#Real Python

Functional Programming in Python: When and How to Use It

In this tutorial, you'll learn about functional programming in Python. You'll see what functional programming is, how it's supported in Python, and how you can use it in your Python code.
#intermediate #python
By | Aug 05, 2024

Asynchronous Iterators and Iterables in Python

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create and use asynchronous iterators and iterables in Python. You’ll explore their syntax and structure and discover how they can be leveraged to handle asynchronous operations more efficiently.
#advanced #python
By | Aug 07, 2024

Python News Roundup: August 2024

In July 2024, Python published the first release candidate of its 3.13 version. The PSF announced some news about new staff members, and PyOhio US 2024 took place in Ohio. Finally, some fundamental Python projects, such as Django, Pillow, pytest, and Pydantic, also released new versions.
By | Aug 08, 2024

#Django Project – Weblog

Django security releases issued: 5.0.8 and 4.2.15

By Sarah Boyce | Aug 06, 2024

Django 5.1 released

By Natalia Bidart | Aug 07, 2024

#Python Insider

Python 3.12.5 released

By Thomas Wouters | Aug 07, 2024


Issue #641 – Setuptools Deprecation, Installable Django Apps, Flask, and More

By | Aug 06, 2024

#Python Library

Create Amazing Progress Bars in Python with alive-progress

Have you ever needed a progress bar in your Python command-line application? One great way of creating a progress bar is to use the alive-progress package created by Rogério Sampaio de Almeida! Alive progress provides multiple different types of progress bars in your terminal or IPython REPL session. The alive progress package will work with […]
#beginner #Python
By Mike | Aug 05, 2024


When to Use HTMX with Django (Do You Really Need a JS Framework?)

Discover the differences between using HTMX with Django and Django REST Framework with a JavaScript framework. Learn when it's best to avoid a JS framework for your web development projects.
In the evolving world of web development, choo…
By OnRemote | Aug 05, 2024

Unveiling the Wonders of Python: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Unveiling the Wonders of Python: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
Python, an in-demand and versatile programming language, has captivated the tech world for its simplicity, readability, and vast applications. This comprehensive guide is meticulous…
By Samrat Kumar Das | Aug 05, 2024

🌟 The Magic of React Fiber: A Deep Dive into React's Reconciliation Algorithm

🌟 Introduction
React has been a cornerstone of modern web development, empowering developers to build dynamic, responsive user interfaces. One of the most significant updates to React is the introduction of React Fiber, a complete rewrite of the Rea…
By Aditya Dhaygude | Aug 05, 2024

How to Build Scalable Web Applications with ASP.NET

How to Build Scalable Web Applications with ASP.NET
Scalability is the holy grail for web developers. You want your web application to handle growth seamlessly, whether it’s traffic spikes, increasing user base, or expanding features. ASP.NET is one …
By mediageneous social | Aug 05, 2024

Dependent/Independent variables, Covariance, Correlation w/fashion sample👙

1. Dependent/Independent variables
magine you are a fashion designer trying to understand what influences the popularity of your clothing designs. In this scenario:
Dependent Variable: Imagine the popularity of your clothing designs is like the "outf…
By Anix Lynch | Aug 05, 2024

Introduction to React Native for Mobile Development

Introduction to React Native for Mobile Development
Ever wondered how to create high-quality mobile apps without having to dive deep into different programming languages for iOS and Android? That's where React Native comes into play. This powerful fr…
By mediageneous social | Aug 05, 2024

Implementación y Generación de Hidato con Haskell

Repositorio de GitHub

Significado de Haskell
Haskell es un lenguaje de programación estandarizado, multipropósito, funcionalmente puro, con evaluación no estricta y tipificación fuerte estática. Su nombre se debe al lógico estadounidense Haskell Cur…
By leynierdev | Aug 05, 2024

Understanding Model Diagnostics in Machine Learning: A Comprehensive Guide

In machine learning, building a model is just one part of the process. Ensuring that the model performs well and diagnosing potential issues are equally important. Model diagnostics help in understanding how well the model is performing and identifyi…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Aug 05, 2024

The Invisible Shield: How Two-Factor Authentication Is Your Best Bet Against Financial Fraud

This is the era when cybercrime is morphing faster than our defenses, and it is extremely essential to secure your financial assets. After all, you lock your doors at home — why not lock your digital assets with an equal amount of fire? Enter Two-Fac…
By VerifyVault | Aug 05, 2024

Is Everything… Normal?

Visit my GitHub page (link) to learn more about the python code that made this article possible.

Do you know what really grinds my gears, riles me up, bothers me, and frustrates me? It may sound dramatic, but my biggest pet peeve is when people are …
By Mathieu Torchia | Aug 05, 2024

Arithmetic Operators in Python

Arithmetic operations are fundamental in the realm of DevOps, facilitating various calculations and manipulations essential for infrastructure management, resource allocation, and performance optimization. Python offers a rich set of ari…
By Saurabh Adhau | Aug 05, 2024

Top Flask Extensions to Enhance Your Web Development Projects

Flask is like a Swiss Army knife for web developers—it's a lightweight web framework in Python. What makes Flask stand out is its simplicity and flexibility. Unlike some other frameworks that come with a lot of built-in features, Flask keeps things m…
By Mohit Bhatt | Aug 05, 2024

Implementación de Sistemas de Inferencia Difusa con Inferfuzzy en Python

Inferfuzzy es una biblioteca de Python para implementar Sistemas de Inferencia Difusa.
pip install inferfuzzy

Creación de Variables Lingüísticas y Conjuntos Difusos
variable_1 = Var("variable_name_1")
variable_1 += "set_nam…
By leynierdev | Aug 05, 2024

Hello, World! The Gateway to Your Coding Adventure

Welcome to the whimsical world of programming! If you’re reading this, you’ve probably heard that the first step into coding involves writing a simple program that does… well, not much. Enter the legendary “Hello, World!”—the digital equivalent of …
By Mohamed Abubakkar M | Aug 05, 2024

Comparison between Brainfuck and Python

Brainfuck and Python are two programming languages with very different objectives. Brainfuck is an esoteric minimalist language, while Python is a general-purpose language widely used in the industry. Let’s compare these languages across…
By Brainphantom | Aug 05, 2024

Connect Amazon SQS to GlassFlow

Amazon's Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fully managed message queuing service that enables you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications. With the new integration, GlassFlow can now directly consume messag…
By GlassFlow | Aug 05, 2024

Introduction to Django: What, Why, and How

Hello folks,
Are you interested in creating your own website but feeling overwhelmed by where to start? Django is here to make that process much easier! Think of Django as a powerful toolkit that helps you build web applications quickly and efficient…
By Shivay Dwivedi | Aug 05, 2024

Using f-strings for String Formatting in Python


String formatting is an essential skill in Python, making it easier to create and manage dynamic text. Python introduced f-strings (formatted string literals) in version 3.6, offering a more readable and concise way to format strings co…
By Shrey Dikshant | Aug 05, 2024

Data Engineering: A Beginner's Guide to Concepts, Tools, and Responsibilities

Personal background
I have been a back-end developer for about 4 years now and am only recently realizing I might be good at it 🤓. Solving problems using code can be very fun when things go right.
Motivation for exploring data engineeri…
By Antony Nyagah | Aug 05, 2024

Mastering Lazy Loading in Python Using __getattr__

What is Lazy Loading?
Lazy loading is a programming concept where we delay the creation or loading of an object until it's actually needed. This can help save resources and improve performance, especially when dealing with large or complex data.
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 05, 2024

Same Tree (Leetcode #100)

Given the roots of two binary trees p and q, write a function to check if they are the same or not.
Two binary trees are considered the same if they are structurally identical, and the nodes have the same value.
Example 1:

Input: p = [1,2,3], q = [1…
By Nawat Sunthornyanakit | Aug 05, 2024

Learn Python Magic Methods: A Simple Explanation

Understanding Magic Methods in Python
Magic methods in Python, also known as dunder methods (because they have double underscores at the beginning and end of their names), allow us to define the behavior of our objects for various operations. They en…
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 05, 2024


Django, a high-level Python web framework, has gained immense popularity among developers for its rapid development capabilities, scalability, and emphasis on clean design. Let's delve into the intricacies of Django, its role in the developer communi…
By Sai Aneesh | Aug 05, 2024

Building a Music Streaming Service with Python, Golang, and React: From System Design to Coding Part 1

Streaming is an interesting topic in software engineering. Whether it is about music, video, or just simple data, applying this concept from a design, architecture, and coding perspective can become quickly complex if not thought through correctly.
By Mangabo Kolawole | Aug 05, 2024

Subtree of Another Tree (Leetcode #572)

Given the roots of two binary trees root and subRoot, return true if there is a subtree of root with the same structure and node values of subRoot and false otherwise.
A subtree of a binary tree tree is a tree that consists of a node in tree and all …
By Nawat Sunthornyanakit | Aug 05, 2024

Streamlining Development: A Comprehensive Guide to Learning CI/CD Pipelines

In today's fast-paced software development environment, the ability to deliver high-quality applications quickly and efficiently is crucial. Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) pipelines have become essential tools in achieving…
By Aniket Dhaygude | Aug 05, 2024

Optimizing Delivery Routes in London with Python and Kepler.gl

Efficient route optimization is crucial for businesses in the logistics and delivery sector. In this tutorial, we will explore how to optimize delivery routes in London using Python and visualize the results with Kepler.gl. We'll leverag…
By Tanusha Raina | Aug 05, 2024

Handling Errors Gracefully in Python with try, except, and finally


Error handling is a critical aspect of robust software development. Python provides a straightforward and flexible approach to handle errors using try, except, and finally blocks. This blog post will guide you through these constructs, …
By Shrey Dikshant | Aug 06, 2024

How to Use Docker for Application Deployment

How to Use Docker for Application Deployment
Deploying applications has always been a critical task in the software development lifecycle. Docker has revolutionized the way we think about deployment. It provides a consistent environment for your appl…
By mediageneous social | Aug 05, 2024

Python: A beginner Friendly Programming Language.

In the vast landscape of programming languages, Python stands out as a beacon of simplicity and power. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a curious novice, Python offers an accessible entry point into the world of coding. This article will explor…
By Joctan | Aug 05, 2024

How to Use Rosetta 2 and Native ARM64 for Virtual Environments on Apple Silicon

Hey there, fellow data scientists!
Are you excited to dive into the world of Apple Silicon, but unsure about how to set up your development environment? Look no further! In this post, we'll walk you through the process of creating and activating virt…
By Niladri Das | Aug 05, 2024

Stay Updated with Python/FastAPI/Django: Weekly News Summary (29/07/2024-04/08/2024

Intro: Check out this insightful summary of Python/FastAPI/Django Weekly News for July 29th to August 04th, 2024. Stay updated with the latest developments, releases, and community updates in the Nil ecosystem.
Key Points:

Strings and Character Data…
By Poovarasu Sekar | Aug 06, 2024

The Magic of Routing: Navigating the Web Made Simple

In the digital age, the web is a vast, interconnected space. When you click on a link or enter a URL, a lot happens behind the scenes to get you to the right place. This process, known as "routing," is crucial for directing traffic on the web. Let’s …
By Aniket Dhaygude | Aug 06, 2024

Learning the Basics of Cloud Computing with AWS

Learning the Basics of Cloud Computing with AWS
So, you've heard the buzz about cloud computing and you're curious. Maybe you've got a project in mind, or perhaps you just want to enhance your tech skills. Either way, you've landed in the right place…
By mediageneous social | Aug 06, 2024

Why Modularizing Your Python Code Makes Everything Better

In this era, AI hype has become a catalyst for Python’s dominance in the field, as its simplicity and versatility make it the go-to language for developing and deploying AI models. So modularizing your Python code has become a crucial step. In this b…
By Naymul Islam | Aug 06, 2024

Introduction to Data Structures in Python for Beginners

Data structures are a fundamental aspect of programming and play a crucial role in organizing, managing, and storing data efficiently. In Python, data structures are designed to store collections of data, allowing for easy access, modification, and i…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Aug 06, 2024

Thread Synchronisation and Coordination in Python

Thread synchronization and coordination are essential for developing multi-threaded applications in Python. These concepts help ensure that threads operate together smoothly, avoiding common issues such as data corruption, race conditions, and deadlo…
By Sanjeet Singh | Aug 06, 2024

Python For DevOps: Part 1

Python is a programming language which is:

Easy to learn

simple syntax

easy to setup

Large ecosystem

many libraries

large community


you are not limited to language specifics

What Python is used for:

Web Developme…
By Suraj | Aug 06, 2024

2024-08-06: Coffee Machine

I can't remember it's Day 13 or 14 or even 15 of #KeepCoding100Days today. But I finally complete the code of Coffer Machine project. 😎
A small Python project for other coder, but a great achievement for me. I will have one day off code to celebrate…
By Yonny | Aug 06, 2024

How to Use Ansible for Seamless Application Deployment

This article originated from a task where I was required to deploy a two-tier application using Ansible.
Previously, I had used Ansible primarily for small configuration tasks, but this was my first experience deploying an application with it.
In thi…
By Ugochi Ukaegbu | Aug 06, 2024

PyLadies Ghana Ho Meetup 2024: A Chapter Revival

On Saturday, July 27th, 2024, the PyLadies Ghana team traveled to Ho in the Volta Region for an exciting event aimed at revitalizing the PyLadies Ghana Ho regional chapter. The meetup, dubbed "PyLadies Ghana Ho Reloaded," was held at Node Eight Hub a…
By Theresa Seyram Agbenyegah | Aug 06, 2024

Coffee-Machine project retouch using OOP

When coding the Coffee Machine in Day 15, I thought of an instance where the user passed an input that was not on the menu or probably even made an error in the spelling. I tried modifying the code severally to print an error that tells the user "inv…
By Melissa Frank | Aug 06, 2024

Python Libraries for Cybersecurity and Bug Bounty

Network Scanning and Analysis

Scapy: Used for packet manipulation and network scanning.

Nmap: A Python wrapper for the Nmap tool, used for network discovery and security auditing.

Impacket: A collection of Python classes for working with network p…
By Salik Seraj Naik | Aug 06, 2024

The Journey Begins at the Workplace

Let's say you're an IT consulting company with several banks as clients, using your customized solutions to provide banking features providing better user experience and facilitate all aspects of transactional operations.
Usually, every bank uses wha…
By Sofiane Boumelit | Aug 06, 2024

Discover Python's Potential: Key Features and Practical Uses

Python has emerged as one of the most popular programming languages due to its simplicity, versatility, and powerful capabilities. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of Python’s key features and demonstrate their practical applications with real-w…
By Sandhya Kondmare | Aug 06, 2024

Retrying in Python using tenacity

tenacity – (noun) the quality or fact of continuing to exist; persistence.
If you ever need to retry something that might fail in Python, take a look at a specialized package like tenacity.
It helps you properly cover common scenarios like retrying o…
By Constantin Lungu | Aug 06, 2024

Primary Key in SQL

A primary key is a column or a set of columns in a database table that uniquely identifies each row in that table. It serves as a unique identifier for each record, ensuring that no duplicate values exist within the column(s).
The primary key has the…
By Ashutosh Kurwade | Aug 06, 2024

devblog 6: learning how to create algorithms

I have been wanting to learn how to create algorithms. An algorithm, in my words, is a step of instructions that are meant to solve a task or problem. I believe that algorithms are so powerful and could also be such a strong tool to add to peop…
By dom desert | Aug 07, 2024

🌟 Dynamic Routing in Next.js: Mastering Nested Routes

🌟 Introduction
Next.js, the powerful React framework, is well-known for its capabilities to create fast and SEO-friendly web applications. One of its standout features is dynamic routing, which allows developers to create complex, nested routes effo…
By Aditya Dhaygude | Aug 07, 2024

Bitwise Operators in Python

In the realm of DevOps, efficient manipulation of binary data and bitwise operations are essential for tasks such as network configuration, data compression, and cryptography. Python provides powerful bitwise operators that enable DevOps…
By Saurabh Adhau | Aug 07, 2024

Shell Scripting vs. Python Scripting: Which is Better for DevOps? 🤔

When it comes to DevOps, automation is the key to success. Two popular scripting languages for automation tasks are Shell Scripting and Python. Both have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them can depend on various factors. L…
By Syed Ameen Hussaini | Aug 07, 2024

Unlocking the Power of Python Decorators: Enhancing Your Code with Ease


Decorators are a powerful feature in Python that allow you to modify the behavior of functions or classes. They are used for logging, access control, memoization, and more. This blog post will introduce you to Python decorators, providi…
By Shrey Dikshant | Aug 07, 2024

Real-Time Data Consuming and Streaming with Webhooks

Whether you're building and running an online marketplace, a financial service, or a dynamic content platform, the ability to instantly react to data events can be a game-changer. With this blog post, you will gain the knowledge to leverage GlassFlow…
By GlassFlow | Aug 07, 2024

Pemograman Python

Python adalah bahasa pemrograman tingkat tinggi yang sangat populer dan serbaguna. Dikenal karena sintaksnya yang mudah dibaca dan ditulis, Python menjadi pilihan favorit bagi banyak pemula serta profesional di berbagai bidang seperti penge…
By GUEST HOUSE | Aug 06, 2024

A quick look at the json module in Python

If you ever need to work with JSON files in Python, you're going to encounter the module with the same name.
It help encode to and decode from JSON. Here are the basics:
➡ json.load imports contents from a JSON file to a Python object, based on conve…
By Constantin Lungu | Aug 07, 2024

An Introduction to Abstract Data Types in Python

When diving into the world of programming, one of the fundamental concepts you'll encounter is Abstract Data Types (ADTs). ADTs provide a theoretical framework for organizing data, specifying the operations that can be performed on the data and the t…
By ByteScrum Technologies | Aug 07, 2024

Sum Two Numbers

By Kousar Raza | Aug 07, 2024

Python Operators Overview for Data Scientists: A How-To Guide

Python ek powerful aur flexible programming language hai jo data science me widely use hoti hai. Data scientists ko data manipulate aur analyze karne ke liye operators ki achi samajh honi chahiye. Yeh blog post aapko Python ke various operators ke ty…
By Sandhya Kondmare | Aug 06, 2024

What is a Queue in Data Structures? Key Concepts Explained

Welcome to Queue blog!
What is Queue?
Queue is similar as real life queue. In python, queue is a data structure that store items in a first in/first out system. In queue, we follow the FIFO method.
Queue example : Receiving orders, Printer queue, Cal…
By Fatima Jannat | Aug 07, 2024

A Comprehensive Guide to Building Web Applications with Django

Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Here’s a comprehensive guide to building web applications with Django.
1. Set Up the Environment
Install Python and Django, and create a new Dj…
By Biz Blogger | Aug 07, 2024

How to Automate Everyday Tasks Using Python

Python’s simplicity and extensive libraries make it ideal for automating everyday tasks. Here are some examples of how you can automate your daily routines with Python.
1. Automate Email Sending
pythonCopy codeimport smtplib
from email.mime.text impo…
By Biz Blogger | Aug 07, 2024

Mastering Python: Tips, Tricks, and Essential Code Snippets

Python is one of the most popular programming languages due to its simplicity and versatility. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced coder, mastering Python can open up numerous opportunities. Here are some tips, tricks, and essential code snip…
By Biz Blogger | Aug 07, 2024

How to Work with Iterators and Generators in Python

In Python, iterators and generators are powerful tools for working with sequences of data. They allow you to iterate over data without having to store the entire sequence in memory. This blog will explain iterators and generators in a simple and unde…
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 07, 2024

Simplifying Python Decorators: What You Need to Know

1. What is a Decorator?
Definition:A decorator is a function that takes another function as input and extends or alters its behavior without modifying its actual code. It’s a powerful tool for enhancing code reuse and separating concerns.
Use Case:De…
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 07, 2024

Deploying Your Flask Application to Production: A Step-by-Step Guide

So, you've built a fantastic Flask app and it’s running perfectly on your local machine. But now what? Deploying your Flask application to production can feel like a daunting task, full of potential pitfalls and technical jargon. Fear not! In this st…
By Mohit Bhatt | Aug 07, 2024

Find and Delete Mismatched Columns From DataFrames Using pandas

Data is the most valuable asset in machine learning, it solely holds the potential to make a machine learning model robust. Data plays an important role while training a model, the model trained can be underfitted or overfitted and it totally depends…
By Sachin Pal | Aug 07, 2024

A Day in the Life of a Cloud Security Engineer : Safeguarding the Digital Frontier

As the sun rises, a Cloud Security Engineer begins another day of safeguarding the digital frontier.
Meet Tanishka, whose journey into the world of cloud security began a couple of years back,
Her role is not just about reacting to d…
By Tanishka Marrott | Aug 07, 2024

간단한 FastAPI 서비스 만들어보기

서비스 개요

fastapi(background task써보기), mysql, mongodb, redis(뷰수 올리기), celery, mailing, excel 읽고쓰기, 검색

서비스명 : 차칸의사


성예사가 모티브; 환자끼리 수술에 대해 이야기 할 수 있는 게시판이 존재한다(2차개발), 환자는 병원을 북마크를 할 수 있다. 환자는 병원에서 진행하는 수술/시술에 대해 북마크를 할 수 있다(2차개발)

회원게시판 CRUD + 댓글…
By icehongssii | Aug 07, 2024

From Idea to Startup: My Experience in the Falcon Hackathon

Participating in hackathons is always an exhilarating experience, and the recent Falcon hackathon, organized by lablab.ai in collaboration with ai71, was no exception. This time, my team and I embarked on a mission to create something truly impactful…
By Najmi Hassan | Aug 07, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Python for Beginners: Master the Basics

By Samrat Kumar Das | Aug 08, 2024

Develop Your Own Multi-Modal AI Telegram Chatbot: A Beginner's Guide – Part 2

In Part 1, we built a basic Telegram Therapist AI Chatbot. Now, in this part, we're going to enhance and expand that initial code. If you missed Part 1, don't worry—we'll cover everything you need to know here.
In this part of the guide, we will enha…
By Jonas G | Aug 08, 2024

🚀 Leveraging ISR (Incremental Static Regeneration) in Next.js for Dynamic Content

🌟 Introduction
Next.js is a powerful React framework that offers various rendering options to help developers build fast and efficient web applications. One of the standout features is Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR), which allows you to updat…
By Aditya Dhaygude | Aug 08, 2024

Contributing to the Street Level Imagery project for the American Red Cross

A while ago, I posted about joining Civic Tech DC, an organization that collaborates with local nonprofits and governments on tech projects. Since then, a lot has happened. We've gained more projects and partners, become a registered 501(c)(3) nonpro…
By Evan Tung | Aug 08, 2024

How to Use Gemini AI with Python and JavaScript: A Detailed Guide

Gemini AI is an advanced platform that allows developers to leverage powerful machine learning models for various applications. In this guide, we will explore how to use Gemini AI with both Python and JavaScript, covering everything from installation…
By Om Dahale | Aug 08, 2024

Identity Operators in Python

In the landscape of DevOps, precise comparison and identification of objects and values are crucial for efficient automation and infrastructure management. Python provides identity operators that allow DevOps engineers to compare the mem…
By Saurabh Adhau | Aug 08, 2024

JWT Authentication Using AbstractUser in Django

In modern web applications, secure and efficient user management is crucial. JSON Web Tokens (JWT) have become a popular choice for API security and user authentication due to their stateless nature and ease of use. This article explores…
By Wayne Musungu | Aug 08, 2024

The 8 Best Frameworks for Python GUI Development

Choosing a framework is the most essential part of creating user-friendly and eye-pleasing applications in Python GUI development. Among many others, one that is instrumental in bringing simplicity to the development, functionality, and aesthetic app…
By Thomas Adman | Aug 08, 2024

Using tempfile module in Python

In this world, everything is ephemeral. If you need to create temporary files or directories in Python, check out the tempfile module.
Whether you want to store intermediate results, manage temp data during execution or just test things out, it can h…
By Constantin Lungu | Aug 08, 2024

Exploring the World of Augmented Reality Development

Exploring the World of Augmented Reality Development
Are you ready to dive into the fascinating realm of Augmented Reality (AR) development? Augmented Reality is not just a buzzword; it's revolutionizing how we interact with the world, blending digit…
By mediageneous social | Aug 08, 2024

Best Python Frameworks for 2024

Python, a versatile and dynamic programming language, has seen a surge in popularity, thanks in part to its rich ecosystem of frameworks. These frameworks streamline web development, allowing developers to focus on application logic rather than reinv…
By Devstories Playground | Aug 08, 2024

Deploying A Django App: EC2 vs App Runner with External Celery

Wait a minute…

We have all encountered this situation where we are busy trying to go to production, but a lot of factors account for the choice of your platform of deployment. Emmmm YES, we will go with AWS. Usually after sticking to a platform, w…
By Steve Yonkeu | Aug 08, 2024

Tired of Tedious Tasks? Automate Your Life with Python!

Do you ever feel like you're spending way too much time on repetitive tasks on your computer? Wouldn't it be amazing to free yourself from the drudgery and focus on more important things? Well, fret no more! Python, a powerful and versatile programmi…
By Abhishek Sharma | Aug 08, 2024

Top 10 Essential Projects for Developers

Top 10 Essential Projects for Developers: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide
Embarking on programming projects is an indispensable aspect of a developer's journey. These hands-on experiences not only enhance technical skills but also culti…
By Samrat Kumar Das | Aug 09, 2024

Learn like a baby – Bokeh for Visuals – 1

#install bokeh
pip3 install bokeh==0.13.0

1 – Getting the look and feel
lets do something for quick visualization and get the look and feel
#Making a basic Bokeh line graph

#importing Bokeh
import bokeh
#prepare some data
x = [1,2,3,4,5]
y …
By raja mani | Aug 08, 2024

Malware Analysis: Compiled Python Executables

This article explains the process of decompiling malicious Python executables using tools like Pyinstxractor-ng and Decompyle++. It covers the various stages of the Pyinstaller compilation process, from analysis and collection to bytecode compilation…
By Dru Banks | Aug 08, 2024

2884 Modify Columns — Introduction to Pandas

This article provides a solution to the 2884 pandas problem on Leetcode, which involves doubling the salary column

Let's solve problem 2884

DataFrame employees
| Column Name | Type |
By Timothy kipchirchir | Aug 08, 2024

Getting Started with the MEAN Stack

Memory updated
Getting Started with the MEAN Stack
If you're diving into full-stack development, the MEAN stack is one of the most powerful and efficient technologies you can master. Combining MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js, MEAN o…
By mediageneous social | Aug 09, 2024

Logical Operators in Python

Logical operators are fundamental tools in the arsenal of DevOps engineers, enabling them to perform logical operations and make decisions based on conditions. Python provides a set of logical operators that allow DevOps engineers to com…
By Saurabh Adhau | Aug 09, 2024

The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses objects and classes to organise and structure code. Python, known for its versatility and wide usage, supports OOP principles, making it an excellent tool for designing complex sof…
By Sanjeet Singh | Aug 09, 2024

[Detailed Guide] Add and Delete Images in PowerPoint with Python

On many commercial and educational occasions, giving a presentation effectively shows your ideas and opinions. Whether preparing a sales pitch, an academic lecture, or a project update, you need to add or remove images from slides to keep your prese…
By Casie Liu | Aug 09, 2024

How to Build a Portfolio Website with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Memory updated
How to Build a Portfolio Website with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
If you're a developer, a portfolio website is essential. It’s your digital resume, showcasing your projects, skills, and creativity. Whether you're a beginner or a…
By mediageneous social | Aug 09, 2024

My Python Programming Journey: From Novice to Pro

The experience I’ve had while learning Python has changed everything about me. With easy-to-grasp syntax and a variety of purposes, it has provided programming with multiple prospects. This blog post is intended to take you through my ad…
By Mohammed Umar | Aug 09, 2024

Creating Intuitive User Interactions with Simple Dialog Boxes in Tkinter

Dialog boxes are an essential component of any graphical user interface, providing a way to interact with users and gather input. Tkinter, a popular Python GUI library, offers several types of dialog boxes that you can use in your applic…
By Shrey Dikshant | Aug 09, 2024

NFTs: The Digital Revolution in Art and Collectibles


What Are NFTs?
Non-Fungible Tokens, or NFTs, are digital assets that represent ownership or proof of authenticity of a unique item, typically stored on a blockchain. Unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are interch…
By FxisAi – Yagnesh Pandya | Aug 09, 2024

PyTA Project: Augment CFG Edges with Z3 Constraints

Today's task requires a combination of various components of PythonTA introduced in previous articles, including control flow graph module, Z3 visitor, and Z3 expression wrapper. In this task, we will augment each control flow graph edge with a list …
By Raine | Aug 09, 2024

Securing User Passwords in Django: An Interactive Dive into create_user, create, and set_password

Hey there, fellow web developers! Ready to dive into the world of password security? In this adventure, we’re going to explore how Django helps us keep user passwords safe using a few key methods: create_user, create, and set_password. Grab your favo…
By Wayne Musungu | Aug 09, 2024

Python Open-Source Development: How I Build and Maintain Open-Source Repositories!

Right now, you're probably using several open-source tools and benefiting from them. As an open-source enthusiast, I often follow a clear and reliable method for developing and maintaining my Python repositories.
In this article, I will discuss the s…
By Sadra Yahyapour | Aug 09, 2024

My DevOps Learning Journey: From Basics to Mastery

Embarking on a journey to master DevOps has been both challenging and rewarding. So far, I've covered the basics of Linux, Python, Jenkins, and Ansible, which have provided me with a strong foundation in this field. As I continue to explore and learn…
By Arham Iqbal | Aug 09, 2024

Set up a CI/CD server and Configure for use with Private Github Repositories

Recently I have been exploring more Devops subjects and have been interested in setting up a CI/CD pipeline for a private project I have been working on when time allows.
This article covers the basics of setting up a private Jenkins instance (custom…
By James | Aug 09, 2024

Function Composition and Currying In Python

Composition and currying are features of functional programming languages that can be very convenient in some situations. Haskell supports composition and currying directly, so as a spoiled Haskeller, I don't want to do without those luxuries when I …
By Francisco Gutierrez | Aug 09, 2024

Understanding the Basics of Computer Networking

Memory updated
Understanding the Basics of Computer Networking
Ever wonder how your computer connects to the internet or communicates with other devices? That's the magic of computer networking at work. Whether you're a beginner or looking to…
By mediageneous social | Aug 10, 2024

Membership Operators in Python

Membership operators are indispensable tools for DevOps engineers, enabling them to efficiently check for the presence of elements within data structures such as lists, tuples, and dictionaries. Python provides two membership operators, …
By Saurabh Adhau | Aug 10, 2024

How to Use Python for Data Analysis

Memory updated
How to Use Python for Data Analysis
Python has become the go-to language for data analysis, thanks to its simplicity, flexibility, and an extensive ecosystem of libraries. Whether you're a beginner looking to dive into the worl…
By mediageneous social | Aug 10, 2024

Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Treen (Leetcode #235)

Given a binary search tree (BST), find the lowest common ancestor (LCA) node of two given nodes in the BST.
According to the definition of LCA on Wikipedia: “The lowest common ancestor is defined between two nodes p and q as the lowest node in T that…
By Nawat Sunthornyanakit | Aug 10, 2024

Solution Approach to Solve Leetcode Problem "3016. Minimum Number of Pushes to Type Word II"

In this article, we'll tackle the LeetCode problem '3016. Minimum Number of Pushes to Type Word II,' where we need to find the minimum number of pushes required to type a given word using a keyboard with a specific layout. The problem provides a keyb…
By Sohag Mollik | Aug 10, 2024

Python vs. R: Which Language is Best for Data Science?

Python and R are two of the most popular languages for data science. Both offer powerful tools and libraries for data manipulation, analysis, and visualization. But which one is right for you? Let’s dive in.

Understanding the Contenders
Python is …
By Sanjeet Singh | Aug 10, 2024

🚀 Harnessing Next.js Dynamic API Routes for Scalable Applications

🌟 Introduction
When building a scalable web application, the ability to create flexible and dynamic API routes is crucial. Next.js offers a powerful feature called Dynamic API Routes that allows developers to create API endpoints that adapt to diffe…
By Aditya Dhaygude | Aug 10, 2024

Binary Tree Level Order Traversal (Leetcode #102)

Given the root of a binary tree, return the level order traversal of its nodes' values. (i.e., from left to right, level by level).
Example 1:

Input: root = [3,9,20,null,null,15,7]
Output: [[3],[9,20],[15,7]]

Example 2:
Input: root = [1]
Output: [[…
By Nawat Sunthornyanakit | Aug 10, 2024

Don't Call django.shortcuts.reverse in Tests

This post is based on a real bug my team discovered in production a couple of years ago.
We had to pin our Django version because a security patch changed undocumented routing logic and broke a contract with a front-end client.
In this post I'm going…
By Simon Crowe | Aug 10, 2024

Creating Your First Django App

Welcome back! In our previous blog, we set up the Django project, laying a solid foundation for our blog application. Today, we're going to dive into creating your very first Django app. Think of this step as building the different rooms in a house; …
By Shivay Dwivedi | Aug 10, 2024

Starting a Django Project

Welcome back folks! we took the first steps into the world of Django by setting up our development environment. We walked through the installation process, ensuring everything was in place for a smooth start. Now that we're all set up, it's time to d…
By Shivay Dwivedi | Aug 10, 2024

16 DAYS Python Course

This script prompts the user to enter their first name and surname, then prints a greeting using the provided inputs.
Code and Explanation
print(input("What is your name? ") + " " + input("What is your surname?"))

By Arijit Das | Aug 10, 2024

Leveraging the Jupyter and IPython display protocol

In python for every object you create there is a __repr__ method in it which is used to display it wherever you print that variable.
class Student:

def __init__(self, name, class_name) -> None:
self.name = name
self.class_name = …
By Shivanshu | Aug 10, 2024

Advanced Python Scheduler:
Scheduling Tasks with AP Scheduler in Python

In this article, we will cover
– What is APScheduler?- Basic Usage- Scheduling Periodic Tasks- Using Cron-Like Scheduling.- Potential Applications of APScheduler- Using Cron-Like Scheduling.- Fetching weather data from a public API and saving it to a…
By keshav dk | Aug 10, 2024

Building a Robust Market Data Pipeline with Upstox API in Python Using `asyncio` and InfluxDB

In the realm of algorithmic trading, real-time market data is crucial. It informs trading decisions and strategies, ensuring they are based on the most up-to-date information. In this article, I will discuss the data feed service I devel…
By Swaraj Singh | Aug 10, 2024

Making an LLM framework with only 1 function

We made a Pypi package, dooo, with only one function. It's surprisingly powerful.
i.e. do(df, "add a sum column"), do(message, "translate to korean")
LLMs are too complicated. Every provider has a different API format. And these APIs keep …
By Andrew Gao | Aug 10, 2024

PolyQuine: The rosetta stone of computing

Welcome back to our Quine saga! We've delved into self-replication, hidden messages, and even self-healing code. Now, prepare to be dazzled by another mind-bending concept: PolyglotQuine, or PolyQuine for short.
Before PolyglotQuine, let's understand…
By Darshan A S | Aug 10, 2024

Lambda: The Single-line Function

Lambda functions are an essential feature in Python, allowing developers to create small, anonymous functions without formally defining them using the def keyword. These functions are typically used in situations where a small, throwaway function is …
By Sadra Yahyapour | Aug 10, 2024

Unveiling the Secrets of Python Projects: A Journey into the Realm of Coding

Unveiling the Secrets of Python Projects: A Journey into the Realm of Coding
Python, the versatile and beginner-friendly programming language, has captivated the coding community with its simplicity and power. Embarking on Python project…
By Samrat Kumar Das | Aug 11, 2024

Building Your First Full-Stack Application

Memory updated
Building Your First Full-Stack Application
So, you’ve decided to build your first full-stack application. Whether you're a beginner or have some coding experience, this journey is both challenging and rewarding. But, before we …
By mediageneous social | Aug 11, 2024

Automating Repetitive Tasks with Python: A Simple Guide to Identifying Multivalue Entries in CSV Files

In today's fast-paced work environment, automation has become a crucial tool to optimize efficiency and reduce manual workload. One of the best ways to learn Python is by applying it to real-world problems, like automating repetitive tas…
By Vipin | Aug 11, 2024

Blog of the Day!

To help you get started with DevOps using Python, I can offer some suggestions for content you might want to include in your article:

Introduction to DevOps:

Define DevOps and its importance in modern software development

Explain how Python fits i…
By Yogesh Rajput | Aug 11, 2024

Precedence Operators in Python

In the realm of DevOps automation, precision and control over the order of operations are paramount. Python, as a versatile scripting language, provides precedence operators to determine the order in which expressions are evaluated. Unde…
By Saurabh Adhau | Aug 11, 2024

Steps to Build Your Own Ansible Module

Ansible modules allow you to automate various network management tasks, and creating a custom module can significantly boost your automation capabilities. This blog post will guide you through the process of creating a custom Ansible module to intera…
By Hidayah Ramadlana | Aug 11, 2024

Exploring the Basics of Python Modules and Packages

What Are Modules?
A module is simply a file with Python code. It can contain functions, classes, and variables. Modules help organize code into manageable chunks.
Creating a Module
Let’s say you have a file named math_utils.py:
# math_utils.py

def a…
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 11, 2024

Everything You Need to Know About XGBoost

XGBoost (eXtreme Gradient Boosting) is a popular open-source machine learning library that provides a scalable and efficient way to perform gradient boosting.
It works on Linux, Microsoft Windows, and macOS.
It's widely used for classification and re…
By Niladri Das | Aug 11, 2024

Mastering Context Managers in Python: A Comprehensive Guide

An Introduction to Context Managers in Python
What Are Context Managers?
Context managers in Python are used to manage resources such as files or network connections. They help you handle these resources cleanly and ensure that they are properly rele…
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 11, 2024

How to Use JavaScript Frameworks for Front-End Development

Memory updated
How to Use JavaScript Frameworks for Front-End Development
When it comes to front-end development, JavaScript frameworks have become the backbone of modern web applications. They simplify complex processes, allowing developers …
By mediageneous social | Aug 11, 2024

Part 1 – Understanding Inheritance in Python: A Comprehensive Guide

Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming that allows a class to inherit attributes and methods from another class. This promotes code reuse and establishes a natural hierarchy between classes. In this guide, we will explore…
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 11, 2024

Lists vs Generators



DefinitionThey are a function that return an Iterator. Generators are lazy iterators. They return an item only when requiredLists are a sequence type that can group together several items of different types in a sin…
By Rohan | Aug 11, 2024

My Python Experience

I made several attempts to learn Python, starting back in 2020 when it was part of my school curriculum. I tried to learn it but got bored because I thought it was too easy and it never caught my interest.
Then in college, I learned C and wa…
By Sarthak Sharma | Aug 11, 2024

How Encapsulation and Data Hiding Work in Python

Encapsulation is a core concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that involves bundling data and methods that operate on the data into a single unit called a class. This concept is designed to restrict direct access to some of the object's compon…
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 11, 2024

Polymorphism in Python: An Easy Explanation

Introduction to Polymorphism in Python
Polymorphism is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming that allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common superclass. The term "polymorphism" means "many shapes," which r…
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 11, 2024

Part 2 – Understanding Inheritance in Python: A Comprehensive Guide

In Part 1 of our series on inheritance in Python, we explored the foundational concepts and detailed workings of inheritance. If you haven't read it yet, make sure to check it out to get up to speed on the basics!
In Part 2, we shift our focus to com…
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 11, 2024

Understanding python reflection: Build a Custom dataclass from Scratch

A simple search on YouTube will show you many videos titled "Data classes are amazing." However, this video is not about how amazing data classes are. Instead, it focuses on the power and elegance of reflection in Python and how simple type annotatio…
By buddha gautam | Aug 11, 2024

5 Simple Python Coding Challenges For Beginners

1. Regular Expressions in Python
Objective: To understand and implement regular expressions in Python to match and extract specific patterns from a given string.

Use the re module in Python to implement regular expressions

Write a fun…
By Bonaventure Ogeto | Aug 11, 2024

A Beginner's Guide to Python Data Analysis: Essential Libraries and Techniques

Python is an incredibly versatile language that's become a staple for data analysis due to its simplicity and the powerful ecosystem of libraries that make working with data a breeze. Whether you're looking to explore large datasets, visualize trends…
By Rudraksh Gupta | Aug 11, 2024

Understanding Memory Management in Python

Memory Management in Python
Memory management is a crucial aspect of any programming language, and Python is no exception. Understanding how Python handles memory allocation and deallocation will help you write efficient and optimized code.
1. Detail…
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 11, 2024

Seamlessly Analyze PDF Content with OpenAI: Convert, Encode, and Extract Insights

Analyzing small PDFs can be a challenging task, but with OpenAI's advanced language models, it becomes much easier and more efficient. OpenAI can help you extract important information, summarize content, and interpret complex data from …
By Akash (SKY) | Aug 11, 2024

Generators vs Lists



DefinitionThey are a function that return an Iterator. Generators are lazy iterators. They return an item only when requiredLists are a sequence type that can group together several items of different types in a sin…
By Rohan | Aug 11, 2024

#Python Software Foundation

Security Developer-in-Residence role extended thanks to Alpha-Omega

By Seth Michael Larson | Aug 07, 2024


Expert advice on how to build a successful career in data science.

#beginners #programming #python #career
By Maureen Nkatha Imanene | Aug 05, 2024


#programming #beginners #tutorial #python
By kiplimo patrick | Aug 05, 2024

Function Decorators in Python

#python #womenintech #beginners #productivity
By Tess Mueske | Aug 05, 2024

Decorator Getters and Setters in Python

#webdev #python #womenintech #beginners
By Tess Mueske | Aug 05, 2024

Elixir Of Life

#pygame #python #gamedev #coding
By Muhammad Faseeh | Aug 05, 2024

Which code analysis tool you use for Python programming? Mine is pylint. Ans on comment section!

#webdev #python #programming #tutorial
By ADITH – THE ANALYST | Aug 05, 2024

A Beginner’s Guide to Django Web Framework: Creating Apps, Views, Configuring URLs and Templates

#python #django #webdev #backenddevelopment

Working with PDF and Word Documents in Python

#python #pythontraining #pythononline
By Nanditham | Aug 05, 2024

Building a Custom PC Guide using Lyzr SDK

#ai #programming #tutorial #python
By Akshay Keerthi | Aug 05, 2024

Creating PSee Solutions Website: Challenges, Technologies, and Future Goals

#javascript #beginners #programming #python
By Grayson Finn | Aug 05, 2024

Biotechnology: The power of MLP

#python #machinelearning #biotechnology #biotech
By ThatCasualDonut | Aug 05, 2024

Python List

#python #programming #list
By kavin suresh | Aug 05, 2024

Exploring the Power of Code Graphs in Modern Software Development

#webdev #python #coding #programming
By Supratip Banerjee | Aug 05, 2024

Building a Music Streaming Service with Python, Golang, and React: From System Design to Coding Part 1

#python #architecture #react #javascript
By Mangabo Kolawole | Aug 05, 2024

Why Python Is Good For Cybersecurity

#cybersecurity #security #programming #python
By Michael Levan | Aug 06, 2024

REAL WORLD APPLICATION: Statistics for Data Science

#probability #statistics #python #calculator
By ANNA LAPUSHNER | Aug 06, 2024

How to debug a Python and Django application inside a Docker container

#python #django #docker #debug
By Daniel Cândido | Aug 06, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #153: Explica este código Python

#python #spanish #learning #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Aug 06, 2024

Deploying FastAPI, PostgreSQL, Celery & Redis on Render – FastAPI Beyond CRUD (Part 23)

#fastapi #celery #postgres #python
By Ssali Jonathan | Aug 06, 2024

LlamaIndex: Revolutionizing Data Indexing for Large Language Models (Part 1)

#llm #rag #llamaindex #python
By James | Aug 05, 2024

Stay Updated with Python/FastAPI/Django: Weekly News Summary (29/07/2024-04/08/2024

#python #django #fastapi #flask
By Poovarasu Sekar | Aug 06, 2024

Using Residential Proxies with Python: A Simple Example

#proxy #webscraping #python #tutorial
By Lewis Kerr | Aug 06, 2024

Machine Learning for Software Engineers

#django #python #machinelearning #deeplearning
By akdevelop | Aug 06, 2024

React Native Development Service at doodleblue

#javascript #webdev #programming #python
By doodleblue | Aug 06, 2024

Reading Fancy Files with Python: A Beginner’s Guide

#python #productivity
By Stokry | Aug 06, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #154: Explica este código Python

#python #spanish #learning #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Aug 06, 2024

How to Scrape Google Images Using Python: A Step-by-step Guide

#python #datascience #webdev #tutorial
By Oxylabs | Aug 06, 2024

Python Dictionary

#python #programming #casestudy
By kavin suresh | Aug 06, 2024

How to Build an Amazon Price Tracker Using Python: A Comprehensive Guide

#webdev #datascience #python #beginners
By Oxylabs | Aug 06, 2024

How to Scrape Amazon Product Data: Methods, Tools, and Best Practices

#python #webdev #computerscience #datascience
By Oxylabs | Aug 06, 2024

How to improve ML Model Accuracy for Text Classification?

#machinelearning #datascience #python #scikitlearn
By Vikram Bhagat | Aug 06, 2024

Creating the La Femme International Film Festival Website: Challenges, Technologies, and Future Goals

#python #javascript #beginners #node
By Noah Griffin | Aug 06, 2024

Transform Your Text with Lyzr.ai: A Step-by-Step Guide

#python #tutorial #ai #lyzrai
By Prajjwal Sule | Aug 06, 2024

Building a Music Streaming Service with Python, Golang, and React: From System Design to Coding Part 2

#python #react #javascript #aws
By Mangabo Kolawole | Aug 06, 2024

POPCORN fresh girl code

#python #helloworld #good #luck
By ANNA LAPUSHNER | Aug 06, 2024

Reinforcement Learning from Scratch – Part 3 – REINFORCE Algorithm

#machinelearning #python #ai #tutorial
By Akshay Ballal | Aug 06, 2024

How to Scrape Google Shopping with Python: Easy Guide 2024

#webdev #programming #tutorial #python
By Oxylabs | Aug 06, 2024

Extending Django Models: A Comprehensive Guide

#python #django #webdev
By saim | Aug 06, 2024

🚀 Ship Code 10x Faster with these Open-source AI Tools 🛠️

#javascript #python #ai #opensource
By Sunil Kumar Dash | Aug 06, 2024

Create a django python project in docker in pycharm

#webdev #python #django
By Hitesh Chauhan | Aug 06, 2024

Mastering the Art of Scraping Google Scholar with Python

#webdev #python #devops #productivity
By Oxylabs | Aug 06, 2024

Scrape Google Jobs: A Step-by-step Guide 2024

#python #webdev #beginners #tutorial
By Oxylabs | Aug 06, 2024

A First-Timer’s Guide to Attending Tech Conferences in the USA: Visa Prep and Beyond.

#python #opensource #community #techconference
By Benedict Kofi Amofah | Aug 06, 2024

Create the fastest and precise invoice data extractor for structural output using AI

#codenewbie #python #ai #opensource
By Wilbert Misingo | Aug 06, 2024

coding journey started |day 1|

#programming #python #learning #development
By divyansh mehra | Aug 06, 2024

Difference b/w class variable and instance variable Python

#python #programming
By Ankit malik | Aug 07, 2024

Polyglotta — A Multilingual translator

#nlp #webdev #programming #python
By Olagunju Afeez | Aug 07, 2024

Command Prompt Tic Tac Toe

#beginners #programming #python
By mjryancoding | Aug 07, 2024

Using AI to facilitate backend logic

#webdev #javascript #ai #python
By br-raia | Aug 07, 2024

Free Google Gemini AI Crash Course with Python

#beginners #programming #python #ai
By Job Ready Programmer | Aug 07, 2024

Development of the Book Review App

#django #nextjs #typescript #python
By Qooniee | Aug 07, 2024

The Gemika's Magical Guide to Sorting Hogwarts Students using the Decision Tree Algorithm (Part #7)

#ai #machinelearning #python #harrypotter
By gerry leo nugroho | Aug 07, 2024

Week 1 Boot Camp Learning

#data #sql #python #jupyter
By Anne Musau | Aug 07, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #155: Explica este código Python

#spanish #learning #beginners #python
By Cristian Fernando | Aug 07, 2024

Python PDB Code Review Report

#python #pdb #codereview
By mengqinyuan | Aug 07, 2024

Evaluating LLMs and Prompts with Electron UI 🤖 💬

#python #ai #productivity #programming
By Will Taner | Aug 07, 2024

How to Scrape Google Search Results Using Python

#webdev #python #tutorial #programming
By Oxylabs | Aug 07, 2024

Employing AWS Comprehend Medical for Medical Data Extraction in Healthcare Analytics

#aws #python #datascience #nlp
By Romina Mendez | Aug 07, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Amazon Price Scraping: Techniques, Tools, and Best Practices

#webdev #tutorial #programming #python
By Oxylabs | Aug 07, 2024

Django: Como usar o Shell ?

#django #python
By Leonardo Veras | Aug 07, 2024

Django: Ordenando queryset por ascendente e descendente

#django #python
By Leonardo Veras | Aug 07, 2024

QuineRelay: Birth of the Quine serpent

#dna #quine #selfrep #python
By Darshan A S | Aug 07, 2024

Building a To-Do List Generator using Lyzr SDK

#programming #tutorial #python #ai
By Akshay Keerthi | Aug 06, 2024

Building a Cybersecurity Assistant using Lyzr SDK

#cybersecurity #python #programming #security
By Akshay Keerthi | Aug 06, 2024

Building a Personalized Freelance Assistant using Lyzr SDK

#nlp #python #programming #coding
By Akshay Keerthi | Aug 06, 2024

Building a Personalized Gift Assistant using Lyzr SDK

#nlp #ai #programming #python
By Akshay Keerthi | Aug 06, 2024

Building a Productivity Assistant using Lyzr SDK

#programming #coding #python #productivity
By Akshay Keerthi | Aug 06, 2024

Building NL2PHP using Lyzr SDK

#programming #productivity #ai #python
By Akshay Keerthi | Aug 06, 2024

Unleashing Non-Technical Superpowers in the Software Development Lifecycle

#python #devops #workstations #career
By SNMeans | Aug 08, 2024

Expert advice on how to build a sucessful career in data science

#beginners #programming #python #career
By Carol Ajando | Aug 08, 2024

Urban trees in Niterói – Brazil: Invasive species report

#python #learning #geospatial #geopandas
By Ph | Aug 08, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Data Analytics:

#beginners #python #discuss #datascience
By Michelle Juliet | Aug 08, 2024

Connect postgres with docker and django

#docker #django #python #webdev
By Hitesh Chauhan | Aug 08, 2024

Hiring a Senior Web3 Engineer(Python)

#web3 #python #ethereum #solidity
By carlos christian gil | Aug 08, 2024

My Journey Creating an Event Management CLI App

#beginners #python #learning #cli
By migsldev | Aug 08, 2024

Scraping Google Flights with Python: Ultimate Guide

#webdev #programming #python #tutorial
By Oxylabs | Aug 08, 2024

How to Scrape Google News with Python: Step-by-Step Guide

#webdev #python #tutorial #productivity
By Oxylabs | Aug 08, 2024

Lambda functions in Python clearly explained!!

#learning #python #beginners #coding
By Vaibhav Thukral | Aug 08, 2024

Learn Python with AWS – Day 1

#python #aws #programming #learning
By Subhash Bohra | Aug 08, 2024

NSE Option Chain Data using Python – Part II | Shah Stavan

#python #programming #tutorial #coding
By Mr.Shah | Aug 08, 2024

How to Scrape Amazon Product Data using Python

#webdev #programming #tutorial #python
By Oxylabs | Aug 08, 2024

Ultimate Guide to Scrape Google Finance Using Python

#webdev #python #programming #tutorial
By Oxylabs | Aug 08, 2024

How To Take Screenshots In Python?

#screenshots #python #selenium #playwright
By Scrapfly | Aug 08, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #156: Explica este código Python

#python #spanish #learning #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Aug 08, 2024

July 8, 2024 Python Meet & Greet – Part 2

#python #opensource #webinar #learning
By Vishal J | Aug 08, 2024

July 8, 2024 Python – Meet & Greet – Part 1

#python #opensource #learning
By Vishal J | Aug 08, 2024

Best Python Frameworks for 2024

#python #programming #coding #tutorial
By Devstories Playground | Aug 08, 2024

Deploying A Django App: EC2 vs App Runner with External Celery

#aws #django #python #opensource
By Steve Yonkeu | Aug 08, 2024

Buy Verified TransferWise Accounts

#node #python #ai #devops
By James Berry | Aug 08, 2024

Buy verified cash app account

#react #tutorial #node #python
By James Berry | Aug 08, 2024

Data Analysis With Python: Analysis of the global development and Prosperity Index for the year 2023

#datascience #analytics #programming #python
By Theophilus1320 | Aug 09, 2024

use formal Python protocol

#python #protocol #formal #import
By ANNA LAPUSHNER | Aug 09, 2024

timeit.repeat – playing with repetitions to understand patterns

#performance #benchmark #python #programming
By Manish Sinha | Aug 08, 2024

The Basics of Python's @property Decorator Explained

#interview #python #coding #oops
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 08, 2024

Learn Python Magic Methods: A Simple Explanation

#python #pythonmagicmethod #attributemethods #dundermethod
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 08, 2024

Understanding Django template inheritance

By DoriDoro | Aug 08, 2024

I Created an AI Companion that Monitors My Screen and Helps Fix My Screw Ups ✨

#programming #tutorial #python #ai
By Sunil Kumar Dash | Aug 08, 2024

Tuple and Sets in Python 08.08.2024

By Arokya Naresh | Aug 08, 2024

How to Work with Iterators and Generators in Python

#python #iterators #generators #coding
By Tarun Sharma | Aug 08, 2024

Understanding Multiple Inheritance in Python and Java

#developer #backend #coding #python
By Gayathridevi manojkumar | Aug 08, 2024

Introducing ExcelHelper: Simplify Your Excel Operations in Python

#python #programming #beginners #github
By Rahul Gurujala | Aug 08, 2024

My HNG Journey. Stage Six: Leveraging Python to Expose DORA Metrics

#python #devops #monitoring
By Ravencodess | Aug 09, 2024

Destructuring in Python

#python #destructuring #coding
By Pham Bach | Aug 09, 2024

Currency Converter using Python 🐍 & Steamlit

#python #streamlit
By James Gibbard | Aug 09, 2024

Understanding Your Data: The Essentials of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

#datascience #python #dataengineering #sql
By John Wakaba | Aug 09, 2024

This Week In Python

#thisweekinpython #python
By Bas Steins | Aug 09, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #157: Explica este código Python

#python #spanish #learning #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Aug 09, 2024

Building a Meta Search Engine in Python: A Step-by-Step Guide

#webdev #python #programming #learning
By Ansh Gupta | Aug 09, 2024

Build a LLM in Just 8 Lines of Code 🚀

#llm #ai #python #machinelearning
By Durvesh Danve | Aug 09, 2024

New Journey

#python #ai #machinelearning
By Bauirjan | Aug 09, 2024

my first public project

#beginners #gamedev #python #terminal
By lordyprod42 | Aug 09, 2024

6 Captivating Python Programming Challenges from LabEx

#labex #python #programming #tutorials
By Labby | Aug 09, 2024

I need some help running a zip file containing html, js, css. Would also like js and css to be edited.

#javascript #webdev #programming #python
By Solo Para | Aug 09, 2024

Automate Task Scheduling in AWS with Lambda, Step Functions, and CloudWatch

#aws #python #cloud #codenewbie
By Shilleh | Aug 09, 2024

Crawling Pages with Infinite Scroll using Scrapy and Playwright

#python #scrapy #playwright
By siegerts | Aug 08, 2024

What is `prefix_default_language` in Django?

By DoriDoro | Aug 09, 2024

PyTorch Spectrum

#ai #python #deeplearning #pytorch
By Dhia Ouerghemmi | Aug 09, 2024

Beyond Zipping Up a Coat: Mastering 'zip_longest' in Python

#python #programming #algorithms #zip
By Dmitry Posokhov | Aug 10, 2024

Transitioning from Javascript to Python: A Beginner's Journey

#webdev #beginners #programming #python
By NathanWelliver | Aug 09, 2024

Building a Music Streaming Service with Python, Golang, and React: From System Design to Coding Part 3

#go #python #react #architecture
By Mangabo Kolawole | Aug 10, 2024

Automação de testes

#automation #selenium #python #qa
By Alex Corrêa | Aug 10, 2024

Understanding Your Data: The Essentials of Exploratory Data Analysis

#data #python #analytics
By myrabel | Aug 10, 2024

Understanding Your Data: The Essentials of Exploratory Data Analysis.

#python #datascience #analytics
By Brigit Melbride | Aug 10, 2024

[GitHub Actions] Automate Build and Deployment of Your Python Package to PyPI and GitHub Releases 🐍📦

#githubactions #pypi #cicd #python
By Nao | Aug 10, 2024

LLD Learning Journey: Join Me!

#python #beginners #intermediate #systemdesign
By sanath thantri | Aug 10, 2024

Why Python Developers losing jobs? Tips To Survive

#python #programming #development #beginners
By Dhruv Joshi | Aug 10, 2024

The Practical Guide to Game Development with Pygame—Introduction to Pygame

#pygame #python #programming #gamedev
By code_egg | Aug 10, 2024

Simplifying API Access with AWS Lambda Function URLs: Handling GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE with Built-in Security

#aws #lambda #apigateway #python
By Sunil Yaduvanshi | Aug 10, 2024

Ibuprofeno.py💊| #158: Explica este código Python

#python #spanish #learning #beginners
By Cristian Fernando | Aug 10, 2024

Estimating Coding Tasks: What Could Go Wrong?

#python #estimation #airflow #learning
By Ninad Mhatre | Aug 10, 2024

The Power of Scripting Languages in DevOps : Day 26 of 50 days DevOps Tools Series

#devops #automation #python #development
By Shiivam Agnihotri | Aug 10, 2024

Best Python Courses on Udemy

#python #programming #learning #career
By Manish Salunke | Aug 10, 2024

Python Packaging is Great Now: `uv` is all you need

#python #packaging #uv
By Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez | Aug 10, 2024

The Execution Engine: How Your Code Transforms into Action

#javascript #productivity #tutorial #python
By Chinnureddy | Aug 10, 2024

Understanding Your Data: The Essentials of Exploratory Data Analysis

#datascience #analytics #python #programming
By Morgan Murimi | Aug 10, 2024

Automate your Instagram Posts like a PRO with Cron jobs! 🚀

#python #productivity #programming #tutorial
By Shrijal Acharya | Aug 10, 2024

Steller + Python: The Ultimate Duo for a Payment App (Absolute Beginner's Guide)

#stellarchallenge #beginners #tutorial #python
By Buzzpy 💡 | Aug 09, 2024

From Data to Decisions: How Data Analysis and Machine Learning Can Drive Business Growth

#dataanalysis #machinelearning #python #salesanalytics
By Setinaz Foroudi | Aug 10, 2024

FastAPI Beyond CRUD Full Course – A FastAPI Course

#fastapi #python #api #programming
By Ssali Jonathan | Aug 10, 2024

Study Group for Java/Python/Front-end Web Dev

#java #python #webdev
By Junaid Khan | Aug 10, 2024

Recommended Course: Quick Start with Pandas

#labex #pandas #python #programming
By Labby | Aug 10, 2024

Dissecting the two pointer technique

#algorithms #datastructures #programming #python
By Charles Amakoye | Aug 11, 2024

Intro : Python For Gaming week 1

#python #pygame #gamedev
By igbojionu | Aug 11, 2024

¿Qué es más rápido y económico para convertir archivos en AWS: Polar o Pandas?

#python #polars #aws #pandas
By Eduardo Santos | Aug 11, 2024

Unlocking Accurate Predictions with Polynomial Regression

#datascience #python #algorithms
By Gurigraphics | Aug 11, 2024

Print() Tasks solutions

#python #programming #print #solutions
By kavin suresh | Aug 11, 2024

python program language operators

#python #programming #parottasalno
By Avinash Mathi | Aug 11, 2024

Constants Variables AND Data Types Tasks solutions

#python #programming #print #solutions
By kavin suresh | Aug 11, 2024

Boost Your Content Creation with AI: Introducing the AI Blog Article Generator

#ai #machinelearning #python #gpt3
By OCEAN OF ANYTHING | Aug 11, 2024

The one about a chess board

#perl #python #theweeklychallenge
By Simon Green | Aug 11, 2024

How to Create a "Guess the Number" Game in Python for beginners

#python #learning #programming #beginners
By Divyansh Tiwari | Aug 11, 2024

Demographic dataset analyze

#jupyter #python #github #beginners
By a.infosecflavour | Aug 11, 2024

Securing Testing Secrets with pytest-mask-secrets

#testing #python #pytest
By Marian Ganišin | Aug 11, 2024

How to get current user in save method of a django model?

#python #django #backend
By Mirzonabot | Aug 11, 2024

Understanding Your Data: The Essentials of Exploratory Data Analysis

#sql #python #learning #eventdriven
By Nginacloud | Aug 11, 2024

What do we REALLY mean by immutable data types?

#python #datastructures
By Arnold Chris | Aug 11, 2024

#Daniel Roy Greenfeld Blogs

TIL: Parsing messy datetimes strings

How to convert inconsistent datetime strings into datetime objects.
By Daniel Roy Greenfeld | Aug 06, 2024