#Real Python

Basic Data Types in Python: A Quick Exploration

In this tutorial, you'll learn about the basic data types that are built into Python, including numbers, strings, bytes, and Booleans.
#basics #python
By | May 20, 2024

How to Create Pivot Tables With pandas

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create pivot tables using pandas. You'll explore the key features of DataFrame's pivot_table() method and practice using them to aggregate your data in different ways.
#intermediate #data-science #data-viz
By | May 24, 2024

#Django Project – Weblog

Django 5.1 alpha 1 released

By Natalia Bidart | May 22, 2024


Issue #630 – Accessibility, Reinventing Notebooks, Crawlee, and More

By | May 21, 2024


Flask Stripe Tutorial

Quickly add Stripe to a Flask app in order to accept payments.
By Michael Herman | May 22, 2024

#Photon Designer

How to use React with Django (in 10 mins) ⚛️

The simplest way to set up a React.js frontend and a Django REST API backend
By Photon Designer | May 22, 2024

#Python Library

Episode 41 – Python Packaging and FOSS with Armin Ronacher

In this episode, I chatted with Armin Ronacher about his many amazing Python packages, such as pygments, flask, Jinja, Rye, and Click! Specifically, we talked about the following: How Flask came about Favorite Python packages Python packaging and much more! Links Sentry Rye Flask pygments Jinja Click uv
#beginner #Python
By Mike | May 23, 2024


Class-Based Approach for Decorators in Open Source

I discovered this cool approach of decorators from the open source community that shows a practical class-based approach for using decorators in FastAPI applications.
Found this in the the fastapi-class repository which simplifies the ma…
By Abel Tavares | May 24, 2024

#406 – Matthias

Weeknotes (2024 week 21)

Weeknotes (2024 week 21)There have been times when work has been more enjoyable than in the last few
weeks. It feels more stressful than at other times, and this mostly has to do
with particular projects. I hope I’ll be able to move on soon.
By Matthias Kestenholz | May 22, 2024

Workbench: Coffee time!

Workbench: Coffee time!
I have written about the Workbench agency
software a
few weeks back.
Back when we were using Slack at Feinheit we used a
Donut bot to generate randomized invites for a coffee break. We lost that bot
when we switched to
By Matthias Kestenholz | May 24, 2024


Day 01

#python #newbie
By lordronjuyal | May 20, 2024

Python Object Interning

#python #trick #pythontrick #memoryoptimization
By Rajesh | May 20, 2024

Mastering Python for Data Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide

#webdev #python #programming #tutorial
By Emmanuel Joseph | May 20, 2024

Building a Fort: Django Security Best Practices

#django #security #webdev #python
By Mike ☕ | May 20, 2024

Understanding NumPy Data Types.

#numpy #python #data #module
By Lohith0512 | May 20, 2024

Let's build a simple MLOps workflow on AWS! #1 – ML model preperation

#deeplearning #python
By Hikaru | May 20, 2024


#beginners #programming #python #productivity
By Robin Kiplangat | May 20, 2024

Understanding NumPy: Datatypes, Memory Storage, and Structured Arrays.

#numpy #python #memory #arrays
By Lohith0512 | May 20, 2024

Web Scraping with Python: A Step-by-Step Guide

#python #script #webdev #programming
By Emmanuel Joseph | May 20, 2024

day 2

By lordronjuyal | May 20, 2024

Introducing Algoboost: Revolutionizing Embedding Model Inference and Vector Storage

#python #ai #vectordatabase #openai
By Tshidiso | May 20, 2024

Developing Input and Output Handling for Data

By RPM & CCM | May 20, 2024

Inside the Workshop: A Day in the Life of a BMW Car Repair Specialist

#tutorial #python #devops #typescript
By Shafi Seo | May 20, 2024

Setting up a standalone SQLAlchemy 2.0 ORM application

#python #learning #database #sqlalchemy
By Diego Souza | May 20, 2024

Using Google Cloud Firestore with Django's ORM

#django #webdev #googlecloud #firestore
By Luke Benstead | May 20, 2024

Connecting a POS Printer to Windows OS Using Django: A Comprehensive Guide

#webdev #django #python #pos
By tarek | May 20, 2024

Case Study on the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)

#techtobe101 #programming #python #beginners
By Tech Tobé | May 20, 2024

Case Study on the Newton-Raphson Method

#techtobe101 #programming #python #beginners
By Tech Tobé | May 20, 2024

A Beginner's Guide to the Newton-Raphson Method and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)

#programming #techtobe101 #python #beginners
By Tech Tobé | May 20, 2024

GenAI meets Jira: Transforming CSV Exports into Insights

#langchain #openai #python
By rosidotidev | May 21, 2024

Finding the duplicate number in constant space (Python)

#dsa #python #programming #interview
By Saurabh Paryani | May 20, 2024

Algorytmy rekurencyjne

#python #algorithms #tutorial
By Kostek | May 20, 2024

Relationships In Python

#webdev #python
By Pedro Alarcon | May 21, 2024

ChatGPT que minha IA Faz ?

#machinelearning #tensorflow #cryptocurrency #python
By Bruno Souza | May 21, 2024

Are you still exposing your Django SECRET_KEY?

#python #django
By KagemaNjoroge | May 21, 2024

My first foray into OOP

#python #beginners #learning
By Louiza Mak | May 21, 2024

Using Panda in Python Programming Language

#webdev #python
By Emmanuel Joseph | May 21, 2024

How can we enhance the interpretability and explainability of AI models to build trust and facilitate human understanding?

#webdev #python #ai #devops
By Supriya J | May 21, 2024

Stay Updated with Python/FastAPI/Django: Weekly News Summary (13/05/2024–19/05/2024)

#django #fastapi #flask
By Poovarasu Sekar | May 21, 2024

Newest Kohya SDXL DreamBooth Hyper Parameter research results — Used RealVis XL4 as a base model

#tutorial #python #ai #learning
By Furkan Gözükara | May 21, 2024

Utilizing Coverage AI Agents for Better Unit Tests

#testgenllm #unittest #codiumai #python
By Charles Uneze | May 21, 2024

MginDB: In-Memory, Schema-less, and Limitless

#python #database #sql #data
By John JustGo | May 21, 2024

📌 Overview of the DevOps Interview Process: From Application to Selection - Part 8 - Python Scripting 📌

#python #devops #automation #scripting
By Prashant Lakhera | May 21, 2024

A Command line memorable password generator. Now in Python.

#passwords #memorable #generator #python
By Mike Sanders | May 21, 2024

Turning Text into Audio: A Journey with Text2AudioBook

#programming #python #opensource #automation
By Santiago | May 21, 2024

How to Set Up Signup, Login, and Logout using Django's Middleware

#middleware #django #pythonsecurity #authentication
By Sharon Yelenik | May 21, 2024

Python Trick for Data Manipulation with operator.itemgetter

#python #programming #tricks
By Developer Service | May 21, 2024

Classes variables early thoughts 🤔

By gaotter | May 21, 2024

Search will be the future of LLM and AI Applications.

#ai #python #programming #beginners
By Saurabh Rai | May 21, 2024

Why I Chose React to Start My Full-Stack Journey

#react #beginners #webdev #python
By yue wang | May 21, 2024

AI Chat-Bot with pinecone vector DB

#vectordatabase #ai #genai #python
By Roshan Sanjeewa Wijesena | May 21, 2024

Automate Unit Testing with Cover-Agent: The Latest Innovation from CodiumAI

#ai #testing #codiumai #python
By David Chibueze Ndubuisi | May 21, 2024

Sharding Made Easy with MginDB in 5 Minutes

#sharding #database #python #tutorial
By John JustGo | May 21, 2024

Bas' Take on Tech: OpenAI, e/acc, PyCon

#community #techtalks #python
By Bas Steins | May 21, 2024

Building A ChatGPT Wizard with MistralAI Using Taipy

#python #tutorial #chatgpt #ai
By Marine | May 21, 2024

What is Next JS and Why Should You Use it in 2024?

#webdev #javascript #programming #python
By Jean Inovejas | May 22, 2024

How to export a CSV with my data posts in DEV using its API

#webdev #beginners #api #python
By msc2020 | May 22, 2024

What is Next JS and Why Should You Use it in 2024?

#webdev #javascript #programming #python
By JB Hofman | May 22, 2024

How to secure Python Flask applications

#applicationsecurity #opensourcesecurity #python
By SnykSec | May 22, 2024

Time Series Analysis of Plausible Data

#python #plausible #analytics #jupyter
By Blacknight318 | May 22, 2024

Understanding NumPy Array Shapes in Python

#python #numpy #array #analytics
By Lohith0512 | May 22, 2024

Fast API Basic

#python #webdev #api #development
By Santosh Shelar | May 22, 2024

Fast API Basic

#python #webdev #api #development
By Santosh Shelar | May 22, 2024

Cultivating Seed Sun Soil: Nurturing a Digital Garden of Knowledge

By Piers Alistair | May 22, 2024

Demystifying the Python Datetime Library

#python #programming #backend #beginners
By Aglili Selorm Cecil | May 22, 2024

Unlocking Rapid Data Extraction: Groq + OCR and Claude Vision

#claude #webdev #python #productivity
By tarek | May 22, 2024

How To Learn Python in 2024: 10 Online Resources

#python #programming #beginners #opensource
By Samagra Shrivastava | May 22, 2024

Meet Three New Python Connectors: Microsoft Access, Snowflake, and MongoDB

#python #devart #database #connector
By Devart | May 22, 2024

Django vs Django REST Framework: ¿Cuál es la diferencia? 🤔

#django #djangorestframework #python #development
By Jorge Muñoz | May 22, 2024

How to Get Started with Django: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

#python #django #webdev #website
By Rayyan Shaikh | May 22, 2024

day 03

By lordronjuyal | May 22, 2024

Understanding Python Bytecode and the Virtual Machine for Better Development

#python #programming #productivity #opensource
By Sushant Gaurav | May 22, 2024

Creating the My Memorial Pharm Website: Journey, Challenges, Technologies, and Future Goals

#python #javascript
By Stellan Kai | May 22, 2024

My Journey After Software Engineering Bootcamp: Finding My Dream Role in the Oil and Energy Industry

#python #career #database #backend
By Janice Alecha | May 23, 2024

Web Extraction with Vision-LLMs: SQL-Ready Data From Any URL with GPT-4o

#webdev #chatgpt #python #opensource
By Emmett McFarlane | May 23, 2024

Understand the difference between quantitative and categorical features

#datascience #python #beginners
By Marcos | May 23, 2024

Tracking Celebrity Flights in Python!

#python #programming #tutorial #beginners
By digitalized-snake | May 23, 2024

How to Fix Windows Boot Error 0xc0000098?

#python #ai #productivity #devops
By Moon Jutt | May 23, 2024

How to Master Joining and Splitting Numpy Arrays: A Comprehensive Guide

#python #programming #numpy #arrays
By Lohith0512 | May 23, 2024

Best UEL Assignment Help: HND Assignment Help

#programming #python #productivity #php
By Neeraj Gupta | May 23, 2024

Array Manipulation: A Deep Dive into Insertions and Deletions

#python #programming #array #numpy
By Lohith0512 | May 23, 2024

Comparing Odoo 17 and Django Ledger for Accounting and Financial Management 2024

#django #webdev #programming #python
By tarek | May 23, 2024

RateMyReads API

#python #api #django #postman
By Nimo Mohamed | May 23, 2024

Let's build a simple MLOps workflow on AWS! #2 – Building infrastructure on AWS

#python #aws #githubactions #devops
By Hikaru | May 23, 2024

Crafting the Peacock Rentals Website: Overcoming Challenges and Embracing the Future

#javascript #python
By Tadeo Jules | May 23, 2024

day 04

By lordronjuyal | May 23, 2024

Technical Documentation: Student Attendance Tracking with API Integration for Parental Notifications

#webdev #programming #discuss #python
By Emmanuel Joseph | May 23, 2024

Function Calling Agent using OpenAI Assistant

#llm #openai #ai #python
By Dheeraj Gopinath | May 23, 2024

everything-ai v2.0.0: more AI power on your Desktop

#ai #python #docker #lowcode
By Astra Bertelli | May 23, 2024

Lazy Programmer's Guide to Automating Price Calculations

#python #automation #flask #javascript
By Jampa Matos | May 23, 2024

Python Security Essentials for Your Apps

#django #python #security #ecommerce
By Sharon Yelenik | May 20, 2024

Defensive Functions and Input Validation in Python: Ensuring Error-Free Code

#python #programming #software #coding
By MyExamCloud | May 23, 2024

GraphQL-like features in Django Rest Framework

#django #graphql #djangorestframework #api
By Dani Hodovic | May 24, 2024

How to Create Tiktok ads Spy tool Full Process

#webdev #python #beginners #tutorial
By Rajkumar Chaudhary | May 24, 2024

Django: Creating a skeleton website

#webdev #python #django
By Samuel Lubliner | May 23, 2024

Resolvendo o "Five sort"

#twopointers #algorithms #python
By Maurício Antunes | May 24, 2024

How to scale a Django application to serve one million users?

#python #django #opinion #performance
By Eduardo Zepeda | May 24, 2024

Exploring Data with NumPy: A Guide to Statistical Functions in Python

#python #statistics #numpy #functions
By Lohith | May 24, 2024

The Power of Caching and How to Implement It in Your Python Applications

#caching #python
By Manav Codaty | May 24, 2024

YOLOv9 vs. YOLOv8: Segmentation & Fine-Tuning Guide

#computerscience #vision #python #tutorial
By tarek | May 24, 2024

Remove all node_modules folder from PC

#nodemodules #node #javascript #python
By Kuldeep Singh | May 24, 2024

Mastering Python Conditional Statements: A Comprehensive Guide

#python #programming #webdev #javascript
By Mark | May 24, 2024

word clouds with python ☁️🐍

#python #nlp #datascience #visulaization
By Anand | May 24, 2024

Testing mobile apps, the right way

#testing #mobile #softwareengineering #python
By talent | May 24, 2024

This Week In Python

#python #thisweekinpython
By Bas Steins | May 24, 2024

Scram Authentication: Overcoming Mock Testing Challenges

#webdev #javascript #programming #python
By keploy | May 24, 2024

Element-Wise Numerical Operations in NumPy: A Practical Guide with Examples

#python #numerical #operations #numpy
By Lohith | May 24, 2024

Python Day 13: Creating a Simple Todo App with Django

#webdev #beginners #python #programming
By Blackie | May 24, 2024

day 05

By lordronjuyal | May 24, 2024

SamGIS – Segment Anything adattato al GIS

#python #machinelearning #maps #vue
By Alessandro T. | May 24, 2024

SamGIS – Segment Anything applied to GIS

#python #machinelearning #computervision #maps
By Alessandro T. | May 24, 2024

As vantagens de se usar o early return

#programming #python #webdev
By Guilherme Miserski | May 24, 2024

🔬👩‍🔬 Skin Melanoma Classification: Step-by-Step Guide with 20,000+ Images 🌟💉

#python #computervision #tensorflow
By Eran Feit | May 24, 2024

Build a Powerful Video Processing Pipeline with AssemblyAI and Deploy it to Koyeb

#ai #webdev #tutorial #django
By alisdairbr | May 24, 2024

Preventing Memory Leaks using Context Managers in Python

#python #programming #coding #software
By MyExamCloud | May 24, 2024

Dunder Methods in Python

#python #oop #beginners #coding
By Ezekiel | May 24, 2024

How to Install Pip Packages in AWS Lambda Using Docker and ECR

#aws #python #docker #cloud
By Shilleh | May 25, 2024

Reducing AWS Lambda Cold Starts

#coldstart #python #aws #serverless
By Rey Abolofia | May 25, 2024

Beware of Mutable Default Arguments in Python

#python #problem
By Mahmudul Hasan Nisat | May 25, 2024

Multi-language Web Novel Scraper in Python

#coding #scraper #python #cli
By Reinaldo Assis | May 25, 2024

Efficient Array Sorting and File I/O Operations in NumPy: A Comprehensive Guide

#python #numpy #input #output
By Lohith | May 25, 2024

day 06

By lordronjuyal | May 25, 2024

Metadata for win — Apache Parquet

#python #bigdata #datascience #dataengineering
By Rahul Dubey | May 25, 2024

How Data Visualization Enhances Understanding: A Matplotlib Primer

#python #beginners #matplotlib #visualization
By Lohith | May 25, 2024

12 Benefits Of Learning Python 🐍

#python #learning #benefits #webdev
By developedbyjk | May 25, 2024

A Guide to Python Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, and Sets

#python #webdev #beginners #programming
By Varsha Mohan | May 25, 2024

Very very basic python-binance ThreadedWebSocketManager example does not work… why?

#python #binance #pythonbinance
By Lukas Eber | May 25, 2024


#python #selenium #architecture
By krishnaveni | May 25, 2024

Time-Series Mastery: Techniques for Precise Predictive Modeling

#smazoomcamp #finance #modeling #python
By AnnalieseTech | May 26, 2024

How to scale a Django app to serve one million users?

#performance #django #scalability #python
By Eduardo Zepeda | May 26, 2024

🔥 I made a simple JavaScript to Python Converter with AI 🔄

#javascript #python #ai #webdev
By Best Codes | May 26, 2024

Best sites to practice your programming logic 💻

#learning #train #javascript #python
By Miguel | May 26, 2024

python command isn't working and python3 working on mac

By Sh Raj | May 26, 2024

Equalizing positions

#perl #python #theweeklychallenge
By Simon Green | May 26, 2024

Python for school students

#python #coding #softwaredevelopment #development
By Pragati Singh | May 26, 2024

Django Admin – Zero to Hero

#django #webdev #python
By KagemaNjoroge | May 26, 2024

Reverse a String in Python in 60 Seconds!

#python #programming #coding #learning
By Dipak Ahirav | May 26, 2024

Python Projects with SQL: Strategies for Effective Query Management

#python #sql #database #dataengineering
By Romina Mendez | May 26, 2024

LISA integrato in SamGIS

#llm #machinelearning #python #computervision
By Alessandro T. | May 26, 2024

LISA adapted to SamGIS

#llm #machinelearning #python #computervision
By Alessandro T. | May 26, 2024

Scaling Celery-Based Application in Production

#celery #python #fastapi #taskmanager
By Dhananjay Haridas | May 26, 2024

Data Cleaning Using Pandas: A Comprehensive Guide

#python #pandas #beginners #programming
By Samagra Shrivastava | May 26, 2024

How I created a SEO optimised site using Next.js, Django and Redis

#nextjs #django #redis #react
By Hassan Mian | May 26, 2024

Learning Python

#python #machinelearning #webdev #beginners
By Adarsh | May 26, 2024

How to scale a Django app to serve one million users?

#performance #django #scalability #python
By Eduardo Zepeda | May 26, 2024

How to scale a Django application to serve one million users?

#python #django #opinion #performance
By Eduardo Zepeda | May 24, 2024

#Daniel Roy Greenfeld Blogs

TIL: Auto setup remote branch for git

For getting rid of the "fatal: The current branch new-awesome-feature has no upstream branch" error.
By Daniel Roy Greenfeld | May 21, 2024

Rapidly creating smoke tests for Django views

A management command for quickly generating tests based off Django's URL routing mechanism.
By Daniel Roy Greenfeld | May 25, 2024