#Real Python

Understanding the Python Mock Object Library

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use the Python mock object library, unittest.mock, to create and use mock objects to improve your tests. Obstacles like complex logic and unpredictable dependencies make writing valuable tests difficult, but unittest.mock can help you overcome these obstacles.
#intermediate #testing
By | Jun 26, 2024

Python's Built-in Functions: A Complete Exploration

In this tutorial, you'll learn the basics of working with Python's numerous built-in functions. You'll explore how you can use these predefined functions to perform common tasks and operations, such as mathematical calculations, data type conversions, and string manipulations.
#basics #python
By | Jun 29, 2024

#Django Project – Weblog

Django 5.1 beta 1 released

By Natalia Bidart | Jun 26, 2024

#Python Insider

Python 3.13.0 beta 3 released

By Thomas Wouters | Jun 28, 2024


Issue #635 – Calendar Versioning, Rounding, Generating Test Data, and More

By | Jun 25, 2024


Reusable Components in Django with Stimulus and Tailwind CSS – Part 1

Looks at how to build client-side UI components in Django with Stimulus and Tailwind.
#Django #Front-end
By Michael Yin | Jun 30, 2024


geojson-faker: fake geodata in GeoJSON format

#python #geojson #faker #pydantic
By Alex | Jun 24, 2024

Deploying Django in Production.

#django #nginx #webdev #python
By wassef ben ahmed | Jun 24, 2024

The History of Large Language Models (LLM)

#llm #python #ai
By Sullivan GAGLIONE | Jun 24, 2024

Understanding OOPs in Python 🐍🌠

#python #oops #beginners #datascience
By Anand | Jun 24, 2024

How to Extract Table From PDF in Python

#python #ironpdf #softwaredevelopment #webdev
By Mehr Muhammad Hamza | Jun 24, 2024

Voice AI: How to build a voice AI assistant?

#ai #machinelearning #python #productivity
By Kevin Naidoo | Jun 24, 2024

Unlocking the Power of Large Language Models (LLMs): Your Ultimate Guide

#webdev #llm #python #dataengineering
By FuturisticGeeks | Jun 24, 2024

Choosing the Right Python Web Framework: Django vs FastAPI vs Flask

#python #webdev #discuss #devtoys
By 3a5abi 🥷 | Jun 24, 2024

Oxylabs Python SDK

#oxylabs #python #api #library
By Uman Shahzad | Jun 24, 2024

Critical Skills for Python Developers in 2024

#python #devops #learning #development
By Twinkle | Jun 24, 2024

Django website templates – Speed up your Development

#webdev #django #beginners #opensource
By Paul | Jun 24, 2024

How to Create A PDF File in Python

#python #webdev #softwaredevelopment #ironpdf
By Mehr Muhammad Hamza | Jun 24, 2024

Python & SQL DJ Database

#python #sql #cli #database
By saradomincroft | Jun 24, 2024

Replacing Saas ETL with Python dlt: A painless experience for Yummy.eu

#saasetl #dataengineering #python
By Aman Gupta | Jun 24, 2024

Empty Strings and Zero-length Arrays: How do We Store… Nothing?

#c #javascript #python #beginners
By Biraj | Jun 24, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #123: Explica este código Python

#python #beginners #spanish #learning
By Cristian Fernando | Jun 24, 2024

Django Rest Framework

#django #restapi #javascript #python
By Odipo Otieno | Jun 24, 2024

🚀 Django + Svelte 5: No More Dev Nightmares! 💥

#django #svelte #python #webdev
By Bishwas Bhandari | Jun 24, 2024

What Are Your Favorite Python Libraries for Data Science and Why?

#python #devops #discuss #webdev
By Creation World | Jun 24, 2024

Maximize Your Python Code: Efficient Serialization and Parallelism with Joblib

#python #joblib #piplines #tips
By Dana | Jun 24, 2024

Understanding FastAPI: How Starlette works

#fastapi #starlette #python #asgi
By Rafael de Oliveira Marques | Jun 24, 2024

Manage your tasks with the terminal

#python #productivity
By Stokry | Jun 24, 2024

The Hardest Problem in RAG… Handling 'NOT FOUND' Answers 🔍🤔

#rag #ai #python #programming
By Will Taner | Jun 24, 2024

Text-based language processing enhanced with AI/ML

#python #node #machinelearning #ai
By Wesley Chun (@wescpy) | Jun 24, 2024

Role-Based Access Control Using Dependency Injection (Add User Roles)

#fastapi #python #webdev #api
By Ssali Jonathan | Jun 24, 2024

Stay Updated with Python/FastAPI/Django: Weekly News Summary (17/06/2024–23/06/2024)

#python #django #flask #fastapi
By Poovarasu Sekar | Jun 25, 2024

Running multiple LLMs on a single GPU

#llm #gpu #ai #python
By Shannon Lal | Jun 24, 2024

Poetry: O Maestro dos Projetos Python 🎩✨

#poetry #python #programming
By José Guilherme Lins | Jun 25, 2024

Implementing a Mail Delivery Switch in Python for Local and AWS Environments Using Amazon SES

#aws #python #ses
By Koji Ishida | Jun 25, 2024

How to improve Django Framework?

#opinion #django #python #architecture
By Eduardo Zepeda | Jun 25, 2024

5 Best Websites for Free Django Templates

#python #django #webdev #frontend
By Devluc | Jun 25, 2024

Step-by-Step with Pandas: Basic Operations to Intermediate Mastery 🐍🐼

#datascience #python #machinelearning #pandas
By Anand | Jun 25, 2024

Build a smart product data generator from image with GPT-4o and Langchain

#openai #langchain #python #tutorials
By Maya Shavin 🌷☕️🏡 | Jun 25, 2024

🤖 Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning: A Fun Comparison! 🎉

#machinelearning #datascience #python #computerscience
By Aviral Garg | Jun 25, 2024

Why Software Python Development is Hard?

#softwaredevelopment #python #beginners #community
By Igor AG | Jun 25, 2024

Understanding Django's settings.py File: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

#beginners #programming #python #backenddevelopment
By Rupesh Mishra | Jun 25, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #124: Explica este código Python

#beginners #learning #python #spanish
By Cristian Fernando | Jun 25, 2024

Python vs Java: The Battle of the Programming Titans

#webdev #javascript #programming #python
By jinesh vora | Jun 25, 2024

Python vs Java: The Battle of the Programming Titans

#webdev #javascript #programming #python
By jinesh vora | Jun 25, 2024

Building Your First Web Application with Flask: A Step-by-Step Guide

#flask #python #webdev #webapp
By Zaiba S.A | Jun 25, 2024

Creation of choices in django model

By DoriDoro | Jun 25, 2024


#webdev #python #devops #opensource
By BPM_宏天低代码 | Jun 25, 2024

In which order a Django model is created?

By DoriDoro | Jun 25, 2024

Python Essentials: A Speedy Introduction

#python #ai #machinelearning
By Mubbashir Mustafa | Jun 25, 2024

API Development and Monitoring with FastAPI and Apitally

#python #fastapi #apitally #monitoring
By Developer Service | Jun 25, 2024

How AppMap Navie solved the SWE bench AI coding challenge

#ai #vscode #llm #python
By Kevin Gilpin | Jun 25, 2024

Building a Pet Diagnosis Assistant using Lyzr SDK

#ai #pet #programming #python
By Akshay Keerthi | Jun 25, 2024

🌟 Exciting Machine Learning Journey Ahead! 📊

#machinelearning #programming #python #ai
By Divyansh Gawri | Jun 25, 2024

Atomic Agents – New opensource library to build AI agents atomically

#ai #python #agentic #github
By Kenny Vaneetvelde | Jun 26, 2024

Flask: The basics!

#python #flask #softwareengineering #students
By Tripp | Jun 26, 2024

How to Determine API Slow Downs, Part 2

#machinelearning #python #devops #testing
By ChunTing Wu | Jun 26, 2024

Updating a Record Creates a new Record

By Coolmike890 | Jun 26, 2024

Django AllAuth Chapter 1 – The All-in-one solution for Auth in Django

#django #python #allauth
By Andrés Álvarez Iglesias | Jun 26, 2024

LLD- In-Memory Database | Python

#python #lld #systemdesign #solidprinciples
By Dipesh Kumar Singh | Jun 26, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #125: Explica este código Python

#beginners #spanish #learning #python
By Cristian Fernando | Jun 26, 2024

Introduction to Python Programming

#python #programming #beginners
By Plug panther | Jun 26, 2024

Released SuperDuperDB v0.2

#oracle #database #python #opensource
By Kartik Sharma | Jun 26, 2024

Exploring Betaface Face Recognition Technology: Features and Alternatives

#ai #learning #machinelearning #python
By Luxand.cloud | Jun 26, 2024

SuperDuperDB v0.2

#database #ai #python
By Fernando Guerra | Jun 26, 2024

Part 2: Mastering Prompts and Language Models with LangChain

#python #llm #langchain #vectordatabase
By James | Jun 26, 2024

Using Python for Automated Testing In DevOps

#programming #devops #beginners #python
By David Bosah | Jun 26, 2024

How to Fix the Externally-Managed-Environment Error When Using Pip?

#tutorial #python #beginners #devops
By Luca Liu | Jun 26, 2024

Use AWS Generative AI CDK constructs to speed up app development

#python #infrastructureascode #machinelearning #tutorial
By Abhishek Gupta | Jun 26, 2024

Como Escanear Portas em um Website com Python

#python #website #network #tutorial
By Moprius | Jun 27, 2024

ACCELERATING DEVOPS TESTING: Advanced Parallel Testing Techniques with Python

#webdev #devops #python #beginners
By David Bosah | Jun 27, 2024

Introdução às linguagens de programação

#programming #cpp #rust #python
By Moprius | Jun 27, 2024

Ingesting Data to Parseable Using Pandas

#database #monitoring #devops #python
By Jen Wike Huger | Jun 27, 2024

How to install Anaconda on Arch Linux

#anaconda #python #archlinux #jupyter
By Amal Satheesan | Jun 26, 2024

Adding ESP to supercharge your Django Email 🚀

#django #webdev #djangoemail #email
By Paul | Jun 26, 2024

FastAPI Beyond CRUD Part 14 – Model And Schema Relationships (One To Many SQLModel)

#fastapi #api #python #webdev
By Ssali Jonathan | Jun 26, 2024

Optimize Django Performance: Using Asynchronous Signals with Huey and SQLite

#webdev #django #programming #python
By Abasifreke Ukpong | Jun 26, 2024

alternate way of doing word split/phrase segmentation in python

#algorithms #recursion #python #learning
By Akshat | Jun 26, 2024

Top 10 der Programmiersprachen mit den besten Job-Aussichten

#javascript #programming #python #webdev
By Emilia | Jun 27, 2024

Gym Planner | My Coding Adventure as a Code Newbie

#computerscience #python #codenewbie #codecademy
By Shakeel A | Jun 27, 2024

了解用户中心与单点登录 (SSO)

#webdev #javascript #python #ai
By BPM_宏天低代码 | Jun 27, 2024


#webdev #javascript #python #ai
By BPM_宏天低代码 | Jun 27, 2024

Introduction to OpenCV: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

#opencv #computervision #python #imageprocessing
By Plug panther | Jun 27, 2024

Reliable Nursing Essay Writing Services for Your Needs

#webdev #python #devops #opensource
By david hussy | Jun 27, 2024

Understanding Django's settings.py File: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

#beginners #programming #python #backenddevelopment
By Rupesh Mishra | Jun 27, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #126: Explica este código Python

#python #learning #beginners #spanish
By Cristian Fernando | Jun 27, 2024

Suggestions for Contributing to Open Source

#opensource #javascript #python #go
By D10 | Jun 27, 2024

TensorFlow Basics with Snippets

#tensorflow #machinelearning #python #deeplearning
By Plug panther | Jun 27, 2024

Understanding Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs)…

#python #datascience #deeplearning #machinelearning
By Pranjal Sharma | Jun 27, 2024

Connecting Cloud-Hosted PostgreSQL to Django: A Comprehensive Guide

#webdev #python #django #database
By Rupesh Mishra | Jun 27, 2024


#android #webtoapp #html #python
By Axel | Jun 27, 2024

Understanding Multithreading in Python

#python #multithreading #programming #tutorial
By Plug panther | Jun 27, 2024

Multiprocessing Using Python: A Comprehensive Guide with Code Snippets

#python #multiprocessing #programming #tutorial
By Plug panther | Jun 27, 2024

Understanding MicroPython: Python for Small Devices

#python #micropython #electronics #technology
By Richard Shaju | Jun 27, 2024

Circuit Breaker – Um apagador de fogo?

#circuitbreake #python #node #designsystem
By .·. Felipe Paz .·. | Jun 28, 2024

Circuit Breaker – A Fire Extinguisher for Your Code?

#circuitbreaker #python #node #designsystem
By .·. Felipe Paz .·. | Jun 28, 2024

Generate Q&A from Wikipedia Pages with Pydantic, Instructor, and Phi-3 LLM

#python #wikipedia #pydantic #phi3
By francesco agati | Jun 28, 2024

Starting my journey with HNG

#hng #python #django
By Numerous Oriabure | Jun 27, 2024

My Journey as a Backend Developer: Solving Complex Authentication and Authorization Challenge

#hng #backend #django
By kihuni | Jun 28, 2024

Building a Reliable and Accurate LLM Application with Voting Systems

#ai #llm #votingsystems #python
By Stephen Collins | Jun 28, 2024

Wie kann man Python Scraper mit Selenium erstellen?

#webdev #python #selenium #beginners
By Emilia | Jun 28, 2024

Python Conditionals

#python #programming #beginners #tutorial
By Irfan Faisal | Jun 28, 2024

A Newbie’s Aspiration as a Backend Developer through HNG Internship.

#backend #python #programmers
By Odefunke Odeleke | Jun 28, 2024

How Plotly is Better than Matplotlib and Seaborn (and Where It Falls Short)

#datascience #python #data
By Arindam Sahoo | Jun 28, 2024

Why I Joined HNG11 and How I Solved a Recent Backend Problem

#learning #django #backend
By Adetunji Adetayo | Jun 28, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #127: Explica este código Python

#python #learning #spanish #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Jun 28, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #128: Explica este código Python

#python #beginners #spanish #learning
By Cristian Fernando | Jun 28, 2024

Python: try – except block

By DoriDoro | Jun 28, 2024

Setting up `pre-commit` in a Django project

By DoriDoro | Jun 28, 2024

Django: several ForeignKey relationships in models

By DoriDoro | Jun 28, 2024

In Django model: save an image with Pillow (PIL) library

#django #pillow
By DoriDoro | Jun 28, 2024

Looking for a new position Python Backend Developer

#python #backenddevelopment #backend
By Abdulrahman Saeed Elshafie | Jun 28, 2024

Master Base64 Decoding Today!

#webdev #tutorial #python #ai
By keploy | Jun 28, 2024

Embedding Bokeh into HTML with Pyscript, a CSS resize handle & Custom JS callback passing results back to a div on our html page

#python #javascript #webdev #tutorial
By Rick Delpo | Jun 28, 2024

How I approach new problems as backend engineer

#python #django #hng
By Mgboawaji ikpaiko | Jun 28, 2024

AWS Resource Names Validation and Generation

#aws #validation #python #boto
By Alexy Grabov | Jun 28, 2024

WhatsApp Introduces META AI: Your New AI-Powered Chat Companion

#career #programming #python #webdev
By Muhammed Shamal PV | Jun 28, 2024

Python for Beginners

#python #programming #ai
By Waleedh Nihal | Jun 28, 2024

How do you deal with pagination when scraping web pages?

#help #discuss #python
By Vicente G. Reyes | Jun 28, 2024

A confusing task!

#backend #django #djangorest #webdev
By Mark Eke | Jun 28, 2024

Unacceptable Lobster

#beginners #python #100daysofpythonchallenge
By Myrojyn | Jun 28, 2024

FastAPI Beyond CRUD Part 15 – More Database And Schema Relationships

#fastapi #python #backenddevelopment #api
By Ssali Jonathan | Jun 28, 2024

Titanic Dataset Analysis

#datascience #analytics #python #learning
By net work | Jun 28, 2024

Beyond Algorithms: A Futurist View of The Future of Machine Learning

#machinelearning #ai #ethics #python
By Bytevillage | Jun 28, 2024

Test-Driven Development in Python using Unittest and Nose

#testing #python
By Subhodeep Sarkar | Jun 28, 2024

Python, for Javascript Devs

#webdev #javascript #python
By Justin Watson | Jun 29, 2024

Database migrations inconsistency in django

#django #backenddevelopment #hng #internship
By codewitgabi | Jun 29, 2024

🤖AI-Powered Contract Queries: Use Language Models for Effective Analysis!🔥

#python #ai #beginners
By Prashant Iyer | Jun 29, 2024

Getting Started with Python Your First Python Script

#python #programming #tutorial #education
By Eric Dequevedo | Jun 29, 2024

Understanding outliers: What They are and Why They Matter

#python #machinelearning #discuss #learning
By bridget | Jun 29, 2024

Taking On A New (Backend) Challenge

#programming #python #learning #development
By Amara | Jun 29, 2024

The Perfect Pair: Why Next.js and Django REST Framework are Ideal for Full-Stack Web Development

#webdev #nextjs #django #fullstack
By Md. Junaidul Islam | Jun 29, 2024

A Beginner's Guide to Mastering Data Science: Key Tips and Strategies 🤖

#datascience #machinelearning #python #beginners
By Anand | Jun 29, 2024

FastAPI – Concurrency in Python

#python #fastapi
By Ayush | Jun 29, 2024

Getting Started with Manim A Step-by-Step Guide

#manim #python #animation #datavisualization
By Eric Dequevedo | Jun 29, 2024

15 Funniest and Hilarious Python Coding Memes

#python #webdev #javascript #beginners
By CodeItBro | Jun 29, 2024

Solving a Booking System Issue on a Photography Website: My Journey in the HNG Internship.

#webdev #backend #django #python
By officialksolomon | Jun 29, 2024

Introducing dataDisk: Simplify Your Data Processing Pipelines

#softwaredevelopment #python #datascience
By David Ansa | Jun 29, 2024

Kickstart Your Python Journey A Beginners Guide

#python #programming #tutorial
By Eric deQuevedo | Jun 29, 2024

Mastering Caching Algorithms in Django Restful

#django #cache #api #tutorial
By Levin | Jun 29, 2024

Mastering Django Custom Management Commands: A Comprehensive Guide

#webdev #tutorial #django #python
By Rupesh Mishra | Jun 29, 2024

🦊 GitLab: A Python Script Displaying Latest Pipelines in Group's Projects

#gitlab #devops #python #productivity
By Benoit COUETIL 💫 | Jun 29, 2024

My software engineering journey

#python #womenintech #learning
By DoreenNangira | Jun 29, 2024

My First Attempt at Backend Development

#backend #backenddevelopment #python #hnginternship
By Tobi Awanebi | Jun 29, 2024

Improve Your Python Regex Performance Using Rust

#python #rust #regex #programming
By Adarsh | Jun 29, 2024

Create FastAPI App Like pro part-2

#backend #python #fastapi #backenddevelopment
By Muhammad Ishaque Nizamani | Jun 29, 2024

Python 潮流周刊#58:最快运行原型的语言(摘要)

#python #webdev #javascript #beginners
By 豌豆花下猫 | Jun 29, 2024

Django SaaS Boilerplate

#django #saas #djangosaas
By Paul | Jun 29, 2024


#datascience #hnginternshi #python #dataanalytics
By DoreenNangira | Jun 29, 2024

My Dev Journey: Tackling Real-Time Challenge with Django and the HNG Internship

#hng #django #webdev
By Folafolu Osilaja | Jun 29, 2024

How to customize the User model in Django?

#django #python
By Eduardo Zepeda | Jun 30, 2024

Overcoming Challenges

#beginners #programming #tutorial #python
By MegaWatts | Jun 30, 2024

Getting Started with Python: A Beginner's Guide

#python #datascience #beginners
By tinApyp | Jun 30, 2024

Expressjs vs Django vs FastApi vs Golang vs Rust (Actix) vs Ruby on Rails vs LAMP Stack (PHP) Hypothetical Benchmark Results

#django #express #fastapi #ruby
By Ali | Jun 30, 2024

Solving a Booking System Issue on a Photography Website: My Journey in the HNG Internship.

#webdev #backend #django #python
By Solomon Uche | Jun 29, 2024

Adding a User-Controlled Camera Feature To Our Python GUI Clock

#python #programming #beginners #tutorial
By Scofield Idehen | Jun 30, 2024

Python's virtual environments

#python #programming #productivity #development
By Matteo | Jun 30, 2024

How to add Favicons in Django (2024)

#django #favicon #html #tutorial
By Ahmad Bilal | Jun 30, 2024

A Backend Story

#backenddevelopment #php #python #beginners
By Kehinde Ebunola | Jun 30, 2024

Analyzing Likes Using Instagram API with python – part 3

#python #tutorial #programming
By apiharbor | Jun 30, 2024

Python Development Environment on WSL2

#python #development #microsoft #wsl2
By Gaurav Pande | Jun 30, 2024

#Python Software Foundation

FAQ for Proposed Changes to PSF Bylaws

By Deb Nicholson | Jun 25, 2024

Announcing the PSF Board Candidates for 2024!

By Marie Nordin | Jun 28, 2024

#Daniel Roy Greenfeld Blogs

London Tech Zero Hackathon on July 1 and 2!

On the 1st and 2nd of July is the first-ever London Tech Zero Hackathon, supported by Kraken Tech.
By Daniel Roy Greenfeld | Jun 24, 2024