#Real Python

Python 3.13 Preview: Free Threading and a JIT Compiler

Get a sneak peek at the upcoming features in Python 3.13 aimed at enhancing performance. In this tutorial, you'll make a custom Python build with Docker to enable free threading and an experimental JIT compiler. Along the way, you'll learn how these features affect the language's ecosystem.
#advanced #python
By | Sep 12, 2024


Issue #646 – Pydantic, PSF Office Hours, Polars, and More

By | Sep 10, 2024

#Python Library

Adding Terminal Effects with Python

The Python programming language has thousands of wonderful third-party packages available on the Python Package Index. One of those packages is TerminalTextEffects (TTE), a terminal visual effects engine. Here are the features that TerminalTextEffects provides, according to their documentation: Xterm 256 / RGB hex color support Complex character movement via Paths, Waypoints, and motion easing, […]
#beginner #Python
By Mike | Sep 09, 2024


Tensor vs Matrix: an example with computer vision

Today's post will try to answer the question: What is the difference between a tensor and a matrix?
The Matrix
If you have a basic understanding of algebra, you should already know that a Matrix is an object with a rectangular shape of values, such a…
By Dr. Juan Zamora-Mora | Sep 09, 2024

Introducing Bot Verse – A hub for chatbots

AI is everywhere!
Ever thought of a hub where users can create and share chatbots? This is the core idea of this project.
Bot Verse is an innovative platform for creating, sharing, and interacting with AI chatbots. Users can manage their…
By K OM SENAPATI | Sep 09, 2024

Create a Real-Time Face Emotion Detector with Python and Deep Learning

In the modern era, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming deeply integrated into everyday applications. One of the most fascinating applications of AI is Facial Emotion Recognition, where a computer system can identify emotions on human faces in re…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 09, 2024

✅Day 26: Getting Started with Jenkins

Hey everyone! 👋 On my 26th day of the 90 Days of DevOps challenge, I dove into installing Jenkins on Ubuntu. Jenkins is a powerful tool that helps automate tasks like building, testing, and deploying code, making the development process much smoothe…
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 09, 2024

Automating Data Cleaning with Python and Machine Learning

Data cleaning is an essential step in the data preprocessing pipeline, accounting for the majority of the time spent on data-related tasks. Dirty data—missing values, incorrect formats, duplicates, and outliers—can significantly affect machine learni…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 09, 2024

Python Anonymous Function

When a function is created with the key word lambda in python its called anonymous function. They don't use the traditional function key word def. Anonymous function (aka lambda) is designed for coding simple functions whereas def used for larger tas…
By Biswa Singh | Sep 09, 2024

A Step by Step Guide to Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in Machine Learning

Welcome back to the eighth blog post in our Machine Learning series! Today, we're diving into Principal Component Analysis (PCA), a powerful tool for dimensionality reduction. PCA simplifies complex datasets while keeping as much informa…
By Arbash Hussain | Sep 09, 2024

How to Create and Train a Machine Learning Model from Scratch

Machine learning (ML) has revolutionized the way we approach problem-solving, enabling computers to learn from data and make decisions or predictions. In this blog, we’ll walk through the process of creating and training a machine learning model from…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 09, 2024

Stop Writing Bad Python Code — Lessons from Uncle Bob

Are you tired of writing messy and unorganized code that leads to frustration and bugs? You can transform your code from a confusing mess into something crystal clear with a few simple changes. In this article, we’ll explore key principles from the b…
By Vladislav Guzey | Sep 09, 2024

Pandas for Data Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide

Pandas is a powerful and flexible library in Python for data manipulation and analysis. It is widely used in data science, machine learning, and statistical analysis due to its simple syntax and powerful functionalities. In this blog, we’ll dive deep…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 09, 2024

Mastering Virtual Environments with uv and venv

A Developer's Guide

In this ever-changing world of Python development, the dependencies can spiral out of control so fast, especially when projects started to grow big and evolve. Quite common, once you start installing packages in a non-isolated wa…
By Knowledge Makanju | Sep 09, 2024

Building an AI-Powered MultiLingual Invoice Extractor Using Streamlit and Google Generative AI

Problem Statement:
In a globalized economy, businesses are frequently inundated with invoices from suppliers and vendors in various languages and formats. The manual extraction of crucial details such as vendor names, payment amounts, due dates, and …
By Arshiya Sheoran | Sep 09, 2024

Let's kickstart the journey!

"Every big journey begins with a small step. Today, I took my first step into the world of Data Science by setting up my Python environment. 🔍
Installed Python and set up my coding environment using Visual Studio Code (VS Code). 🖥️
🛠️ Why VS Code?…
By Rishi Rathor | Sep 09, 2024

Web Scraping Problems: Tips for Overcoming Them

Web scraping blocking is a technical measure taken by websites to prevent crawlers from automatically scraping their web content. The main purpose of blocking web scraping mechanisms is to protect the website's data and resources from being malicious…
By Lewis Kerr | Sep 09, 2024

Knowing the Nim language

Nim is a compiled programming language that combines the best aspects of C and C++, while eliminating the main issues found in those languages. It offers powerful features and an easy-to-understand syntax inspired by languages like Python.
Main featu…
By J. Igor Melo | Sep 09, 2024

Introduction to Python Programming Language

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its simplicity, readability, and flexibility. Developed by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python has rapidly gained popularity among developers, becoming one of the most…
By Gopal Adhikari | Sep 09, 2024

The Silent Bottleneck: Handling GPU Memory Fragmentation in Deep Learning Workloads

We hear a ton of news around GPUs, especially if you’re trying to learn more or use them in your frequent ML builds. As data scientists and developers, we're accustomed to hearing about the remarkable speedups GPUs provide in deep learning workloads….
By Madhusudhan Anand | Sep 10, 2024

FastAPI vs Sanic vs Robyn: Which is the Ultimate Python Framework?

Introduction: Because Regular APIs Just Aren’t Fast Enough
Welcome, dear reader, to the thrilling world of web development, where we’re never satisfied with “fast enough” and always need something faster. The tech world is ever-evolving, and we const…
By Daniel Amponsah Koramoah | Sep 10, 2024

Real-time Event Streaming And Transformation For ClickHouse

Real-time analytics and fast decision-making are critical to driving business success. With growing data volumes, especially from IoT devices, websites, and user interactions, organizations need tools that allow them to efficiently handle streaming d…
By GlassFlow | Sep 10, 2024

Global COVID-19 Vaccination Progress: Analysis & Insights

Project Overview
As part of my journey in data analysis, I explored the global vaccination progress against COVID-19 using data from February 2021 to January 2022. The dataset provided a snapshot of a critical phase in the global fight against the pa…
By Innocent Ezama | Sep 10, 2024

Building an Automated Job Scraping System on AWS

In this blog, I’ll guide you through the process of building an automated job scraping system on AWS, sharing my journey, challenges, and solutions. This project involves scraping job data from various sources, processing it with AWS Lambda, storing …
By Freda Victor | Sep 10, 2024

Sharpening Django Skills Without Losing Focus

This week, I took a deep dive into revising my Django concepts, keeping my learning pace manageable to maintain focus and avoid burnout.
Here’s what I focused on:

Authentication: Revisited the flow of user authentication and login systems in Django….
By AbuBakar khan lakhwera | Sep 10, 2024

Day 2:-

Hello, Data Enthusiasts! 👋 Today was all about mastering the art of decision-making in programming with Control Flow (if-else statements). Understanding control flow is crucial in data science, where decision-making happens at every step of the proc…
By Rishi Rathor | Sep 10, 2024

Unlocking the Power of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG): The Future of Intelligent Content Generation

In the evolving world of AI, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) stands out as the best of two AI paradigms: retrieval-based models and generative models. It enhances the accuracy and relevance of content, taking it far beyond the limitations of tra…
By Yashkumar Dubey | Sep 10, 2024

How I Manage Django Settings

Building a Django app is fun until you realize you need different settings for development and production. One day, I accidentally shared my secret keys with the whole internet. Oops.
In this post, I’ll show you how I manage Django settings. It's a l…
By Arjun Singh | Sep 10, 2024

My Ups and Downs as well as my future work.

Ups: Improvement in problem-solving and communication.
Ups: As a senior, I improved in the programming languages like Java, Python, C++, HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
Downs: Sometimes having an intense workload and not staying focused when doing work in…
By Brunel Dawood | Sep 10, 2024

Accelerating Remote Sensing and GIS with GPUs: A Case Study in Climate Data Analytics

Ever since I became a part of the NASA’s PACE program, I am in awe of what potential hyperspectral earth observation can bring as value to humanity. Remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have transformed how we collect, visualize, a…
By Madhusudhan Anand | Sep 10, 2024

How to Set Up a Jupyter Notebook in VS Code (with Virtual Environment & Kernels) and Install Packages

This guide will walk you through setting up a Jupyter Notebook in Visual Studio Code (VS Code) using a virtual environment, creating kernels, and installing necessary packages.
1. Install Jupyter
First, you need to install Jupyter to work with …
By alexandra moldovan | Sep 10, 2024

🌟Day 27: Learn How to Use GitLab

Hey everyone! 👋 On my 27th day of the 90 Days of DevOps challenge, I dove into installing GitLab. Whether you're new to coding or looking to expand your skills, this guide will walk you through the basics of GitLab in a simple way. Let’s dive in! 🎉…
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 10, 2024

Data Cleaning Challenges

What challenges have you encounter while cleaning data for data analysis and visualization, and how did you resolve those challenges?
By Ezekiel Balogun | Sep 10, 2024

Desplegamos una App en Amazon ECS Usando Terraform y CodePipeline

En este artículo, voy a mostrar cómo configurar un pipeline en AWS para desplegar una aplicación web de Python en un clúster de Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service). Para esto, vamos a usar Terraform para definir la infraestructura como código y Co…
By Matias Martinez | Sep 11, 2024

DevOps Journey From 0 to Hero

My Background : I’m a software engineer primarily working in backend.
The intent of learning devops is listed below:

Become an extremely versatile software engineer that stands out from the crowd.

Documenting my journey to get more visibility, prov…
By Harshit Awasthi | Sep 11, 2024

Day 3:-

Day 3:-
🔄 Mastering Loops in Python for Data Science! 🔄
Today, we dive into For Loops and While Loops—two crucial tools that can elevate your Python data science projects! 🚀
🔍 For Loop: This loop is perfect when you know exactly how many times yo…
By Rishi Rathor | Sep 11, 2024

✨Day 28: Jenkins Freestyle Project for DevOps Engineers.

Today, I delved into the concepts of Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD), two fundamental practices that streamline the software development process. By automating code integration and deployment, CI/CD ensures that developers …
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 11, 2024

How to Build a Python Tool for Diagnosing Diseases with Medical Imaging and Deep Learning

Medical imaging has been revolutionized by deep learning, enabling automated diagnosis from scans such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs. This guide will walk through the steps of creating a Python tool to diagnose diseases using medical images and deep l…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 11, 2024

🔍Short Note on Python Metaclasses: Customizing Class Creation

📌 Overview: Metaclasses are a powerful, advanced feature in Python that let you modify or control the behavior of classes when they are defined. This blog will introduce metaclasses and provide practical examples of where they can be useful.
🔍 Key …
By Shrey Dikshant | Sep 11, 2024

Stay Updated with Python/FastAPI/Django: Weekly News Summary (02/09/2024-08/09/2024

Intro: Check out this insightful summary of Python/FastAPI/Django Weekly News for September 02nd to September 08th, 2024. Stay updated with the latest developments, releases, and community updates in the Nil ecosystem.
Key Points:

🧠 NumPy Condition…
By Poovarasu Sekar | Sep 11, 2024

Day 28 & 29 – Pomodoro GUI & Password Manager with Tkinter

Tomato Tomàto
I’m combining these 2 days (and will probably group these up moving forward) and the Day 28 project was interesting but pretty boring 🥱. The objective was to create a Pomodoro app, which is essentially a focus time/break stopwatch. The…
By Kyle Leonard | Sep 11, 2024

What Makes the Pandas Library So Well-liked

In the world of information science and investigation, the Pandas library has ended up a foundation. Its ubiquity isn't fair a result of a few standout highlights; or maybe, it is a juncture of effective capabilities, ease of utilize, and a strong co…
By snakecoder | Sep 11, 2024

My Journey into Python Programming: A Personal Experience

As part of a computer science course I am currently taking, I've started learning Python, and so far, it's been an interesting journey. Python is widely regarded as a beginner-friendly language, and I am beginning to see why. Even though I am just ge…
By Olive Uzoma | Sep 11, 2024

What is Python? Why To Choose Python and What are some common platforms to practice it?

What is Python?

Python is a simple, high level ,interpreted, platform independent programming language, which supports procedural, functional and object oriented programming approach.

Simple and high level implies that, it is easy to learn, underst…
By AASHUTOSH JHA | Sep 12, 2024

[2024] Guide: How to Convert TIFF to PDF and Back in Python

The TIFF (Tag Image File Format) format is commonly used in digital imaging and is popular among professionals for its high quality and ease of post-processing. However, due to its large file size, it is not the most convenient for sharing or printin…
By Casie Liu | Sep 12, 2024

Top Python Libraries for Data Science in 2024

The rapid growth of data science has led to the emergence of a powerful ecosystem of Python libraries designed for every step of the data science workflow: data manipulation, visualization, machine learning, deep learning, and statistical analysis. I…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 12, 2024

Comprehensive Guide to Python's TypeError: Causes, Handling, and Prevention

Python is a versatile and dynamic programming language, providing developers with high flexibility. However, this flexibility can sometimes lead to errors, one of the most common being the TypeError. In this guide, we'll explore what a TypeError is, …
By Pronod Bharatiya | Sep 12, 2024

How to Deploy Machine Learning Models in Production: Key Challenges and Fixes

Deploying machine learning (ML) models in production environments is the final step of the machine learning pipeline, where the real value is unlocked. However, taking an ML model from development to production is far from a straightforward process. …
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 12, 2024

Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning: When to Use Each?

Machine learning is a rapidly growing field, and understanding the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning is crucial for anyone looking to leverage machine learning techniques effectively. These two types of learning algorithms serve…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 12, 2024

👻Day 29 Task: Complete Jenkins CI/CD Project

✅Table of Content
✅Day-28 Recap: Jenkins CI/CD.

Fork the repository:

Create a connection to your Jenkins job and your GitHub Repository via GitHub Integration.

GitHub Web Hooks and make sure you have CICD setup

By Shreyash Desai | Sep 12, 2024

Enhancing Financial Security: Credit Card Fraud Detection With Random Forest Classifier

Machine learning has revolutionized various industries in our world today. From manufacturing to retail, to healthcare, machine learning has improved productivity, and efficiency, optimized business costs, and even facilitated better decision-making….
By Ojo Timilehin | Sep 12, 2024

How can you improve the performance of a React JS application?

Improving performance in React can be done through several techniques:

Use React’s built-in memoization tools like React.memo() and useMemo() to prevent unnecessary re-rendering.

Optimize component rendering by splitting larger components into smal…
By Karan Singh | Sep 12, 2024

Setting up a Python virtual environment

Setting up a Python virtual environment is a crucial step in creating a clean and isolated workspace for your Python projects. It helps in managing dependencies and avoiding conflicts between different projects. In this guide, we’ll walk you through …
By NAGARAJU ALOORI | Sep 12, 2024

How to Boost Your Machine Learning Model with Feature Engineering

In machine learning, feature engineering is often considered the secret sauce that can dramatically improve model performance. While algorithms and models receive a lot of attention, the quality of features plays an equally—if not more—important role…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 12, 2024

AUC-ROC Curve: A Comprehensive Guide to Model Selection in Machine Learning

There are a few Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to choose from when building an ML model. Different ML algorithms perform differently on the same dataset due to differences in algorithm complexity, bias-variance tradeoff, nature of data…
By Ojo Timilehin | Sep 12, 2024

A beginner's journey Into the world of code

Hello there!
I am Mark Madhukar. I am 21 years old.
This is my journey into the world of programming.
Early Days
My coding journey began 5 years ago when I was first introduced to HTML at 8th grade. I had no clue then that it wasn't even a programmin…
By Mark Madhukar | Sep 12, 2024

Day 4:- Data Science

🚀 Day 4: Diving Deep into Functions and Modules in Python! 🔍
Hey, Data Science Enthusiasts! 🌟 Today, I'm unlocking the power of Functions and Modules in Python! 🐍
✨ Functions are like supercharged recipes 🍳—they let us write reusable code blocks…
By Rishi Rathor | Sep 12, 2024

How to Use Python for Financial Analysis and Algorithmic Trading

Python has become one of the most popular programming languages for financial analysis and algorithmic trading, thanks to its simplicity, versatility, and a robust ecosystem of libraries. Whether you're a finance professional looking to automate your…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 12, 2024

Building Your First Django Project: Hello, World!

Django, a high-level Python web framework, is a powerful tool for building robust and scalable web applications quickly and efficiently. If you're new to Django or web development in general, starting with a simple project can be an excellent way to …
By Manasvi Gade | Sep 12, 2024

Logging de Requisições e Respostas HTTP no Django com Django Rest Framework

O logging é um aspecto essencial de qualquer aplicação web, pois permite que os desenvolvedores rastreiem erros e depurem problemas que surgem durante o desenvolvimento e a produção. No Django, você pode usar a estrutura de logging integrada para reg…
By Luiz Felipe Warmling Amadeu | Sep 12, 2024

How to Deploy Machine Learning Models in Production: Key Challenges and Fixes

Deploying machine learning (ML) models in production environments is the final step of the machine learning pipeline, where the real value is unlocked. However, taking an ML model from development to production is far from a straightforward process. …
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 12, 2024

How to Use Python for Financial Analysis and Algorithmic Trading

Python has become one of the most popular programming languages for financial analysis and algorithmic trading, thanks to its simplicity, versatility, and a robust ecosystem of libraries. Whether you're a finance professional looking to automate your…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 12, 2024

How to Boost Your Machine Learning Model with Feature Engineering

In machine learning, feature engineering is often considered the secret sauce that can dramatically improve model performance. While algorithms and models receive a lot of attention, the quality of features plays an equally—if not more—important role…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 12, 2024

Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning: When to Use Each?

Machine learning is a rapidly growing field, and understanding the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning is crucial for anyone looking to leverage machine learning techniques effectively. These two types of learning algorithms serve…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 12, 2024

Top Python Libraries for Data Science in 2024

The rapid growth of data science has led to the emergence of a powerful ecosystem of Python libraries designed for every step of the data science workflow: data manipulation, visualization, machine learning, deep learning, and statistical analysis. I…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 12, 2024

How to Build a Python Tool for Diagnosing Diseases with Medical Imaging and Deep Learning

Medical imaging has been revolutionized by deep learning, enabling automated diagnosis from scans such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs. This guide will walk through the steps of creating a Python tool to diagnose diseases using medical images and deep l…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 11, 2024

Understanding LBPH(Local Binary Pattern Histogrm)

Face Recognition with Local Binary Patterns (LBPs) and OpenCV
Last Updated : 13 Sep, 2024
by Pranav Sirsufale
In this article, Face Recognition with Local Binary Patterns (LBPs) and OpenCV is discussed. Let’s start with understanding the logic behind…
By pranav madhukar sirsufale | Sep 13, 2024

📊Overview on Python Decorators: Enhancing Functionality Elegantly

📌 Overview: Decorators allow you to extend or modify the behavior of functions or methods without permanently modifying the original function. This blog will guide you through the concept of decorators and how they can be used for logging, access co…
By Shrey Dikshant | Sep 13, 2024

⚙️Day 30: Jenkins CI/CD Project Task and Documentation Guide

Table of contents

✅Table of Contents

✅ Introduction

⌛ Task-01

What is a README file?

Why is it important?

⌛ Task-02

Why set smaller goals?

How to do it?

✅ Summary of Concepts

🥸 Understanding CI/CD

Continuous Integration (CI)

By Shreyash Desai | Sep 13, 2024

Command for User Rights Error in Visual Studio Code: Set-ExecutionPolicy Fix – Session 1

The error you’re encountering is related to the PowerShell execution policy, which restricts the execution of scripts on your system. The command you’re trying to run, Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned, is intended …
By NAGARAJU ALOORI | Sep 13, 2024

How to take automate backup using python on local system…?

First what is backup?Backup means 📁(File)→ Compress → Copy → Save.
import shutil
import datetime
import os
def backup_files(source,destination):
By Prem Choudhary | Sep 13, 2024

Binary Search – Leetcode 704 – Python Solution

Hey Everyone, today we will solve how to find a number in a sorted array according to its target using Binary Search.
Initialize the start pointer at the beginning of the array and the end pointer at the end of the array.
def binary_search(num…
By Shojib | Sep 13, 2024

The Best 3 Tools: How to Reduce a PDF File Size in Python

Reducing PDF file size is a common task especially when dealing with large documents for saving, sharing, or uploading. For example, some of the eFiling courts in the United States require the PDF file size to be less than 35 MB. In the healthcare in…
By Casie Liu | Sep 13, 2024

Implementing Google OAuth in Django: A Comprehensive Guide

Authentication is a crucial aspect of web applications, and offering users the ability to sign in with their Google accounts can greatly enhance user experience. This guide will walk you through the process of implementing Google OAuth in a Django ap…
By Sajan Adhikari | Sep 13, 2024

Creating Interactive Dashboards with Python and Plotly Dash

In today's data-driven world, visualizing data in a dynamic and interactive way is crucial for better understanding and decision-making. Python, combined with Plotly Dash, provides a powerful way to create interactive, responsive, and visually appeal…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Sep 13, 2024

A beginner's journey Into the world of code

Hello there!
I am Mark Madhukar. I am 21 years old.
This is my journey into the world of programming.
Early Days
My coding journey began 5 years ago when I was first introduced to HTML at 8th grade. I had no clue then that it wasn't even a programmin…
By Mark Madhukar | Sep 12, 2024

Build a Neural Network from Scratch in Just 10 Minutes

Trying to dip your toes into Deep Learning? Wondering how those PyTorch and TensorFlow neural networks work behind the scene? What better way than to build one yourself? We will be using just numpy and some trivial maths (okay not that trivial, but l…
By Ayush Saraswat | Sep 13, 2024

Day 5:-

Day 5:-
Python Lists: Unlocking the Power of Collections! 🐍
Hello, Data Science Enthusiasts! 👋
Today, I explored an interesting concept in Python programming: Lists! Lists are a versatile data structure that helps us organize and access our data ef…
By Rishi Rathor | Sep 13, 2024

Libraries for writing raw SQL safely

One of my responsibilities at PropelAuth is writing example apps / guides in various languages / frameworks. It’s truly one of the most fun parts of my job. I get to play around with different stacks, new and old, and figure out the best ways to supp…
By PropelAuth | Sep 13, 2024

Solving a Data Management Challenge with Django Proxy Models

Today, I ran into an intriguing problem in my Django project. I had a table model that was storing combined data from two different models in a JSON field – a bit of a data mess! My goal was to separate and display this combined data into two distinc…
By Ateeb | Sep 13, 2024

Phases of Cloud-DevOps in Production:

Stage 1: Pull the code from Git, install a web server and deploy your code on a VPS/VM.
Stage 2: Dockerise the application, pass environment variables and run a container on the VM.
Stage 3: Add Secrets and use docker compose to run your containers o…
By Hitesh Dipak Sonawane | Sep 13, 2024

Choosing The Right Data Analysis Tools

Data Analysis Tools: A Comprehensive Look at Features, Strengths and Weaknesses
In the realm of data analysis, choosing the right tool can significantly impact the effectiveness of your data-driven decisions. Here's an in-depth look at some of the mo…
By Ezekiel Balogun | Sep 13, 2024

Design (LLD) Sublime Text IDE – Machine Coding

Features Required

Multiple File Handling: Ability to handle multiple open files with tabs.

Syntax Highlighting: Highlight code based on the programming language.

Auto-completion: Suggest code completions based on current context.

Find and Replace…
By Subhahu Jain | Sep 14, 2024

🌟Day 31: Jenkins Declarative Pipeline

Table of contents

Table of Contents

✅ What is a Pipeline?

✅ Declarative Pipeline

Pipeline Block

Agent Block

Stages Block

Steps Block


✅ Scripted Pipeline


✅ Why Should You Have a Pipeline?

✅ Pipeline Syntax

⌛ Tasks:

By Shreyash Desai | Sep 14, 2024

[Guide] How to Sign a PDF Electronically or Remove Signatures in Python

Adding a signature to a PDF is essential for document authentication and verification, especially in legal and business contexts. For example, if a company's branch offices are spread across different locations or if customers are located far from th…
By Casie Liu | Sep 14, 2024

Make Your FastAPI App Secure with Userfront

Python devs this is for you! In this article, I’ll show you how to simplify authentication in your fast API app using a neat little tool called Userfront. It helps you set up things like sign-ups, logins, and password resets without having to build e…
By omu inetimi | Sep 14, 2024

Use Cases for Metaclasses in Python

Why do we even need metaclasses? Specially when we have class inheritance and multiple inheritance and constructors to granularly define what we need?
Answer is yes! We need metaclass when we need to influence how a class is defined. In other words -…
By Rajesh Pethe | Sep 14, 2024

Flask web API short- guide

Creating a Flask web app involves several steps, from setting up your development environment to deploying your app. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:
Set Up Your Development Environment**
1. Install Python: Flask is a Python web f…
By Rahul vats | Sep 14, 2024

Day7:- Data Science

Day [7]: Unlocking Python Dictionaries 🐍📚Today, I learned about Dictionaries in Python. It’s a data structure that works with key-value pairs, where each key is unique and linked to a value, just like a word and its meaning in a dictionary.💡 What …
By Rishi Rathor | Sep 14, 2024

Creating telegram web apps and interacting with them in telegram bots

In the Bot API 6.0 update, Telegram bots got a lot of new features. The most notable one for developers is Telegram web apps (web apps inside Telegram). With this innovation, developers can connect web applications to their bots, which open in an add…
By Mihail Gok | Sep 14, 2024

Llamaberry – Cultivating Chain of Thought Reasoning in AI

Hey there, AI adventurers, I'm, ready to take you on a journey through the fascinating world of AI reasoning. Today, we're diving deep into Llamaberry, my implementation of a multi-turn Chain of Thought (CoT) reasoning system. Buckle up, because this…
By Martin Bowling | Sep 14, 2024

Here’s a new framework to build multi-host distributed systems in Python

In an interconnected group of distributed nodes in a system, where different nodes want to access each other’s services and data. Such cases can happen in any heterogeneous distributed systems, for example, in simulation environment for AI, rendering…
By Gavin Wei | Sep 15, 2024

Week 4 of My Python Learning Journey: A Month of Coding 🚀

It’s been a whole month since I started my Python coding journey, and what an experience it has been! From struggling with concepts to building small programs, the journey has been full of learning, challenges, and growth. Here’s a recap of my week 4…
By Mohd.Wasim (WasimdDcode) | Sep 15, 2024

Why Kaggle is So OP

Personally, Kaggle is sufficient enough for someone for data science starter, or even to delve deeper in data science field. This article was written after having a conversation with a Kaggle Master, listening to some Kaggle Grandmaster Podcast, and …
By Ammar | Sep 15, 2024

🚀 Day 32: Setting Up Jenkins Agents! 🤖

✅What is Jenkins? 🛠️
Before we get into agents, let's quickly recap what Jenkins is. Jenkins is like a superhero for developers. It helps automate repetitive tasks, like testing and deploying code, making the life of a developer much easier. Think o…
By Shreyash Desai | Sep 15, 2024

Convolution in NN

While working on deep learning, we all have come across the term ‘Convolutional neural network’ or CNN, but what this convolution actually mean. This is a method, operation, rule, instruction or algorithm which we know in this article. So convolution…
By Akhil Soni | Sep 15, 2024

How’s My Eating? – Part 3

In my last post, I shared how I built a labeling interface using Rust and React to support the development of “How’s My Eating?”—an app designed to help people slow down their eating habits using kinetic data from Apple AirPods. Since th…
By Zachary Sturman | Sep 15, 2024

Find the Longest Substring Containing Vowels in Even Counts

This is the Medium level question of Leetcode Link.
Problem Description
Given the string s, return the size of the longest substring containing each vowel an even number of times. That is, 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', and 'u' must appear an even number of tim…
By Anurag Kumar | Sep 15, 2024

Low Level Design of Twitter Timeline and Search

Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

Designing the twitter timeline and search functionality involves breaking down into components that manages user data models, ranking, tweets, media and search indexing.Let’s dive into the design…

Timeline De…
By Vaishnavi Pandey | Sep 15, 2024

ACTIVITY: Master the Python Dictionaries Data Structures

Create 50 Python Files

Create 50 Python files, each focusing on dictionary manipulation.

GitHub Commit Requirement

You must make 50 commits in your GitHub repository, with each commit corresponding to the creation or update of a Python file.

By Thirdy Gayares | Sep 15, 2024

ACTIVITY: Master Python List Data Structures

Create 50 Python Files

Create 50 Python files, each focusing on list manipulation.

GitHub Commit Requirement

You must make 50 commits in your GitHub repository, with each commit corresponding to the creation or update of a Python file.

Example c…
By Thirdy Gayares | Sep 15, 2024

Activity : Research Use Cases of Python Dictionaries Data Structure

Look up how Python dictionaries are used in programming. A dictionary is a data structure that stores information as key-value pairs. Each key is linked to a specific value, and you can use the key to get the value quickly.
Find real-life examples of…
By Thirdy Gayares | Sep 15, 2024

ACTIVITY: Research Use Cases of List Data Structures in Python

Conduct thorough research on how list data structures are utilized in Python programming. Focus on understanding the various practical use cases where lists are employed, such as storing sequences, iterating over elements, implementing stacks and que…
By Thirdy Gayares | Sep 15, 2024

Day [7]: Unlocking Python Dictionaries

Day [7]: Unlocking Python Dictionaries 🐍📚Today, I learned about Dictionaries in Python. It’s a data structure that works with key-value pairs, where each key is unique and linked to a value, just like a word and its meaning in a dictionary.💡 What …
By Rishi Rathor | Sep 15, 2024

#406 – Matthias

Weeknotes (2024 week 37)

Weeknotes (2024 week 37)
django-debug-toolbar alpha with async support!
I have helped mentoring Aman Pandey who has worked all summer to add async
support to
Tim has released an alpha which contains
all of the work up to a few d…
By Matthias Kestenholz | Sep 11, 2024

django-content-editor now supports nested sections

django-content-editor now supports nested sections
django-content-editor (and
it’s ancestor FeinCMS) has been the Django admin extension for editing content
consisting of reusable blocks since 2009. In the last years we have more and
more often…
By Matthias Kestenholz | Sep 13, 2024


Why Fresh Graduates Should Contribute to Open Source Projects on GitHub

#beginners #python #opensource #learning
By Samreen Amjid | Sep 09, 2024

Understanding decorators in Python

#python #programming #decorators #web
By Augustine Alul | Sep 09, 2024

Create an end-to-end personalised AI chatbot🤖 using Llama-3.1🦙 and Streamlit powered by Groq API

#programming #python #ai #meta
By Debapriya Das | Sep 09, 2024

Interactive project report with Jira and LLM

#ai #python
By Michal Ciesielski | Sep 09, 2024

Kernel Panik: The Beginnings!

#gamedev #python
By Joseph Redman | Sep 09, 2024

Enhance Your RAG Application With Web Searching Capability!

#rag #ai #langchain #python
By Veli EROGLU | Sep 09, 2024

Unlocking the Power of Multimodal Data Analysis with LLMs and Python

#python #analytics #rag #database
By Hemanshu Vadodariya (Hemu) | Sep 09, 2024

Building a Chat App with FastAPI and JavaScript Using JavaScript.

#python #fastapi #javascript #websockets
By Ssali Jonathan | Sep 09, 2024

Building a Simple Blog App Using FastAPI, HTML, CSS, and JSON

#python #fastapi #webdev #html
By Jagroop Singh | Sep 09, 2024

🚀 Introduction to AI-Powered Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) 📸

#ai #deeplearning #python #learning
By Abhinav Anand | Sep 09, 2024

PYTHON: OOP {Beginner's Edition}

#python #oop
By Marlon Munoz | Sep 09, 2024

Best way to catch bugs in Django apps

#python #django
By Stokry | Sep 09, 2024

Python Clean Code – Stop Writing Bad Code: Key Lessons from Uncle Bob

#python #programming #webdev #web
By Vladislav Guzey | Sep 09, 2024

Seeking Django Developers for Exciting Projects!

#python #django
By Stokry | Sep 09, 2024

The Best Way to Implement API Versioning in Django REST Framework (Agile) 💎

#python #django #backend #programming
By Suliman Awad | Sep 09, 2024

Why You Need Distributed Computing for Real-World Machine Learning

#machinelearning #ai #python #googlecloud
By Swapnil | Sep 09, 2024

Crafting the Rooh London Website: A Journey Through Cotton Robes and Technical Challenges

#javascript #python
By Leo Benjamin | Sep 09, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #177: Explica este código Python

#spanish #learning #python #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Sep 09, 2024

How Python is Revolutionizing Cloud Computing in 2024

#python #datascience #azure #aws
By Pangaea X | Sep 09, 2024

Ensuring Image Upload Security: How to Verify Uploaded Files Are Genuine Images

#javascript #beginners #java #python
By William | Sep 09, 2024

I got tired of procrastination, so I built this AI tool to make me productive! 🫡

#python #ai #webdev #programming
By Sunil Kumar Dash | Sep 09, 2024

How to Implement Singly Linked List in Python

#datastructures #python #linkedlist #algorithms
By thirumaleshthiru | Sep 09, 2024

Common web scraping roadblocks and how to avoid them

#python #webscraping #crawler
By Lewis Kerr | Sep 09, 2024

Introduction To Computer Vision with Python (Part 1)

#python #computervision #opencv
By TheCSPandz | Sep 09, 2024

How to Run FLUX1 for Free: A Step-by-Step Guide

#ai #tutorial #python #fastapi
By Felippe Chemello | Sep 09, 2024

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python: Classes and Objects Explained

#python #oop
By Developer Service | Sep 09, 2024

Automate Build, Test & Deploy Processes with GitHub Actions

#cicd #githubactions #python #testing
By ChigozieCO | Sep 09, 2024

Creating the La Femme International Film Festival Website: A Journey of Innovation and Dedication

#javascript #python
By Kyriakos Larnaca | Sep 09, 2024

Pythonic Code: Writing Clean and Efficient Python

#python #pythonic #pep
By Erik Lindvall | Sep 10, 2024

How To: Containerize a Django and Postgres App with Docker

#docker #django #python #postgres
By Shipyard DevRel | Sep 10, 2024

I Need some help in this subject

#python #devops #learning #vscode
By Luis Martinez | Sep 10, 2024

Data Visualization Techniques for Text Data

#python #seaborn #nltk #genai
By Ravi | Sep 10, 2024

Formatting and Linting Your Python Codes with GitHub Actions

#python #github #cicd
By Nasrul Hazim Bin Mohamad | Sep 10, 2024

PWA and Django #1: What is a Progressive Web Application?

#python #django #djangocms #pwa
By Andrés Álvarez Iglesias | Sep 10, 2024

Buy Verified Coinbase Accounts

#tutorial #react #python #ai
By Todd Carter | Sep 10, 2024

Building a Custom Data Logger with Raspberry Pi for Vehicles: Integrating BNO055 and ELM327 Sensors

#python #obd2 #datascience #raspberrypi
By Qooniee | Sep 10, 2024

The Dawn of Syntax: A Tale of “Hello, World!”

#python #beginners #programming
By Kavya Sahai | Sep 10, 2024

Streamlit Part 2: Mastering Data Elements for Interactive Dashboards

#python #webdev #streamlit #datascience
By James | Sep 10, 2024

Mastering Full-Stack Development with Django and React: A Comprehensive Guide

#django #webdev #fullstack #react
By SnapNews | Sep 10, 2024

DJ Databass

#react #flask #python #sql
By saradomincroft | Sep 10, 2024

My 7 Reasons Why Django is the Best Choice for Beginners Starting a Career in Web Development

#python #webdev #django
By Stokry | Sep 10, 2024

what is data modeling?

#data #dbms #python #webdev
By Jatish Chawla | Sep 10, 2024

Archivo .env para las variables de entorno en Python

#python #security #api #spanish
By Juan M. Núñez | Sep 10, 2024

Top 8 Sitemap Scraper que Debe Conocer en 2024

#sitemap #webscraping #python #website
By Elena Allende | Sep 10, 2024

Top Python Machine Learning Interview Questions and Answers

#python #programming #software #coding
By MyExamCloud | Sep 10, 2024

The best thing since sliced bread: AI for Google Sheets™ (Open Source)

#openai #googlesheets #python #langchain
By Lukas Rieder | Sep 10, 2024

Lightweight Rest Api with admin panel to manage food recipes easily.

#webdev #programming #python #opensource
By M.X | Sep 11, 2024

Removing Vocals & Music from Audio Songs (easy peasy)

#tutorial #python #music
By manish srivastava | Sep 11, 2024

Deploy a Django and React application using Render and integrate AWS S3

#django #devops #react #aws
By Pranav Bakare | Sep 11, 2024

Deploy a Django application on Render using PostgreSQL as the database and hosting images over AWS

#aws #django #postgres #backend
By Pranav Bakare | Sep 11, 2024

Dynamic Template Rendering in Django Class-Based Views

#django #classbasedviews #templaterendering #webdev
By Nderakore 5000 | Sep 11, 2024

Turn Based Multiplayer Beer Game

#systemdesign #python #programming #tutorial
By ChunTing Wu | Sep 11, 2024

Python -How to define public, private and protected variables in a class

#python #oop #tutorial
By Ankit malik | Sep 11, 2024

Protected ML APIs with Flama JWT Authentication

#flama #machinelearning #api #python
By Vortico | Sep 11, 2024

Movie Dataset Exploration and Visualization

#python #beginners #machinelearning #datascience
By Michelle Njuguna | Sep 10, 2024

Basic Django and React Setup: A Step-by-Step Guide

#beginners #react #django #tutorial
By Shaniya Khan | Sep 11, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #178: Explica este código Python

#spanish #learning #beginners #python
By Cristian Fernando | Sep 11, 2024

Working On a React / Python Flask Back End Web App.

#webdev #javascript #python #routing
By Boitumelo Ngwenya | Sep 11, 2024

Project Astra: A New Era of Multimodal AI

#ai #python #llm #rag
By Hakeem Abbas | Sep 11, 2024

Wave Goodbye to the Mouse: Transforming Hand Gestures into Your New Click Commanders!

#python #computervision #opencv #touchlesstech
By Ram nathawat | Sep 11, 2024

Beginner Back-End Developer Seeking to Work Without Payment to Gain Experience

#python #django #backend #webdev
By Evil Devil | Sep 11, 2024

Build a One-Product Shop With the Python Django Framework and Htmx

#python #django
By Francisco Macedo | Sep 11, 2024

Feature Engineering

#machinelearning #ai #python #beginners
By Michelle Njuguna | Sep 11, 2024

The Tale of the Four Primal Forms

#python #beginners #programming #tutorial
By Kavya Sahai | Sep 11, 2024

Stay Updated with Python/FastAPI/Django: Weekly News Summary (02/09/2024-08/09/2024

#python #django #fastapi #flask
By Poovarasu Sekar | Sep 11, 2024

Python from 0 to Hero: Lesson 1 – Getting Started with Python for HR & Payroll

By Daniel Azevedo | Sep 12, 2024

A Quick Guide to Python List Methods with Examples

#python #datastructures #pythonlist #iterables
By Usool | Sep 11, 2024

Lesson 7 – Working with APIs and Web Scraping for HR Automation

By Daniel Azevedo | Sep 12, 2024

Code Smell 269 – Low-Level Addition

#webdev #beginners #python #programming
By Maxi Contieri | Sep 12, 2024

Handling – No module named 'googleapiclient' in JupyterNotebook using Python

#youtubeapi #data #python
By Lameck Odhiambo | Sep 12, 2024

Understanding Threading and Multiprocessing in Python: A Comprehensive Guide

#python #multiprocess #threading #concurrency
By Usool | Sep 12, 2024

A Quick Guide to the Python multiprocessing Module with Examples

#python #multiprocess #softwareengineering #softwaredevelopment
By Usool | Sep 12, 2024

A Quick Guide to the Python threading Module with Examples

#programming #python #threading
By Usool | Sep 12, 2024

Word Embeddings

#python #machinelearning #datascience #nlp
By Wildan Aziz | Sep 12, 2024

Unlock Geo-Restricted Websites Using a Proxy Server

#proxy #proxyserve #website #python
By Lewis Kerr | Sep 12, 2024

Handling Multiple Exceptions in Python: The Clean and Simple Way! 🛠️

By Stokry | Sep 12, 2024

Real-Time Data Processing with MongoDB Change Streams and Python

#mongodb #python #coding #architecture
By Mai Chi Bao | Sep 12, 2024

Guide to Image Upscaling: Exploring GANs, Diffusion Models (LDSR), and OpenCV Methods

#computervision #machinelearning #ai #python
By Ishwor Subedi | Sep 10, 2024

AWS S3 bucket storage in a Django

#aws #django #cloud #backend
By Pranav Bakare | Sep 12, 2024

Happy programming day

#javascript #python #webdev #programming
By Jose Germán Martínez | Sep 12, 2024

How to Correct Yum Baseurl Issues on CentOS 7

#programming #beginners #python #devops
By EVan Wilson | Sep 12, 2024

Upgrading Python version for your Microsoft Fabric environment

#beginners #microsoftfabric #notebook #python
By Dan Benitah | Sep 12, 2024

Bridge AI/ML with your Adaptive Analytics solution

#ai #python #machinelearning #programming
By InterSystems Developer | Sep 12, 2024

Is PHP Dead? No, It's Thriving

#webdev #programming #python #beginners
By Angela Swift | Sep 12, 2024

Day 30: The Final Day of My DevOps Learning Journey

#devops #python #aws #learning
By Kanavsingh | Sep 12, 2024

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming in Python

#oop #python
By oki99doki | Sep 13, 2024

How I Learned Generative AI in Two Weeks (and You Can Too): Part 1 – Libraries

#beginners #ai #learning #python
By Julia Zhou | Sep 13, 2024

Code Against the Clock: Automating the youtube shorts creation

#youtube #python #android #automation
By Boopathi | Sep 13, 2024

Step-by-Step Guide to Scraping Amazon Reviews Using Python

#python #webscraping
By Lewis Kerr | Sep 13, 2024

Reflecting on My Journey: Building a Beginner Real Estate Listing Fullstack App

#javascript #beginners #python #react
By migsldev | Sep 13, 2024

This Week In Python

#python #thisweekinpython
By Bas Steins | Sep 13, 2024

Immowelt Scraper: Immobiliendaten kostenlos scrapen

#webdev #python #immowelt #immobilienmakler
By Emilia | Sep 13, 2024

Secure FastAPI WebSocket: Fixing Dependency Injection Errors

#python #fastapi #websocket
By ADITYA KESHARI | Sep 13, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #179: Explica este código Python

#python #spanish #learning #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Sep 13, 2024

Guide to SafeLine Open API: Secure Your Access with API Tokens

#api #python #cybersecurity #devops
By Lulu | Sep 13, 2024

What-if I told you complex Data Integration makes good Task Orchestration?

#python #datascience #ai #automation
By Rym | Sep 12, 2024

Creating a Professional-Quality Slideshow with Python: A Guide to Building Your Own iMovie Alternative

#python #coding #startup
By Dmitry Romanoff | Sep 13, 2024

From Data Lakes to Data Mesh: The Emerging Trends of Data Management and Analytics

#datascience #database #dataengineering #python
By jinesh vora | Sep 13, 2024

DIY Desktop Notifications with Python

#python #notifications #windows
By Techelopment | Sep 13, 2024

Libraries for writing raw SQL safely

#database #webdev #sql #python
By propelauthblog | Sep 13, 2024

Unlocking Your Potential: Top Factors to Consider When Answering ‘Tell Me Something About Yourself’ in an Interview”

#java #python #aws #software
By MyExamCloud | Sep 13, 2024

From Developer to Senior Architect: A Success Story of Technical Expertise and Dedication

#java #python #programming #coding
By MyExamCloud | Sep 13, 2024

Mastering Tic-Tac-Toe with Python: A Journey into Game Development

#codenewbie #python #github #codeacademy
By Tomas Guajardo | Sep 13, 2024

Concurrency in Python with Threading and Multiprocessing

#python #concurrency #threads #process
By Developer Service | Sep 13, 2024

Explaining the Code: Episode 1

#code #python #tutorial #explainlikeimfive
By Joseph Redman | Sep 14, 2024

Interested in Football Analytics?

#datascience #python #webscraping #jupyter
By Enrique Uribe | Sep 13, 2024

Mastering Image Segmentation: How Traditional Techniques Still Shine in the Digital Age

#python #ai #tutorial #beginners
By Ahmed Mujtaba Butt | Sep 14, 2024

Modern Financial Terminal – V0.1.2

#opensource #python #career #android
By Space Lover | Sep 14, 2024

Build reliable Slack apps

#webdev #python #eventdriven #ai
By Qian Li | Sep 14, 2024

Infusion docs generation cli tool

#python #cli #github #opensource
By Andrii Sych | Sep 14, 2024

Try natural language data analysis with Streamlit in Snowflake (SiS)

#snowflake #streamlit #python #llm
By Tsubasa Kanno | Sep 14, 2024

I made a token count check app using Streamlit in Snowflake (SiS)

#snowflake #streamlit #python #llm
By Tsubasa Kanno | Sep 14, 2024

Personalize for each user with Streamlit in Snowflake (SiS)

#snowflake #streamlit #personalize #python
By Tsubasa Kanno | Sep 14, 2024

My first open-source project built with Python to inspect databases through CLI fast

#python #database #opensource #github
By Evangelos Meklis | Sep 14, 2024

Radio code generator for Dodge RAM in Python

#python #radiocode #cars #carhacking
By Bartosz Wójcik | Sep 14, 2024

Step by Step: Scraping Amazon Reviews Using Python and Proxy

#python #proxy #webscraping
By Lewis Kerr | Sep 14, 2024

Free Sudoku Puzzel Generator

#python #opensource #productivity
By Ali Alp | Sep 14, 2024

How to create a Human-Level Natural Language Understanding (NLU) System

#programming #python #ai #beginners
By Kavya Sahai | Sep 14, 2024

🎁Learn Python in 10 Days: Day 1

#python #developer #developers #backend
By William | Sep 14, 2024

10 years out of the IT industry and now… I'm back!

#django #vue #react
By Edward Susanto | Sep 14, 2024

Guide to Obtaining Java and Python Certifications

#java #python #programming #software
By MyExamCloud | Sep 14, 2024

Study Stream Web-Extension Demo

#webdev #javascript #python #programming
By Rishi Nalem | Sep 14, 2024

RAG Simplified!! 🐣

#python #ai #rag #llm
By Rohan Sharma | Sep 14, 2024

Practical Usecase of Python for Devops&Cloud Engineer Role

#python #automation #devops #cloud
By akhil mittal | Sep 14, 2024

PYTHON BASICS: Working with input and print functions.

#python #beginners #programming #learning
By David Bosah | Sep 14, 2024

Quick tip: Build Vector Embeddings for Video via Python Notebook & OpenAI CLIP

#singlestoredb #vectordatabase #openai #python
By Akmal Chaudhri | Sep 15, 2024

Hugging Face: Interacting with Roberta and Hugging Face for the first time

#python #huggingface #openai #beginners
By Lauren C. | Sep 15, 2024

Jetmaker – open source framework for building distributed systems in Python

#python #distributedsystems #systems #networking
By Gavin | Sep 15, 2024

How would you find where a particular file is located in a Linux system?

#aws #python #ai
By sayied adnan | Sep 15, 2024

Mastering Command-Line Interfaces (CLI) in Python: A Comprehensive Guide

#python #cli #input #argparse
By Usool | Sep 15, 2024

Mastering Python’s argparse: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

#python #cli #input #argparse
By Usool | Sep 15, 2024

Understanding UUIDs: A Backend Engineer’s Guide for Junior Developers

#webdev #python #microservices #backenddevelopment
By Usool | Sep 15, 2024

Crafting Structured {JSON} Responses: Ensuring Consistent Output from any LLM 🦙🤖

#llm #llama #python #genai
By Rishab Dugar | Sep 15, 2024

Running a Compiled Python Script from C# Applications

#compiling #python #csharp #dotnet
By Gaurav Gahlot | Sep 15, 2024

Partnership between Dev Community and Kaggle to help writers with their notebooks?

#discuss #python #kaggle #machinelearning
By sc0v0ne | Sep 15, 2024

Python Data Wrangling and Data Quality

#python #datascience #pandas #numpy
By Indrasen | Sep 15, 2024

GG Coding Tips for Optimizing Performance: Speeding Up Your Code

#coding #python #tutorial #beginners
By Byte Supreme | Sep 15, 2024

Top Programming Languages for Web Development

#programming #javascript #python #go
By Vuelancer | Sep 15, 2024

Implementing Search Functionality in Django Rest Framework (DRF)

#django #djangorestframework #webdev
By Theresa Okoro | Sep 15, 2024