#Laravel News

Easy management of your application settings with Setting Pro

Laravel Setting Pro is a package that provides a simple and effective way to handle your application settings.
By Eric L. Barnes | Feb 16, 2024

With Laravel 10.44 you can add Model Scopes and Observers using PHP Attributes

The Laravel team released v10.44 this week with two Eloquent model attributes to define global scopes and observers, a new select() collection method,…
#News #Releases
By Paul Redmond | Feb 16, 2024

Essential Plugins for PHPStorm Users

We’ve curated a collection of essential plugins for PhpStorm that we think you’ll enjoy. From our favorite theme to Laravel-specific tools to supercha…
By Paul Redmond | Feb 16, 2024

Five Ways to Be More Productive with Git

In this post, I’ve gathered some of my favorite tools to make working with Git more productive. I’ll cover different types of tools, ranging from git…
By Paul Redmond | Feb 12, 2024

Radical Design – A new course by Jack McDade

Radical Design is a new design course by Jack McDade
By Eric L. Barnes | Feb 12, 2024

How to check what version of Laravel you have installed in 2 seconds

How to find your Laravel version in two seconds
By Eric L. Barnes | Feb 14, 2024

#Freek Dev

Laravel Data v4 has been released

We’ve released a new major version of our popular laravel-data package. My colleague Ruben wrote a post mentioning all of the changes.
By | Feb 16, 2024

My keynote at PHPUKConference 2024

Here’s the recording of the keynote at this year’s PHPUKConference.
By Freek Van der Herten | Feb 16, 2024

#Laravel io

Laravel Real-Time Notifications with SSE

Say Hi to Server-Sent Events
If you’ve ever needed to implement a real-time feature in your web appl…
#Laravel #Echo #Notifications
By oussamamater | Feb 16, 2024

Laravel Under The Hood – CSRF

Hello TokenMismatchException 👋
I know you’ve probably encountered this at least once. You copy-past…
#Laravel #Architecture #Security
By oussamamater | Feb 15, 2024

Send, validate, and store Base64 files with Laravel

Laravel makes it easy to send and upload files, at least when it comes to handling binary files. You…
#Laravel #Validation #API
By geoligard | Feb 14, 2024

Implement a translation system into your Laravel project with Inertia and Vue

How to quickly set up a translation system in a Laravel project with Inertia and Vue.

A sample Lara…
#Laravel #Vue.js
By mho | Feb 14, 2024

Using Laravel to interact with OpenAI’s Assistants API (with Vision)

A couple of months ago Open AI released their Assistant API which is at the time of writing this art…
#Laravel #API #Packages
By geoligard | Feb 14, 2024

Laravel Under The Hood – Facades

Hello Facades 👋
You’ve just installed a fresh Laravel application, booted it up, and got the welcom…
#Laravel #Architecture #IOC
By oussamamater | Feb 14, 2024

#Benjamin Crozat

The best GDPR-compliant Google Analytics alternatives (2024)

Let me show you the best GDPR-compliant Google Analytics alternatives that respect user privacy and provide reliable analytics for your business.
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024

Handle clicks from your users using jQuery

Dive into the simplicity of handling click events with jQuery and learn how to achieve the same results using vanilla JavaScript.
#JavaScript #jQuery
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024

Get started with jQuery in 5 minutes

Dive into the basics of jQuery, learn how to include it in your project, and create your first component in just a few minutes.
#JavaScript #jQuery
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024

How and when to use jQuery’s $(document).ready() method

In JavaScript, running code at the wrong time can lead to errors or unpredictable behavior. Let me show you the fix using jQuery.
#JavaScript #jQuery
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024

Understanding jQuery’s .each() method

Learn how to use jQuery’s `.each()` method to iterate over DOM elements and arrays, and discover a modern vanilla JavaScript alternative.
#JavaScript #jQuery
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024

Validation in Laravel made easy

Learn how to validate incoming data in your Laravel applications, from the basics to more advanced concepts.
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024

The best PHP packages to use in 2024

A recommendation of the best packages to use in any PHP project in 2024.
#PHP #Packages
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024

The best Laravel developers to hire in 2024

Finding good Laravel developers is hard. Let me help you with some recommendations.
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024

The 6 best PHP cloud hosting providers for 2024

Make an informed decision for your PHP applications thanks to my list of the best cloud hosting providers.
#PHP #Tools #Web Hosting
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024

Is PHP dead? Usage statistics and market share for 2024.

Whether PHP is dead is a matter of numbers, not opinions. I will provide you with essential statistics that will lead you to make better decisions.
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024

Secure your REST API in 5 minutes with Laravel Sanctum

Quickly secure a REST API using Laravel Sanctum by letting your users generate tokens.
#Laravel #Packages #Security
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024

How to install Laravel on macOS

A step-by-step guide to install Laravel on macOS using Composer or the official Laravel installer.
#Laravel #Tools
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024

Prevent a Livewire component from re-rendering

Improve the performances of your Laravel application by avoiding unnecessary re-renders of Livewire components.
#Laravel #Livewire
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024

How to force re-render a Livewire v3 component

Stop pulling your hair. Here’s a solution to your reactivity issues in Livewire.
#Laravel #Livewire
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024

The 6 best Laravel cloud hosting providers for 2024

Make an informed decision for your Laravel applications thanks to my list of the best cloud hosting providers.
#Laravel #Tools #Web Hosting
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024

The best custom cards for Laravel Pulse in 2024

A list of the best custom cards to supercharge your Laravel Pulse dashboard in 2024.
#Laravel #Packages
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024

6 Tailwind CSS best practices, tips, and tricks for 2024

Tailwind CSS is a beloved CSS framework that has been my go-to since 2018. Let me share my knowledge and insights coming from years of experience.
#CSS #Tailwind CSS
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024

Disable hover styles on mobile with Tailwind CSS

Learn how to disable hover styles on mobile devices with Tailwind CSS.
#CSS #Tailwind CSS
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024

Understanding Laravel’s fake() helper

Laravel’s fake() helper is a powerful tool for generating fake data. Learn how to use it for seeding databases and prototyping.
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024

Fix “1305 SAVEPOINT trans2 does not exist” in Laravel

Have you ever encountered the “1305 SAVEPOINT trans2 does not exist” error while running Laravel? I have a solution for you.
#Databases #Laravel #Testing
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024

Easy data integrity with array validation in Laravel

Learn how to effortlessly manage array validation in Laravel to ensure data integrity in your web applications.
By Benjamin Crozat | Feb 16, 2024


WordPress and GitHub Integration: Live and Local Environment (A Step-by-Step Guide)

With more and more people contributing to open source projects, efficient version control is key to avoiding confusion…
By Mansoor Ahmed Khan | Feb 14, 2024

Django vs Laravel: A Complete Guide and Comparison 2024

In spite of the popularity and the rising demand for versatile development, web development has been getting a…
By Inshal Ali | Feb 14, 2024

The 10 Top Silverstripe Agencies to Choose From in 2024

Whether they work in advanced organizations, agencies, or individually, the Silverstripe content management system is a fan favorite…
By Shahzeb Ahmed | Feb 14, 2024

#Mastering Laravel

One place I avoid constructor property promotion

Just to keep the intent clear
By Joel Clermont | Feb 16, 2024

Move that logic out of your view

How much is too much?
By Joel Clermont | Feb 15, 2024

Alpha validation might not be doing what you think

It certainly surprised me the first time I bumped into it
By Joel Clermont | Feb 14, 2024

Avoid changing your code purely for a test

Even if it’s just to make a property public
By Joel Clermont | Feb 13, 2024

Get better auto-complete from your factories

And reduce the need for @var docblocks
By Joel Clermont | Feb 12, 2024

#Honey Badger

Deploying serverless applications with Laravel Vapor

This article delves into the user-friendly world of Laravel Vapor. Say farewell to intricate setups and server management headaches. With Laravel Vapor, you’ll experience the ease of deploying websites without the fuss.
#php #laravel #laravel-vapor
By Samson Omojola | Feb 13, 2024


Como Salvar um PDF no Banco de Dados PostgreSQL usando Laravel

#postgres #laravel #pdf
By joellytton | Feb 17, 2024

Laravel 10 + NGINX + PHP-FPM – my ready to use all in one recipe for your Laravel 10 deployment in Docker

#docker #laravel #nginx #php
By Jorge Santos | Feb 17, 2024

Laravel: whereIn() vs whereIntegerInRaw() vs find()

#laravel #sql #performance #eloquentorm
By ahmed sabry mahfouz | Feb 17, 2024

Laravel: A Comprehensive Guide to Service Container and Providers

#webdev #laravel #beginners #php
By MK | Feb 17, 2024

Understanding $this, self, parent, and static keywords in PHP and Laravel

#laravel #programming #php #livewire
By Snehal Rajeev Moon | Feb 16, 2024

🕵 What You Didn’t Know About AI Integration for Laravel Applications

#laravel #openai #ai #php
By Andrii | Feb 16, 2024

Learning Path For Web Development

#php #laravel #javascript #react
By Raymond Baghumian | Feb 16, 2024

Creating GraphQL APIs with Laravel

#php #laravel
By Honeybadger Staff | Feb 15, 2024

How to start with Laravel & REST APIs in it, I’m new to it?

#codenewbie #php #laravel #help
By Sharad Raj (He/Him) | Feb 15, 2024

Enhancing Code Consistency with php-cs-fixer and Visual Studio Code

#webdev #php #laravel #vscode
By Ellis | Feb 15, 2024

Streamlining Laravel Development: A Guide to Laravel Pint and VS Code Integration

#webdev #laravel #php #vscode
By Harish Kumar | Feb 15, 2024

Google Grant Type in Laravel with Socialite, log in with Google API

#login #google #laravel #php
By Shubham Raturi | Feb 14, 2024

Enhancing Laravel Blade Components with Tailwind CSS Merging

#beginners #webdev #laravel #tailwindcss
By Rafa Rafael | Feb 14, 2024

How To Send WhatsApp Messages with Laravel

#vonage #laravel #messages #api
By James Seconde | Feb 14, 2024

Use EXISTS instead of COUNT > 0 when checking if records exist

#sql #laravel #db #optimisation
By Luka Peharda | Feb 14, 2024

Using Laravel to interact with OpenAI’s Assistants API (with Vision)

#laravel #ai #openai #api
By Goran Popović | Feb 14, 2024

PHP: 7 tricks to help with upgrading Composer packages

#laravel #php
By Peter Fox | Feb 13, 2024

Building A SOLID foundation for API’s in Laravel

#php #laravel
By Honeybadger Staff | Feb 13, 2024

Implement a translation system into your Laravel project with Inertia and Vue

#laravel #vue #tutorial
By Capsules Codes | Feb 12, 2024

My point of view on SPA modularity using Laravel and Vue

#laravel #vue #spa #modular
By Yurich | Feb 12, 2024

Renaming a Column in Laravel: A Step-by-Step Guide

#laravel #migration #php #javascript
By Sospeter Mongare | Feb 12, 2024

Storing classes with user configurable parameters in the database (with Laravel)

#laravel #php #database
By Lukas Heller | Feb 12, 2024