#Real Python

Strings and Character Data in Python

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use Python's rich set of operators and functions for working with strings. You'll cover the basics of creating strings using literals and the str() function, applying string methods, using operators and built-in functions with strings, and more!
#basics #python
By | Jul 29, 2024

How to Write an Installable Django App

In this step-by-step tutorial, you'll learn how to create an installable Django app. You'll cover everything you need to know, from extracting your app from a Django project to turning it into a package that's available on PyPI and installable through pip.
#advanced #django #projects #testing #web-dev
By | Jul 31, 2024

#Python Insider

Python 3.13.0 release candidate 1 released

By Thomas Wouters | Aug 01, 2024


Issue #640 – Great Tables, itertools, Asyncio In A Thread, and More

By | Jul 30, 2024

#Python Library

Displaying Pandas DataFrames in the Terminal

Have you ever wanted to show a pandas DataFrame in your terminal? Of course, you have! All you need is the textual-pandas package! Yes, you can also view a pandas DataFrame in a REPL, such as IPython or Jupyter Notebook, but you can write a TUI application with textual-pandas and use that to display pandas […]
#beginner #Python
By Mike | Aug 01, 2024


Exploring the Power of Ruby on Rails

To create a compelling wide image for your DEV Community post titled "Kotlin vs Java: Which is Better for Android Development?" I'll design an image that visually represents the two programming languages and their association with Android development…
By mediageneous social | Jul 29, 2024

Row with max 1s — POTD

Row with max 1s
Given a boolean 2D array, consisting of only 1’s and 0’s, where each row is sorted. Return the 0-based index of the first row that has the most number of 1s. If no such row exists, return -1.
Input: arr[][] = [[0, 1, 1, 1],

By Akshima Sharma | Jul 29, 2024

The First 3 Tools to Learn as an AI Developer

Want to get into developing AI-powered apps? Do you already have the background as a traditional software developer? Let me give you a quick roadmap of 3 surprisingly simple tools you can learn which will set you up for success on your journey into b…
By Sam Schneider | Jul 29, 2024

Understanding Variables in Python Scripting

Variables are fundamental elements in programming languages like Python. They are used to store and manipulate data during the execution of a program. In this article, we'll explore the concept of variables in Python scripting, along wit…
By Saurabh Adhau | Jul 29, 2024

Exploring the Foundations of AI: A Deep Dive into Frank Rosenblatt's Perceptron Model

Frank Rosenblatt, an American psychologist, is known for his leading work on the perceptron an early model of artificial neural networks. He aimed to emulate information storage, retrieval, and cognitive behaviour observed in biological …
By Jonathan Atiene | Jul 29, 2024

Kotlin vs Java: Which is Better for Android Development?

Kotlin vs Java: Which is Better for Android Development?
As Android development continues to evolve, developers face a crucial choice: Kotlin or Java? Both languages have their strengths, and understanding them can help you decide which one suits you…
By mediageneous social | Jul 29, 2024

Understanding and Handling Outliers in Data Analysis

Outliers are data points that deviate significantly from the rest of the dataset. These values can lead to misconceptions and inaccurate analysis results, making it crucial to identify and handle them appropriately. In this article, we’ll dive into w…
By Muhammad Fahad Bashir | Jul 29, 2024

Integrating SQLAlchemy with Flask for Robust Web Application Development

Are you tired of wrestling with complex database management in your Flask applications? Imagine a world where your web app’s backend effortlessly handles data like a pro! If you’re a developer keen on supercharging your Flask projects, then you’re in…
By Mohit Bhatt | Jul 29, 2024

Asynchronous Programming with Python

What is Async I/O ?
Imagine programming as a journey from point A to D. In traditional synchronous programming we travel in a straight line, stopping at each point before moving to the next, this means if there's a delay at any point everything pause…
By Joseph Tam | Jul 29, 2024

🚀 Elevate Your React Skills with Advanced Prop Handling

🌟 Introduction
Props, short for properties, are a fundamental concept in React that allow you to pass data from parent components to child components. While the basics of props are often covered early in the learning process, mastering advanced prop…
By Aditya Dhaygude | Jul 29, 2024

To build web applications using Python3

To build web applications using Python 3, you can use the Flask framework. Flask is lightweight, flexible, and great for creating web apps quickly. Here are the steps to get started:

Install Flask: First, activate your Python environment and install…
By Olatunji Ayodele Abidemi | Jul 29, 2024

Building the foundation

I'm two months into my learning program for boot.dev. It's been a humbling and fun process so far, with me learning some new things about Python, Git, and the shell/terminal. The first couple of courses offered have been simple but also challenging e…
By Ian Cawood | Jul 29, 2024

How to Build a Dynamic Telegram Bot Command Handler Using Docker and Python

之前的專案希望能建立 TG Bot Command,使 Bot 能依據 command 不同而回應客戶,透過這篇筆記讓有相關需求的人能快速建立一個 docker container 去不斷透過 Python 去撈取當對應 TG Bot 有接受到command 時。

Architecture diagram

Step by Step
建立 Bot token

用 Telegram 搜尋 BotFather,點選 Message

進到 chat with BotF…
By Kanglin Wu | Jul 29, 2024

Streaming Protocols and Chunking Explained

Understanding Video Streaming Protocols and Chunking Mechanisms
1. What is a Protocol?

Real-Life Scenario: Imagine you’re attending an international conference where everyone speaks different languages. To communicate, you use translators who follow…
By ritiksharmaaa | Jul 29, 2024

Data Representation in Python: A Comprehensive Guide

What is Data and Its Purpose?
Data is essentially a collection of facts or information in a structured format. It's the raw material that we process to extract meaningful insights. Unlike information, which is unstructured and difficult to process, d…
By Tharun Kumar | Jul 29, 2024

Impact Master Mariam Nourya Koné: From Senegal's Classrooms To Breaking Barriers In Tech

In this riveting episode of the African Impact Master Show, we are introduced to Mariam Nourya Koné, a formidable force in the world of coding and community management. Her journey from Senegal’s private Catholic schools to a thriving career in compu…
By MK | Jul 29, 2024

Linux Mint, A Comprehensive Overview

If you're new to the world of Linux or looking for a robust, user-friendly operating system, Linux Mint might just be your perfect match. This popular Linux distribution has earned its reputation for being accessible, reliable, and packed with featur…
By Kibekityo Juma Shafara | Jul 29, 2024

From SMS to Biometrics: The Interesting Evolution of Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication has undergone a lot of change since its very inception.
Early 2000s, securing an online account was as simple as a username and password. Then, as cyber threats began to evolve, so did the ways to protect our digital lives. …
By VerifyVault | Jul 29, 2024

Emails Setup in Django Using AWS

In the early days, communication relied on letters that took days or weeks to deliver. The internet revolutionized this with the advent of emails, providing instantaneous and reliable messaging. From there businesses quickly adopted this tool for cus…
By Steve Yonkeu | Jul 29, 2024

Character Vs Byte

The "characters vs bytes bug" usually refers to an issue that arises in programming when there is confusion between the number of characters and the number of bytes in a string. This is a common issue in languages and systems where the encoding of ch…
By Cosmicoppai | Jul 29, 2024

The Power of Code Reviews: Appreciating Team Contributions with Git Add Co-Author

I wanted to share some thoughts on the importance of code reviews, appreciating your teammates, and this cool tool I found called Git Add Co-Author that makes giving credit where it’s due super easy. A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog post titled "Contr…
By Ali Tavallaie | Jul 29, 2024

An Introduction to TypeScript for JavaScript Developers

An Introduction to TypeScript for JavaScript Developers
TypeScript has gained immense popularity among JavaScript developers. It offers a powerful toolset that extends JavaScript's capabilities, making it easier to write reliable, maintainable, and s…
By mediageneous social | Jul 29, 2024

Multimodal Search in AI Apps With PostgreSQL pgvector

Large language models (LLMs) have significantly evolved beyond generating text responses to text prompts. These models are now trained to possess advanced capabilities like interpreting images and providing detailed descriptions from visual inputs. T…
By Brett Hoyer | Jul 29, 2024

Day 15: 🐍 Basics of Python for DevOps Engineers 🚀

Day 15 Task:
Let's start with the basics of Python, as this is also important for DevOps Engineers to build logic and programs.
What is Python?

Python is an open-source, general-purpose, high-level, and object-oriented programming language.

It was …
By Anand Raval | Jul 29, 2024

Analyzing Student Performance Data with Python: A Comprehensive Guide

In this blog post, we will delve into the analysis of a student performance dataset using Python. We will explore various techniques and libraries, including pandas, seaborn, matplotlib, sklearn, and PCA, to gain insights and build a predictive model…
By Muhammad Mushahid | Jul 29, 2024

Strings Manipulation -ch-02

Concatenation :
concatenate using '+' operator
prefix = "al"
suffix = "pha"
print(prefix + suffix) # output : alpha

helpful to print message with variable values.
syntax: f" your message {var_a} and print {var_b} "
prefix = "al"
suffix = "…
By Kunaal Thanik | Jul 29, 2024

Python Data Types and Data Structures for DevOps

New day, New Topic…. Let's learn along 😉
Let's Start with Basics of Python as this is also important for DevOps Engineers to build the logic and programs.
🤔 What is Python? 🐍
Python is an open-source, general-purpose, high-level, and object-orie…
By Nitin Dhiman | Jul 29, 2024

10 Python Easter Eggs

Python, the versatile and widely used programming language, is known for its readability and simplicity. However, beneath its surface lies a whimsical side, with numerous Easter eggs that reflect the playful nature of its developers. These Easter egg…
By Sadra Yahyapour | Jul 29, 2024

Stay Updated with Python/FastAPI/Django: Weekly News Summary (22/07/2024-28/07/2024

Intro: Check out this insightful summary of Python/FastAPI/Django Weekly News for July 22nd to July 28th, 2024. Stay updated with the latest developments, releases, and community updates in the Nil ecosystem.
Key Points:

🐍 Logging in Python: Tutori…
By Poovarasu Sekar | Jul 30, 2024

Learning Swift: The Basics of iOS Development

For the image titled "Learning Swift: The Basics of iOS Development," I'll design a visually engaging and informative scene. It will feature elements that represent both Swift programming and iOS development, creating a welcoming and educational vibe…
By mediageneous social | Jul 30, 2024

Mastering Functions in Python

Functions are fundamental building blocks in Python that enable you to encapsulate reusable pieces of code. They promote code organization, readability, and reusability, making your programs more modular and easier to maintain. In this c…
By Saurabh Adhau | Jul 30, 2024


Notes for Python

Introduction to Python:

Python Features & Application:

Variable in Python:

What is Dynamic type :

Data types in Python :

Print function in Python :

type function in Python :

Module in Python :

How to take user input :

By Tanmay Dwivedi | Jul 30, 2024

ORM : Object Relational Mapping

Object-oriented programming languages use Object Relation Mapping (ORM) to interact with Structured Query Language (SQL), both of which are incompatible.
The ORM layer maps a class to a table in a relational database, with its attributes matching the…
By Vaibhav Jadhav | Jul 30, 2024

How to Optimize SQL Queries for Better Performance

Optimizing SQL queries is crucial for ensuring your database applications run efficiently. Poorly optimized queries can lead to slow performance, higher server costs, and a frustrating user experience. In this article, we'll explore practical strateg…
By mediageneous social | Jul 30, 2024

Python Lists Explained: A Detailed Guide

Lists are a fundamental data structure in Python, used to store multiple items in a single variable. They are a built-in datatype for storing collections of data, and they are created using square brackets. In this article, we will explore the essent…
By Muhammad Fahad Bashir | Jul 30, 2024

Python🐍 Internals: How it Really Works

If you're curious about how your Python script runs and why additional files are generated, this article is perfect for you. Today, I'll clarify any doubts you have about Python's internal workings.
Whenever we execute:
python xyz.py
our scripts are …
By Ashish Dabral | Jul 30, 2024

Setting Up Django for Static, Dynamic Images, and Staticfiles

Once you've set up your Django project and created an app, you'll need to modify the project's settings file to incorporate specific configurations.
Settings.pyFor adding the Dynamic Files:
import os
from pathlib import Path
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path….
By Abijith K A | Jul 30, 2024

🚀 Unlocking the Power of React's Error Boundaries: Handling Errors Gracefully

🌟 Introduction
As React applications grow in complexity, handling errors gracefully becomes crucial for maintaining a smooth user experience. React's error boundaries offer a robust solution for catching and handling errors in the component tree. In…
By Aditya Dhaygude | Jul 30, 2024

Using Django & AssemblyAI for More Accurate Twilio Call Transcriptions

Recording phone calls is a breeze with Twilio's Programmable Voice API, but the speech-to-text accuracy can sometimes fall short, especially in niche domains like healthcare and engineering. AssemblyAI's transcription service, however, p…
By paul mwaura | Jul 30, 2024

A Beginner's Guide to C# Programming

A Beginner's Guide to C# Programming
C# is a versatile programming language developed by Microsoft. It's widely used in web development, desktop applications, and game development, making it a great choice for beginners. This guide will introduce you…
By mediageneous social | Jul 30, 2024

Step-by-Step Tutorial: DynamoDB CRUD Operations with Python AWS SDKs 🛠️📊

In the fast-paced world of cloud computing, managing databases efficiently is crucial. That's where DynamoDB, Amazon's fully managed NoSQL database service, comes in, offering seamless and scalable data storage. To interact with DynamoDB…
By Gopika Jayakrishnan | Jul 30, 2024

Basics of Python for DevOps Engineers #Day 15

What is Python?
Python is a popular and versatile programming language known for its simplicity and ease of use. It's like a friendly guide that helps developers solve a variety of tasks without any hassle. It was created by Guido van Rossum.
Python …
By Rutvik Mangukiya | Jul 30, 2024

Why Two-Factor Authentication Is Your Secret Weapon Against Cybercrime

In today's digital age—in which cyber threats loom large and data breaches seem to happen now almost as often as clockwork—your online security can no longer be left in the hands of passwords alone. Introducing Two-Factor Authentication—a.k.a. 2FA—th…
By VerifyVault | Jul 30, 2024

Boosting Sighted Accessibility: Building a Python GitHub Action

It's been a couple of months since I created PyActon, an open-source tool that allows you to create GitHub Actions using Python. With this tool, you can install and use any Python package or library within your CI/CD pipelines.

The implementation de…
By Sadra Yahyapour | Jul 30, 2024

Maximum Depth of Binary Tree (Leetcode #104)

Given the root of a binary tree, return its maximum depth.
A binary tree's maximum depth is the number of nodes along the longest path from the root node down to the farthest leaf node.
Example 1:

Input: root = [3,9,20,null,null,15,7]
Output: 3

By Nawat Sunthornyanakit | Jul 30, 2024

Using fsspec To Define OneLake Filesystem in Fabric

I mentioned on X the other day that, like other filesystem backends such as S3 and GCS, you can use fsspec to define the OneLake filesystem too. In this blog, I will explain how to define it and why it's important to know about it.
By Sandeep Pawar | Jul 30, 2024

2024-07-30: Higher Lower game

# import art and game data
from art import logo, vs
from game_data import data
import random
from replit import clear

# randomly select a list from database

list_B = (random.choice(data))

# function compare followers
def compare(list_A_follower, …
By Yonny | Jul 30, 2024

Understanding Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript

Understanding Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript
Asynchronous programming is a cornerstone of modern JavaScript development. It allows for efficient and responsive web applications by enabling tasks to be performed in the background without block…
By mediageneous social | Jul 31, 2024

The Evolution of Frontend Tooling: Exploring Vite and Parcel

In the ever-evolving world of web development, efficiency and speed are paramount. Developers continuously seek tools that streamline their workflow, enhance performance, and reduce the tedium of mundane tasks. Enter Vite and Parcel—two revolutionary…
By Aniket Dhaygude | Jul 31, 2024

Exploring the Significance of Packages in Python

In the dynamic landscape of DevOps, efficiency and scalability are paramount. Python, with its rich ecosystem of tools and libraries, empowers DevOps engineers to streamline workflows and automate infrastructure management. At the heart …
By Saurabh Adhau | Jul 31, 2024

Difference in How FastAPI handle Asynchronous and Synchronous Endpoint

Asynchronous (async) and synchronous (sync) are topics I always been avoided. But recently I came across the path to look into it again. Two weeks ago an article What Color is Your Function? remind me the pain of mixing async and sync in the code. In…
By Faruq Sandi | Jul 31, 2024

How Doc-E Helped Me Document My JavaScript Ideas and Overcome Broken English

I was working on my project and had many such projects so I started making one document in which I could save my routine tasks and all necessary things there but I got many errors and many such things which I got confused so I went to Google and aske…
By Gajjar Aryan | Jul 31, 2024

How to Implement Pagination in Your Flask Applications for Better User Experience

Are your Flask applications feeling a bit sluggish? If you've ever wrestled with endless lists of data, you know that too much information on one page can be overwhelming and slow. 😓 But fear not! Implementing pagination in your Flask app isn't just…
By Mohit Bhatt | Jul 31, 2024

How to Build RESTful APIs with Django

Building RESTful APIs with Django: A Comprehensive Guide
In the world of web development, RESTful APIs have become a fundamental aspect of building scalable and efficient applications. Django, a high-level Python web framework, offers powerful tools …
By mediageneous social | Jul 31, 2024

Building an Image Compression Web App using FastAPI, Celery, and NextJS, Part 1: Backend.

This is my first article on @hashnode, and I'm glad they make it easy to write and let me back up my articles to GitHub. The purpose of this article is to show the tech stacks I often use. I don't want to dive into the technical aspects of this web a…
By Faruq Sandi | Jul 31, 2024

The Dual Nature of Python: Compiled and Interpreted Explained

Understanding Compilation and Interpretation
Generally a computer program is written using a high-level programming language (C, C++, Java, Python) which we humans can understand better. On the other hand machines understand low-level language (binar…
By Ashwini Jangetol | Jul 31, 2024

🌐 Exploring React's useTransition Hook: Smooth State Transitions Made Easy

🌟 Introduction
In modern web development, delivering a smooth and responsive user experience is paramount. As React applications grow, managing state transitions efficiently becomes crucial. Enter the useTransition hook, a feature introduced in Reac…
By Aditya Dhaygude | Jul 31, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Writing Modular Python Code

Are you tired of staring at your codebase like a hot mess express? You know, the kind that's so convoluted, it needs its own GPS just to navigate through? Well, fear not! Today we're going to dive deep into the world of modularity in Python and explo…
By Derek Armstrong | Jul 31, 2024

Top Programming Languages to Learn in 2024: A Beginner's Guide

As a tech bro or sis, it is important to learn one or two programming languages to get ahead in the IT field, It is not essential if you are not a software developer but it sure would accelerate your career prospects and give you an edge…
By Latifat Oseni | Jul 31, 2024

Python Libraries for DevOps

As a DevOps Engineer, it’s vital to be proficient in handling various file formats, such as JSON and YAML. These formats are commonly used for configuration files, data exchange, and more. Today, I'll be focusing on reading and writing JSON, as well …
By Nitin Dhiman | Jul 31, 2024

K-Nearest Neighbors in python, beginner's guide.

You probably learned a lot of Python, and you want to build some cool projects, I'd say Machine Learning (ML) projects are cool and you can build something very easily, in this article we will focus on a particular type of Machine Learn…
By Faiz Tchekiken | Jul 31, 2024

A Practical Guide to Writing Modular Python Code

Are you tired of staring at your codebase like a hot mess express? You know, the kind that's so convoluted, it needs its own GPS just to navigate through? Well, fear not! Today we're going to dive deep into the world of modularity in Python and explo…
By Derek Armstrong | Jul 31, 2024

Detailed Report on Voting Pattern Analysis in the 2023 Presidential Elections in Lagos, Nigeria.

Objectives: The objectives of the task were to:

Check if the dataset has columns containing the longitude and latitude of the various polling units and source for them if they are absent.

Make use of geodesic distance to calculate the distance betw…
By Ayodele Adeniyi | Jul 31, 2024

OlymPick: How to Build a Tool for Curating Must-Watch Olympic Events with AI

The Olympics are arguably the most-watched sporting event in history, featuring a vast array of competitions across nearly every sport. With so many games happening simultaneously, it often becomes a daunting task for a sports enthusiast…
By Oluwatoyin Faniyan | Jul 31, 2024

Unveiling the Secrets of Python Projects: A Comprehensive Exploration

Unveiling the Secrets of Python Projects: A Comprehensive Exploration
Python, an indispensable tool in the realm of programming, empowers developers to embark on groundbreaking projects that push the boundaries of technology. This comprehensive blog …
By Samrat Kumar Das | Aug 01, 2024

How to Build Your First AI Model: A Comprehensive Guide 🤖🚀

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming industries and redefining the way we interact with technology. Building your first AI model can seem like a daunting task, but with the right guidance and tools, you can embark on this exciting journey. In…
By Vivek | Aug 01, 2024

Know About DevDependency: Your Guide to Cleaner and Leaner Projects

Ever wondered why your project’s codebase is cluttered with packages that don’t seem to play an obvious role in the final product? If so, you’re not alone. Enter the world of devDependencies – the unsung heroes of clean, efficient, and manageable pro…
By Aniket Dhaygude | Aug 01, 2024

The Custom Function in Python

A custom function in Python is a block of code that you define to perform a specific task. It's like creating a reusable tool for your program.
Why Use Custom Functions?
Reusability: Avoid writing the same code multiple times.
Modularity: Break down …
By Aniebiet Patrick | Aug 01, 2024

What is Datatypes in JavaScript ?

What is a datatype, and why is it called a datatype? Don’t worry—I’ll explain it clearly with a real-life example so you can understand. Imagine you’ve gone to a digital store to buy a laptop for gaming and programming. The staff present several opti…
By Aadarsh | Aug 01, 2024

Exploring the Potential of Modules in Python Scripting

Introduction to Modules in Python
Modules in Python are invaluable tools for organizing, reusing, and scaling code effectively. They encapsulate related functionalities into separate files, promoting modularity, maintainability, and code reusability….
By Saurabh Adhau | Aug 01, 2024

Comprehensive Guide to Linear Regression: Examples and Model Diagnostics

Linear regression is one of the simplest yet most powerful tools in the realm of machine learning and statistics. It's a fundamental algorithm that helps us understand relationships between variables and make predictions. Whether you're new to data s…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Aug 01, 2024

Simple Calculator Using Python.

Created a simple calculator using Python to improve my knowledge of the basics of Python.
Used Tkinter as a library package for creating the GUI (Graphical User Interface).
By using three functions: for adding to the calculator, evaluating the calcul…
By Ajay V | Aug 01, 2024

Pengenalan Machine learning dengan PyTorch

PyTorch merupakan framework open-source yang banyak digunakan untuk membuat model AI baik dalam bidang akademik maupun industri dengan berbagai ragam bidang implementasi, mulai dari pengenalan gambar, pemrosesan bahasa alami, hingga pengenalan suara….
By Muhammad Ihsan | Aug 01, 2024

How do you define a tuple in Python?

In Python, a tuple is an ordered collection of elements enclosed within parentheses (). Tuples can contain elements of various data types such as integers, floats, strings, or even other tuples. They are immutable, which implies that once a tuple is …
By LingarajTechhub All About Programming | Aug 01, 2024

Deep Dive Into Python Profiling (3) — Understand timeit And Its usage with Examples

By temunel | Aug 01, 2024

Connect Zapier to GlassFlow

Tools like Zapier have revolutionized the way businesses automate their workflows, allowing them to connect various apps and services without writing a single line of code. But what if you could take this automation to the next level by integrating r…
By GlassFlow | Aug 01, 2024

Two ALB Target Groups One ECS with Pulumi & Python

When designing a scalable and flexible architecture on AWS, it's common to use an Application Load Balancer (ALB) to distribute traffic across multiple targets, such as EC2 instances and ECS tasks. However, a challenge arises when you mu…
By Jason | Aug 01, 2024

Connect Google Pub/Sub to GlassFlow

Whether it's for updating customers with live notifications or processing data streams for analytics, the ability to handle data in real time is important. To meet this demand, we introduce you to managed connector integration for Google Pub/Sub with…
By GlassFlow | Aug 01, 2024

Recap: TIIDELAB AI Pre-fellowship Experience

Dearest gentle reader,
I welcome you to my tech-focused late June & July recap. During this time, I enrolled in the TIIDELAB AI Pre-fellowship program. I will be sharing my experience in this article and I intend to keep it concise, interesting and i…
By Zion Ukpong | Aug 01, 2024

Exploring the World of Car Rental Management: Building a Python Application

Part 33: Maintenance and Updates
Welcome to part 33 of our series on building a car rental management system using Python! In this installment, we’ll discuss the importance of maintaining and updating your project documentation as the system evolves….
By Bryan Samuel James | Aug 01, 2024

LinkedIn API Tutorial: Posting Images and Text

Last week I was jumping from one tap to another, so I could post on LinkedIn from Time Logger an application I'm building, even the documentation from Microsoft was outdated. After so many StackOverflow questions and ChatGPT prompts, it worked.So her…
By Esam Hagalbashir | Aug 01, 2024

understand The single-threaded event loop💫सिऺगल थेङ🤠↔😎

The single-threaded event loop is a core concept in JavaScript, especially relevant for environments like Node.js and browsers.
How It Works:💫

Single-Threaded Nature:

JavaScript executes code on a single thread, meaning it can only perform one tas…
By priyanka chaudhari | Aug 01, 2024

My Two Month Journey at TIIDELAB

My journey with TIIDELAB has been nothing short of amazing, in these six weeks, I've able to get a good grasp of leadership, team work and AI tools.
My name is Seung-wa Akpan, I will be sharing my experience in the TIIDELAB Pre-fellowship 4.0 in this…
By Seung-wa Akpan | Aug 01, 2024

Lights, Camera, Algorithms: Developing a Content-Based Movie Recommendation System

Hey there! I'm Amey Pote, and I recently developed a content-based movie recommendation system as part of my machine learning journey. I wanted to share my experience and the steps I took to build this system, leveraging advanced pre-processing techn…
By Amey Pote | Aug 01, 2024

🌐 Demystifying React Server Components: A New Era of React Development

🌟 Introduction
React has continually evolved to improve developer experience and application performance. One of the latest advancements is React Server Components (RSC). This revolutionary feature aims to enhance the performance and user experience…
By Aditya Dhaygude | Aug 01, 2024

My 6-Week Journey at TIIDlab Pre-Fellowship Program

The TIIDELab Pre-Fellowship Program has been an enriching journey, where I embarked on a comprehensive learning experience focused on web development, Python programming, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). This program provided a well-rou…
By Mabel Ezema | Aug 01, 2024

From Novice to Navigator: My Thrilling Journey at TIIDELab Prefellowship

This wasn’t my first rodeo with TIIDELab. I had been part of a previous pre-fellowship but didn't apply for the fellowship because I had to serve my go for my NYSC at that time. But this time, I came back with full force, determined to make it into t…
By Khairat Abike Mogaji | Aug 01, 2024

Report on Nigeria's Economic Variable Correlation and Productivity Model

Below is a detailed report on economic variable correlation and productivity model for Nigeria.

Relevant data such as M1 money supply, Exchange rate, Inflation, Stock Market, and their individual growth rate were gathered online and merged into an e…
By Ayodele Adeniyi | Aug 01, 2024

Learn to Export Resource Data to CSV and JSON Formats with Code

Hello, techies!
Let's face it. At some point in your programming journey, whilst working with internet data resources or databases, you've wanted to export some data to a file in a format that is widely reusable. This article teaches you exactly how …
By Ikechukwu Ashimonye | Aug 02, 2024

Building Cross-Platform Apps with Flutter

hBuilding Cross-Platform Apps with Flutter
Cross-platform development is increasingly popular. Developers need tools that allow them to build applications for multiple platforms efficiently. One of the most powerful frameworks for this is Flutter. Cr…
By mediageneous social | Aug 01, 2024

Diameter of Binary Tree (Leetcode #543)

Given the root of a binary tree, return the length of the diameter of the tree.
The diameter of a binary tree is the length of the longest path between any two nodes in a tree. This path may or may not pass through the root.
The length of a path betw…
By Nawat Sunthornyanakit | Aug 02, 2024

"Mastering the Basics: What I Learned in My Second Week of Python Programming"

Diving Deeper: Exploring Sets, Loops, and Functions in Python
As I continue my journey through Python, my second week has been packed with exploring some of the fundamental concepts that make Python such a powerful language: sets, loops, and function…
By Mohammed Umar | Aug 02, 2024

Unlocking the Potential of Virtual Environments in Python

In the bustling world of Python development, maintaining project dependencies and isolating environments is crucial for ensuring consistency and reproducibility across different projects. This is where virtual environments come into play…
By Saurabh Adhau | Aug 02, 2024

Introduction to Go: A Language for Modern Programming

Introduction to Go: A Language for Modern Programming
Go, also known as Golang, is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed by Google. It has rapidly gained popularity among developers for its simplicity, performance, and strong sup…
By mediageneous social | Aug 02, 2024

Balanced Binary Tree (Leetcode #110)

Given a binary tree, determine if it is height-balanced
.A height-balanced binary tree is a binary tree in which the depth of the two subtrees of every node never differs by more than one.
Example 1:

Input: root = [3,9,20,null,null,15,7]
Output: tru…
By Nawat Sunthornyanakit | Aug 02, 2024

2024-08-02: Hangman

This is a tiny project created before.
# import module
import random
from hangman_art import logo, stages
from hangman_words import word_list

# print logo

# create an exit condition
game_over = False

# randomly choose a word from word …
By Yonny | Aug 02, 2024

Understanding the Basics of Machine Learning with Python

Understanding the Basics of Machine Learning with Python
Machine learning is a powerful tool that enables computers to learn from data and make decisions without being explicitly programmed. It's a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) that's tran…
By mediageneous social | Aug 02, 2024

Technologies for creating desktop applications

Our digital lives are completely dependent on desktop apps, which enable everything from basic note-taking to advanced data-analytics solutions. Have you ever wondered, though, what goes into creating these applications? Gaining an under…
By desktopapp development | Aug 02, 2024

Docker for DevOps Engineers #Day-18

Welcome to Day 18 of our 90-day DevOps journey! So far, we've created Dockerfiles and pushed them to repositories. Today, we're diving deeper into Docker by exploring Docker Compose. Let's understand what Docker Compose is and how it can…
By Nikunj Vaishnav | Aug 02, 2024

2024-08-02: 6. Calculator

My simple calculator.
# def calculator function
def add(n1, n2):
return n1 + n2

def subtract(n1, n2):
return n1 – n2

def multiply(n1, n2):
return n1 * n2

def divide(n1, n2):
return n1 / n2

# create a dictionary contains =-*/ o…
By Yonny | Aug 02, 2024

202-08-02: 5. Secret Auction

Secret Auction code.
from replit import clear

# HINT: You can call clear() to clear the output in the console.

bid_list = {}
more_bidder = "yes"
high_amount = 0
while more_bidder == "yes":
name = input("What is your name?: ")
amount = int(i…
By Yonny | Aug 02, 2024

2024-08-02: 4. Caesar Cipher

Here is my Caesar Cipher code. I did this about 8 months ago 🙂
alphabet = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u',
'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g…
By Yonny | Aug 02, 2024

2024-08-02: 3. Dictionary Sample

A small piece of code in learning #Python dictionary.
order = {
"starter": {1: "Salad", 2: "Soup"},
4: {1: [1, 2], 2: ["Steak"]},
"dessert": {1: ["Ice Cream"], 2: []},
By Yonny | Aug 02, 2024

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Explained: A Complete Guide

Object-Oriented Programming System (OOPs) is a powerful programming paradigm that uses objects and classes to design and develop software. This approach allows for better organization, modularity, and reuse of code. In this blog, we will cover the fo…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Aug 02, 2024

Explain the difference between tuples and lists in Python.

Tuples and lists are both popular data structures in Python, but they have some important differences:


Lists are mutable, meaning their elements can be modified after creation. You can change, add, or remove elements from a list.

By LingarajTechhub All About Programming | Aug 02, 2024

Part 1: Getting Started with Django Tweet Project

Before we begin, ensure you have the following installed on your system:

Python: Python 3.6 or later.

Django: The web framework we will use to build our project.

Virtual Environment: To manage dependencies for your project.

By Dhruvkumar Maisuria | Aug 02, 2024

What is exactly __pycache__ in python ?

When you create a python program as simple as HelloWorld, have you ever wondered what happens behind the scene. Or, lets say if you perform a more advanced stuff like importing a local module to call a function declared in another file, how python ex…
By Tapan Yawalkar | Aug 02, 2024

Building an Intelligent Log Analyzer in Python with argparse, Ollama, and Mistral AI

Interacting with command line commands is the fastest way to get things done as a software engineer. While GUI tools can simplify some tasks, nothing beats the speed and efficiency of command-line tools for many operations.
In today's article, we wil…
By Mangabo Kolawole | Aug 02, 2024

My GSoC Adventure: Update #4 – Enhancing Data Quality and Tackling Class Imbalance

Over the past two weeks, I've made significant strides in improving the data quality and handling class imbalance in our object detection project. Here's a detailed look at what I've achieved and learned.
New Data and Class Imbalance
My …
By Muhammed Magdy | Aug 02, 2024

Building a Chat Application with Streamlit, Llama Models, and Groq

In this article, we'll walk through creating a simple chat application using Streamlit, Groq, and Llama models. We'll explain the code, the models used, and how these technologies work together to create a functional chat interface.
Project Overview

By Rahul Boney | Aug 02, 2024

Technologies for creating desktop applications

Our digital lives are completely dependent on desktop apps, which enable everything from basic note-taking to advanced data-analytics solutions. Have you ever wondered, though, what goes into creating these applications? Gaining an under…
By Desktop App Development | Aug 02, 2024

Day 88 – Deploying a Django Todo App on AWS EC2 Using Kubeadm Kubernetes Cluster 🚀

Welcome to Day 88 of the #90DaysOfDevOps Challenge! 🚀
Today, we have an exciting project ahead where we will be deploying a Django Todo app on AWS EC2 using a Kubeadm Kubernetes cluster. Let’s dive in step by step! 📋
Project Description
In this pro…
By Nilkanth Mistry | Aug 02, 2024

How to Integrate Sentry with Django for Effective Error Handling

Sentry is a powerful error tracking tool for real-time monitoring of errors and exceptions. Integrating Sentry into your Django project allows you to manage errors effectively. Start by signing up on Sentry's website, creating a new project, and conf…
By Sudip Bhandari | Aug 02, 2024

🚀 Exploring React Suspense: The Future of Data Fetching and Code Splitting

🌟 Introduction
In the dynamic world of React, managing asynchronous operations and code splitting has traditionally been a challenging task. React Suspense is here to change that narrative, offering a streamlined approach to handling asynchronous da…
By Aditya Dhaygude | Aug 02, 2024

Spring Boot: The Magic Behind Building Modern Java Applications

In the realm of Java development, Spring Boot stands out as a powerful tool that simplifies the creation of production-ready applications. But what makes Spring Boot so special? Let’s dive into the intricacies of this framework and uncover the magic …
By Aniket Dhaygude | Aug 02, 2024

DevOps Journey Week 2: Diving into Networking Basics and Starting with Python

Hey there, tech enthusiasts!
Welcome back to my DevOps journey! Week 1 was all about getting hands-on with Git and GitHub. I learned essential Git commands such as git init, git add, git commit, git push, git branch, git checkout, git stash, git diff…
By Tanmay Kadam | Aug 02, 2024

OpenAI Whisper | Speech to text model

OpenAI's Whisper is a powerful tool that converts spoken language into written text with great accuracy. It works well even in tough conditions, like when speakers have accents or there is background noise. Whisper can also translate spoken content f…
By Amit Thakur | Aug 02, 2024

JavaScript Equality Operators: When to Use == and ===

In JavaScript, == and === are both used for comparison, but they work differently:
== (Equality Operator):

The == operator compares two values for equality after converting both values to a common type. This is known as "type coercion."

If the va…
By priyanka chaudhari | Aug 02, 2024

🤖 A Beginner's Guide to NLP: Building Your First Chatbot with FastAPI 🚀

Natural Language Processing (NLP) has become a fundamental part of building intelligent applications that can understand and interact with humans in a natural way. From chatbots to virtual assistants, NLP powers a wide range of applications. In this …
By Vivek | Aug 02, 2024

Python Lambda Functions: Beginner-Friendly Overview

A lambda function in Python is a small anonymous function defined using the lambda keyword. It can take any number of arguments but can only have one expression. The expression is evaluated and returned.
lambda arguments: express…
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 02, 2024

🌟 Demystifying React Server Components: The Future of SSR and Client-Side Rendering

🌟 Introduction
The landscape of web development is constantly evolving, and React is at the forefront of this transformation. One of the most exciting advancements in React is the introduction of React Server Components (RSC). This feature promises …
By Aditya Dhaygude | Aug 03, 2024

An Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms

An Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
Hey there! If you're diving into the world of programming, you've probably heard the terms "data structures" and "algorithms" thrown around. But what exactly are they, and why are they so crucial? Let…
By mediageneous social | Aug 03, 2024

Mastering Command Line Arguments in Python

In the realm of DevOps, automation is key, and Python serves as a versatile tool for orchestrating various tasks. Command line arguments empower DevOps engineers to interact with Python scripts dynamically, providing flexibility and cust…
By Saurabh Adhau | Aug 03, 2024

Detailed Guide to Comparing and Ordering Objects in Python

What is Ordering?
Ordering refers to the ability to compare objects to determine their relative positions in a sequence. In Python, this involves defining how objects should be compared with each other using operators such as <, <=, >, and >=.
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 03, 2024

Python app using the Docker Compose framework.


In this tutorial, we will guide you through creating a Python application using the Docker Compose framework. Docker Compose is a powerful tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. It enables you to manage and …
By ImaneLmr | Aug 03, 2024

Difference between exec() and eval() functions

Both functions have a common objective: to execute Python code from the string input or code object. Even though they both have the same objective, exec() and eval() are not the same.
Return Values
The exec() function doesn't return any value whereas…
By Sachin Pal | Aug 03, 2024

Using Tuples and Comparisons in Python: A Beginner's Guide

Tuples are immutable sequences, typically used to store collections of heterogeneous data. Here’s a simple overview of tuples and how they can be compared:
Basics of Tuples
A tuple is created by placing all the items (elements) inside parentheses (),…
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 03, 2024

Exploring Workload Identity Federation in GCP

Hey there! I'm excited to dive into Workload Identity Federation (WIF) in Google Cloud Platform (GCP). WIF is a secure method to access GCP resources without relying on static Service Account (SA) keys. Let’s explore how it works, why it…
By Tanishka Marrott | Aug 03, 2024

Differences in Memory Usage: Tuples vs. Lists

The memory overhead associated with tuples compared to lists in Python is minimal, but there are differences due to the immutability of tuples and the dynamic nature of lists. Here are five examples illustrating these differences:

Memory Allocation …
By LingarajTechhub All About Programming | Aug 03, 2024

Unleashing RustPython: A New Python Interpreter

Exploring the Genesis of RustPython: Origins and Objectives
The inception of RustPython is a tale of innovation and the pursuit of efficiency. Conceived by developers fascinated with Rust's capabilities, the project aims to blend Python's simplicity …
By Hemanshu Vadodariya (Hemu) | Aug 03, 2024

Don't mutate your paginated Queryset

Django's Paginator works to batch your query items into pages. Under the hood it uses lazy slicing which is accomplished in sql by offset and limit.

Warning altering the data affects the limit/offset of proceeding paginated pages

data …
By Danny Crasto | Aug 03, 2024

Radiation hardened Quine: Whatever doesn't kill you, simply makes you stronger

Welcome back to our series on Quines! We've delved deep into the world of self-replication, exploring everything from introns to multi-language shape-shifters. Now, let's push the limits of Quine resilience and talk about a fascinating concept: Radia…
By Darshan A S | Aug 03, 2024

El Uso de Python en el desarrollo de la IA y sus aplicaciones prácticas

Python se ha consolidado como uno de los lenguajes de programación más populares en el ámbito de la inteligencia artificial (IA) y el aprendizaje automático (machine learning). Su simplicidad, versatilidad y la vasta cantidad de bibliotecas especiali…
By Jorge Leonardo Cespedes Tapia | Aug 03, 2024

Python Protocols: Combining Duck Typing with Type Hints for Better Coding

Python's dynamic nature and support for duck typing have long been praised for their flexibility. However, as codebases grow larger and more complex, the benefits of static type checking become increasingly clear. But how can we reconcile the flexibi…
By Sam Keen | Aug 03, 2024

Beware of Code Smell: The Risks of Mutable Getters

In the world of software development, code smells are like warning signs of potential problems in our code. Today, we’ll discuss a tricky issue: mutable getters. This code smell can mess up the integrity of our objects and cause unexpected behavior i…
By Nikhil Vibhani | Aug 03, 2024

AWS to GCP – Workload Identity Federation – Explained

Hey there! I'm excited to dive into Workload Identity Federation (WIF) in Google Cloud Platform (GCP). WIF is a secure method to access GCP resources without relying on static Service Account (SA) keys. Let’s explore how it works, why it…
By Tanishka Marrott | Aug 03, 2024

Big O Notation – Quick recap

<- Go Back to Index
Algorithmic Complexity
Refers to the measure of the amount of resources an algorithm requires to run, particularly in terms of time (time complexity) and space (space complexity).
This measures the amount of time an algorithm…
By Akshat Sharma | Aug 02, 2024

Coding 101 Series: A Comprehensive Guide for College Freshers Pursuing Computer Science

Welcome to the Coding 101 series, a beginner's guide dedicated to college freshers who are embarking on their journey into the world of programming. This series aims to provide an introductory overview of what it takes to adapt to the p…
By HARI PRASATH N T | Aug 03, 2024

Kickstart Your Coding Journey with Python and Microsoft Learn!

Why Python Should Be Your First Programming Language
Python isn’t just another programming language — it’s the Swiss Army knife of coding. Here’s why:

Easy to Learn: Python’s syntax is clear and readable, making it perfect for beginners.

By Mahrukh Adeel | Aug 03, 2024

How to Use Git and GitHub for Version Control

How to Use Git and GitHub for Version Control
Are you tired of losing track of changes in your code? Wondering how to collaborate seamlessly with other developers on your project? Git and GitHub are your ultimate solutions for version control. In thi…
By mediageneous social | Aug 03, 2024

You've been using Set wrong this whole time!

Imagine you've built this cool bit of logic that relies on using a Set of objects. You've written the class yourself, and now you're passing objects into a set like so.
class CleverClass:
def __init__(self, name: str, data: dict[str, bool]) -> No…
By Khaleel | Aug 02, 2024

Building a Simple Login Interface with Python

In this guide, we'll walk you through building a simple login interface using Python. We'll use Tkinter for the graphical interface and SQLite for the database to store user credentials.
Step 1: Setting Up the Environment
First, ensure you have Pytho…
By Hommer Sanders | Aug 04, 2024

You've been using Set wrong this whole time!

Imagine you've built this cool bit of logic that relies on using a Set of objects. You've written the class yourself, and now you're passing objects into a set like so.
class CleverClass:
def __init__(self, name: str, data: dict[str, bool]) -> No…
By Khaleel | Aug 02, 2024

Learning the Basics of Bash Scripting

Learning the Basics of Bash Scripting
Alright, so you’re diving into the world of Bash scripting. Whether you're a newbie programmer or looking to automate tasks, mastering Bash can save you a ton of time. But what exactly is Bash scripting, and why …
By mediageneous social | Aug 04, 2024

Box Storage in Algorand Python

Box storage is akin to a key-value database that smart contracts can manipulate on-chain.
An application can create any number of boxes, with each box storing up to 32k bytes of data.

Developer docs: Smart Contract Storage

By Alexander Codes | Aug 04, 2024

🌟 Exploring React Concurrent Mode: The Future of Smooth UIs

🌟 Introduction
React has been a game-changer in the world of front-end development, providing developers with the tools to create dynamic and responsive user interfaces. One of the most exciting advancements in React is the introduction of Concurren…
By Aditya Dhaygude | Aug 04, 2024

The Power of Environment Variables in Python

In the realm of DevOps, efficient configuration management is crucial for orchestrating complex systems and workflows. Environment variables serve as a versatile mechanism for passing configuration details to Python scripts, providing fl…
By Saurabh Adhau | Aug 04, 2024

How to Send Messages from Schneider Workstation to MQTT Explorer Using MQTT Protocol

The MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol is a lightweight messaging protocol designed for small sensors and mobile devices. It provides efficient and reliable communication, making it ideal for IoT applications. In this guide, we'll ex…
By MAGENDRAN P | Aug 04, 2024

EU AI Act: What you need to know about the AI regulation!

Hi AI Enthusiasts,
Welcome to this week's Magic AI News, where we present you the most exciting AI news of the week. This week, the EU AI Act came into effect, and we have summarized the key points for you!
This week's Magic AI tool is perfect for pe…
By Tinz Twins | Aug 04, 2024

How to start Data Science

Start with learning Python. If you have previous experience on coding, that's good. Knowledge transfer. If not, just learn it. Learn from the basic until function definition is enough. Want to go extra? Learn until OOP.

Write the code on notebook. S…
By Ammar | Aug 04, 2024

The Inner Workings of Video Playback: Interaction Between Streaming Protocols, Chunks, and ABR

Playback is the process of delivering and displaying video content to users in a seamless manner, encompassing everything from retrieving video chunks to buffering and rendering. Unlike video players, which are the software or applications that facil…
By ritiksharmaaa | Aug 04, 2024

sorted(List) vs List.sorted() in Python

When I was just starting out with Python I found the distinction between a function doing something in place and returning the result instead pretty interesting.
Understanding this distinction is pretty important as a beginner! Since sorting in one o…
By Constantin Lungu | Aug 04, 2024

Mastering Machine Learning with Python: Foundations and Key Concepts

Mastering Machine Learning with Python: Foundations and Key Concepts
In today’s era of Artificial Intelligence (AI), scaling businesses and streamlining workflows has never been easier or more accessible. AI and machine learning equip companies to ma…
By Tosin Ezekiel | Aug 04, 2024

Devlog #2: Getting S3 Connected to my Django Website

In my last Devlog, I got my Django website hosted on Elastic Beanstalk by uploading a packaged zip of all the application code and the static files including my sample photos. While it was a success and it got the website live, it's not… comfortabl…
By Samuel Drew | Aug 04, 2024

Managing CVE Data Locally with CVE Database Manager

In the cybersecurity landscape, keeping track of vulnerabilities is crucial for maintaining secure systems. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) list is a comprehensive catalog of such vulnerabilities. However, using public API…
By Niranjan G | Aug 04, 2024

Alert Pattern Recognition: Building a Smart Slack App with Machine Learning

As developers, we've all been there – drowning in a sea of Slack alerts, desperately trying to spot the critical issues amidst the noise. It's a common problem, but what if we could use machine learning to make sense of this chaos? That's exactly wha…
By Finn Ng | Aug 04, 2024

Data Analytics: Techniques and Tools

In this modern world today businesses rely on Data analytics every day to make informed decisions and optimize operations. Data analytics involves examining raw data to uncover patterns, draw conclusions, and support decision-making.
What is Data Ana…
By Oyugi Nimba | Aug 04, 2024

Navigating the Blockchain: A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Blockchain Developer and Entering the Crypto World

Blockchain technology has revolutionized numerous industries, from finance to supply chain management. With the rise of cryptocurrencies and decentralized applications (dApps), becoming a blockchain developer offers a promising and lucrative career p…
By Aniket Dhaygude | Aug 04, 2024

Python Interview Preparation: Class Methods vs Static Methods Explained

In Python, methods within a class can be categorized into instance methods, class methods, and static methods. Each serves a unique purpose and provides different levels of access to the class and its instances. In this blog, we'll explore class meth…
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 04, 2024

Updating DataFrames in Pandas

Pandas is a powerful data manipulation library in Python. It provides various functions to update and modify DataFrames efficiently. In this blog post, we will cover some common methods to update DataFrames, including dropping rows and columns, filli…
By Emeron Marcelle | Aug 04, 2024

#406 – Matthias

Weeknotes (2024 week 31)

Weeknotes (2024 week 31)
I have missed almost two months of weeknotes. I&rsquo;ve got some catching up to do.
I have tried writing a larger piece on my thoughts about CMS, but with
everything going on in my personal and work life I haven&rsquo;t made…
By Matthias Kestenholz | Jul 31, 2024


Pydantic Settings + AWS the easy way

#pydantic #python #aws
By Rafael de Oliveira Marques | Jul 29, 2024

What does if __name__ ='__main__' do in Python?

By Kaustubh Upadhyay | Jul 29, 2024

Backend developer guidance

#webdev #django #backend
By Rudra | Jul 29, 2024

10 Livros de Python que vale à pena você ler

#python #books #desenvolvimento #programming
By Marcos Oliveira | Jul 29, 2024

🤖Dueling AIs: Questioning and Answering with Language Models🚀

#python #beginners #ai #rag
By Prashant Iyer | Jul 29, 2024

SAA-C03 Whitepapers and AWS Services to Master

#aws #devops #python #learning
By Rashed Chowdhury | Jul 29, 2024

Connecting to APIs with Python: Synchronous and Asynchronous Approaches

#python #beginners #programming #performance
By Mangabo Kolawole | Jul 29, 2024

Optimizing Your Work-from-Home Setup for Career Success

#python #devops #googlecloud #workstations
By SNMeans | Jul 29, 2024

🚀 Announcing the Ultimate Repository for Data Structures in Multiple Languages! 🚀

#javascript #go #python #cpp
By Harris Ahmad | Jul 29, 2024

API Documentation With Swagger And Redoc – FastAPI Beyond CRUD (Part 21)

#fastapi #api #python #programming
By Ssali Jonathan | Jul 29, 2024

[Python] Creating a wordcloud using the dev.to API

#python #api #devto
By K | Jul 29, 2024

The Impressive Achievements of Python Students at D Soft Technologies in Kochi

#python #django #mojo #gdscript
By D Soft Technologies Marketing | Jul 29, 2024

Pinterest Scraping

#pinterest #webscraping #python #octoparse
By Emilia | Jul 29, 2024

Adding an Index in Django Without Locking Your Database Table

#django #database #postgres #webdev
By KARTHIK NARAYAN | Jul 29, 2024

To build web applications using Python3

#python #webdev #javascript #beginners
By Olatunji Ayodele Abidemi | Jul 29, 2024

What is the difference between FP16 and BF16? Here a good explanation for you

#python #machinelearning #tensorflow #beginners
By Furkan Gözükara | Jul 29, 2024

Easily Split and Rename PDFs for Skyward

#skyward #act #streamlit #python
By Blacknight318 | Jul 29, 2024

Understanding test coverage tools

#webdev #productivity #python #ai
By keploy | Jul 29, 2024

MY Tools

#python #cybersecurity #hacker #html
By Moaz-Mohamedx3 | Jul 29, 2024

Data Representation in Python: A Comprehensive Guide

#programming #webdev #python #learning
By Tharun Kumar | Jul 29, 2024

My Tools Help You In The Hack Test

#python #cybersecurity #ethicalhacker #html
By Moaz-Mohamedx3 | Jul 29, 2024

Data Visualization in Storytelling Which Encourages Effective Communication

#database #datastructures #datascience #python
By jinesh vora | Jul 29, 2024

Is my excitement just a beginner's thing?

#beginners #python #webdev #cs50
By Angie | Jul 29, 2024

Hiring Alert!

#dataengineering #pyspark #python #aws
By Dorothy Seal | Jul 29, 2024

Enhancing User Experience and Efficiency with AI Assistant Software

#ai #react #javascript #python
By Sista AI | Jul 29, 2024

API Testing With Unittest Mock, Pytest & Schemathesis – FastAPI Beyond CRUD (Part 22)

#fastapi #api #python #programming
By Ssali Jonathan | Jul 29, 2024

Pre-Cloud Development Chatbot with Streamlit, Langchain, OpenAI and MongoDB Atlas Vector Search

#rag #pdftextextraction #python #vectordatabase
By Amanda Ruzza | Jul 30, 2024

Mastering Python Programming with the 'Python Practice Challenges' Course

#labex #python #programming #course
By Labby | Jul 29, 2024

Day 14 in the books

#python #beginners #100daysofcode
By Myrojyn | Jul 29, 2024

Setting up DigitalOcean Spaces for Django Media

#django #deployment #digitalocean #spaces
By Aidas Bendoraitis | Jul 30, 2024

Stay Updated with Python/FastAPI/Django: Weekly News Summary (22/07/2024-28/07/2024

#python #django #fastapi #flask
By Poovarasu Sekar | Jul 30, 2024

How to preprocess your Dataset

#machinelearning #datascience #programming #python
By Sai Vishwa B | Jul 30, 2024

Reinforcement Learning from Scratch – Part 2 – Deep Q Learning

#machinelearning #ai #python #tutorial
By Akshay Ballal | Jul 30, 2024

Django AllAuth Chapter 4 – Customizing Django AllAuth UI

#python #allauth #django #materializecss
By Andrés Álvarez Iglesias | Jul 30, 2024

Building myChefAssist with AI: Lessons Learned and How to Avoid Pitfalls

#ai #django #postgres #llama
By Eben | Jul 30, 2024

🚀 Exploring Django with React 🚀

#webdev #django #react #ai
By Eben | Jul 30, 2024

Web App Activity Suggestor (🇪🇸in Spanish)

#python #fastapi #webapp #español
By GeroZayas | Jul 30, 2024

5-Week Data Career Boot Camp: Orientation and Foundations.

#python #sql #data #datascience
By Mwenda Harun Mbaabu | Jul 30, 2024

Python – List Methods & Tasks

#programming #python #beginners #learning
By SM | Jul 31, 2024

My 100th beginning.

#beginners #python #productivity #learning
By HellenWangari | Jul 31, 2024

Making a Roguelike while chillin out part III

#python #gamedev #devjournal #programming
By Draculinio | Jul 31, 2024

How to Run Llama-3.1🦙 Locally Using Python🐍 and Hugging Face 🤗

#ai #python #meta #nlp
By Debapriya Das | Jul 30, 2024

To Reverse a string with out using for loop in python. | DAY 1

#python #learning
By Jagannath Ghantenavar | Jul 30, 2024

Django translation: translate database content

By DoriDoro | Jul 30, 2024

Cybersecurity in Web Development OR Secure Website Is Equally Important For You And User

#webdev #cybersecurity #python #linux
By Rashedul Hridoy | Jul 30, 2024

Django: `render_to_string()` funtion

By DoriDoro | Jul 30, 2024

Why creating a variable and using that variable as reference can lead to confusion?

By DoriDoro | Jul 30, 2024

Python: differences between `.replace()` and `.re.sub()` methods

By DoriDoro | Jul 30, 2024

Building Voice User Interfaces with React using Sista AI

#ai #react #javascript #python
By Sista AI | Jul 30, 2024

(🇪🇸) Conclusiones del Stack Overflow Dev Survey 2024 – Tecnologías más demandadas

#javascript #python #webdev #stackoverflow
By GeroZayas | Jul 30, 2024

Part 3: Building Powerful Chains and Agents in LangChain

#langchain #llm #python #openai
By James | Jul 31, 2024

Duck Typing Meets Type Hints: Using Protocols in Python

By Sam Keen | Jul 31, 2024

The Quest for Performance Part II : Perl vs Python

#python #perl #performance
By chrisarg | Jul 31, 2024

The Importance of Mathematics in Machine Learning: A Beginner's Perspective.

#machinelearning #maths #ai #python
By lilyNeema | Jul 31, 2024

Upload remote video to YouTube with GitHub Actions and Google API

#youtube #python #github #githubactions
By Sh Raj | Jul 31, 2024

Your Gateway to Esports

#reactjsdevelopment #python #gamedev #techtalks
By Pooja | Jul 31, 2024

Porting Phi-3-Vision to MLX: A Python Hobbyist's Journey into Advanced AI on Apple Silicon

#python #mlx #vlm #llm
By Josef Albers | Jul 31, 2024

Be A Millionaire…

#beginners #python #learning
By Xolisa Williams | Jul 31, 2024

Boost Your RAG Performance with Tavily Search API

#ai #nlp #api #python
By Lê Đức Minh | Jul 31, 2024

What is Django Rest Framework?

#python #django #backend #softwaredevelopment
By zehra hindioğlu | Jul 31, 2024

Harnessing Python’s Pathlib for Filesystem Navigation

#python #programming #softwareengineering #webdev
By JHK infotech | Jul 31, 2024

Python for devops

#python #devops #api #selenium
By Pratik Nalawade | Jul 31, 2024

10 Essential Questions to Ask When Starting with NumPy Data Manipulation

#datascience #python
By Marcos | Jul 31, 2024

Understanding python coverage with practically

#python #webdev #javascript #programming
By keploy | Jul 31, 2024

Flying Fast and Furious: AI-Powered FastAPI Deployments

#python #webdev #ai #beginners
By Justin L Beall | Jul 31, 2024

How Beautiful Soup is used to extract data out of the Public Web

#datascience #python
By Marcos | Jul 31, 2024

Genz Hiring

#python #opensource #hackathon #openai
By raghavtwenty | Jul 31, 2024

#Introduction To Software Testing#

#python #selenium #github #programming
By krishnaveni | Jul 31, 2024

Substituição e Correção de Palavras com NLTK em Python

#programming #python #nltk #nlp
By Moprius | Jul 31, 2024

Introdução à Tokenização e Básicos do WordNet com Python e NLTK

#programming #python #nltk #nlp
By Moprius | Jul 31, 2024

#Manual testing deep drive#

#testing #manual #python
By krishnaveni | Jul 31, 2024

Why Python and JavaScript are My Favourite Programming Languages

#javascript #webdev #python
By Rashedul Hridoy | Aug 01, 2024

Writing Python code like Typescript

#python #typescript #softwareengineering
By Muhammad Bima Adi Prabowo | Aug 01, 2024

A denial of service Regex breaks FastAPI security

#applicationsecurity #python
By SnykSec | Aug 01, 2024

Creating relationships using SQLAlchemy in Python

#python #sqlalchemy #database #flask
By Spencer Adler | Aug 01, 2024

Python – List Methods & Tasks II

#programming #python #beginners #learning
By SM | Aug 01, 2024

SOLID Principles in Software Development

#python #solidprinciples #softwaredevelopment #oopsprogramming
By Vivek Yadav | Aug 01, 2024

🔍 Comparing and Contrasting Popular Probability Distributions: A Practical Approach 📊

#statistics #python #machinelearning #datascience
By Sai Vishwa B | Aug 01, 2024

Python – Lists and Tasks

#python #programming
By Suresh S | Aug 01, 2024

If it quacks like a duck 🦆🐥

#webdev #programming #python #productivity
By JohnKagunda | Aug 01, 2024

If it quacks like a duck 🦆🐥

#webdev #programming #python #productivity
By JohnKagunda | Aug 01, 2024

Adding translation to Django Portfolio project

By DoriDoro | Aug 01, 2024

Usage of Django `.values_list()` method in a view

By DoriDoro | Aug 01, 2024

Streamline UI design with Anvil’s reusable Layouts

#webdev #python #anvil
By Ryan | Aug 01, 2024

From Docker to Kubernetes: A Journey with Cyclops UI

#docker #kubernetes #cyclopsui #python
By Md Abid Hussain | Aug 01, 2024

How to add authentication to a Django custom admin view?

#django #python
By Mirzonabot | Aug 01, 2024

“Be wary of time complexity pitfalls"

#python #development #discuss
By mengqinyuan | Aug 01, 2024

A beginner's query on testing with Microsoft Edge.

#python #beginners #learning
By cangxia0528 | Aug 01, 2024

LeetCode Problem 121: Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock

#javascript #python #algorithms #programming
By Ingila Ejaz | Aug 01, 2024

Python: A Comprehensive Introduction

#python #programming #tutorial #beginners
By Learn more | Aug 01, 2024

Make a Django project production-ready, create a Docker Image and use GitHub CI/CD to automate the push of the Docker image

#django #docker
By DoriDoro | Aug 01, 2024

DJ Databass

#flask #react #python #api
By saradomincroft | Aug 01, 2024

Poetry: Simplifying Python Dependency Management on Linux

#python #productivity #linux #management
By Shanu Kumawat | Aug 01, 2024

The trouble with __all__

#python #programming #discuss
By Caelean Barnes | Aug 01, 2024

Dive into Python: A Comprehensive Collection of Free Programming Resources

#getvm #python #programming #tutorials
By GetVM | Aug 01, 2024

Understanding Machine Learning: A Comprehensive Guide

#machinelearning #tensorflow #ai #python
By Anil K Tiwari | Aug 01, 2024

Exploring AWS Serverless Deployments with CDK v2: From RSS to X Posts – Part 3 of the Odyssey

#cdk #python #testing #aws
By Adrian Mudzwiti | Aug 01, 2024

LeetCode Problem 121: Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock

#javascript #python #algorithms #programming
By Ingila Ejaz | Aug 01, 2024

Background Tasks with FastAPI Background Tasks and Celery + Redis – FastAPI Beyond CRUD (Part 20)

#fastapi #python #programming #api
By Ssali Jonathan | Aug 02, 2024

I have some code to share

#python #beginners #100daysofcode #h
By Myrojyn | Aug 02, 2024

Integrate Google OAuth2 authentication into the django-rest-framework

#django #djangorestframework #google
By qian | Aug 02, 2024

crud in python

#python #webdev #beginners #programming
By Muhammed Shamal PV | Aug 02, 2024

Print(“Hello World !! ”)

#python #coding #startup
By Yiğit Talha Balcı | Aug 02, 2024

Beginner's Guide to Programming Languages for Machine Learning

#machinelearning #python #julia #programming
By lilyNeema | Aug 02, 2024

Compatibility Testing for PC Games: A Full Guide

#compatibility #gamedev #python #programming
By wetest | Aug 02, 2024

Python Debugging utility

#python #pdb #developer
By Bhagavan Prasad | Aug 02, 2024

Node and Python should not be in one docker

#docker #python #vue
By mibii | Aug 02, 2024

Building an Intelligent Log Analyzer in Python with argparse, Ollama, and Mistral AI

#python #ai #programming
By Mangabo Kolawole | Aug 02, 2024

Enhancing Web Accessibility with Multi-Agent LLM for Visually Impaired Users

#llm #extensions #python #javascript
By Ky Huynh | Aug 02, 2024

Expert advice on how to build a successful career in data science.

#python #datascience #beginners #programming
By Berlyn | Aug 02, 2024

Managing Dependencies and Compatibility Issues in Django Projects

#django #djangocms #djangodev #webdev
By malihaanjum art | Aug 02, 2024

Starting Strong: First-Day Rituals to Set Yourself Up for Success

#beginners #python #productivity #workstations
By SNMeans | Aug 02, 2024

Using YOLO with CLIP to improve Retrieval

#machinelearning #computervision #ai #python
By Akshay Ballal | Aug 02, 2024

Crafting a Feature-Rich Uber Clone: A Comprehensive Guide to Building Your Own Ride-Hailing App

#uberclone #node #react #python
By John Daniel | Aug 02, 2024

Beginner's Guide to Scikit-Learn (sklearn) 📚

#python #datascience #machinelearning #ai
By Anand | Aug 02, 2024

How to Run Llama-3.1🦙 locally in Python using Ollama, LangChain

#python #meta #nlp #machinelearning
By Emmanuel Onwuegbusi | Aug 02, 2024

🇪🇸 Spanish Lottery Number Generator (en Español)

#python #terminal #typer #lottery
By GeroZayas | Aug 02, 2024

Map vs For in Python: Which One to Choose?

#python #coding #programming
By Marcos Cesar | Aug 03, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Data Analytics: Techniques and Tools

#datascience #python #analytics #dataviz
By Cynthia Ngugi | Aug 03, 2024

5 Tips on Coding with Python

#python #beginners
By Nathaniel Chitnis | Aug 02, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Data Analytics: Techniques and Tools

#webdev #python #database #data
By Kelvin Luvala | Aug 03, 2024

A Handy Way To Clear The Terminal In Python

#python #cli
By Onorio Catenacci | Aug 03, 2024

What It Takes to Build A Successful Data Science Career

#datascience #career #python #successful
By Kennedy Muhoho | Aug 03, 2024

The Ultimate Guide To Data Analytics: Tools and Techniques

#python #programming #coding
By John Wakaba | Aug 03, 2024

My Productive Summer Vacation 🌞📚

#productivity #machinelearning #python #programming
By Divyansh Tiwari | Aug 03, 2024

Make Money Just by Writing a Function!

#ai #productivity #javascript #python
By Sam | Aug 03, 2024

Added advanced debugging features to my machine learning library like pytorch.

#pytorch #python #deploy #debug
By Okerew | Aug 03, 2024

Managing Python Versions and Virtual Environments using pyenv

#python #webdev #programming #tutorial
By Nick | Aug 03, 2024

How to Find the Total Duration of a YouTube Playlist

#webdev #javascript #programming #python
By Satyam Sahu | Aug 03, 2024

New Gigs?

#webdev #frontend #django #discuss
By Paul | Aug 03, 2024

Which is Best?

#django #react #node #webdev
By Santosh varma | Aug 03, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Data Analytics: Techniques and Tools

#python #coding #data #analytics
By Nginacloud | Aug 04, 2024

fastapi opensource project

#opensource #python
By codewitgabi | Aug 03, 2024

fastapi opensource project

#opensource #python
By codewitgabi | Aug 03, 2024

ZED-Score Calculator

#statistics #zed #inferential #python
By ANNA LAPUSHNER | Aug 03, 2024

Kickstart Your Coding Journey with Python and Microsoft Learn!

#microsoft #python #programming #vscode
By Mahrukh Adeel | Aug 04, 2024

Expert Advice on how to Build a Successful Career in Data Science.

#datascience #python
By Brigit Melbride | Aug 04, 2024

Expert advice for building a successful career in data science: Education, skills and job search tips

#datascience #career #python
By Natasha Tatenda Chirombe | Aug 04, 2024

What are Non-Deterministic Programs: Exploring Python Example

#python #programming #beginners #webdev
By Tarush Arora | Aug 04, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Data Analytics: Tools and Techniques

#python #datascience #data #dataanalytics
By Muthoni, Rogers | Aug 04, 2024

Cracking the LeetCode 122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II

#python #javascript #dsa #datastructures
By Ingila Ejaz | Aug 04, 2024

Production Readiness Checklist

#devops #python #kubernetes #aws
By Soumendra Kumar Sahoo | Aug 04, 2024

Embracing Type Safety and Database Pulling with Prisma Client Python

#python #fastapi #prisma #postgres
By viky | Aug 04, 2024

Concurrent Futures in Python: Launching Parallel Tasks with Ease

#programming #python #developers #fastapi
By viky | Aug 04, 2024

Data Analysis. The Ultimate Guide to Data Analytics: Techniques and Tools

#beginners #python #sql #data
By Bertha Makori | Aug 04, 2024

Boost Your Python Performance with Parallize: A Game-Changer for Parallel Processing

#programming #python #asyncprogramming #fastapi
By viky | Aug 04, 2024


#beginners #python
By Grace Ngari | Aug 04, 2024

Building a TaskManager Serverless Python Api with AWS Lambda, API Gateway, CloudWatch events, DynamoDB and Cognito

#aws #python #serverless #api
By Kenneth Kimani | Aug 04, 2024

Expert advice on how to build a successful career in data science, including tips on education, skills, and job searching.

#datascience #postgres #learning #python
By Joy Cheruto | Aug 04, 2024

Step-by-Step procedure for creating a Lambda function, deploying it to AWS and testing it🎉

#aws #cloud #python #lambda
By Albine Peter | Aug 04, 2024