#Real Python

How to Use Conditional Expressions With NumPy where()

This tutorial teaches you how to use the where() function to select elements from your NumPy arrays based on a condition. You'll learn how to perform various operations on those elements and even replace them with elements from a separate array or arrays.
#intermediate #data-science #numpy
By | Sep 02, 2024

Generate Images With DALL·E and the OpenAI API

Learn to use the OpenAI Python library to create images with DALL·E, a state-of-the-art latent diffusion model. In this tutorial, you'll explore creating images and generating image variations. You'll also interact with DALL·E using API calls and incorporate this functionality into your Python scripts.
#intermediate #api #data-science
By | Sep 02, 2024

Lists vs Tuples in Python

In this tutorial, you'll learn the key characteristics of lists and tuples in Python, as well as how to define and manipulate them. When you're finished, you'll have a good feel for when and how to use these data types in a Python program.
#basics #python
By | Sep 04, 2024

Python News Roundup: September 2024

In September 2024, Python 3.12.5 was released, improving stability and security. Python ranked first again in IEEE Spectrum's 2024 language rankings. The Python Developers Survey 2023 unveiled key trends, and PEP 750 suggested tag strings for Python 3.14. EuroSciPy 2024 also concluded in Poland.
By | Sep 06, 2024

#Django Project – Weblog

Django security releases issued: 5.1.1, 5.0.9, and 4.2.16

By Natalia Bidart | Sep 03, 2024

Djangonaut Space – New session 2024

By Sarah Abderemane | Sep 06, 2024

#Python Insider

Python 3.13.0RC2, 3.12.6, 3.11.10, 3.10.15, 3.9.20, and 3.8.20 are now available!

By Łukasz Langa | Sep 07, 2024


Issue #645 – Astronomy, Language Summit, Built-ins, and More

By | Sep 03, 2024

#Python Library

ANN: JupyterLab 101 Kickstarter

My latest Python book is now available for pre-order on Kickstarter. JupyterLab, the latest iteration of the Jupyter Notebook, is a versatile tool for sharing code in an easily understandable format. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Jupyter Notebooks or variations of the Notebook architecture for any or all of the following: […]
#Books #Python
By Mike | Sep 03, 2024

#Adam Johnson – Blogs

Git: avoid

When I started learning Git, I found many references covering two ways to undo commits with git reset:
By Adam Johnson | Sep 02, 2024

Git: generate statistics with

git shortlog generate statistics about the commits in a repository, intended to help generate project release notes. By default, it groups commits by author, but it can use other fields too. Use it for a more powerful dissection of a repository than tools like GitHub’s Insights tab.
By Adam Johnson | Sep 03, 2024

Django: build a Microsoft Teams bot

Recently, I built a Microsoft Teams bot for a client, inside their Django project. It wasn’t fun or easy, but the experience did increase my resiliency as a developer. I also went into this forewarned by my wife, a product manager also known as “the integration queen”, who has experienced the difficulties of the Teams API first-hand.
By Adam Johnson | Sep 04, 2024

Django: a pattern for settings-configured API clients

Here’s an example of a common pattern in Django projects:
By Adam Johnson | Sep 05, 2024


Snowflake: …the 20 statements limit.

The Problem
Snowflake looks and acts like a typical RDBMS. This unfortunately leads many developers (including yours truly) to make bad choices in the name of expediency. Snowflake has always been clear that you shouldn't use it for OLTP applications…
By Nathan Rawling | Sep 02, 2024

How to Implement a Basic Neural Network from Scratch Using Python

Neural networks are the backbone of deep learning and have revolutionized fields such as computer vision, natural language processing, and more. While powerful libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch make it easy to build complex models, understanding …
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 02, 2024

Introduction to SQL Server

SQL Server, a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft, is a powerful tool for storing, managing, and retrieving data. It uses SQL (Structured Query Language) to interact with the database, enabling users to perform a wide…
By Rohit | Sep 02, 2024

[2024] How to Save PowerPoint as PDF and Vice Versa | Python

When sharing, and printing documents, it is commonly required to convert PowerPoint to PDF. PDF allows documents to contain a consistent format and layout across different platforms and devices. But if you are preparing a presentation, then what you …
By Casie Liu | Sep 02, 2024

🐋Day 19: Docker Guide for DevOps Engineers

✅Table of Content
🐋What is Docker?
🐬Docker Architecture
🐋Advantages of Docker
🦭Disadvantages of Docker
🐟Docker Components
🐳Docker Commands

🐋What is Docker?

Docker is an open-source platform that automates the deployment of appl…
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 02, 2024

Find the Student that Will Replace the Chalk – Leet Code 1894 – Python – in three simple steps

Hey everyone, Today we will solve Find the Student that Will Replace the Chalk – Leet Code 1894 in three simple steps.

Calculate the total chalk needed for one full round

Reduce k modulo total_chalk

Iterate through the array to find the first st…
By Shojib | Sep 02, 2024

Learning Python

I'm thrilled to announce that I'm starting my journey to learn Python! 🐍🎉
Python is a versatile and powerful programming language, and I'm eager to dive in, explore its vast possibilities, and share my learning experiences with you all. Whether you…
By Vivek Agarwal | Sep 02, 2024

Python for Financial Data Analysis Using Custom Indicators and Algorithms

Financial data analysis is a critical component of making informed investment decisions. With Python, a powerful and versatile programming language, you can build your own financial indicators and algorithms to analyze market data and predict future …
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 02, 2024

Techniques for Faster API Calls for DynamoDB in Python

With databases, how fast data operations work is important to overall performance — a point which matters even more when using cloud-based database technologies like Amazon DynamoDB. In this blog, we are going to go over different concur…
By Aditya Dubey | Sep 02, 2024

Introduction to Python 🙂

Python, created by Guido van Rossum, was first released in 1991. It was designed to prioritize code readability and simplicity, making it highly productive for developers. The name "Python" was inspired by the BBC television show "Monty Pytho…
By Madhav Ganesan | Sep 02, 2024

How to Build a GUI Calculator with PyQt and Python?

Since Python is one of the most popular languages these days, and since more complex projects include file operations, it will be good to know how we can simulate a text file in python. This guide explores how Python, with its libraries like Fale Pro…
By Susovan Mishra | Sep 02, 2024

How to Download HTML and Assets from a URL with Python

When working with web scraping or offline website analysis, you might need to download not only the HTML content of a page but also its associated assets like CSS files, JavaScript, images, and fonts. Python provides a powerful suite of libraries to …
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 02, 2024

Mapping Green Spaces in Lagos, Nigeria


Background and Motivation

Objective of the Study


Data Sources

Satellite Imagery (e.g., Landsat, Sentinel-2)

City Boundary Data

Tools and Libraries Used

Google Earth Engine


Image Preprocessing

Cloud Mas…
By Hafsah Anibaba | Sep 02, 2024

How to Automate Desktop Notifications for Important Events Using Python

Do you often miss important events or reminders? Automating desktop notifications can be a great way to stay organized and ensure you never miss an important moment again. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of creating a Python scrip…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 02, 2024

Summer project: ML, Distributed Crawler, and Text Categorization API, part 1

The Problem
I manage a website with over 100,000 pages of text content. Categorizing these pages would improve linking, browsing, and SEO. However, the sheer volume of work required, combined with the need for specific domain expertise, makes manual …
By Michael Krutikov | Sep 02, 2024

🐋Day 20 in Docker Training for DevOps Engineers: Part 02

🐋Table of content


What is an image?


Writing a Dockerfile:

Understanding the Dockerfile:


Pushing Image to Docker Hub

Hello, DevOps learners! Today, we’re going to learn about Docker, a too…
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 02, 2024

Exploring Python's itertools Module: A Comprehensive Guide

Python's itertools module is a hidden gem in the standard library, offering a collection of fast, memory-efficient tools that handle iterators. These functions are designed to operate on iterators, making them highly useful for handling …
By Loga Rajeshwaran Karthikeyan | Sep 02, 2024

☑️Day 2: Python For DevOps

Welcome back to my Python for DevOps journey! 🚀
Today, I’m excited to share some essential Python concepts that are key for any aspiring DevOps engineer. We'll explore data structures like lists to handle dynamic data, learn how to use dictionaries …
By Kedar Pattanshetti | Sep 02, 2024

Create a Python Bot for Automating Online Transactions

Automating online transactions can be incredibly useful for a variety of purposes, such as managing financial operations, making recurring purchases, or automating trading on financial markets. In this blog post, we will guide you through creating a …
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 03, 2024

Master Python : Day 7

Here are examples of each of the string methods in Python:
1. capitalize()
Converts the first character to upper case
s = "hello world"
print(s.capitalize()) # Output: "Hello world"

2. casefold()
Converts string into lower case
By Yogesh Rajput | Sep 03, 2024

Dive into the Fun World of Crossword with Python

Crossword puzzles are a timeless way to challenge the mind and have fun at the same time. Whether you're on a break, commuting, or just looking for something engaging, crosswords can be your go-to game. But what if you could create your own simple cr…
By Rohan Halder | Sep 03, 2024

Mastering Python : Day 7

Here are examples of each of the string methods in Python:
1. capitalize()
Converts the first character to upper case
s = "hello world"
print(s.capitalize()) # Output: "Hello world"

2. casefold()
Converts string into lower case
By Yogesh Rajput | Sep 03, 2024

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) / Descriptive Statistics

EDA is the initial step in data analysis, where we summarize and visualize the main characteristics of a dataset. Descriptive statistics, like mean, median, mode, variance, and standard deviation, help us understand the central tendencies and spread …
By Vinay Borkar | Sep 03, 2024

Day 14 of 90 Days of DevOps Challenge: Diving into Python Data Types and Data Structures

Hello Everyone! 🌟
As we continue our journey into Python, it’s time to explore some core concepts that are essential for programming and DevOps tasks—Data Types and Data Structures. Understanding these will not only improve our coding skills but als…
By Tushar | Sep 03, 2024

Creating a Python Bot for Auto-Completing CAPTCHA Challenges

CAPTCHAs (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) are a common security measure used on websites to prevent bots from performing automated tasks. However, in some cases, you might want to build a Python bot capable…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 03, 2024

Cheat Sheet to Pandas

This article is part of the Data Spell series (check out more about it here ). If you're new to Python, I recommend starting with Dive into Python, and for a primer on NumPy, check out this article.

If you've ever tired into machine learning or data…
By Nikisha | Sep 03, 2024

Introduction to Programming

Types of Languages

Procedural Language: completes a task using a well-structured manner/steps.
Examples: Java, Python, C++, C, etc.

Functional Language: which uses pure functionals only i.e. never modify the variables, but create the new ones as a…
By Vibhanshu Singh | Sep 03, 2024

GraphRAG: A New Era in Retrieval-Augmented Generation

In the rapidly evolving field of AI and machine learning, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) has emerged as a significant innovation, enhancing the capabilities of large language models (LLMs). However, as we venture deeper into the complexities of…
By Ritesh Kokam | Sep 03, 2024

How to Write a Python Code for Effective System Monitoring

Here is an example of a Python script that checks system performance, including CPU, memory, disk, and network activity. This script uses the psutil library, which works on different platforms to access system details and processes.
System Monitoring…
By LingarajTechhub All About Programming | Sep 03, 2024

Weekly Revision and Django Concepts: Challenges and Learnings

Hello everyone!
This week has been all about revision and deepening my understanding of Django concepts. I’ve been revisiting some key topics and focusing on the intricacies of Django that I’ve been learning over the past few weeks. Here’s a summary …
By AbuBakar khan lakhwera | Sep 03, 2024

Mastering Python's functools Module: A Detailed Guide

Python’s functools module is a standard library that provides higher-order functions to enhance and optimize your code. These functions allow you to manipulate or extend the behavior of other functions and callable objects. By mastering the functools…
By Loga Rajeshwaran Karthikeyan | Sep 03, 2024

Unlock the Web’s Hidden Gems: A Friendly Guide to Web Scraping with Python

Hey there, fellow explorer of the digital realm! 🌍✨Ever feel like the internet is one big treasure chest, overflowing with valuable data just waiting to be discovered? Well, today, I’m excited to introduce you to a tool that will turn you into a dig…
By Huzaifa Saran | Sep 03, 2024

1945. Sum of Digits of String After Convert

class Solution:
def getLucky(self, s: str, k: int) -> int:
EXTRA = 96
letters = []

def convert(val):
nonlocal letters
letters = []
strVal = str(val)
for c in str…
By Tapan Rachchh | Sep 03, 2024

Creating Custom JSON Outputs from AI Responses with LangChain

In the world of AI-driven applications, obtaining structured output from language models is crucial for seamless integration with other systems. This blog post will dive into how to use LangChain to get custom structured JSON output, focusing on retr…
By Jonas Gebhardt | Sep 03, 2024

Enhancing Productivity With Code

Every day we are faced with different tasks it could be sorting through a cluttered inbox, responding to a high volume of messages, keeping up with multiple threads and follow-ups, juggling numerous deadlines and appointments, keeping track of meetin…
By Oladimeji Alabi Taofeek | Sep 03, 2024

Day 14 of 90 Days of DevOps Challenge: Diving into Python Data Types and Data Structures

Hello Everyone! 🌟
As we continue our journey into Python, it’s time to explore some core concepts that are essential for programming and DevOps tasks—Data Types and Data Structures. Understanding these will not only improve our coding skills but als…
By Tushar Pant | Sep 03, 2024

nginx – gunicorn – django

Django는 runserver 명령어로 로컬에서 서버를 실행할 수 있지만, 이는 개발환경에서만 사용
Django는 자체적으로 웹서버 역할을 하지 않기 때문에, 배포할 때는 Gunicorn 같은웹 애플리케이션 서버가 필요하다.
Gunicorn은 Django 애플리케이션을 실행하는 서버
사용자가 웹 사이트에 요청을 보내면 Gunicorn은 이를 받아 Django와 소통하여 요청을 처리
Gunicorn은 Django와 …
By Dayeon | Sep 03, 2024

Django and JWT: How to Set Up a Secure Authentication System

Hello World! 💻
I’m thrilled to have you here as we embark on an exciting journey into the world of web development with Django. In this post, we’ll be diving into a crucial topic that many developers encounter: implementing JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for…
By Renan | Sep 03, 2024

Python Basics and Git Integration: Key Learnings

To install Python on Amazon Linux, you can use the following commands based on the version of Amazon Linux you are using.
For Amazon Linux 2:

Update the Package List:

sudo yum update -y

2. Install Python 3:
sudo yum install python3 -y

Verify the…
By Muzammil Jan | Sep 03, 2024

Exploring Bias in AI: A Deep Dive into BiasGPT

A Journey Back into Blogging
It’s been a while since I last penned a blog, but I’m thrilled to dive back into it with something truly exciting and relevant. The world of AI has always been a passion of mine, and over the past few months, I’ve been de…
By Vaishnavi Kulkarni | Sep 03, 2024

Stay Updated with Python/FastAPI/Django: Weekly News Summary (26/08/2024-01/09/2024

Intro: Check out this insightful summary of Python/FastAPI/Django Weekly News for August 26th to September 01st, 2024. Stay updated with the latest developments, releases, and community updates in the Nil ecosystem.
Key Points:

🐍 Python Installatio…
By Poovarasu Sekar | Sep 04, 2024

How I created the JigsawStack Optimizer tool


JigsawStack is a unified API platform that simplifies API management for developers. It provides a single interface to interact with multiple APIs, reducing the complexity of integrating various services into your projects. With JigsawStack, y…
By Bea Pimentel | Sep 04, 2024

Other Visualization Tools: Streamlit

In the realm of data visualization, Streamlit has emerged as a powerful and user-friendly tool for creating interactive web applications. Designed to facilitate rapid prototyping and deployment of data-centric applications, Streamlit sim…

🐳🚀Day 21: Lets Dive in Docker with Real-World Project

Hello everyone!🌟Today, I dived deep into Docker and successfully deployed a two-tier Python Flask application! Certainly! Here’s a simplified guide on how to create a BMI Calculator Flask app and deploy it using Docker.
1. Project Structure
Create t…
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 04, 2024

Build a Movie Recommendation System Using Python and Machine Learning

In the age of streaming services and vast movie libraries, finding a movie that suits your tastes can be overwhelming. A personalized movie recommendation system can help users discover films they are likely to enjoy based on their preferences and pa…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 04, 2024

Data Cleaning in Pandas: Handling Missing Categorical Data

Data cleaning is one of the most crucial aspects of the Machine learning lifecycle. It involves fixing erroneous, corrupted, duplicate, or incomplete data. It has been said that data scientists spend about 50%- 70% of their total project…
By Ojo Timilehin | Sep 04, 2024

Data Analytics with Python for Non-Programmers: A Gentle Introduction

In today’s data-driven world, Python has emerged as a powerful tool for data analytics. However, many non-programmers find it challenging to get started with Python due to its programming nature. This article aims to provide a gentle int…
By Shivanshi Singh | Sep 04, 2024

Day 15 of 90 Days of DevOps Challenge: Mastering JSON and YAML Parsing with Python

As DevOps engineers, we often encounter different file formats—whether it’s configurations, data exchange, or logging. JSON and YAML are two of the most common formats that we deal with daily. Understanding how to efficiently handle these formats in …
By Tushar Pant | Sep 04, 2024

Overcoming the Learning Plateau in Data Science

Hey everyone,
I wanted to take a moment to share where I am in my data science journey because, honestly, it's been a bit of a rough patch. I haven't been updating my progress on the dashboard lately, and there's a reason for that.
You see, I've hit …
By Ibitomi Theophilus | Sep 04, 2024

Why I Ditched Python Flask for Django: The Web Framework Showdown

When you’re getting started with Python web development, you’re likely to come across Django and Python Flask as two of the top choices. Both frameworks have their merits, but in my experience, Django often ends up being the better option.
My Early D…
By Young B Wayne | Sep 04, 2024

How to Create a Basic API with Python

You are starting to get into Python and you want to start tinkering with web apps, but you don’t know where to start. Or maybe you are trying to remember how to create and deploy an API using Python. This guide will show you how to create an API with…
By Joshua Akan-Etuk | Sep 04, 2024

Introduction to Python: Starting From Scratch

What is Python?
Python is a dynamic language used for developing, scripting, testing, and programming. It is a general-purpose high-level language designed by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and developed by the Python Software Foundation.It is easy to use,…
By Harsh Panwar | Sep 04, 2024

Exploring Python's Built-in enumerate() Function: An Underappreciated Gem

Python is known for its simplicity and readability, and part of that comes from its rich set of built-in functions. While many Python developers are familiar with functions like map(), filter(), or zip(), there’s one that often flies under the radar:…
By Shrey Dikshant | Sep 04, 2024

I thought I knew all about Python Generators

Python generators are like magic tricks for handling data. They help you work with large amounts of information without using up all your memory.
If you think you know everything about them, think again! I recently found a cool new way to use generat…
By Arjun Singh | Sep 04, 2024

3. RAG – Document Splitting: A Simplified Guide

This is the third article of the series Implementing RAG systems from Scratch in-depth . In the document ingestion pipeline, after the first step of loading the document, the next crucial step is splitting the data. But why is splitting necessary?

By Muhammad Fahad Bashir | Sep 04, 2024

Python's Hidden Gems: Exploring the
collections Module

Python's collections module is a treasure trove of specialized container data types that go beyond the standard list, dict, and tuple. These high-performance data structures are designed to handle specific tasks more efficiently, making your code cle…
By Loga Rajeshwaran Karthikeyan | Sep 04, 2024

☑️Day 3: Python For DevOps

Hello Python Enthusiasts,
Welcome to Day 3 of your Python for DevOps journey! Today, we took significant steps forward by diving into Python functions and applying them in a practical mini-project: automating file backups. Let’s recap what we’ve lear…
By Kedar Pattanshetti | Sep 04, 2024

I moved over to Substack

Hello everyone. This is a quick announcement post to let you know that I moved all my articles to Substack.
I present to you the new home of my writing, Algorithmically Speaking. Yes, I kept the same title, but the content is slightly different — or …
By Alberto Gonzalez | Sep 04, 2024

Shorten pytest's test names

I noticed that the unittest pipeline was failing. I opened up the logs and saw a wall of text that took about 20 pages to scroll through to see what was failing. It turned out to be an Assert failure where the input wasn't raising an exception.
The p…
By Danny Crasto | Sep 05, 2024

CH02 – PageObjects, Fixtures, Pytest

Chapter 02 – how to use Page Object Models, Fixtures, pyTest mark, Environment Variables, pytest.ini and conftest
Previously, we set up the testing framework using Playwright and Pytho…
By Kunaal Thanik | Sep 05, 2024

Crew AI: The Future of AI Collaboration

In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence, the concept of collaboration is gaining traction. Crew AI emerges as a revolutionary platform that empowers AI agents to work together seamlessly, much like a well-coordinated te…
By Venkata Vinay Vijjapu | Sep 05, 2024

Analyzing Numerical Sequences with Python: A Flask Application

Understanding numerical sequences is essential in fields like mathematics, data science, and machine learning. Sequences help identify patterns, predict future data points, and uncover relationships between datasets. In this blog post, I'll guide you…
By FavourMogbonjubola | Sep 05, 2024

🛥️Day 22 Task: Advanced Docker for DevOps Engineers

🔨Table of Content
🐋What is Docker Compose?
🐋What is YAML?
🐋Docker commands for DevOps engineer
✨Task 1
✨Task 2

🐋 What is Docker Compose?

Docker Compose is a handy tool that helps you run multiple containers for your appli…
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 05, 2024

How to Build a Python Bot for Automated Customer Service Using NLP

Automating customer service is a key trend, and building a Python bot to handle customer queries using Natural Language Processing (NLP) can save time and resources. In this guide, we'll walk through the steps to develop a Python bot that can process…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 05, 2024

Python for Beginners| Documentation

Python Course Code Examples
This is a Documentation of the python code i used and created , for learning python. Its easy to understand and Learn.Feel free to learn from here. For more advanced concepts, please refer to the github repo at https://git…
By Dipsan Kadariya | Sep 05, 2024

Cover All Python Fundamentals with these 7 projects | From Quizzes to Password Manager.

Making projects is the best way to take what you learn and put it into action. While these projects may seem simple and easy, they play a crucial role in building a strong foundation in Python programming. I've created these projects to cover most of…
By Dipsan Kadariya | Sep 05, 2024

Decoding json with Python

Python's json module is an essential tool for working with JSON data, which is a widely-used format for exchanging data on the web. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight, text-based format that is easy for humans to read and…
By Loga Rajeshwaran Karthikeyan | Sep 05, 2024

"venv"- Python Virtual Environment

It will be a straightforward guide:

A virtual environment is a Python environment such that the Python interpreter, libraries and scripts installed into it are isolated from those installed in other virtual environments, and (by default) any librari…
By Gaurab Wagle | Sep 06, 2024

🧠 MongoDB Aggregation Framework: Unlocking the Power of Data Transformation 🔥

💡 Introduction to the Aggregation Framework
If you're familiar with MongoDB, you know it's not just about storing data. It's about making that data work for you! The Aggregation Framework is one of the most powerful tools in MongoDB's arsenal. It al…
By Aditya Dhaygude | Sep 06, 2024

[Python] How to Add or Remove Background from PowerPoint Slide Master

When preparing for a professional presentation, it is essential to adjust the background of the PowerPoint to make slides attractive and aesthetic. The slide master, which controls the overall layout and design of all slides in a presentation, allows…
By Casie Liu | Sep 06, 2024

How to Predict Stock Market Trends with Python and Machine Learning

Stock market trend prediction is a significant challenge for both investors and data scientists due to the market's volatility and complexity. However, with the advent of machine learning (ML), it has become possible to develop predictive models that…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 06, 2024

Web Data Scraping with Python: A Complete Guide

The internet is a vast ocean of information; sometimes you need a special tool to fish out the specific data you need. Web scraping with Python equips you with that very tool, empowering you to extract valuable information from websites and unlock it…
By Arbisoft | Sep 06, 2024

Test Blog

By Prasanna Hegde | Sep 06, 2024

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up API Gateway with AWS Lambda Using Python FastAPI

When setting up API Gateway with AWS Lambda and FastAPI, understanding how to properly configure API Gateway is crucial. This section will give you a more detailed breakdown of setting up API Gateway, including how to map requests and responses betwe…
By Adeniyi Adedotun (nisun-dot) | Sep 06, 2024

How to Automate Social Media Content Creation Using Python and Deep Learning

In the fast-paced world of social media, generating engaging content consistently can be challenging for individuals and businesses. Automation can help streamline content creation and allow you to stay ahead of the curve. By leveraging Python and de…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 06, 2024

EventSource: Native Browser Streaming API

Ever found yourself wrestling with a slow backend task, leaving users staring at a blank screen and wondering if your app has frozen? The HTML <progress> element – a perfect visual solution. But how to feed it real-time data without complex protocols…
By Wolfram Kriesing | Sep 06, 2024

Can LLMs Rewrite Python Code in C++ for Faster Network Analysis?

I’ve been thinking about something lately: Can Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 help developers rewrite Python code into a faster language like C++ to boost performance? I work on writing small scripts to help with my security tasks, so I know…
By Bour Abdelhadi | Sep 06, 2024

Network Traffic Monitor Documentation

Network Traffic Monitor: My Journey in Real-Time Traffic Monitoring
Introduction: The Problem
As a cybersecurity enthusiast and network administrator, I often found myself wondering what was happening on my network in real-time. I wanted to see which…
By Aaditya Goenka | Sep 06, 2024

Some of the important Matplotlib functions to know

Matplotlib is a popular Python library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations. Below are some important matplotlib functions commonly used for plotting:
1. Basic Plotting Functions

plt.plot(): Creates a line plot.

By priyanshu shrivastava | Sep 06, 2024

How to Create Images from Text Using Stable Diffusion and Python

The ability to generate high-quality images from text descriptions has become a fascinating application of AI, especially with the advent of powerful models like Stable Diffusion. In this blog, we will explore how to create images from text using Sta…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 06, 2024

Fun with Symbolic Computation

Skip the algorithms: just define the problem and let Solvers do the rest !
"Algorithm": the word has its origins from the 9th century writings of Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi a Persian mathematician at the Baghdad House of Wisdom, The original text…
By carl ek | Sep 06, 2024

Python Code Snippets

# Creating a list
my_list = []
my_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

# List of different data types
mixed_list = [1, "hello", 3.14, True]

# Accessing elements
print(my_list[0]) # Output: 1
print(my_list[-1]) # Output: 5

# Append to the e…
By Madhav Ganesan | Sep 06, 2024

Golang for Python developers

Python is one of my favorite languages. I use it for machine learning and some web development, usually, Python is more than sufficient for most tasks, however, when it comes to high-performance use cases such as building a complex ETL (Extract, Tran…
By Kevin Naidoo | Sep 06, 2024

Why OpenAI Moved from Next.js to Remix: A Detailed Analysis

In the fast-paced world of web development, the choice of frameworks plays a pivotal role in determining performance, scalability, and developer experience. Recently, OpenAI made the decision to switch from Next.js to Remix for their web applications…
By Opeyemi Ojo | Sep 06, 2024

Fun with Symbolic Computation: Solving Einstein’s Zebra Riddle

Skip the algorithms: just define the problem and let Solvers do the rest!
"Algorithm": the word has its origins from the 9th century writings of Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi a Persian mathematician at the Baghdad House of Wisdom, The ori…
By carl ek | Sep 06, 2024

🛳️Day 23 in DevOps: Understanding Docker Volume and Network

✨ Docker Volume :
Docker volumes are like special storage areas managed by Docker for your containers. They're better than using regular folders from your computer because:

🛡️ Easy to Backup and Move: Volumes make it easy to save or move data.

By Shreyash Desai | Sep 07, 2024

Data Science Task 2: Building Data Visualizations with Python

As someone transitioning into tech as a data scientist, your task is to write a detailed article titled "Building Data Visualizations with Python: A Beginner's Guide." This article will demonstrate how to use Python libraries like Matplotlib and Seab…
By Ekemini Thompson | Sep 07, 2024

Find Middle of a Linked List – Leet code 876 – two pointers approach

Hey everyone, we will solve how we can find the Middle of the Linked List and solve this problem using a pointers approach.
Step 1: Initialize Pointers
We are going to initialize the left and right pointers at the beginning of our beginning of our Li…
By Shojib | Sep 07, 2024

Creating a Voice Assistant with Python and Machine Learning

In the era of smart devices, voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant have become integral parts of our daily lives. These assistants help us accomplish various tasks, from setting reminders to controlling home devices. In this blog, w…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 07, 2024

NS&I Premium Bonds: Insights from a Monte Carlo Experiment

In Part 1 of this series, we explored the characteristics of NS&I Premium Bonds and created a function to simulate the results of a single monthly prize draw for a given bond holding. In Part 2, we built a Monte Carlo experiment, simulated 6 million …
By Jason Shiers | Sep 07, 2024

DevOps Zero to Hero

Mastering Passwordless Authentication, Ansible Ad-hoc Commands, Playbooks & Roles
The journey to mastering DevOps is both challenging and rewarding, with countless opportunities to learn and grow. Recently, I reached a milestone by completing Lecture…
By Amitabh soni | Sep 07, 2024

Article 3 of learning DSA in Python.

Classes & Pointers
In DSA, classes & pointers play a very important role in data structures. For example, a linkedlist has the following functions in it:

def __init__(self,value)

def append(self,value)

def pop(self)

def prepend(self,index,value)

By Srimanth Mantripragada | Sep 07, 2024

Python Testing Part 1: isolating external calls and minimising mocks

Mocks are a necessary evil in Python testing. If overused, they essentially become "change detectors", meaning that every time you refactor the implementation of your code, you must update the mocks too. Ideally, your tests should verify what your co…
By Simon Crowe | Sep 07, 2024

Design (LLD) Tetris Game – Machine Coding

Features Required:

Board creation and management.

Falling tetrominoes (Tetris blocks).

Rotation and movement of tetrominoes.

Line completion and scoring.

Game over condition.

Rendering the board.

Handling player inputs (move left, right, down,…
By Subhahu Jain | Sep 08, 2024

✍️Day 24 Guide: Key Docker Interview Questions to Practice

Today, I focused on practicing essential Docker interview questions that are likely to come up in interviews for DevOps roles. Mastering these questions will not only help in acing interviews but also deepen your understanding of Docker's core concep…
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 08, 2024

Building a Python-Based Fraud Detection System Using Machine Learning

Fraud detection is a critical area in financial systems, as it helps identify suspicious activities that could lead to financial losses. With the rise of online transactions and digital payments, the need for automated fraud detection systems has bec…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 08, 2024

🤖🚀Day 25: Understanding Generative AI and Its Impact on DevOps

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is like giving brains to computers. It helps them learn from data, make smart decisions, and even predict things. Imagine having a really smart helper that can understand patterns and…
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 08, 2024

Python Virtual Environment : Secrets Revealed

What is Python Virtual Environment
A Python virtual environment is a self-contained directory that isolates Python installations and dependencies for different projects. which can also be said as directory which also has its own python interpreter an…
By Ashraf Malik | Sep 08, 2024

Types of operating systems

Operating systems (OS) come in various types, each designed to meet specific needs and requirements. Below are the main types of operating systems:
1. Batch Operating System

Description: This type of OS does not interact directly with the computer o…
By priyanshu shrivastava | Sep 08, 2024

My Data Science Journey Starts Tomorrow! 🚀🌟

Hello everyone! I’m thrilled to share that starting TOMORROW, I’ll be embarking on an incredible journey to become a data scientist! 📊✨ As a self-learner, I’ll be following a detailed roadmap and posting daily updates about my progress, challenges, …
By Rishi Rathor | Sep 08, 2024

Pictures2Stories: Transforming Images into Short Stories with AI and Azure Services

Pictures2Stories is a Django-based web application that uses Azure AI Vision, OpenAI Chat Completion API, and Azure’s App Service and Database for PostgreSQL to create short, adventure-themed stories based on three images that the user uploa…
By Uffa Modey | Sep 08, 2024


For this week's Creative Code challenge by Raphaël de Courville :" Spiral ”, SpirallingGraph is Coded in Python, SonicPi & Hydra.
To get past
Into the land that vast
Sustaining motions that can be able last
Be hold , for the time…
By Kofi / Illestpreacha | Sep 08, 2024

#Python Software Foundation

Pallets projects added to scope of PSF CVE Numbering Authority

By Seth Michael Larson | Sep 05, 2024


Data Structure cheat sheet

#python #algorithms #java
By Peter Haddad | Sep 02, 2024

How to Schedule Python Scripts on a Mac Using Crontab

#python #tutorial #beginners #productivity
By Luca Liu | Sep 02, 2024

Interactive Loan Calculator

#webdev #python #beginners #programming
By Isaiah Vorotinov | Sep 02, 2024

Reflective Blog: My Journey Building a Real Estate Listing API

#javascript #beginners #python #fullstack
By migsldev | Sep 02, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #174: Explica este código Python

#python #spanish #learning #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Sep 02, 2024

Top modules for recaptcha recognition in Python, Node js, and PHP

#python #node #php #javascript
By 2captcha | Sep 02, 2024

SOLID Principles – Explained Using Real World Examples in Python

#solidprinciples #oop #python #systemdesign
By Robin 2077 | Sep 02, 2024

Introduction to Python 🙂

#python #coding #programming #beginners
By Madhav Ganesan | Sep 02, 2024

Hacking in the Movies is Like…

#python #webdev
By Stokry | Sep 02, 2024

How to Schedule Python Scripts on a Mac Using Crontab

#python #tutorial #beginners #productivity
By Luca Liu | Sep 02, 2024

Innovating with Adaptive Software Development

#webdev #python #productivity #career
By Teccmark | Sep 02, 2024

Various `lxml.html` techniques explained

#lxml #django
By DoriDoro | Sep 02, 2024

Building a Personalized Music Recommendation System with Spotify API and Python

#webdev #javascript #programming #python
By Eren jade | Sep 02, 2024

Senior Backend Developer (FastAPI, SQLAlchemy, Async) – Remote

#career #python #fastapi #graphql
By Dave Bina | Sep 02, 2024

Building a D&D 5e Character Generator: A Journey Through SQL and RPG Complexity

#python #sql #beginners #programming
By Paula Marrero | Sep 02, 2024

Reference Counting vs Tracing Garbage Collection

#go #python #braziliandevs
By Bruno Souza | Sep 02, 2024

telegram window.open(url, '_blank'); works strange on ios

#python #html
By Rodrick Kalkopff | Sep 03, 2024

Emmision CO2 of a cat and a dog with python

#python #estimation
By victor_dalet | Sep 03, 2024

Cursor Pagination Example

#python #mongodb #pagination #tutorial
By antusystem | Sep 03, 2024

Descubriendo itertools

#python #itertools #iteradores
By Johnnatan Sandoval Cardona | Sep 03, 2024

Key Topics While Learning Django

#python #django
By Yathish Acharya | Sep 03, 2024

Generated OTP using python3

By tj_27 | Sep 03, 2024

Real-time plotting with pyplot

#python #matplotlob #pyplot #threading
By David Newberry | Sep 03, 2024

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring Freelance Python Developers

#python #developer #datascience #discuss
By Pangaea X | Sep 03, 2024

Top 5 Django Rest Framework Features Every Developer Should Know

#webdev #django #devops #developers
By Wanda | Sep 03, 2024

Generate and Deploy Django Starters | OpenSource Tool

#django #opensource #generator #appseed
By Sm0ke | Sep 03, 2024

The Simplest Way to Extract Your Requirements.txt in Python

#python #devops #pip #dependencies
By Usool | Sep 03, 2024

How to build a Hybrid Search System for RAG?

#ai #programming #python #rag
By Hakeem Abbas | Sep 03, 2024

Python Best Practices: Writing Clean, Efficient, and Maintainable Code

#python #bestpractices
By Developer Service | Sep 03, 2024

Exploring the TaskRabbit Clone Script: Key Features, GitHub Community Contributions, and Future Enhancements

#github #githubactions #taskrabbitclone #python
By John Daniel | Sep 03, 2024

How to Predict Results of Football Matches

#webdev #python #showdev
By Stokry | Sep 03, 2024

Exploring Python Certifications 2024

#python #software #coding #programming
By MyExamCloud | Sep 03, 2024

I saved 30 hours of coding with this search tool that chats with codebases at 91% accuracy! 🤯

#ai #python #webdev #programming
By Sunil Kumar Dash | Sep 03, 2024

Master Python Turtle Graphics

#webdev #programming #python #devops
By Daniel James | Sep 03, 2024

How to Make a GPT-4o Mini API Call?

#chatgpt #api #tutorial #python
By John Doe | Sep 03, 2024

Zoological Transportation Service: Ensuring Safe and Ethical Animal Transit

#programming #python #opensource #css
By Global Animal Transport | Sep 04, 2024

Unlocking Django: Insights on ORM, Development, and Community Innovations

#django #webdev #python #programming
By SnapNews Local | Sep 03, 2024

Leveraging Django 5.1.1 and PostgreSQL 16 for an Efficient Geo-Targeted Rating API

#python #django #backenddevelopment #restapi
By Ingila Ejaz | Sep 03, 2024

Data type in python

#python #programming
By Avinash Mathi | Sep 03, 2024

Getting a django shell from a Docker container

#docker #developer #django
By J Fowler | Sep 03, 2024

How to create a Django password validator?

By DoriDoro | Sep 03, 2024

Django messages framework

By DoriDoro | Sep 03, 2024

Comparing Python and ArkScript asynchronous models

#python #arkscript
By Alexandre Plt | Sep 04, 2024

Problema HackerRank em Python – Base Data Types Lists

#python #hackerrank #basedatatypes
By Gustavo Medeiros | Sep 04, 2024

Stay Updated with Python/FastAPI/Django: Weekly News Summary (26/08/2024-01/09/2024

#python #django #fastapi #flask
By Poovarasu Sekar | Sep 04, 2024

Mastering Data Analysis with Pandas: Unlocking Insights from Your Data

#datascience #python
By tinApyp | Sep 04, 2024

Bare Metal vs VM vs Containers? 🤔

#docker #backend #python #programming
By Rajesh Joshi | Sep 04, 2024

Conditions (If-else-elif) Part-08

#beginners #python #programming #tutorial
By Monirul Islam | Sep 04, 2024


#ai #machinelearning #datascience #python
By lilyNeema | Sep 04, 2024

How to Build a Face Recognition System Using FaceNet in Python

#ai #python #deeplearning #learning
By Abhinav Anand | Sep 04, 2024

Selenium, Python, Unittest: Trio for Flawless Test Automation

#automation #python #pythonautomation #selenium
By JigNect Technologies | Sep 04, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #175: Explica este código Python

#python #spanish #learning #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Sep 04, 2024

Releasing Flama 1.7

#flama #python #machinelearning #domaindriven
By Vortico | Sep 04, 2024

Understanding Data Types in Python: A Beginner's Guide

#python #programming #beginners #tutorial
By Job Ready Programmer | Sep 04, 2024

Why I Ditched Python Flask for Django: The Web Framework Showdown

#flask #django #python #web
By Anthony wilson | Sep 04, 2024

Helping FastAPI: How to contribute to docs translations

#fastapi #python #opensource #tutorial
By Rafael de Oliveira Marques | Sep 04, 2024

From legacy to cloud serverless – Part 1

#python #mongodb #docker #kubernetes
By David WOGLO | Sep 04, 2024

Durable Python: Building Bullet-Proof Long-Running Workflows, Made Simple

#python #programming #automation #devops
By haimzlato | Sep 04, 2024

Creating a Multi-Agent System in AI

#programming #ai #python #machinelearning
By Hakeem Abbas | Sep 04, 2024

Python Project: Movie Suggestion System

#programming #python #webscraping #github
By Abhiram | Sep 04, 2024

Strings in python programming

#python #programming #pattsalno
By Avinash Mathi | Sep 04, 2024

Exploring Freecine APK: A Comprehensive Guide for Developers

#python #java #javascript #css
By Alisson khan | Sep 04, 2024

Streamlit Part 1: Write and Text Elements

#streamlit #python #webdev #tutorial
By James | Sep 04, 2024

Top Cybersecurity Practices for 2024: Essential Strategies to Protect Your Digital Assets

#cybersecurity #coding #python #tutorial
By Byte Supreme | Sep 04, 2024

Fast HTML – **500 Server Error NotFoundError: Need 2 pk**

#webdev #fasthtml #starlette #python
By Nole Stock | Sep 05, 2024

Build a Python Snake Game with LLM

#promptengineering #ai #python #chatgpt
By teri | Sep 05, 2024

Why 6+ Years of Experience Made Me Choose Full Stack Over MEAN Stack

#javascript #python #node #css
By Anthony wilson | Sep 05, 2024

Python Basic Handbook with a Twist of Humor in 15 min 🤪

#beginners #programming #tutorial #python
By TechnoaCrats | Sep 05, 2024

Hello DEV Community!

#cybersecurity #beginners #python #programming
By Dhruv Prajapati | Sep 05, 2024

Python package conflicts

#python #development
By Rakan | Sep 05, 2024

🚀 Excited to Share My Journey as a Full-Stack Developer!

#fullstackdeveloper #mern #django #aws
By Ravindra Kumar | Sep 05, 2024

How to Publish an Article to DEV Using Python

#python #tutorial #api #productivity
By Luca Liu | Sep 05, 2024

Behind the Scenes of Grep: A Hands-On Python Challenge

#python #learning #linux #codecrafter
By Dhiraj Sharma | Sep 05, 2024

Migrating C# to Python with Claude 3.5 Sonnet.

#llm #ai #coding #python
By Marek Barak | Sep 05, 2024

9 open-source gems to become the ultimate developer🔥 🚀

#webdev #javascript #ai #python
By Nevo David | Sep 05, 2024

How to Use HTTP Proxy in Python: A Comprehensive Guide

#http #proxy #python
By Lewis Kerr | Sep 05, 2024

Cover All Python Fundamentals with these 7 projects | From Quizzes to Password Manager.

#python #sideprojects #programming #beginners
By Dipsan Kadariya | Sep 05, 2024

JetBrains Python ignore PEP 8 errors

#python #jetbrains
By Andy | Sep 05, 2024

Introduction to File Handling in Python: Reading and Writing Files

#python #files
By Developer Service | Sep 05, 2024

Consideraciones en los serializadores del DRF

#django #djangorestframework #serializadores #design
By Johnnatan Sandoval Cardona | Sep 05, 2024

Writing a Telegram and Email Notifications Script for Zabbix

#monitoring #bash #linux #python
By Kurt De Austria | Sep 05, 2024

Django Redirects App Tutorial

#django #python #redirects
By Will Vincent | Sep 05, 2024

Chat With Repos(PRs) Using Llama 3.1B

#python #productivity #github #ai
By Tobi Aderounmu | Sep 06, 2024

Automatización de Cisco con Python

#cisco #automation #automaton #python
By Aleets Vaaz | Sep 06, 2024

This Week In Python

#thisweekinpython #python
By Bas Steins | Sep 06, 2024

Introductions to ML

#machinelearning #deeplearning #ai #python
By Badhon Nandi | Sep 06, 2024

Day 14 of #100daysofMiva || Mastering Python Modules, JSON, Math, and Dates

#python #100daysofmiva #100daysofcode
By TD! | Sep 06, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #176: Explica este código Python

#python #spanish #learning #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Sep 06, 2024

Creating Malware in Python

#kalviumcomunitty #cybersecurity #website #python
By Mohana Vamsi | Sep 06, 2024

Writing Pythonic Code: Tips and Tricks for Cleaner Syntax.

#python #coding #programming
By balrajOla | Sep 06, 2024

A Beginner’s Guide to Object Detection in Python

#ai #deeplearning #python #todayisearched
By Abhinav Anand | Sep 06, 2024

Top 10 Reasons Why Python Remains the Top Programming Language

#python #programming #datascience #machinelearning
By MyExamCloud | Sep 06, 2024

The Missing Handbook for Django Senior Developers

#python #web #django #books
By Stokry | Sep 06, 2024

ReadmeGenie Release 0.1

#opensource #ai #openai #python
By Henrique Sagara | Sep 06, 2024

Creating a Simple Adventure CLI Game in Python: Let's Get Coding!

By Debojit Choudhury | Sep 06, 2024

Data Visualisation Basics

#datavis #python #scrollwithme #bigdata
By Barbara | Sep 06, 2024

Mastering Python Script Execution: A Comprehensive Guide

#webdev #programming #python #tutorial
By Daniel James | Sep 06, 2024

Web Data Scraping with Python: A Complete Guide

#python #datascraping #webscraping #webdev
By Arbisoft | Sep 06, 2024

Django React Login | How to setup a login page

#django #react
By akdevelop | Sep 06, 2024

Predicting House Prices with Scikit-learn: A Complete Guide

#machinelearning #datascience #python #scikitlearn
By Amit Chandra | Sep 06, 2024

Python Code Snippets

#python #coding #programming #beginners
By Madhav Ganesan | Sep 06, 2024

Evaluating A Machine Learning Classification Model

#datascience #deeplearning #python #ai
By Chris | Sep 06, 2024

Automate Your Git Commit Messages with ChatGPT

#python #git #chatgpt #automation
By Pranav Raut | Sep 06, 2024

Connect Four Project Python

By twiin0 | Sep 06, 2024

My first post

#opensource #python
By Andrii Sych | Sep 07, 2024

Debug Mode: Django Docker Pycharm

#python #development #docker #pycharm
By Valerie Phoenix ✊🏾 | Sep 07, 2024

How to Write Clean Code in Python – Best Practices Guide

#python #webdev #javascript #programming
By Faraz Choudhary | Sep 07, 2024

Top 10 Backend Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

#backend #javascript #python #webdev
By Biz Maven | Sep 07, 2024

Django Rest Framework

#python #django #postgres #postman
By Shohruh O'rolov | Sep 07, 2024

How to Set Up a Python Proxy Server: Step-by-Step Guide

#python #proxy
By Lewis Kerr | Sep 07, 2024

Book Tracker Program Demonstration | Rishi Nalem

#javascript #ai #react #python
By Rishi Nalem | Sep 07, 2024

Creating Dynamic Audio Narratives: A Guide to Combining Text-to-Speech and Music Using Python

#python #coding #programming #showdev
By Dmitry Romanoff | Sep 08, 2024

Visualizing Options Flow with Python: A Step-by-Step Guide

#python #coding #tutorial #programming
By Dmitry Romanoff | Sep 08, 2024

Talking to a Gmail POP3 server with Python

#python #sockets #email #pop
By David Newberry | Sep 08, 2024

Python: Interesting Code Patterns

#python #codereview #codestyle
By Ninad Mhatre | Sep 07, 2024

YAY IM LOVE <b> ON <h1> title

#javascript #css #html #python
By Gregory Neal | Sep 07, 2024

Four data structures in Python

#datastructures #python #dsa
By Syed Sadat Ali | Sep 08, 2024

Solana Telegram Bot, Track addresses

#python #telbot #soldev #webdev
By Mateo Esses | Sep 08, 2024

Buy Verified Cash App Accounts: Secure Your Transactions Today

#javascript #python #android #mobile
By Buy Verified Cash App Accounts | Sep 08, 2024

Easy Web App Deployment: Python Flask, MongoDB, and Nginx with Docker Compose 🚀🐍

#docker #python #nginx #mongodb
By Niran | Sep 08, 2024

Ensuring Data Integrity: Comparing Soda and Great Expectations for Quality Assurance

#data #dataengineering #python
By Alfian Pratama | Sep 08, 2024

Bokeh an interesting data tool in python for data visualization

#python #bokuh #heroku #datascience
By Juan Brendon Luna Juarez | Sep 08, 2024

Process big CSV Files (local or remote) in Django/Python

#python #devtools #django #dynamic
By Sm0ke | Sep 08, 2024

From Developer to Reviewer: A Junior Developer's Checklist for Reviewing Database Queries

#django #python #database #beginners
By Aman Giri | Sep 08, 2024

.NET Aspire Multilanguage

#javascript #cloud #dotnet #python
By Tommaso Stocchi | Sep 08, 2024

Making connections

#perl #python #theweeklychallenge
By Simon Green | Sep 08, 2024

Understanding WebSockets using Python

#python #datascience #websocket #realtimecommunication
By keshavadk | Sep 08, 2024

Fun File Mover Script: From Desktop to Screenshots Folder

#python #automation
By Debojit Choudhury | Sep 08, 2024

3 example of computer vison technical test – Python / c++

#python #cpp #computervision
By victor_dalet | Sep 08, 2024

Python Library that auto-solves TikTok's captchas and lets you upload/schedule videos with TikTok sounds and hashtags

#playwright #python #ai #automation
By Haziq | Sep 08, 2024

how to connect the PostgreSQL database with Django

#django #postgres #database #webdev
By Developer Sabbir | Sep 08, 2024