Table of Contents

#Real Python

Python Virtual Environments: A Primer

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use a Python virtual environment to manage your Python projects. You'll also gain a deep understanding of the structure of virtual environments created with the venv module, as well as the rationale behind using virtual environments.
#intermediate #devops #tools
By | Sep 23, 2024

Python 3.13 Preview: A Modern REPL

Python 3.13 will be released in October 2024. In this tutorial, you'll explore one of its new features: a new and modern interactive interpreter, also known as a REPL.
#basics #python
By | Sep 25, 2024

Syntactic Sugar: Why Python Is Sweet and Pythonic

In this tutorial, you'll learn what syntactic sugar is and how Python uses it to help you create more readable, descriptive, clean, and Pythonic code. You'll also learn how to replace a given piece of syntactic sugar with another syntax construct.
#intermediate #best-practices #python
By | Sep 27, 2024

Python 3.13: Cool New Features for You to Try

In this tutorial, you'll learn about the new features in Python 3.13. You'll take a tour of the new REPL and error messages and see how you can try out the experimental free threading and JIT versions of Python 3.13 yourself.
#intermediate #python
By | Sep 28, 2024

#Django Project – Weblog

PyCharm & Django Campaign 2024 – encore

By Thibaud Colas and JetBrains | Sep 23, 2024

2025 DSF Board Nominations

By Thibaud Colas | Sep 25, 2024


Issue #648 – Python 3.13, Rust Extensions, doctest, and More

By | Sep 24, 2024

#Python Library

JupyterLab 101 Kickstarter Stretch Goal

My Kickstarter for my latest Python book is still going on for another eight days. Now is a great time to pre-order the book as well as get my other Python books. The project is fully funded, and I added a stretch goal. Stretch Goal The stretch goal is $5000 or 350 backers. If we reach […]
#beginner #Python
By Mike | Sep 25, 2024

Textual – The New MaskedInput Widget

Textual v0.80.0 was released today, and it included the brand-new MaskedInput widget. If you have used other GUI toolkits, such as wxPython, you might already be familiar with a masked input widget. These widgets allow you to control the user’s input based on a mask string that the developer provides when instantiating the widget. Let’s spend […]
#beginner #intermediate #Python
By Mike | Sep 25, 2024

#Adam Johnson – Blogs

Django: Introducing Djade, a template formatter

Happy DjangoCon US 2024 to you. Whilst I am not there, I have adopted the spirit of the season and got to work hacking together a new tool.
By Adam Johnson | Sep 26, 2024


Building a Personal and Corporate Quickbook for Tax and Expense Management Using OpenSource Tools

Managing bills and expenses can be challenging, especially when preparing for tax season or managing corporate finances. To streamline this process, I developed an open-source QuickBook tracker application that utilizes various open-source tools. Thi…
By Girish V | Sep 23, 2024

Building a Code-Sharing DApp with FastHTML

FastHTML is a new Python framework for developing interactive web applications.
It's based on HTMX, and purportedly "scales down to a 6-line python file, and scales up to complex production apps".
I'm excited to see if I can use it to bu…
By Alexander Codes | Sep 23, 2024

Introduction to Databases for Back-End Development

Introduction to Databases for Back-End Development
We all use data and databases in our daily online lives. For example, uploading photos to our social media feeds, downloading files at work, and playing games online are all examples of database usag…
By Mojtaba Maleki | Sep 23, 2024

Understanding Strings in Python 📜

In Python, strings are one of the most widely used data types. They allow you to store and manipulate text-based data, making them essential for almost every Python program. In this blog, we’ll explore what strings are, how they work, an…
By Shrey Dikshant | Sep 23, 2024

🗿Day 40: Kubernetes!

Today marks a key milestone in our DevOps journey as we dive into Kubernetes—the powerful tool that manages and scales containerized applications. After covering cloud computing, Docker, and CI/CD pipelines, we’re now ready to explore how Kubernetes …
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 23, 2024

WSL Setup ( Ubuntu + ZSH + Pyenv)

In this article, we’ll walk you through setting up WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) with Ubuntu, ZSH, and Pyenv. Whether you’re a software developer, data scientist, or just someone who prefers working in a Linux environment but needs t…
By Nik Hamidi | Sep 23, 2024

Avoid Putting Credentials in Code

by Vee H. Phan

Photo by Arget on Unsplash
Recently I was working on a codebase that had database credentials hardcoded in connection strings. Not only is the connection string hardcoded with credentials, but it is also repeated in multiple places in…
By Vee Huen Phan | Sep 23, 2024

Automating Office Tasks (Excel, PDFs, Emails) Using Python: A Comprehensive Guide

Automating office tasks is becoming increasingly important for businesses looking to improve efficiency and productivity. Python, with its versatile libraries and ease of use, is one of the most powerful tools for automating routine tasks. This exten…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 23, 2024

Master the Python List Data Structures

This activity shows the different situations about lists data structures and how can we manipulate each python lists, add, and commit files to the github repository.
First, creating and setting up the github repository named “Python List Data Structu…
By Loquero, Rodney I. | Sep 23, 2024

Day 16:-

Day 16:-
Learning Pandas: Series and DataFrames!"
Today, I continued my journey with Pandas in data science by diving into Series and DataFrames. 📊A Series is like a single column of data, simple but powerful for handling and manipulating data in on…
By Rishi Rathor | Sep 23, 2024

How to Set Up a Django Project Like a Pro in 2024

Django has been a popular web framework for many years, and even in 2024, it still stands out as a top choice for developers. There are many reasons why developers choose Django over other frameworks, and it’s not just because of its history but beca…
By Mohit Bhatt | Sep 23, 2024

FastAPI Auth with Dependency Injection

FastAPI is a modern web framework for building APIs in Python. It’s one of my personal favorite web frameworks as it has built-in support for OpenAPI specs (meaning you can write your backend code and generate everything from it) and it supports depe…
By PropelAuth | Sep 23, 2024

Ghana NLP Python Library: A Comprehensive Guide

Ever tried setting up the Ghana NLP API on your own to translate English into Twi, Ga, or other African languages? Yeah, the process can be a bit long and tricky with all those API requests body, headers, and payloads to handle. 😅 But no worries, I’…
By Prince Larbi | Sep 23, 2024

[Comprehensive Guide] How to Combine PowerPoints in Python without Effort

Creating engaging and easy-to-follow presentations with PowerPoint is essential for making a lasting impression. Whether you're preparing a product introduction, a company presentation, or any other type of slideshow, you'll often need to combine var…
By Casie Liu | Sep 24, 2024

Master the Python Dictionaries Data Structures

This activity shows the different situations about dictionary data structures and how can we manipulate each python dictionaries, add, and commit files to the Github repository.
First, creating and setting up the Github repository named “Python Data …
By Loquero, Rodney I. | Sep 24, 2024

Monitoring Optical Line Terminal ONTs with Flask,SNMP,Docker

In the dynamic realm of telecommunications network management, real-time data and seamless integration are paramount. I've developed a cutting-edge web application that provides comprehensive management of Optical Line Terminal (OLT) dev…
By Hemant Chimulkar | Sep 24, 2024

Supercharge Your Django Logging: Custom Filters for the Win

The Problem
Default Django logs are okay, but they lack juicy details like IP addresses, browsers, and user info. Wouldn't it be cool to have all that at your fingertips?
Enter Custom Logging Filters
Django lets us create custom filters to add extra …
By Saurav Sharma | Sep 24, 2024

Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 2] No such file or directory

The error Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 2] No such file or directory usually occurs in Windows due to one or more of the following reasons:
1. Missing or Incorrect Path to Python or pip
2. Incomplete Installation of Python
By Shubham Sutar | Sep 24, 2024

Jenkins CI/CD ( Declarative Pipeline ) with GitHub Integration ( Deploying Django Notes Application )

This comprehensive documentation outlines the process of setting up a CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins, GitHub, and Docker for deploying a Django Notes Application. The integration allows for seamless deployments whenever changes are made in the GitHub r…
By Amitabh soni | Sep 24, 2024

Introduction to Backend Programming; Basics

Getting Started

In my previous post I boosted myself of being conversant Frontend basic skills and tools; Html, CSS, JavaScript, and React. In this post, I am happy to announce that over the last one month, I have managed to get a grasp of Backend d…
By kennedy musyoki | Sep 24, 2024

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Image PDFs in Python with ReportLab and EasyGUI 🔥

Creating PDF documents programmatically in Python is a powerful way to automate reporting or file generation. With the ReportLab library, you can generate PDFs that include not only text but also images, shapes, and complex layouts. To make this proc…
By Shubham Sutar | Sep 24, 2024

Django Payment Security: Lessons from HabariPay's Incident

In a recent incident that shook the financial technology sector in Nigeria, HabariPay, a prominent payment institution, faced a significant challenge in their payment processing system. This event highlighted the critical importance of implementing r…
By Lawal Afeez | Sep 24, 2024

Day 17:-

Day 17: Data Cleaning with PandasToday, I dove into one of the most important aspects of data science—Data Cleaning using Pandas! 🧹✨Data cleaning is all about preparing raw data, making it more readable and usable for analysis. It involves dealing w…
By Rishi Rathor | Sep 24, 2024

🎉Day 41: Setting Up Your First Minikube Kubernetes Cluster with Nginx

What is Minikube? 🚀
Imagine you're learning to cook in your own small kitchen before trying to cook in a big, professional restaurant. Minikube is like that small kitchen—a safe, simple place to practice using Kubernetes on your own computer.
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 24, 2024

Everything You Need to Know Before Learning DSA

When it comes to programming, many developers often wonder about Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA). What exactly are they? Why do companies, especially tech giants like FAANG (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google), emphasize solving DSA proble…
By Bhuvanesh | Sep 24, 2024

Beginners guide to Django Rest Framework

Building APIs can be a challenging task, especially if you're new to web development or backend frameworks. However, Django REST Framework (DRF) makes it easier by providing a powerful, flexible toolkit for building Web APIs. In this guide, we'll tak…
By Athar Wani | Sep 24, 2024

Installing dependencies for learning PySpark

I’ve had a lot of issues in downloading pyspark locally and with all the support from forums online such as stackoverflow, etc. I still wasn’t able to fix my dependency issues from running PySpark. I said to myself, maybe this is the time I start uti…
By Harvey Ducay | Sep 25, 2024

Virtual Environment and Python package manager

A virtual environment in Python is a self-contained directory that allows you to isolate a project's dependencies from the global Python environment. This ensures that each project can use its versions of libraries without affecting other projects, s…
By Thirdy Gayares | Sep 23, 2024

How to Down-Pitch A Song Using Python

If you’ve ever wanted to change the pitch of a song without altering its speed, this blog post is for you. Pitch-shifting is a common task for musicians, DJs, and audio engineers. In this tutorial, we will explore how to down-pitch a song using Pytho…
By Vicente Reyes | Sep 25, 2024

Python for Beginners: Unlock the Power of print(), Variables, and Data Types

Python is one of the most beginner-friendly programming languages, and the print() function is often the first function new developers encounter. Understanding how to use it effectively, along with other Python fundamentals like variable naming and d…
By Shubham Sutar | Sep 25, 2024

Optimizing PyTorch Models for Efficient Deployment

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, edge devices are becoming increasingly powerful and ubiquitous. From smartphones and smart home devices to industrial IoT systems, these devices are now capable of performing complex computati…
By Abu Precious O. | Sep 25, 2024

End-to-End Kubernetes Observability with ArgoCD, Prometheus, and Grafana on KinD

This guide will help you set up Prometheus and Grafana on Kubernetes with ArgoCD, ideal for beginners and experienced DevOps professionals. The project focuses on monitoring Kubernetes clusters using Prometheus (for metrics collection) and Grafana (f…
By Balraj Singh | Sep 25, 2024

🤔Day 42: What is a Kubernetes Namespace?

Kubernetes is a tool that helps companies manage lots of small programs (called containers) that work together to make apps run. But when there are many programs, things can get messy. That’s where Kubernetes Namespaces come in. Think o…
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 25, 2024

My CS50 Learning Experience ✨

I learnt about CS50 through an Instagram reel I saw back in 2022, I was surprised that Harvard University offers free Computer Science courses for the public that explains almost everything you need to know about programming and how the …
By Shah Abul Kalam A K | Sep 25, 2024

What is PVM | Python Working

Python doesn’t convert its code into machine code, something that hardware understnad. It converts it into something colled byte code. So within Python, compilation happens, but it’s just not in a machine language. It is into bye code (.pyc or .pyo) …
By Naved Ali | Sep 25, 2024

Day 18:-

🎯 Day 18of My Data Science Journey 🎯Yesterday, I worked on Data Cleaning in Pandas, and today, I revisited the same topic! 💡 It was challenging, but I finally got a clear understanding. Cleaning up data, handling missing values, and ensuring every…
By Rishi Rathor | Sep 25, 2024

Learn Sets, Frozensets in Python: Day 6 Guide

Welcome to Day 6 of my Python journey!
Today, I ventured into the realm of sets, frozensets .
These concepts are essential for efficient data manipulation and storage.
class set :
. set is a predefined class in python.
. to get …
By Archana Prusty | Sep 25, 2024

Docker Project: Making a Dockerfile for a Django-Notes App on AWS

In this blog, we will learn how to containerize a Django Noters Application using Docker and deploy it on Amazon Web Services (AWS). This makes it easy to run your app anywhere and scale it as needed. Let's get started!

🧰 What You’ll Need
Before we…
By Deepesh Gupta | Sep 25, 2024

Josephus Problem

The Josephus problem is a fascinating mathematical puzzle involving people standing in a circle, where every k-th person is eliminated until only one remains. Named after Flavius Josephus, this problem dates back to ancient history and has significan…
By JAY VINCHHI | Sep 25, 2024

Day 3. Getting Started with Django: Installing, Creating Your First Project, and Understanding the Structure

Welcome to Day 3 of Django tutorial series! In this blog, we’ll go through installing Django, creating your first project and application, and exploring the project structure that Django generates. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a solid fou…
By Sumit S Chawla | Sep 25, 2024

Guardrail Support for the Generic Bedrock Agent Test UI

In the blog post Developing a Generic Streamlit UI to Test Amazon Bedrock Agents, I shared the design and source code of a basic yet functional UI for testing Bedrock agents. I’ve since added support for Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedroc…
By Anthony Wat | Sep 26, 2024

Unified Stream and Batch Processing of WorldQuant 101 Alphas in DolphinDB

In 2015, the formulas of 101 quantitative trading alphas used by WorldQuant were presented in the paper 101 Formulaic Alphas. To conveniently calculate these 101 alphas in DolphinDB, you can use the functions encapsulated in the module wq101alpha (wq…
By DolphinDB | Sep 26, 2024

How to Calculate OHLC Bars in DolphinDB

OHLC bars can be efficiently calculated in various scenarios in DolphinDB. This tutorial will introduce how to calculate OHLC bars with historical data and real-time data.

With historical data

We will explain how to calculate OHLC bars with batch …
By DolphinDB | Sep 26, 2024

[Detailed Guide] How to Combine Word Documents in Python Quickly

Merging Word documents is a common task both in work and life. While you can manually copy and paste contents from one document to another, this approach quickly becomes impractical when handling multiple files, such as collecting reports. It can be …
By Casie Liu | Sep 26, 2024

End-to-End Kubernetes Observability with ArgoCD, Prometheus, and Grafana on KinD using Terraform

This guide will help you set up Prometheus and Grafana on Kubernetes with ArgoCD, ideal for both beginners and experienced DevOps professionals. The project focuses on monitoring Kubernetes clusters using Prometheus (for metrics collection) and Grafa…
By Balraj Singh | Sep 26, 2024

Problem while installing flake8…!!

Open VS code terimal.

Run: python -m ensurepip –upgrade

Check pip installed or not, for this run:
python -m pip –version

Now run python:
python -m pip install flake8

Your flake8 is installed.
Thank you..!!
By Prem Choudhary | Sep 26, 2024

Mastering Python’s Advanced Data Types: Lists, Tuples, Sets, and Dictionaries

Python is known for its simplicity, but it is also powerful when handling various data types, especially when working with APIs and web automation tasks. Advanced data types like Lists, Tuples, Sets, and Dictionaries play a significant role in storin…
By Shubham Sutar | Sep 26, 2024

Day 19:-

Day 19: Mastering Data Manipulation in Pandas!Today I delved deeper into the art of data manipulation with Pandas. From reshaping data, merging datasets, to filtering and grouping – these are the tools that transform raw data into insightful analysis…
By Rishi Rathor | Sep 26, 2024

Programming Paradigms 101

In the world of software development, programming paradigms are essential as they provide a framework for developers to solve problems and structure their code. Each paradigm has its own set of principles and concepts that guide the way programs are …
By Dilip Patel | Sep 26, 2024

🎉Day 43: Learning AWS EKS and Deploying a Two-Tier App

Today, we’re diving into AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) as part of our 90 Days of DevOps challenge. EKS makes it easier to manage Kubernetes clusters in the cloud, perfect for running and scaling applications. We’ll explore how EKS works and ge…
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 26, 2024

Activity 3: Version Control System on Linux Using Git

Logging into PythonAnywhere and Opening a Bash Console
First, go to, logged into your account, and opene a Bash Console from your dashboard. This is where we’ll run all the Git commands.

Creating a Folder and Navigating to It
By Monette Nicolas | Sep 26, 2024

Python Strings Explained: Day 7 of Your Coding Journey

Welcome to Day 7 of my Python journey!
Today, I ventured into the realm of String. These concepts are essential.
String Data Types :
(str → string)
. str is a predefined class in python.
. to get the manual of str class,
>>> help ( str …
By Archana Prusty | Sep 26, 2024

JDBC Drivers Integration Across C# and Languages Such as JavaScript, Python, Golang, C++, Perl and Ruby.

Many developers face the challenge of integrating JDBC with languages that don’t natively support it, such as C#, JavaScript, Python, Go, and others. This creates a bottleneck for cross-platform applications where diverse technologies need to interac…
By Javonet | Sep 26, 2024

How scipy is more powerful than numpy

If you're getting into data science or machine learning, you might have come across two popular Python libraries: NumPy and SciPy. Both are very useful for working with data, but they are designed for different purposes. Let's break down the key diff…
By Hussain ahmad | Sep 26, 2024

🌐 Day 10: Embracing the Power of Linux, SQL, and Python on Coursera 🌐

As I celebrate the 10th day of my enriching learning journey on Coursera, I've immersed myself in the essentials of Linux, SQL, Python, and core cybersecurity principles. These subjects form the bedrock of modern IT and offer a compelling toolkit for…
By alice eneyo | Sep 26, 2024

Automating Daily Task Reports with Jira: A Deep Dive into the Jira Daily Task Extractor

Managing a growing number of tasks in JIRA can quickly become overwhelming, especially when you need to report your daily progress or track open tasks for your team. In a fast-paced development environment, manually tracking and extracting tasks is t…
By Bikram Tuladhar | Sep 27, 2024

Credit Card Fraud Detection (File isn't upload Inside)

#Importing the basic librarires

import os
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from datetime import datetime
from IPython.display import display

#from brokenaxes import brokenaxes

from statsmodels.formula import…
By Tarun Joshi | Sep 26, 2024

[Detialed Guide] How to Password Protect a Word Document in Python without Hassle

Although modern electronic documents emphasize that they are easy to access and edit, document security should not be ignored, especially when dealing with Word documents containing sensitive or confidential information. When sending Word files over …
By Casie Liu | Sep 27, 2024

Breaking into Tech: How Learning Machine Learning and Python Can Lead to a Job

In today's quickly changing technological landscape, there is an increased demand for talented individuals in machine learning (ML) and data science. As businesses increasingly rely on data-driven insights to make choices, understanding of programmin…
By CACMS Institute | Sep 27, 2024

How to learn Python?

Why do you want to learn Python? Ask yourself and set the direction correctly.

Make sure that your machine is set up for Python Development.

Focus your first week of learning on these: – data types – operators – variables – conditionals – looping -…
By Vibhanshu Singh | Sep 27, 2024

Introducing Britannica Dictionary: Your Python-Powered Dictionary and Word of the Day Fetcher

As developers, we often find ourselves in need of quick access to definitions or dictionary entries for a wide range of tasks—be it for natural language processing, chat bots, or simply expanding vocabulary in an application. That's why I'm thrilled …
By Esubalew Chekol | Sep 27, 2024

Data Structures and Algorithms Unfolded: KMP, Rabin-Karp and Manacher Through My Lens (Series 1)

KMP Algorithm: Making Pattern Matching Less of a Wild Goose Chase
Imagine you’re trying to find your lost cat in a large city. You can’t just walk up to every cat on the street and ask, “Are you mine?” You need a strategy. That’s where Knuth-Morris-P…
By David Oluwafemi Joshua | Sep 27, 2024

Python Operators: A Day 8 Exploration

Welcome to Day 8 of my Python journey!
Today, I ventured into the realm of Operators.
These concepts are essential for code writing
operators :
what is expression
what is operator
what is operand
what is operators rules for operation di…
By Archana Prusty | Sep 27, 2024

Day 20,21,22

Day 20,21,22
"🔄 Time to Revise and Reflect! 🧠💻
This weekend, I’m revisiting everything I’ve learned so far in my data science journey—because mastery comes with repetition. 📊✨ From Python basics to data manipulation in Pandas, it’s all about soli…
By Rishi Rathor | Sep 27, 2024

🥳Day 44: Deploying a Three-Tier Application on Kubernetes

Hey there! 👋
Today, we are diving into how to deploy a three-tier application on Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service). We'll learn how to set up the frontend, backend, and database components, and get them running smoothly in the cloud using Kube…
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 27, 2024

😎Day 46: Setting Up AWS EC2 and S3 Using Terraform

Table of contents


✅Installing Terraform



✅Install Required Providers

✅Task 01: Creating an AWS EC2 Instance using Terraform

Step 1: Initialize Terraform

Step 2: Review the Terraform Plan

Step 3: Apply th…
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 27, 2024

Understanding Python Literals, Operators, and a Simple Program

If you are new to Python programming and want to understand key concepts like literals, operators, and how to write basic Python programs, you’ve come to the right place! This guide will walk you through the fundamentals of Python literals, arithmeti…
By Shubham Sutar | Sep 27, 2024

A Guide to Match Case Statements in Python

x=int(input("Enter the vale of x :"))
match x:
case 0:
print("x is 0")
case 4:
print("x is 4")
case if x==50:
print(x," is equal to 50")
case if x!=70:
print(x," is not 70")
case _:
By Aakanchha Sharma | Sep 28, 2024

Learning the 'time' Module and strftime() Function in Python

Below is the Program to Greet you as per current time of your local system
import time
import time
a=input("Enter your Name :")
By Aakanchha Sharma | Sep 28, 2024

Instagram: A Deeper Look into Python's Role.

Overview: Instagram, launched in 2010, rapidly grew into a social media giant, boasting over a billion monthly active users. The platform allows users to share photos, videos, and stories, and it has evolved into a key player in the digital marketing…
By Vaibhav Parekh | Sep 28, 2024

My First Week Experience at TIIDELab

“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.” — B.B. King

Day One: Onboarding and Setting Expectations

The first day was all about onboarding and getting to know what lies ahead. The session was well-structured, pro…
By Yusuf Abdulaziz Sani | Sep 28, 2024

Exploring the World of Car Rental Management: Building a Python Application

Part 34: Version Control and Backward Compatibility
In part 34 of our series, we’ll delve into two crucial aspects of long-term software maintenance: version control and backward compatibility. As you update and improve your car rental management sys…
By Bryan Samuel James | Sep 28, 2024

Mastering Order Processing Systems: A Comprehensive Guide to Building Efficient Business Solutions with Python

Part 4: Database Design and Initialization
In any order processing system, the database plays a vital role as it serves as the foundation for storing and managing critical information such as user details, product inventory, and order da…
By Bryan Samuel James | Sep 28, 2024

Understanding the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in Python 3.13

Python is a popular programming language known for its simplicity and readability. However, one aspect that often raises questions among developers is the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). Understanding the GIL is crucial for optimizing per…
By Vaibhav Parekh | Sep 28, 2024

How to read the entire data of the RAM?

Reading the entire data from the RAM directly in Python is a complex and risky operation, as it involves low-level memory access, which can vary depending on the operating system and architecture. Below are methods to access raw RAM data on both Linu…
By Vaibhav Parekh | Sep 28, 2024

Hosting Your First AI Model Locally – A Step-by-Step Guide with Text Summarizer Example

Welcome to the powerful world of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)! If you’ve ever been fascinated by how AI can understand, generate, and manipulate human language, then you’re in the right place. In this blog, we’re goin…
By Nagen K | Sep 28, 2024

Automating Communication and Social Media with Python: A Guide to Sending SMS, WhatsApp Messages, Emails, and Instagram Posts.

To accomplish tasks such as sending SMS, WhatsApp messages, emails, and posting on Instagram using Python, you will need to use various APIs and libraries.
1. Sending SMS
To send an SMS, you can use the Twilio API.
pip install twilio

By Vaibhav Parekh | Sep 28, 2024

Understanding Python Data Types: Day 9 of Your Learning Journey

Welcome to Day 9 of my Python journey!
Today, I ventured into the realm of Data Type .
These concepts are essential for efficient data storage.
Data Type :
.Data Type represent the type of data present inside a variable.
. In Python we …
By Archana Prusty | Sep 28, 2024

Welcome to TechLens254: A Fresh Perspective on Tech Innovation

In today’s fast-paced digital world, technology is constantly evolving. Welcome to TechLens254, where I’ll be diving into the innovations shaping our future—from IoT to machine learning, smart security systems, and beyond.
As a final-year computer sc…
By Johnny Ngare | Sep 28, 2024

How to test/mock Configuration files in Python

We will be using configuration files in our projects so frequently that, without a configuration file, it becomes difficult to change the code each time.
Why do we need a configuration file?
Imagine I have created a project that runs on …
By Hemachandra | Sep 29, 2024

Create a D&D NPC Agent with Ollama and Nemotron-mini

Not long ago, I discovered a small LLM created by Nvidia, and the beginning of the model's description was: "Nemotron-Mini-4B-Instruct is a model for generating responses for roleplaying." Wow!, I had to check right away if I could have fun with that…
By Philippe Charrière | Sep 29, 2024

Understanding String Comparison in Python: Why 'hello' <= 'hi' is True

When working with strings in Python, you might encounter unexpected results, especially when comparing strings. One such example is the expression:
'hello' <= 'hi' # True

At first glance, it seems counterintuitive. How can a longer string ('hello')…
By Ahnaf Tahmid Zaman | Sep 29, 2024

Python for DevSecOps and Any Security Engineer

Does DevSecOps Engineer need programming skills? What is the value of utilising Python for security purposes? What you need to learn to automate security at scale?
Nowadays, DevSecOps concept is not only a buzzword but is a commonly obse…
By B14ckR053 | Sep 29, 2024

Python Essentials: Understanding Basic Data Types on Day 10

Welcome to Day 10 of my Python journey!
Today, I ventured into the realm of Data Type .
These concepts are essential for efficient data storage.
Data Type :
.Data Type represent the type of data present inside a variable.
. In Python we…
By Archana Prusty | Sep 29, 2024

[2024] How to Add a Watermark in Word or Remove It with Python

Whether you need to label internal documents with your company's logo or mark a Word document as confidential, adding watermarks is an effective solution. Watermarks are semi-transparent text or images that sit behind the main content, allowing you t…
By Casie Liu | Sep 29, 2024

Break and Continue in Python: Practical Examples

In Python programming, control flow tools like break and continue are essential for managing loops. These statements allow you to manipulate loop execution, providing more flexibility. In this article, we'll explore how break, continue, and other rel…
By Shubham Sutar | Sep 29, 2024

Waymap – Web Application Vulnerability Scanner Tool

Waymap – Web Vulnerability Scanner
Tool url –
Current Version: 1.1.1
Author: Trix Cyrus
What is Waymap?
Waymap is a fast and optimized web vulnerability scanner designed for penetration testers. It effectively identi…
By Trix Cyrus | Sep 29, 2024

Enhancing Data Quality in Snowflake Using a Streamlit Framework

In today's data-driven landscape, organizations rely heavily on accurate and reliable data to make informed decisions. Snowflake, as a leading cloud-based data platform, offers robust solutions for managing vast amounts of data. However,…
By Mohammed Zeeshan | Sep 29, 2024

#406 – Matthias

Weeknotes (2024 week 39)

Weeknotes (2024 week 39)
CSS for Django forms
Not much going on in OSS land. I have been somewhat active in the official
Django forum, discussing ways to add Python-level hooks to allow adding CSS
classes around form fields and their labels. The disc…
By Matthias Kestenholz | Sep 25, 2024

#Python Software Foundation

Service Awards given by the PSF: what are they and how they differ

By Unknown | Sep 24, 2024

How to Build Your First Python Game: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Simple Shooter with PyGame

#python #beginners #gamedev
By Lou Creemers | Sep 23, 2024

Code, Caffeine, and Dreams: Day 1 of Data Adventures.

#python #data #eventdriven #learning
By Shubham | Sep 23, 2024

Deep Dive into Data Apps with Streamlit

#python #streamlit
By Alex Merced | Sep 23, 2024

Conociendo uv

#uv #python #poetry #pipenv
By Johnnatan Sandoval Cardona | Sep 23, 2024

Generate state machines from with StateSmith (JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Java, C#, C++, C)

#javascript #productivity #python #java
By Adam Fraser-Kruck | Sep 23, 2024

Meet TEN, the World's First Truly Real-time Multimodal Agent Framework for Creating Next-Gen AI Agents

#python #ai #opensource #javascript
By Iris | Sep 23, 2024

Pandas Pocket Guide.

#python #data #programming #tutorial
By Kaira Kelvin. | Sep 23, 2024

5 Tools Every Penetration Tester Should Know.

#programming #python #github #softwaredevelopment
By Trix Cyrus | Sep 23, 2024

How My Friend Inspired Me to Reignite My Passion for AI Through Lifelong Learning😊

#ai #womenintech #python #node
By Fonyuy Gita | Sep 23, 2024💊| #183: Explica este código Python

#spanish #learning #python #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Sep 23, 2024

🎁Learn Python in 10 Days: Day6

#programming #python #backend #backenddevelopment
By William | Sep 23, 2024

How to Turn Your Device Into a Simple Server Using Python.

#programming #python #learning #webdev
By Trix Cyrus | Sep 23, 2024

Would you use a bot for hosting your telegram bots?

By vlad ryazanov | Sep 23, 2024

Emotion Detection with Python: A Flask API for Static Images and Real-Time Video

#reactnative #python #ai #machinelearning
By Ajmal Hasan | Sep 23, 2024

Image search with Streamlit in Snowflake (SiS) Part 2 – Automatically generate image captions –

#snowflake #streamlit #aws #python
By Tsubasa Kanno | Sep 23, 2024

Mastering Memory Optimization for Pandas DataFrames

#python #pandas
By thinhda | Sep 23, 2024

Buy verified cash app account

#webdev #javascript #react #python
By Francis Davidson | Sep 23, 2024

Buy verified BYBIT account

#webdev #javascript #react #python
By Francis Davidson | Sep 23, 2024

What is the role of CTR in SEO

#programming #python #android #ai
By Gurpinder Singh | Sep 23, 2024

FastAPI Auth with Dependency Injection

#python #webdev #tutorial #fastapi
By propelauthblog | Sep 23, 2024

I saved my team 20 hours by automating support emails with this AI tool 🤔

#webdev #javascript #python #ai
By Sunil Kumar Dash | Sep 23, 2024

Making YouTube Videos Downloader Using Python(mp3 and mp4)

#programming #python #softwaredevelopment #software
By Trix Cyrus | Sep 23, 2024

Overloading functions in Python

#python #oop
By sarthak | Sep 23, 2024

A Guide to Unsupervised Image Segmentation using Normalized Cuts (NCut) in Python

#python #segmentation #programming #tutorial
By Giacomo | Sep 23, 2024

Many to Many Relationship and Flask meet React

#javascript #react #python #flask
By Chase | Sep 24, 2024

Stay Updated with Python/FastAPI/Django: Weekly News Summary (16/09/2024-22/09/2024

#python #django #fastapi #flask
By Poovarasu Sekar | Sep 24, 2024

How Generative AI Works: Understanding the Magic Behind AI Creativity

#ai #machinelearning #programming #python
By Olumuyiwa Afolabi | Sep 24, 2024

PWA and Django #2: Components of a Progressive Web Application

#django #python #pwa #webdev
By Andrés Álvarez Iglesias | Sep 24, 2024

Speeding Up API Development: Handling High-Load Requests Efficiently with Python

#python #api #performance #webdev
By pawan deore | Sep 24, 2024

Building a RESTful API with Node.js and Express.js: A Step-by-Step Guide 🌐

#beginners #tutorial #react #python
By Info general Hazedawn | Sep 24, 2024

🤖 Taipy for Beginners: How to Build Data Science Apps Without Losing Your Mind 🧠💻

#python #datascience #programming #beginners
By Jay Saadana | Sep 24, 2024

Unlocking Django: Your Comprehensive Guide to Building Web Applications

#django #webdev #python #programming
By SnapNews | Sep 24, 2024

🚀 Turning all Databricks Jobs Into Something Your Non-Tech-Savvy Team Can Actually Use 🤖

#databricks #python #programming #ai
By Rym | Sep 24, 2024

Handling Large Files and Optimizing File Operations in Python

#python #files
By Developer Service | Sep 24, 2024

Making Spotify Song Downloader Using Python(mp3)

#softwaredevelopment #programming #python #git
By Trix Cyrus | Sep 24, 2024

🎁Learn Python in 10 Days: Day7

#python #backend #api #programming
By William | Sep 24, 2024

Integrating Azure SQL with Django

#django #azure #python #cloud

Would you use a bot for hosting your telegram bots?

By vlad ryazanov | Sep 24, 2024

Functions vs Classes: When to Use Which and Why?

#programming #python #softwaredevelopment #oop
By Sharoz Tanveer🚀 | Sep 24, 2024

Hacktoberfest: AnadiCSV project

#python #hacktoberfest
By Alessandro Pischedda | Sep 24, 2024

Image search with Streamlit in Snowflake (SiS) Part 3 – Add vector search function for images –

#snowflake #streamlit #aws #python
By Tsubasa Kanno | Sep 24, 2024

AI Runner v3.0.0.dev18

#python #ai #aiart
By w4ffl35 | Sep 24, 2024

Odoo vs Django: A Comprehensive Comparison

#odoo #django #djangocms #webdev
By malihaanjum art | Sep 24, 2024

Host Telegram Bot on Raspberry Pi 5

#telegram #raspberrypi #python #bot
By Dmitry Koleev | Sep 24, 2024

Unit testing in Python with sheepy

#python #pytest #unittest #testing
By Bruno Ciccarino λ | Sep 24, 2024

Streamlit Part 3: Mastering Input Widgets

#streamlit #python #webdev #programming
By James | Sep 24, 2024

Game Recommendation

#beginners #python #learning
By Nevin Kadlec | Sep 24, 2024

ML Model Selection.

#python #machinelearning #ai #datascience
By Arnold Chris | Sep 25, 2024

Protect the dogs from AI

#memes #python
By Patrick Deschere | Sep 24, 2024

How One Code Update ⚡ Supercharged My Python Performance 🚀!

#python #productivity #coding #aws
By awedis | Sep 24, 2024

Algorithm to determine if brackets are balanced

#tutorial #python #coding #interview
By Vinícius Aarão Caldas da Costa | Sep 25, 2024

Starting My 100 Days of Code Journey with Python!

#python #devto #100daysofcode
By Vijayadeep Purushan | Sep 25, 2024

C++ in Machine Learning : Escaping Python's GIL

#cpp #python #machinelearning #deeplearning
By EvolveDev | Sep 25, 2024

Laços de Decisão e Repetição: O Guia Essencial para Iniciantes

#beginners #python #architecture #javascript
By jandersonsiqueira | Sep 25, 2024

How to Down-Pitch A Song Using Python

#python #music
By Vicente G. Reyes | Sep 25, 2024

Easily Orchestrate Workflows: A Brief Discussion on How to Use Python to Call API Interfaces in DolphinScheduler

#javascript #programming #python #opensource
By chen debra | Sep 25, 2024

Spotify Cleaner

#showdev #python
By Kelvin Wangonya | Sep 25, 2024💊| #184: Explica este código Python

#spanish #learning #python #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Sep 25, 2024

Leveraging Headers for Dynamic Localization in Django

#django #aws #drf #pycon
By Steve Yonkeu | Sep 25, 2024

Understanding the Basics of Optimization Loops in PyTorch

#python #machinelearning #deeplearning #ai
By Stephen Nwankwo | Sep 25, 2024

How to Post to Reddit Using Python

#reddit #python #api #automation
By Shilleh | Sep 25, 2024

django-components v0.94 – Templating is now on par with Vue or React

#django #webdev #python #frontend
By Juro Oravec | Sep 25, 2024

Polars vs. Pandas A New Era of Dataframes in Python ?

#python #pandas #polars #datascience
By Ashwin Kumar | Sep 25, 2024

VSCode extensions are not removed from file system even after uninstalling, I created a solution !

#vscode #python #productivity #hack
By Lakshit Somani | Sep 25, 2024

How to Start a Flask Application: A Comprehensive Guide

#python #flask #webdev #api
By Usool | Sep 25, 2024

Securing Your Django Application: Best Practices for Preventing XSS, CSRF, and More

#webdev #django #security #csrf
By Mostafijur Rahman | Sep 25, 2024

Convert a Django function-based-view into a class-based-view (DetailView)

By DoriDoro | Sep 25, 2024

QR code with Python in 7 lines of code

#qr #python #snippet #programming
By Techelopment | Sep 26, 2024

Day 1 of my #100DaysOfCode

#python #100daysofcode #day1
By Vijayadeep G P | Sep 26, 2024

Starting My 100 Days of Code Journey with Python!

#python #devto #100daysofcode
By Vijayadeep G P | Sep 25, 2024

Django-Allauth: Add Action after Authentication + test behaviour.

#django #allauth #thirdparty #testing
By Gabriel Soler | Sep 26, 2024

The difference between “ *args and **kwargs “ in our Python functions

#python #datascience #ai #machinelearning
By Mohammed Mokhtar | Sep 26, 2024

Python Decorators: Simplifying Code

#python #learning #school #softwareengineering
By Alfredo Pasquel | Sep 26, 2024

Building a Scalable Django Application with Gunicorn and Nginx

#python #webdev #django #programming
By Sanya_Lazy | Sep 26, 2024

Manejo de DatePicker en Flet

#python #flet #beginners
By Matías | Sep 26, 2024

El módulo decimal de python

#python #decimal #finanzas
By Johnnatan Sandoval Cardona | Sep 26, 2024

Guardrail Support for the Generic Bedrock Agent Test UI

#aws #ai #python
By Anthony Wat | Sep 26, 2024

From Data Expansion to Embedding Optimization: Tau’s Latest Innovations

#machinelearning #datascience #python #ai
By p3nGu1nZz | Sep 26, 2024

91 club Game ApP Customer Care HelPline Number 7898037380//7894693712jdf

#programming #python
By Tfsh | Sep 26, 2024

Working with PDF and Word Documents in Python

#python #pythontraining #pythononline
By Nanditham | Sep 26, 2024

And the journey starts

#webdev #beginners #python #productivity
By Pranali | Sep 26, 2024

SQLMap Cheat Sheet: A Quick Guide for Automated SQL Injection

#sql #python #cybersecurity #devops
By Trix Cyrus | Sep 26, 2024

Handling large file downloads with stream download to avoid timeout and other response errors

#stream #download #largefiles #python
By Shaw | Sep 26, 2024

Understanding Keyword Arguments in Python

#python #keyword #arguments #programming
By Developer Service | Sep 26, 2024

Make Your App Feel Better: 10 UI Tips for Beginner/Mid-Level Developers

#webdev #beginners #tutorial #python
By Emma Mooreq | Sep 26, 2024

How to creating a SEO friendly URL in a Django project

#django #seo
By DoriDoro | Sep 26, 2024

26/09/20204 Python day 1/100

#100daysofcode #python
By Sly Engineer | Sep 26, 2024

What is Django's `get_absolute_url()` method?

By DoriDoro | Sep 26, 2024

How to implement pagination in a Django project?

By DoriDoro | Sep 26, 2024

The Adventures of Blink S2e4: TDD

#python #buildinpublic #beginners #testing
By Ben Link | Sep 26, 2024

🎁Learn Python in 10 Days: Day8

#python #postmanapi #postman #backend
By William | Sep 26, 2024

How to Securely Store Passwords in Databases

#python #security #webdev
By thinhda | Sep 26, 2024

Day 2 of my #100DaysOfCode Challenge!

#python #100daysofcode
By Vijayadeep G P | Sep 26, 2024

9 open-source libraries that will make your CV stand out ⚡ 🚀

#webdev #javascript #programming #python
By Sunil Kumar Dash | Sep 26, 2024

Comprehensive Overview of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Principles

#python #deeplearning #datascience #ai
By Mejbah Ahammad | Sep 26, 2024

Django developer for hire

#django #python #career #softwareengineering
By Gutopro | Sep 26, 2024

Writing Clean, Efficient, and Maintainable Code - Python as use case.

#coding #python #git
By Paul AJadi | Sep 26, 2024

☁From Code to Cloud: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building and Deploying Python Flask Applications 👨🏽‍💻

#webdev #aws #python #flask
By BAKRE JAMIU | Sep 26, 2024

Handling Large Integers in Python

By Oliver Bennet | Sep 26, 2024

how to create HR management solution

#webdev #javascript #programming #python
By Anil | Sep 26, 2024

Important concept of frappe framwork || how to become proficient in frappe

#webdev #javascript #programming #python
By Anil | Sep 26, 2024

Why I always assign intermediate values to local variables instead of passing them directly to function calls

#python #django #sentry
By Tomislav Maricevic | Sep 26, 2024

Whelp. Here I am.

#beginners #career #python
By Yosh Nebe | Sep 27, 2024

Ethical Hacking: Strengthening Security in the Digital Age

#webdev #programming #python #machinelearning
By Ethicalhackersunions empire | Sep 27, 2024

Quantum-Classical Machine Learning: Quanvolutional Neural Network

#python #machinelearning #quantumcomputer
By Keisuke Sato | Sep 27, 2024

The Concise Django Tutorial

#python #django #tutorial
By Otavio Monteagudo | Sep 27, 2024

WebForms Core Technology in Python, PHP, Java, NodeJS, …

#python #php #java #javascript
By elanatframework | Sep 27, 2024

List Comprehension and Regae

#python #discuss #coding #learning
By Yosh | Sep 27, 2024

Building a GenAI Fitness App with Gemini

#ai #python #javascript #webdev
By Dimitris Kiriakakis | Sep 27, 2024

Why do I need to store environment variables in a separate file when going to production?

By DoriDoro | Sep 27, 2024

What is CI/CD?

#django #cicd
By DoriDoro | Sep 27, 2024

Understanding the differences between `reverse()` and `reverse_lazy()` in Django's `get_absolute_url()` method.

By DoriDoro | Sep 27, 2024💊| #185: Explica este código Python

#python #spanish #learning #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Sep 27, 2024

In Python Everything is an Object

#python #oop #pointer #programming
By Techelopment | Sep 27, 2024

Exploring Nifty 50 Stocks: Analyzing Historical Data and Developing a Trading Strategy with Python

#python #analytics #software
By Prakhar Mishra | Sep 27, 2024

The Daily Standup Slayer: How This Lazy Manager Automated Everything (Except Meetings)

#python #management #automation #programming
By Shashank Raj | Sep 27, 2024

This Week In Python

#python #thisweekinpython
By Bas Steins | Sep 27, 2024

Visualizing the Apache Cassandra Token Ring with Plotly

#python #plotly #cassandra #database
By Frank Rosner | Sep 27, 2024

Study Buddy

#programming #python #ai #opensource
By Avradeep Nayak | Sep 27, 2024

Deploy Python APIs to AWS Lambda In Minutes

#python #aws #devops #postgres
By Joshua Tanke | Sep 27, 2024

Smile Detector and Photo Capture

#programming #python #ai #productivity
By Avradeep Nayak | Sep 27, 2024

Easy Steps to Set Up VS Code and Python.

#programming #tutorial #python #vscode
By Adesikemi Onifade | Sep 28, 2024

27.09.2024 Python day 2/100

#beginners #programming #python
By Sly Engineer | Sep 28, 2024

Scraping E-commerce Platforms with Python

#python #tutorial #beginners #techtalks
By Serpdog | Sep 28, 2024

An elegant and simple way to use Python Lists: List Comprehensions

#python #beginners
By Mariem Sghaier | Sep 28, 2024

Fast-forward and three-way merges

#opensource #python #github #git
By Andrii Sych | Sep 28, 2024

Discover Hidden Subdomains Effortlessly with and Python

#security #python #development
By Alexandre Vandamme | Sep 28, 2024

Understanding Python Conditions and Loops: A Beginner's Guide

#beginners #python #learning #testing
By shubham sutar | Sep 28, 2024

Comment rendre les logs utiles ?

#programming #code #python
By Ismaël Maurice | Sep 28, 2024

How to make logs useful?

#programming #code #python
By Ismaël Maurice | Sep 28, 2024

Python Fundamentals: Theory Overview

#programming #tutorial #python #programmingtips
By Seyed Ahmad | Sep 28, 2024

Local Development Server for AWS SAM Lambda Projects

#aws #lambda #python #webdev
By Kuba | Sep 28, 2024

Develop a system that monitors a log file located on a remote server, similar to the Unix command tail -f.

#development #programming #learning #python
By CodeWithVed | Sep 28, 2024

Web scraping of a dynamic website using Python with HTTP Client

#webscraping #webdev #python #developers
By Max Bohomolov | Sep 28, 2024

Python Tuples and Lists Tips for PCEP Certification Preparation

#python #programming #software #coding
By MyExamCloud | Sep 28, 2024

Understanding FastAPI's UploadFile: The Starlette Connection

#python #fastapi #stalette #development
By Kfir | Sep 28, 2024

How to Make a Cool App with Gradio!

#machinelearning #webdev #beginners #python
By Abhinav Yadav | Sep 28, 2024

Access IRIS database with ODBC or JDBC using Python

#database #python #sql #documentation
By InterSystems Developer | Sep 28, 2024

How to retrieve Github Repository Data using Python

#github #python
By rachelle palmer | Sep 28, 2024

This is how easy it is to get LLMs to write basic Python GUIs

#python #llm #coding #ai
By Daniel Rosehill | Sep 28, 2024

Bash Script using Python

#python #linux #beginners #automation
By Script Koder | Sep 28, 2024

Seamlessly Create Jira Issues from GitHub Using Natural Language and Supercog

#nlp #tutorial #python #supercog
By Emmanuel Onwuegbusi | Sep 29, 2024

Building a valid JWT Claims Set

#python #learning #googlecloud
By Jennifer Davis | Sep 29, 2024

Search-35. Search Insert Position

#beginners #leetcode #python #devops
By 猪猪 | Sep 29, 2024

Running the FLUX.1 Image ([dev]/[schnell]) Generation AI Model by Stable Diffusion's Original Developers on a MacBook (M2)

#python #stablediffusion #ai #flux1
By nabata | Sep 29, 2024

Unlock Your Python Prowess with the 'Extract Information From Parameters' Project

#labex #python #programming #course
By Labby | Sep 29, 2024


#python #flask
By Marlon Munoz | Sep 29, 2024

Automated Website Hacking Tool

#webdev #programming #python #hackathon
By Trix Cyrus | Sep 29, 2024

How to Create Virtual Environments in Python

By Mohsin Rashid | Sep 29, 2024

Using LLaMA Models with Groq: A Beginner's Guide

#ai #python #opensource #webdev
By Mohit Bisht | Sep 29, 2024

Belajar Machine Learning dengan Python dan Library Scikit-Learn

#python #machinelearning #ai #programming
By Zaenal Arifin | Sep 29, 2024

Build ReAct Agents using SLMs from Scratch

#llm #ai #python #machinelearning
By Akshay Ballal | Sep 29, 2024

Fundamental Machine Learning: Panduan Lengkap untuk Pemula

#programming #tutorial #ai #python
By Zaenal Arifin | Sep 29, 2024

Securing Data with RSA Encryption and Decryption Across Platforms

#javascript #python #php #rsa
By Shubham Khan | Sep 29, 2024

Mastering Python Project Management with uv Part1: It's Time to Ditch Poetry

#python #programming #softwaredevelopment
By Thomas Bury | Sep 29, 2024

Redis Explained: Key Features, Use Cases, and a Hands-on Project

#redis #datastructures #python #datascience
By Amit Chandra | Sep 29, 2024

The Future of Healthcare: How aI is Revolutionizing Personalized Nutrition

#ai #webdev #python #beginners
By Chidozie Managwu | Sep 29, 2024

Day 5 of my #100DaysOfCode Challenge! 💻🚀

#python #100daysofcode
By Vijayadeep G P | Sep 29, 2024

Day 4 of my #100DaysOfCode Challenge! 🚀💻

#python #100daysofcode
By Vijayadeep G P | Sep 29, 2024

Come learn the basics of Python with me starting with Variables

#codenewbie #python #programming #webdev
By Anthony Beckford🚀 | Sep 29, 2024

Coletando e Tratando os Dados Climáticos do INMET-BDMEP

#python #datascience #weatherdata
By Daniel Komesu | Sep 29, 2024

#Daniel Roy Greenfeld Blogs

TIL: Using FastHTML in Jupyter notebooks plus websockets

A simple websockets example hosted in a Jupyter notebook!
By Daniel Roy Greenfeld | Sep 23, 2024