#Laravel News

Handle Money Transactions in Eloquent with Laravel Wallet

Laravel Wallet is designed for reliable and flexible payable transactions and handles the complex part of storing transactions in the database for pre…
#Laravel Packages
By Paul Redmond | Feb 20, 2024

Modularize Your Laravel Application With the Modular Package

The Modular package is a module system for Laravel applications for features you want to build modularly. This package provides convenience commands a…
By Paul Redmond | Feb 20, 2024

Use Google’s Gemini AI in Laravel

Incorporate Google’s Gemini APIs in Laravel and PHP projects using this community project that interacts with the Gemini API. Learn how you can work w…
#Laravel Packages
By Paul Redmond | Feb 22, 2024

PhpStorm is getting a brand new terminal

Coming to PhpStorm 2024.1 is a new redeveloped terminal that includes everything from visual changes to each ran command being put in its own block, n…
#News #Phpstorm
By Eric L. Barnes | Feb 22, 2024

Six Essential Plugins for Visual Studio Code

We’ve created a collection of essential plugins for Visual Studio Code that will supercharge your coding experience. Let’s dive in!
By Paul Redmond | Feb 21, 2024

Laracon EU Videos are now out

Laracon EU videos are now out and available on YouTube
By Eric L. Barnes | Feb 23, 2024

October CMS v3.6 Ships Today, Full of New Features

October CMS v3.6 has released today with a bunch of new features that make managing your content so much easier than before. Let’s take a look at what…
By Samuel Georges | Feb 24, 2024

#Freek Dev

Using Laravel to interact with OpenAI’s Assistants API (with Vision)

A step-by-step guide on how to utilize the new Assistants and Vision APIs with Laravel.
By Goran Popović | Feb 22, 2024

The Business of Bisecting

At PHPUKConference 2024 I saw this excellent talk by Pauline Vos on a pretty powerful git feature: bisect.
By | Feb 21, 2024

Composition over Inheritance

Learn about Composition, Inheritance and what Composition over Inheritance means with a little help from some 8-bit friends!
By Andrew Cairns | Feb 23, 2024

Improved handling of 404 errors with Livewire

I like to use the findOrFail() function in Livewire methods that call actions. But I really don’t like the default behaviour of Livewire showing a modal view with a 404. Let me show you how to personalise that.
By Eser DENIZ | Feb 24, 2024


Working With Controllers and Middleware in Laravel 8.x

Laravel Middleware provides a convenient mechanism for assessing and sifting through HTTP demands that enter your application. All…
By Shahzeb Ahmed | Feb 22, 2024

How to Schedule Cron Jobs in PHP Using Cloudways

Ever wished your tasks could run on autopilot? That’s where Cron Jobs step in, silently handling scheduled tasks…
By Ahmed Khan | Feb 21, 2024

Laravel Security: Overview of Features & Best Practices to Make Your Application Secure

Laravel is a popular development platform well-known for its performance and active user community. Out of the box,…
By Inshal Ali | Feb 21, 2024

Ultimate Guide to MySQL Performance Tuning for Optimal Database Efficiency

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a powerful tool for managing data in relational databases, empowering widely-used systems such…
By Inshal Ali | Feb 21, 2024

How to Upload Multiple Images and Files in Laravel with Validation

File or image upload in laravel is an essential aspect of any project. Given this importance, it is…
By Shahzeb Ahmed | Feb 22, 2024

#Made with Laravel

Alterable – Email Content Personalization Platform

“Alterable helps marketers bring real-time content personalization inside emails. Our suite of services, including countdown timers, dynamic images, dynamic products, and local maps, allows you to create personalized, engaging emails that capture your audience’s attention and drive clicks and conversions.

The app was built on top of Laravel and leverages many Laravel library such as Cashier and Sanctum. The app UI is built using Vue.js.”
By | Feb 19, 2024

Laravel Stream Log – Stream Logs to the Frontends using Server-Sent Events (SSE)

“Laravel Stream Log lets you stream your Laravel application logs to the frontend in real-time using server-sent event (SSE).”

Easily stream your backend events from your controllers / events / models / etc.

Easily stream your logs (

Print backend logs and events to the frontend browser
By | Feb 22, 2024

#Mastering Laravel

Simple rules for writing authorization logic

A little bit of structure goes a long way
By Joel Clermont | Feb 19, 2024

How we use migrations during early product development

When the schema changes quickly
By Joel Clermont | Feb 20, 2024

Pay attention to analytics

There can be some interesting insights
By Joel Clermont | Feb 22, 2024

Consistent test organization

I like patterns
By Joel Clermont | Feb 21, 2024

Picking a good test value

And avoid flaky tests
By Joel Clermont | Feb 23, 2024


Laravel Authentication

By Shishir Bhuiyan | Feb 24, 2024

Let’s create laravel CRUD example stupid note app.

#beginners #laravel
By Supak Pukdam | Feb 24, 2024

Setting Up Nginx for Laravel: A Comprehensive Guide

#nginx #laravel #webdev #deployment
By Vinayak Kalushe | Feb 24, 2024

Transforme Seu Sistema Laravel com Filament: Um Guia para Estilizar a Tela de Login com CSS Personalizado

#laravel #filament #css #tutorial
By Tharles Amaro | Feb 24, 2024

190+ Top Laravel Interview Questions [2023]

#laravel #interview #testing
By Swapnil-arch | Feb 23, 2024

Infinite Scrolling with Livewire v3 + AlpineJS without impacting performance

#laravel #livewire #php #performance
By Victor Lima | Feb 22, 2024

Spring Boot vs Laravel

#java #php #laravel #springboot
By YSF | Feb 22, 2024

PHP VS Node.js

#php #node #laravel #express
By YSF | Feb 22, 2024

Maximizing Laravel Performance: Essential Optimization Strategies for Web Developers

#webdev #php #laravel #optimization
By MK | Feb 22, 2024

Navigating Web Server Technologies: Apache, Nginx

#apache #nginx #php #laravel
By Salma | Feb 22, 2024

🚀 Exploring Multiple Inheritance in Laravel/PHP 🚀

#php #laravel #webdev #tips
By Anwar Hossain | Feb 21, 2024

Laravel is a mess?

#laravel #webdev #discuss #productivity
By Kevin Naidoo | Feb 21, 2024

Laravel API – Import 1 million records with validation in few seconds.

#laravel #sql #database #api
By Aditya | Feb 19, 2024

how to make new changes readed by GIT in laravel voyager ????!!! help

#laravel #voyager #webdev #php
By AIT TAMGHART Abdelghani | Feb 19, 2024

A guide to using WebSockets in Laravel

#laravel #php
By Honeybadger Staff | Feb 19, 2024

#IT Solution Stuff

How to Generate Random String in PHP?

Hi Guys,
This article goes into detail on php generate random string. I explained simply step by step how to generate random string in php. I’m going to show you how to generate random alphanumeric …..
By Hardik Savani | Feb 20, 2024


The framework that gets out of your way

By Brent | Feb 19, 2024