#Laravel News

Laravel Rest Api now supports Laravel Scout

The Laravel Rest Api adds a native integration of Laravel Scout
By Gautier Deleglise | Jul 08, 2024

Manage Roles and Permissions in Filament with Hex Lite

Filament Hexa Lite is an effortless role and permission plugin for Filament. The plugin provides an admin-only UI to manage different user roles.
#Laravel Packages #Filament
By Paul Redmond | Jul 08, 2024

Generics Added to Eloquent Builder in Laravel 11.15

The Laravel team released v11.15 this week, which includes improvements to the make:mail command, support for setting mime types on attachments with R…
#News #Laravel Releases
By Paul Redmond | Jul 10, 2024

PHP 8.4 Alpha 1 is now out!

The first release of PHP 8.4 is now available and ready for testing
#News #Php
By Eric L. Barnes | Jul 10, 2024

How to Redirect Uppercase URLs to Lowercase with Laravel Middleware

Learn how to redirect all requests that contain uppercase letters to their lowercase equivalents for SEO optimization.
#Laravel Tutorials #Middleware
By Jason Beggs | Jul 11, 2024

Learn to master Query Scopes in Laravel

In this article, we're going to take a look at local query scopes and global query scopes
#Laravel Tutorials #Eloquent
By Ashley Allen | Jul 10, 2024

#Laravel Blogs

Improving Laravel Application Security with Aikido

As your Laravel application grows, managing security objectives becomes more challenging, especially for small teams or solo developers. Today, Laravel has teamed up with Aikido to provide a seamless solution for securing your Laravel application. With Aikido, Laravel developers using Forge can effortlessly scan for and identify potential security vulnerabilities, all in less than 1 minute.
#forge #partnerships #news
By James Brooks | Jul 08, 2024

#Ashallen Design UK

Magic Constants in PHP

#PHP #Tips & Tricks #Web Development
By Ashley Allen | Jul 08, 2024

#Freek Dev

Livewire Strict: Enforce additional security measures to Livewire

Livewire Strict helps enforce security measures and prevents you from having unprotected sensitive public properties.
By Philo | Jul 08, 2024

#Made with Laravel

Open Graphy – Open Graph Image Generator Package

"Open Graphy is an awesome open graph image (social / twitter / X cards) generator package for your Laravel applications.

With Open Graphy, you can generate social cards for your website dynamically. You can use the default template or create your own template."


Easily generate open graph images for your website

Add title, an image and your logo to the open graph image

Add a screenshot of the page inside the open graph image to show the preview of the page

5 different templates to choose from

Customize the colors and styles of the templates

Cache the generated images

Create your own template if you want
By | Jul 08, 2024

Hi.Events – Event Management & Ticket Selling Platform

"Hi.Events is an event management and ticket-selling platform suitable for conferences, club nights and everything in between.

Features include detailed analytics, embeddable ticket widgets, customizable event homepages, check-in tools, promo codes, Stripe integration, and multiple ticket types.

Hi.Events' API is built using Laravel 11. The frontend is built using React, Typescript and the Mantine UI component library."
By | Jul 08, 2024

Mosaic – Laravel & Tailwind CSS Dashboard Template

"Mosaic is a dashboard template built with Laravel and Tailwind CSS.

It includes several pre-coded charts developed using Chart.js 3, and it's a great starting point for anyone who wants to create a modern user interface for SaaS products, online services, and more.
By | Jul 10, 2024

Laravel Mailator – Email Scheduler

"Laravel Mailator provides a featherweight system for configure email scheduler and email templates based on application events."
By | Jul 12, 2024

DashUI – Laravel Blade Component Library

"DashUI offers a suite of UI components, drawing inspiration from Shopify Polaris, exclusively crafted with TailwindCSS, Laravel Blade templates, and AlpineJS.

One of the core strengths of DashUI is its flexibility in personalization and customization. All components in DashUI are meticulously crafted using Laravel's Blade syntax, offering a seamless integration with your Laravel applications."
#UI Components
By | Jul 12, 2024


Bridging the Gap: Building Vensle, a Location-Based Marketplace (Week 5 Update)

1. Introduction
Defining Vensle
For the past five weeks, I've been diving headfirst into the world of e-commerce and classifieds, building Vensle – a platform that merges the best of both worlds. Vensle is designed to bridge the gap between the conve…
By John Olshea | Jul 10, 2024

How to Integrate PayFast with PHP Laravel?

Excited to share that we’ve successfully integrated PayFast with our PHP Laravel application! 💡 Here’s a quick guide for those looking to streamline their payment processing.
Key Components:

Merchant ID: Unique identifier for your business.

By Asadullah | Jul 10, 2024

Laravel: Sync Permissions

Sync permissions from Policies directory, and add missing permissions to the permissions table.
Create new command
php artisan make:command SyncPermissionsCommand
Command code

namespace App\Console\Commands;

use Illuminate\Console\Command;
By Al-Mooradi | Jul 09, 2024

Framework Review: Using WordPress as Django/NodeJS Developer, My Thoughts.

The joke around town is that real developers don't use WordPress. I thought that 'joke' was gospel, and always looked down upon WordPress developers, as if they were second-class citizens in the software world, until a recent client engagement. Has a…
By Lewis Machiu | Jul 10, 2024

Understanding PHP Operators: A Comprehensive Guide

Today, we'll dive into PHP operators, which allow you to perform various operations on variables and values. Operators are essential in any programming language as they help manipulate data and control the flow of a program. Let's explore the differe…
By Saurabh Damale | Jul 08, 2024

Docker: Como criar containers com Nginx, PHP e MySQL?

E ai, escoteiro, blz? Apesar de termos criado um container para servir uma aplicação Vue.js, que em um primeiro momento aparenta ser uma aplicação mais complexa, no fundo no fundo tudo que fizemos até agora foi servir uma simples aplicação HTML estát…
By Paulo Reis | Jul 08, 2024

PHP, Nasibmu Kini..

Kayaknya udah bukan hal asing lagi sih kalau kita denger orang-orang pada bilang PHP is dead. Saya sendiri juga sudah beberapa tahun belakangan ini denger orang-orang berpendapat begitu. Cuma, sampai saat ini masih banyak aja ya project-project yang …
By Rhezatama Dwi Rendragraha | Jul 08, 2024

Understanding PHP Conditional Statements: if, else, and switch Explained

Today, we will explore PHP conditional statements, which allow you to execute different blocks of code based on certain conditions. Conditional statements are fundamental in programming as they enable decision-making in your code. Let's dive into the…
By Saurabh Damale | Jul 11, 2024

The Journey from Game Modding to a Career in Tech

In a small room with an old computer humming away, my journey into the world of technology began. I was a teenager, navigating the typical challenges of adolescence, yet my nights were anything but typical. While my friends spent their evenings socia…
By Ahmad W Khan | Jul 11, 2024

Laravel Advanced: Top 10 Validation Rules You Didn't Know Existed

Do you know all the validation rules available in Laravel? Think again! Laravel has many ready-to-use validation rules that can make your code life a whole lot easier. Let’s uncover the top 10 validation rules you probably didn’t know existed.
1. Pro…
By Karan Datwani | Jul 12, 2024

How we design mutual fund unit allotment system

We tackled the challenge of efficiently managing mutual fund investment unit data from the BSE Star API. Here's how we designed a robust and scaleable system:
Data Retrieval and ProcessingBSE Star updates units against orders throughout the market da…
By Mutual Fund Developer | Jul 10, 2024

Comprehensive Guide to Setting Up Clean URL Routing with Apache and PHP

Clean URLs enhance the readability and SEO-friendliness of web addresses, making them easier for users to remember and share. This guide will walk you through setting up clean URL routing using Apache's .htaccess and PHP. By the end, you…
By Ogunuyo Ogheneruemu B | Jul 12, 2024

Laravel Blueprint Macro

Apakah kamu pernah merancang desain struktur database dan menemukan bahwa ada beberapa kolom yang hampir selalu ada di setiap tabelnya? Lebih memukau lagi bahwa kamu selalu menulis ulang di setiap file migration-nya? Apakah a…
By Reza Nurfachmi | Jul 13, 2024

Mengenal PHP: Sejarah, Fitur, dan Penggunaan untuk Pemula

Halo, Kawan KodingKu!😊
Mari mulai petualangan ini dengan semangat. 🎉 Bersiaplah untuk mendapatkan semua kejutan dan kesenangan yang akan dibawa ke dunia pemrograman. Jangan ragu untuk tetap semangat dan bahagia! 😄 Kawan-Kawan KodingKu akan belajar…
By KodingKu | Jul 13, 2024

Implementing Abstract Factory Design Pattern in PHP

Design patterns are essential tools for software developers. They provide solutions to common problems, improve code readability, and promote best practices. One of the widely used design patterns is the Abstract Factory pattern. It is a…
By Kartik Mehta | Jul 13, 2024

Neovim for PHP and Laravel

If you’ve ever wanted to use Neovim for PHP and Laravel development, this guide should help get you started. If you use VSCode, then check out this post.
In this post, I will be using Neovim with LazyVim. LazyVim is a fantastic Neovim setup with many…
By Sean Kegel | Jul 13, 2024

PHP: The Dance Partner of the Web 💃🕺

PHP, is a versatile scripting language. It’s like having a bilingual dancer who can cha-cha with HTML/CSS on one side and tango with databases and server logic on the other.
Picture this: You’re at a grand ballroom dance. The spotlight is on—the audi…
By Sonali Rawat | Jul 14, 2024

Understanding PHP Loops: For, While, and Do-While Explained

Today, we will explore loops in PHP, which allow you to execute a block of code multiple times based on certain conditions. Loops are essential for tasks that require repetitive actions, such as iterating through arrays or processing data in batches….
By Saurabh Damale | Jul 14, 2024

#Mastering Laravel

Why I don't like generating API specs

Even though it would be a lot quicker
By Joel Clermont | Jul 08, 2024

Why does auto-complete not work for GitHub mentions?

Super annoying when it happens
By Joel Clermont | Jul 09, 2024

What is the difference between Eloquent array and JSON casts?

When would you use one over the other?
By Joel Clermont | Jul 10, 2024

How to enforce max payload size in validation

Not as simple as using a built-in rule
By Joel Clermont | Jul 11, 2024

The importance of running CI checks locally

Don't wait for some remote pipeline to catch your mistakes
By Joel Clermont | Jul 12, 2024

#Honey Badger

Building a CLI with Laravel Prompts

Laravel Prompts makes building interactive CLI/Artisan commands a breeze. In this article, we'll build a simple GitHub CLI client in the command line using Prompts.
#php #laravel
By Ashley Allen | Jul 09, 2024


Vue3 da ( ref va reactive) farqi

#vue #javascript #php #mukhriddinweb
By Mukhriddin Khodiev (work) | Jul 08, 2024

Stay Updated with PHP/Laravel: Weekly News Summary (01/07/2024–07/07/2024)

#php #laravel #lumen
By Poovarasu Sekar | Jul 08, 2024

Translatable Columns Using Laravel

#laravel #architecture #designpatterns #performance
By أحمد خالد | Jul 08, 2024

1823. Find the Winner of the Circular Game

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jul 08, 2024

Dockerizing a Laravel App: Nginx, MySql, PhpMyAdmin, and Php-8.2

#laravel #nginx #mysql #phpmyadmin
By syed kamruzzaman | Jul 08, 2024

🚀 Boost Your Laravel Performance with Real-Time Laravel N+1 Query Detection! 🛠️

#laravel #database #opensource #github
By ScaleUp SaaS | Jul 09, 2024

How To Use PHP As a Backend Using React For Frontend

#react #php #frontend #backend
By Emmanuel C. Okolie | Jul 09, 2024

DTOs e PHP: simplificando a transferência de dados entre as camadas da aplicação

#php #dto
By Marcelo Chiaretto | Jul 09, 2024

Top 4 MySQL Memory Calculators

#mysql #webdev #php #laravel
By Roman Agabekov | Jul 09, 2024

1701. Average Waiting Time

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jul 09, 2024

php: write php 8.4’s array_find from scratch

By grant horwood | Jul 09, 2024

The Ultimate Guide: How to Check Laravel Version

#check #laravel #version
By apptag | Jul 10, 2024

Another framework, Arrrgggg!!!

#webdev #pionia #php #restapi
By Tumusiime Ezra Jnr | Jul 10, 2024

PHP 8.4 has new Array Find Functions

#php #webdev #laravel #web
By Invezza | Jul 10, 2024

Codeigniter 🔥4 anybody?

#php #productivity #webdev #discuss
By Kevin Naidoo | Jul 10, 2024

🚀 Enhance Your Laravel Projects with Effective Test Cases! 🚀

#laravel #php #testing #codequality
By himanshu maheshwari | Jul 10, 2024

My work setup for PHP development

#php #productivity
By Ben Sinclair | Jul 10, 2024

Homemade Caching – pt. 2

#performance #laravel #restapi #php
By Sharesquare engineering bits | Jul 10, 2024

Why Laravel Used for Enterprise Application Development

#laravel #development
By Parth Span | Jul 10, 2024

Handling File Uploads in Laravel, Automatically.

#laravel #fileuploads #opensource
By Nad Lambino | Jul 10, 2024

How to Implement Sentiment Analysis with PHP and AWS Comprehend

#machinelearning #php #aws #programming
By Guilherme Lauxen | Jul 11, 2024

Session Handling with the PRG pattern and Flashing

#webdev #beginners #programming #php
By Ghulam Mujtaba | Jul 10, 2024

1598. Crawler Log Folder

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jul 10, 2024

Building Apps That Don't Make Any Money

#swiftui #startup #laravel #devjournal
By Marco Ledesma | Jul 11, 2024

CoderByte Interview Question

#beginners #tutorial #algorithms #php
By Ayowande Oluwatosin | Jul 11, 2024

1190. Reverse Substrings Between Each Pair of Parentheses

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jul 11, 2024

Laravel – Advanced Eloquent ORM Techniques

#laravel #php #webdev #backenddevelopment
By Babalola Macaulay | Jul 12, 2024

Write cleaner code with Named Arguments in PHP | How to | Tutorial | Quick Win Wednesday #QWW

#tutorial #php #beginners #code
By Bert De Swaef | Jul 11, 2024

Using whereAny() for cleaner queries in Eloquent | Laravel | Tutorial | Quick Win Wednesday #QWW

#laravel #php #tutorial #beginners
By Bert De Swaef | Jul 11, 2024

Using whereAny() for cleaner queries in Eloquent | Laravel | Tutorial | Quick Win Wednesday #QWW

#laravel #php #tutorial #beginners
By Bert De Swaef | Jul 11, 2024

Laravel Cheatsheet after making changes to a file

#webdev #beginners #laravel #programming
By Sospeter Mongare | Jul 12, 2024

How we design mutual fund unit allotment system

#javascript #node #laravel #mysql
By Azad Mohammed | Jul 12, 2024

Laravel Advanced: Top 10 Validation Rules You Didn't Know Existed

#laravel #validation
By Karan Datwani | Jul 12, 2024

Run custom migrations in laravel

#laravel #webdev #beginners #programming
By Sospeter Mongare | Jul 12, 2024

How to Build an API with Laravel Breeze in Laravel 11

#laravel #php #api #tutorial
By John Maths | Jul 12, 2024

1717. Maximum Score From Removing Substrings

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jul 12, 2024

How I Lift My Business Site With a Bunch of "Code Convincion"

#wordpress #woocommerce #php
By shk | Jul 13, 2024

PHP: no, it's not possible

#php #beginners #programming
By spO0q 🐒 | Jul 13, 2024

2751. Robot Collisions

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jul 14, 2024

Why OOP is Your Old New Best Friend: The Date Distance Problem

#programming #oop #beginners #php
By Yonel Ceruto | Jul 13, 2024

# Installing Laravel 11: A Step-by-Step Guide

#webdev #beginners #programming #laravel
By J-Sandaruwan | Jul 14, 2024

Symfony Station Communiqué — 12 July 2024

#symfony #drupal #php #fediverse
By Reuben Walker, Jr. | Jul 14, 2024

PHP cheat sheet covering essential syntax and functions

#webdev #php #laravel #beginners
By Abdul Haseeb | Jul 14, 2024

Exploring Laravel: Empowering Your Web Development Journey

#laravel #php
By Abdul Wahid Kahar | Jul 14, 2024

#Ahmad Rosid

How to customize login and logout redirects in Laravel Jetstream?

By Ahmad Rosid | Jul 09, 2024

#IT Solution Stuff

How to Integrate Admin Template in Laravel 11?

I will show you how to integrate admin theme step by step in laravel 11 application.

In this example, we will integrate the sb-admin Bootstrap theme into a Laravel 11 application. First, we will down…..
By Hardik Savani | Jul 10, 2024

Laravel 11 RouteServiceProvider Configuration Example

laravel 11 removed RouteServiceProvider.php file, they give an options to configure about routes in app.php.

So, you will have a question if i want to create a custom route file then how to define w…..
By Hardik Savani | Jul 11, 2024

Laravel 11 CORS Middleware Configuration Example

In this post, I will show you how to customize cors middleware in laravel 11 application. By default enable cors middleware with default configuration in laravel 11.

<img src="/upload/laravel-11-cors…..
By Hardik Savani | Jul 12, 2024

Laravel 11 MongoDB CRUD Application Tutorial

In this tutorial, I will show you step-by-step laravel 11 mongodb crud operation examples. We will learn how to set up the Mongodb database with the laravel 11 application.

<strong>What is MongoDB?</…..
By Hardik Savani | Jul 13, 2024


PHP version stats: July, 2024

By Brent | Jul 08, 2024

You should

By Brent | Jul 09, 2024

New without parentheses in PHP 8.4

By Brent | Jul 11, 2024

Timeline Taxi: chapter 1

By Brent | Jul 12, 2024