#Laravel News

The Ability to Prevent Destructive Commands From Running is Coming to Laravel 11

In an upcoming Laravel release, you can prevent commands like database migrations from accidentally running in production environments. Learn how to u…
#News #Laravel Releases
By Paul Redmond | May 27, 2024

Audit MySQL Databases in Laravel With the DB Auditor Package

The DB Auditor package for Laravel helps you audit your MySQL database standards and provides options to add missing constraints via CLI.
#Laravel Packages
By Paul Redmond | May 27, 2024

A New Minimal Default Exception Page With Dark Mode Support in Laravel 11.9

This week, the Laravel team released v11.9, which includes a new default exception page, a way to prevent destructive commands from running, a without…
#News #Laravel Releases
By Paul Redmond | May 28, 2024

Monitor Code Processing Time in PHP with Time Warden

Time Warden is a lightweight PHP library that enables you to monitor processing time of tasks and allows take actions on thresholds that exceed define…
#Laravel Packages
By Paul Redmond | May 30, 2024

Eloquent JoinWith Package for Laravel

Laravel Eloquent Join With is a package that simplifies performing efficient database joins on existing Eloquent relationships of type HasOne and Belo…
By Paul Redmond | May 31, 2024

#Ashallen Design UK

Sending Email in Laravel with Mailgun

#Laravel #PHP #Tips & Tricks #Tutorial #Web Development
By Ashley Allen | May 31, 2024

#Freek Dev

I write my code in the controller

A pragmatic approach to avoiding early optimizations
By Hakan | May 27, 2024

Architecture Testing in Laravel with Pest

Read about how to use Pest to add architecture tests for your PHP application and enforce standards such as folder structures, naming conventions, and more.
By Ash Allen | May 28, 2024

Assigning a user to an error

Learn how you can assign a user to an error in Flare!
By Spatie | May 29, 2024

Some cool SQLite things

Just a small post about some of the cool things you can do / see in SQLite.
By Ryan Chandler | May 30, 2024

Fun with Blade directives

Some fun things you can do with Blade directives.
By Ryan Chandler | May 31, 2024

#Laravel io

Laravel Under The Hood – Extending the framework

Hello 👋
A few days ago, I was fixing a flaky test, and it turned out I needed some unique and valid…
#Architecture #Laravel #IOC
By oussamamater | May 28, 2024

#Made with Laravel

Live Charts for Laravel Livewire – Auto-Updating Charts

"This package provides "live" Google Charts or Chart.js charts for Laravel using Livewire. Live as in the charts will auto refresh at a specified poll interval using the Livewire
#UI Components
By | May 27, 2024

SimpleStats – Statistics Tool for Laravel Apps

"SimpleStats is the missing statistics tool for Laravel applications.

Transcending mere counts of visits, views and page impressions and discover in-depth metrics like Registrations, Daily Active Users, New Paying Users, campaign ROI and much more in just 5 minutes!

SimpleStats is built using Laravel, Inertiajs and Vue.js."
#DevTools #App
By | May 28, 2024

#Laravel Magazine

Protect your Laravel app in production with the new `Prohibitable` Trait

In a recent update to Laravel, a significant enhancement has been introduced that aims to…
#Laravel #News
By Marian | May 29, 2024

#Mastering Laravel

Don't use the config helper in a config file

Unless you like empty config values
By Joel Clermont | May 27, 2024

Add a feature to a package without forking or hacking

Laravel is so flexible
By Joel Clermont | May 28, 2024

A nuanced opinion on validating URL request parameters

What error code should you use?
By Joel Clermont | May 29, 2024

Why we don't queue password reset emails

Faster responses aren't always better
By Joel Clermont | May 30, 2024

How do you test code you don't understand?

And without tests, how could you ever change it?
By Joel Clermont | May 31, 2024

#Honey Badger

Clean code with PHP namespaces

Unravel the complexity of PHP namespaces and discover how they can transform your codebase into a clean and well-organized masterpiece!
By Adebayo Adams | May 28, 2024


Chaotic Schedule v1.1 released!

#laravel #php #opensource #rng
By skywarth | May 27, 2024

Creating PDF and EPUB eBook from Laravel Documentation using Ibis Next

#laravel #documentation #books #tutorial
By Roberto B. | May 27, 2024

Laravel 10 Installation with necessary functions pt 1.

#laravel #php #composer #windows
By dgloriaweb | May 27, 2024

Laravel 10 API application with necessary functions pt 3.

#laravel #php #vscode
By dgloriaweb | May 27, 2024

Laravel 10 API application with necessary functions pt 2.

#laravel #php #windows #github
By dgloriaweb | May 27, 2024

How to Use Searchable in Laravel 10 Filament v3

#laravel #php #filament #webdev
By saim | May 27, 2024


#php #mvc #larvel
By Abdul Saboor | May 27, 2024

Displaying Unescaped Data on laravel blade file

#laravel #softwareengineering
By Al-Amin Islam | May 27, 2024

Redirecting to External Domains from Laravel

#webdev #laravel #vue #javascript
By Al-Amin Islam | May 27, 2024

I made a framework, looking for early adopters 😀

#php #webdev #productivity #opensource
By Mateusz Charytoniuk | May 27, 2024

Adding dd() in WordPress development

#webdev #laravel #wordpress #debug
By Ahmad Jamaly Rabib | May 28, 2024

1608. Special Array With X Elements Greater Than or Equal X

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | May 27, 2024

Use SharpAPI for Translating E-Commerce Product Info

#laravel #ai #php #ecommerce
By Yoram Kornatzky | May 28, 2024

Building a simple Referral System API with Laravel 11

#beginners #php #laravel #api
By Samson Ojugo | May 28, 2024

I want redesign recommendations.

#wordpress #javascript #php
By Shane King | May 28, 2024

Auto Generate Open Graph Images With Laravel

#laravel #php #webdev #beginners
By Paulund | May 28, 2024

Working with multi-queries in CodeIgniter

#php #webdev #sql
By Prahlad Yeri | May 28, 2024

Symfony DbToolsBundle – anonymize your data

#php #symfony #gdpr #database
By Julien Gabriel | May 28, 2024

How to Use DataTables in Laravel 10 Filament v3

#php #laravel #webdev #filamentphp
By saim | May 28, 2024

1208. Get Equal Substrings Within Budget

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | May 28, 2024

Mastering Laravel Routing: The Backbone of Robust Applications

#laravel #luxauto #route #php
By Maedeh | May 28, 2024

Stay Updated with PHP/Laravel: Weekly News Summary (20/05/2024 – 26/05/2024)

#php #laravel
By Poovarasu Sekar | May 28, 2024

Seeking Advice on Designing a WordPress Site for Surah Yaseen and Using PHP Scripts

#wordpress #php #webdev #javascript
By Saqib Javaid | May 29, 2024

Simplify Your PHP Development with a Handy Bash Script

#bash #php #opensource #discuss
By Zxce3 | May 29, 2024

Mastering Laravel Routing: The Backbone of Robust Applications

#laravel #route #php #softwareengineering
By Maedeh | May 28, 2024

Self-Hosted WordPress Plugin Updates

#wordpress #php
By Drazen Bebic | May 29, 2024

How to use Quill Editor with Laravel 10 and Livewire v3

#quill #laravel #livewire #php
By Adetola | May 29, 2024

Security Best Practices in Web Development

#webdev #security #php
By Amruta | May 29, 2024

Laravel Immutable Carbon Dates

#laravel #php #webdev #beginners
By Paulund | May 29, 2024

1404. Number of Steps to Reduce a Number in Binary Representation to One

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | May 29, 2024

What is in PHP-FPM configuration file?

#php #phpfpm #laravel
By Takahiro Fukushima | May 29, 2024

Why Theo is Wrong & We'll Get a Laravel for JavaScript

#framework #javascript #laravel #wasp
By vincanger | May 29, 2024

How to check number is registered on whatsapp

#whatsappcloudapi #php #facebookgrapapi
By Tarika Lalwani | May 30, 2024

Laravel blade page not working

#laravel #php #laravelphp #webdev
By Irshad Ahmed | May 29, 2024

Laravel Polymorphic Models By Type

#webdev #laravel #tutorial #php
By Paulund | May 30, 2024

Pint show style issues for dirty files

#laravel #pint #laravelpint
By Manish Chaudhary | May 30, 2024

One command to create everything in Laravel | How to | Tutorial | Quick Win Wednesday #QWW

#laravel #tutorial #php #beginners
By Bert De Swaef | May 30, 2024

Elvis operator ?: vs Null coalescing operator

#php #operator
By thiCha | May 30, 2024

1442. Count Triplets That Can Form Two Arrays of Equal XOR

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | May 30, 2024

Building a TailwindCSS-Powered Laravel Application with Email Verification and Queued Jobs

#queue #email #tailwindcss #laravel
By Haseeb Mirza | May 31, 2024

How to use the new Symfony Maker command to work with GitHub Webhooks

#symfony #webhook #github #php
By Maelan Le Borgne | May 31, 2024

How to generate random number in PHP

#php #programming #webdev #backenddevelopment
By Kelly Okere | Jun 01, 2024

Difference Between Factories and Seeders in Laravel: Purpose and Usage

#laravel #webdev #database #php
By Asfia Aiman | Jun 01, 2024

Php Serialização

#php #serialização #desserialização
By slns | Jun 01, 2024

Como añadir una columna a varias tablas de golpe con Laravel

#productivity #laravel #database
By Diego | May 31, 2024

Php Closure

#php #closure
By slns | Jun 01, 2024

Hiring Laravel Developers: A Comprehensive Guide

#laravel #developer #development
By Elaine Bennett | May 31, 2024

260. Single Number III

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | May 31, 2024

Using ApyHub for Image Moderation

#ai #laravel #php #apyhub
By Yoram Kornatzky | May 31, 2024

How to switch or update PHP version in Laragon

#php #laragon #windows #tutorial
By Muhamad Rizki | May 31, 2024

How to use Traits, Interface, and Abstract classes In PHP

#php #traits #interface #oop
By Norby Baruani | May 31, 2024

minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating

#php #webdev #opensource
By Prahlad Yeri | Jun 01, 2024

3110. Score of a String

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jun 01, 2024

Easiest Way to Tinker with Your Laravel Application

#laravel #tinker
By Bedram Tamang | Jun 02, 2024

Laravel 11 Custom Component File Structure

#laravel #component #custom #armanrahman
By Arman Rahman | Jun 02, 2024

Membuat Job Queue Batching pada Laravel dengan Indikator Proses Secara Realtime Menggunakan Pusher

#laravel #programming #tutorial #devops
By Yoga Meleniawan Pamungkas | Jun 02, 2024

Membuat CI/CD Workflow Menggunakan GitHub Action dan Deployer pada Framework Laravel

#laravel #programming #devops #tutorial
By Yoga Meleniawan Pamungkas | Jun 02, 2024

Laravel Advanced: Lesser-Known, Yet Useful Composer Commands

#laravel #php #learning #productivity
By Karan Datwani | Jun 02, 2024

Automate your database backups with Laravel: A comprehensive guide

#webdev #laravel #php #backenddevelopment
By Nikola Perišić | Jun 02, 2024

344. Reverse String

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jun 02, 2024

Top repositories for Laravel developers 2024 edition

#webdev #laravel #php #opensource
By Nikola Perišić | Jun 02, 2024

10 Metode Terbaik untuk Menjaga Kode Laravel Tetap Bersih dan Terstruktur

#laravel #programming #beginners #tutorial
By Yoga Meleniawan Pamungkas | Jun 02, 2024

Laravel Reverb: Fitur Websocket Server pada Laravel 11

#laravel #programming #tutorial #beginners
By Yoga Meleniawan Pamungkas | Jun 02, 2024

#IT Solution Stuff

Laravel 11 Import Large CSV File into Database Example

In this tutorial, I will share with you how to import large csv and Excel files into the database in the laravel 11 application.

Sometimes, we have large CSV files, such as 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, etc., that …..
By Hardik Savani | May 28, 2024

Laravel 11 Store Backup on Dropbox using Spatie Tutorial

In this tutorial, I will share with you how to store backups in dropbox using Spatie in the laravel 11 application.

Dropbox is a cloud-based file storage and sharing service that allows users to acce…..
By Hardik Savani | May 29, 2024

Laravel 11 Send SMS using Twilio Tutorial Example

In this tutorial, I will show you how to send text SMS to a mobile number using Twilio API in the laravel 11 application.

Twilio is a cloud communications platform that allows developers to add vario…..
By Hardik Savani | May 31, 2024

#Lara Info

Laravel CRUD Example using Repository Design Pattern

By Saim Ansari | May 27, 2024

#DC Blog

Customize Your Hashnode Blog Frontend with Headless Frontend and Laravel

I've built a new site called headlessfrontend.dev
See video version https://www.youtube.co…
#headless cms #HeadlessHashnode #templates #Laravel #GraphQL #David Carr #headless cms #HeadlessHashnode #templates #Laravel #GraphQL
By David Carr | May 27, 2024