #extensions
By Stokry | Aug 30, 2024

Tutorial: Integrate Passkeys into Django (Python)

#python #django #passkeys #tutorial
By vdelitz | Aug 30, 2024

Python Trick: Using dataclasses with field(default_factory=…)

By Developer Service | Aug 30, 2024

Wasp: The JavaScript Answer to Django for Web Development

#django #fullstack #javascript #python
By samuel jakshtis | Aug 30, 2024

Selenium Architecture

#automation #selenium #python
By Selvakumar S | Aug 30, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #173: Explica este código Python

#python #spanish #learning #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Aug 30, 2024

Zoo roulette Game

#codepen #javascript #react #python
By babar ali | Aug 30, 2024

Python Made Simple: Beginner to Advanced | Blog

#python #course #programming #beginners
By Dipsan Kadariya | Aug 30, 2024

This Week In Python

#python #thisweekinpython
By Bas Steins | Aug 30, 2024

Supabase Python

#webdev #python #database #opensource
By Yuri | Aug 30, 2024

Django : Replace an existing Model’s ID with a new AutoField ID

#tutorial #webdev #django #programming
By Haitam ELKADIRI | Aug 30, 2024

Django SafeString

By DoriDoro | Aug 30, 2024

Running a Cron Job in Django Using Celery and Docker

#django #docker #python
By Adeniyi Olanrewaju | Aug 30, 2024

Fullstack Development: Learning Python as JavaScript Developers

#frontend #fullstack #python #javascript
By Ulad Ramanovich | Aug 30, 2024

Room Reservations for Last-Minute Meetings in Slack, Python Automation

#python #opensource #automation #lowcode
By haimzlato | Aug 31, 2024

Supercharge Your Python Projects with Pydemy: Unleash the Power of the Udemy Affiliate API

#python #api #udemy #opensource
By Robel Asefa | Aug 30, 2024

[Open Source] 🚀 TRACE: Toolkit for Retrieval and Analysis of Cyber Evidence 🚀

#opensource #beginners #python #cybersecurity
By RG | Aug 30, 2024

Hello dev.to! 🚀 My Journey as a Web Developer

#webdev #website #python #beginners
By Serhii Kolodych | Aug 30, 2024

Synchronous and Asynchronous Programming in Python: Key Concepts and Applications

#python #fastapi #streamlit #websockets
By keshavadk | Aug 30, 2024

A beginners' guide to Software testing

#python #beginners #learning #testing
By Gayathri L | Aug 30, 2024

Building a Smart Network Optimization Tool: From Speed Testing to AI-Driven Optimization 🚀

#100daysofmiva #python #speedtest #webdev
By mayowa-kalejaiye | Aug 30, 2024

How to Create a Personalized Learning Platform with Adaptive Algorithms Using Python

#coding #python #datascience #algorithms
By Byte Supreme | Aug 30, 2024

The Use of The ** Operator With Python and FastAPI Pydantic Classes

#python #fastapi #softwaredevelopment #webdev
By Stephen Odogwu | Aug 31, 2024

How to Integrate Passkeys in Python (FastAPI)

#python #fastapi #cybersecurity #passkeys
By vdelitz | Aug 31, 2024

Type Casting Par-06

#programming #tutorial #python #beginners
By Monirul Islam | Aug 31, 2024

Buy GitHub Accounts

#python #ai #devops #productivity
By Michael Riney | Aug 31, 2024

"The Ultimate Guide to Data Science."

#beginners #python #career #datascience
By Berlyn | Aug 31, 2024

How to Publish an Article to Medium Using Python and the Medium API

#python #tutorial #api #productivity
By Luca Liu | Aug 31, 2024

Creating a Dashboard with Streamlit

#streamlit #webdev #python #challenge
By César Fabián CHÁVEZ LINARES | Aug 31, 2024

Levenshtein Distance

#algorithms #lark #python
By William Lewis | Aug 30, 2024

How to Check the Python Version While Working with Python

#python #machinelearning #django #programmers
By SAI RAM | Sep 01, 2024

[leitura-compartilhada] Livro Aprenda Python Básico – Rápido e Fácil de Entender

#python #community
By Railane Passos | Sep 01, 2024

System Guard: A simple tool to guard your server

#programming #python #webdev #beginners
By Deepak Raj | Sep 01, 2024

Kafka Demystified: A Developer's Guide to Efficient Data Streaming

#kafka #eventdriven #python #pubsub
By Akshat Gautam | Sep 01, 2024

The lucky sort

#perl #python #theweeklychallenge
By Simon Green | Sep 01, 2024

Pytest and PostgreSQL: Fresh database for every test (part II)

#python #pytest #postgres #testing
By Libor Jelinek | Sep 01, 2024

Docker Python Django initial configuration setup

#docker #django #python #javascript
By Pranav Bakare | Sep 01, 2024

Week 2: Building Interactive Games

#python #dotnet #miniprojects #interactivegames
By igbojionu | Sep 01, 2024

Week 2: Building Interactive Games

#python #dotnet #miniprojects #interactivegames
By igbojionu | Sep 01, 2024

Week 2: Building Interactive Games

#python #dotnet #miniprojects #interactivegames
By igbojionu | Sep 01, 2024

Week 2: Building Interactive Games

#python #dotnet #miniprojects #interactivegames
By igbojionu | Sep 01, 2024

First post and AMA

#api #devtool #python #fastapi
By Francesco Romeo | Sep 01, 2024

Django Request Life Cycle Explained

#django #python #webdev #programming
By Amr Saafan | Sep 01, 2024

introducing the LivinGrimoire AGI software design pattern

#ai #python #waifubot #designpatterns
By owly | Sep 01, 2024

How a history-aware retriever works?

#python #ai #chatgpt #rag
By Guilherme Pereira Alves | Sep 01, 2024

Website Time dataset

#python #kaggle #datascience
By victor_dalet | Sep 01, 2024

SpeakSign Program Demonstration | Rishi Nalem

#ai #programming #python #javascript
By Rishi Nalem | Sep 01, 2024

#Site Point

How to Deploy Flask Applications on Vultr

#Programming #Python
By Vultr | Aug 27, 2024