#Laravel News

Dash UI is a Laravel Blade Component Library Inspired by Shopify Polaris

Dash UI is a component library for Laravel Blade inspired by Shopify Polaris. It is created with Tailwind CSS, Laravel Blade components, and Alpine.js…
#Laravel Packages
By Paul Redmond | May 20, 2024

Laracon AU 2024 tickets are now on sale

Blind and early bird tickets for Laracon AU 2024 are only available in limited quantities
By Michael Dyrynda | May 20, 2024

New Proposed Array Find Functions in PHP 8.4

Four new array functions are likely coming to PHP 8.4 that are still in the RFC voting stage. Learn about these array_find functions and how they work…
#News #Php
By Paul Redmond | May 21, 2024

A New Validation Rule and the Ability to Manually Fail a Command in Laravel 11.8

This week, the Laravel team released v11.8, with a new validation rule, the ability to fail a command outside the handle() method, create a view durin…
#News #Laravel Releases
By Paul Redmond | May 21, 2024

Real Time Command Line Monitoring With Laravel Top

Laravel Top provides real-time monitoring directly from the command line for Laravel applications. It helps you track critical metrics and see the bus…
#Laravel Packages
By Paul Redmond | May 23, 2024

Configuring Laravel With Additional Environment Files

In Laravel, you can configure additional environment files that will load instead of the `.env` file. Let's look at how to do this, with some practica…
#Laravel Tutorials
By Paul Redmond | May 23, 2024

#Freek Dev

Optimizing PHP for performance

Let's dive on how to enable OPCache and fine-tune php-fpm to handle the most requests as possible on a given machine.
By Mateus Guimarães | May 20, 2024

Encrypting Queued Jobs, Notifications, Mail, and Listeners in Laravel

Read about how to encrypt queued jobs, notifications, mailables, and listeners in Laravel for improved security.
By Ash Allen | May 21, 2024

Primitive Obsession: what it is, how to spot it and, how to fix it!

Explains what the Code Smell 'Primitive Obsession' is, the damage it can cause to your codebase, how to spot it and – how to fix it!
By Andrew Cairns | May 22, 2024

Laravel Under The Hood – The Strategy Pattern

Have you ever wondered how Laravel switches between different drivers' implementations? Well, hang tight, we will learn how!
By Oussama Mater | May 23, 2024

Building Maintainable PHP Applications: Thinking Data vs Thinking Business Processes

Learn about the differences between thinking in terms of data (CRUD) vs thinking in terms of business processes (behaviour) and how it affects code maintainability.
By Davor Minchorov | May 24, 2024

#Laravel io

How to change the default SSR port for Inertia.js

Recently I had to run two Inertia.js applications on a single server and both of these applications…
#Laravel #Forge
By tonymasek | May 22, 2024


Easy Guide to Preventing SQL Injections PHP

SQL injection is a critical security vulnerability commonly found in web applications, particularly those developed using PHP and…
By Inshal Ali | May 20, 2024

#Made with Laravel

TranslationManager – Translation UI for Backpack Apps

"Translation Manager provides a simple admin interface to deal with translations in your Backpack application.

It lets the admin translate the app, instead of the developer."
By | May 24, 2024

Cal.et – Add to Calendar Link Generator

"Cal.et is a simple and free “Add to Calendar” link generator that can be shared on social media, newsletters, websites, emails, and everywhere else with ease. ✨

Cal.et is built with Laravel, Livewire and AlpineJS."
By | May 24, 2024

#Mastering Laravel

How do you discover interesting new packages?

Here's a great resource
By Joel Clermont | May 20, 2024

Disabling Composer timeout with nested scripts

Useful for long-running CI pipelines
By Joel Clermont | May 21, 2024

What do you need to clean up after your tests?

Maybe less than you think
By Joel Clermont | May 22, 2024

Should you let your admin do that?

Maybe admins shouldn't have access to everything
By Joel Clermont | May 23, 2024

A change in PHP 8 that affects Laravel tests and transactions

The error was there all along…
By Joel Clermont | May 24, 2024


3068. Find the Maximum Sum of Node Values

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | May 20, 2024

Load Testing a Non-API Laravel Web Application with Sanctum Session-Based Authentication Using K6

#laravel #k6 #testing #session
By Shamsuddeen Abdulkadir | May 20, 2024

💖 Write Future-Compatible PHP Code with Symfony Polyfills

#php #symfony #legacy #refactoring
By Ion Bazan | May 20, 2024

📊 Change the order Laravel picks up queued jobs (AKA Priority Queues)

#laravel #queue #php
By Ion Bazan | May 20, 2024

Laravel's most underrated security feature – What actually is a signed URL, and how do they work?

#php #laravel #security #webdev
By Danny Festor | May 20, 2024

WordPress Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

#wordpress #wordpressinterview #programming #php
By Lal Sahab Yadav | May 20, 2024

Avoiding Imports and Aliases in PHP

By Khairu Aqsara | May 20, 2024

Exploring PHP class_alias

By Khairu Aqsara | May 20, 2024

Performance Metrics Using Guzzle

#php #webdev #performance #beginners
By Paulund | May 20, 2024

Stay Updated with PHP/Laravel: Weekly News Summary (13/05/2024–19/05/2024)

#php #laravel
By Poovarasu Sekar | May 20, 2024

Laravel Task Management Example

#laravel #webdev #php #javascript
By Can | May 20, 2024

Laravel and Livewire Examples

#laravel #php #livewire #webdev
By Can | May 20, 2024

Laravel 9 – Use Fake data in blade File without Create Factory

#laravel #php #webdev
By saim | May 20, 2024

1863. Sum of All Subset XOR Totals

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | May 20, 2024

How to Check MySQL Database and Table Sizes

#webdev #mysql #php #programming
By Roman Agabekov | May 20, 2024

Substituindo o Redis pelo Valkey em projetos PHP/Hyperf

#redis #valkey #php #webdev
By jonas-elias | May 21, 2024

Turn a country code into an emoji flag (US ➡️ 🇺🇸)

#webdev #go #typescript #php
By Ion Bazan | May 21, 2024

78. Subsets

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | May 21, 2024

Deploy changes of a php legacy application

#php #git
By Claudio Fior | May 21, 2024

Customising Laravel Sail services using the Laravel Build server

#laravel #docker #webdev
By C.S. Rhymes | May 21, 2024

WordPress Error Log Not Showing with Laravel Herd

#wordpress #laravel #development #debugging
By Mahbub Rabbani | May 22, 2024

Disable Vite During Testing in Laravel

#laravel #testing #php #webdev
By Paulund | May 22, 2024

Laravel Passport: API authentication with access and refresh token

#webdev #laravel #authentication #php
By M H Hasib | May 22, 2024

131. Palindrome Partitioning

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | May 22, 2024

A Lambo – LibSQL Native Extension/Driver/Whatever

#php #laravel #extensions #libsql
By Imam Ali Mustofa | May 23, 2024

Symfony App Config in 2 steps

#php #symfony #programming
By Yonel Ceruto | May 23, 2024

Only Use Env() In Config Files

#laravel #webdev #beginners #programming
By Paulund | May 23, 2024

How to Create a User using Tinker in Laravel

#laravel #php #webdev
By saim | May 23, 2024

optimize query in laravel and mysql

#laravel #mysql #query #largedata
By Aurnob Hosain | May 23, 2024

Truncating Tables with Foreign Keys in Laravel

#laravel #webdev #programming #tutorial
By Rafa Rafael | May 23, 2024

2597. The Number of Beautiful Subsets

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | May 23, 2024

Implementing a Blocking Feature in Laravel (using Morph table and Morph endpoint!)

#laravel #backend #morph #traits
By Mohamed Idris | May 23, 2024

Creating route directory in Slim Php Framework

#login #php #slim #framework
By Asif Sheikh | May 24, 2024

How to configure PHP in Airflow?

#airflow #php #tutorial #crontab
By Darko Todorić | May 23, 2024

Laravel 10 – JWT Authentication API

#jwt #api #laravel #authentication
By Zaiid Moumni | May 24, 2024

The Lottery Factor in Open Source

#showdev #opensource #ai #laravel
By BekahHW | May 24, 2024

Turso – LibSQL Driver Laravel

#laravel #turso #sqlite #database
By Imam Ali Mustofa | May 24, 2024

Saving data without triggering events in Laravel | How to | Tutorial | Quick Win Wednesday #QWW

#laravel #php #tutorial #beginners
By Bert De Swaef | May 24, 2024

Using a Symfony secret to encode your JWT Tokens

#php #jwt #symfony #vault
By Nacho Colomina Torregrosa | May 24, 2024

Laravel get route name from given URL

#php #laravel
By Ariel Mejia | May 24, 2024

Ozu, a static website deployment solution for Laravel projects, is now recruiting beta testers

#laravel #webdev #product
By Philippe Lonchampt | May 24, 2024

1255. Maximum Score Words Formed by Letters

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | May 25, 2024

Integrating a ReactPHP Server in Laravel

#laravel #php #reactphp
By Yoram Kornatzky | May 25, 2024

Generate a Laravel CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) in 5 minutes.

#laravel #tutorial #php #development
By Karan Datwani | May 25, 2024

140. Word Break II

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | May 25, 2024

Symfony Station Communiqué — 24 May 2024: A look at Symfony, Drupal, PHP, Cybersec, and Fediverse News!

#symfony #drupal #php #fediverse
By Reuben Walker, Jr. | May 25, 2024

Resolving CSS and HTML Not Displaying in Laravel Hosted Files

#webdev #html #laravel #php
By Japheth Joepari | May 26, 2024

PHP vs. Node.js: A Full-Stack Developer’s Guide to Choosing the Right Technology

#php #javascript #webdev #programming
By Epithermal | May 26, 2024

Display Flash Messages Using Laravel and Inertia

#laravel #php #javascript #webdev
By Paulund | May 26, 2024

Custom WordPress Website Development Cost & Benefits 2024

#webdev #wordpress #php
By StarlitDevs | May 26, 2024

Slim Php Framework: How to create Route Wrapper Class in Slim?

#php #framework #webdevelopement #slim
By Asif Sheikh | May 26, 2024

552. Student Attendance Record II

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | May 26, 2024

#IT Solution Stuff

Laravel 11 Custom Validation Error Message Example

In this example, I will show you how to add a custom validation error message in the laravel 11 application.

Laravel 11 provides a request object to add form validation using it. we will use request …..
By Hardik Savani | May 20, 2024

Laravel 11 Notification | Send Notification in Laravel 11

In this article, we will learn how to create and send email notifications in the laravel 11 application.

Laravel notifications are a powerful feature of the Laravel PHP framework that allows you to s…..
By Hardik Savani | May 21, 2024

Laravel 11 JQuery Load More Data on Scroll Example

In this post, I will show you step by step how to load more data using ajax pagination on scroll in laravel 11 application.

In this example, we will create a <span class="highlighter">posts</span> ta…..
By Hardik Savani | May 22, 2024

Laravel 11 Install Tailwind CSS Step by Step

In this tutorial, I will share with you how to install Tailwind CSS in the laravel 11 application.

Tailwind CSS is a popular open-source utility-first CSS framework that allows developers to rapidly …..
By Hardik Savani | May 23, 2024

Laravel 11 Generate PDF and Send Email Tutorial

In this tutorial, I will show you how to generate pdf file and send email attachments in laravel 11 application.

In this example, I will simply use dompdf to generate a PDF file and send an email wit…..
By Hardik Savani | May 24, 2024

Laravel 11 Custom User Login and Registration Tutorial

In this tutorial, I would like to share with you how to create a custom user login and registration page in the laravel 11 application.

Laravel provides Jetstream, Breeze, Fortify, and UI packages fo…..
By Hardik Savani | May 25, 2024

#Lara Info

How to Create a User using Tinker in Laravel

By Saim Ansari | May 23, 2024

How to Solve Vite manifest not found at Error In Laravel 9

By Saim Ansari | May 23, 2024

3 way to install bootstrap 5 in laravel 8

By Saim Ansari | May 23, 2024

Why You should not decrypt hash Password in Laravel

By Saim Ansari | May 23, 2024

How to Use Searchable in Laravel 10 Filament v3

By Saim Ansari | May 23, 2024

How to Solve SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied In Laravel

By Saim Ansari | May 23, 2024

Laravel 10 REST API Image Upload Example

By Saim Ansari | May 22, 2024

Laravel 10 Filament v3 Toggle Switch Example

By Saim Ansari | May 23, 2024

how to Install Laravel Project in current directory

By Saim Ansari | May 22, 2024

Laravel 10 Find Month Difference Between Two Dates with Example

By Saim Ansari | May 22, 2024

Laravel Inertia Vue 3 Form Validation

By Saim Ansari | May 22, 2024

Laravel find() method Example

By Saim Ansari | May 22, 2024

How to Add Wishlist in Laravel

By Saim Ansari | May 21, 2024

Laravel 10 Filament v3 CRUD Operation Example

By Saim Ansari | May 21, 2024

Laravel 10 Filamentphp v3 Multiple Images Example

By Saim Ansari | May 21, 2024

Laravel Posts with Tags Many to Many Relationships Example

By Saim Ansari | May 21, 2024

Laravel 9 Shopping Add to Cart Tutorial Example

By Saim Ansari | May 21, 2024

Laravel 9 Image File Upload Example

By Saim Ansari | May 20, 2024

Data Fetching in Nuxt 3 Using Laravel API

By Saim Ansari | May 20, 2024

Implementing Flash Messages in Laravel Inertia Vue 3

By Saim Ansari | May 20, 2024

How to Use Laravel UI Authentication in Laravel 10

By Saim Ansari | May 20, 2024

How to Upload Image in Laravel 10 Filament v3

By Saim Ansari | May 20, 2024

How to Use Dashboard in Laravel 10 Inertia Vue 3

By Saim Ansari | May 20, 2024

How to Use Ckeditor 5 in Laravel with Tailwind CSS

By Saim Ansari | May 20, 2024

How to Upload Image in Laravel CKEditor 5

By Saim Ansari | May 20, 2024

How to Use Select2 for Multiple Select in Laravel

By Saim Ansari | May 20, 2024

Laravel Image Upload with Intervention Example

By Saim Ansari | May 20, 2024


Tagged Singletons

By Brent | May 24, 2024