#Laravel News

Ask AI Questions About Your Codebase from the CLI With Laragenie

Laragenie: An AI chatbot for Laravel with an Artisan CLI integration. Index and ask questions about your codebase to learn about your models, control…
#Laravel Packages
By Paul Redmond | Feb 08, 2024

Streamed JSON Responses Added to Laravel 10.43

The Laravel team released v10.43 with support for streamed JSON responses, passing a class name to register a global eloquent scope, a new insertOrIgn…
#News #Releases
By Paul Redmond | Feb 08, 2024

New Laravel 11 Apps Include a Health Check Endpoint

As part of the release of Laravel 11, new applications include a health `/up` endpoint.
#News #Laravel-11
By Paul Redmond | Feb 06, 2024

Make your app faster with PHP 8.3

By upgrading to 8.3, you can achieve a significant increase in speed. In this article, we dive into how PHP 8.3 can be a game changer. It can speed up…
By Sarah Morgan | Feb 05, 2024

Debug Methods Built Into Laravel’s TestResponse

Check out the cool debugging tools in Laravel’s HTTP TestResponse class. They make debugging in the middle of assertion chains a breeze!
#Laravel Tutorials
By Paul Redmond | Feb 05, 2024

Herd 1.4.0 is now out with a pro version and Windows in the works

Herd 1.4.0 is now released, and this update adds new features, improves existing ones, and comes with an optional Herd Pro.
#News #Herd
By Eric L. Barnes | Feb 06, 2024

A look at what’s coming to Laravel 11

Laravel 11 is not scheduled to be released until the end of the year, but let’s look at some of the new features that have been announced.
#News #Laravel-11
By Eric L. Barnes | Feb 08, 2024

#Ashallen Design UK

Processes and Artisan Commands in Laravel

#Laravel #PHP #Tips & Tricks #Web Development
By Ashley Allen | Feb 06, 2024

#Freek Dev

Reusable Input Components without Livewire, with Livewire

Having reusable input components is great. Knowing how to make them is even better! Follow along to see how we can create a generic TextInput component with a fluent interface that can be reused everywhere with just a few lines of code. While it won’t be a Livewire component, it can still make use of
By Johannes Werbrouck | Feb 09, 2024

Laravel Clockwork: A Deep Dive into Debugging, Profiling Skills and Best Practices

Laravel Clockwork is a powerful debugging and profiling tool seamlessly integrated into the Laravel framework. With its real-time web interface, Clockwork provides developers with instant insights into their application’s runtime behavior.
By Harish Kumar | Feb 08, 2024

Automatically Hash Laravel Model Values Using the “Hashed” Cast

Learn how to automatically hash sensitive data (such as passwords) using the “hashed” model cast in Laravel. This article also covers how to test your field is being hashed correctly.
By Ash Allen | Feb 07, 2024

The podcasts I listen to as a PHP developer

I listen to a lot of podcasts, they keep me inspired, I’ve compiled a lost of the podcasts I listen to as a PHP developer.
By David Carr | Feb 06, 2024

Getting started with Livewire session properties

Livewire’s Session Properties is a simple yet powerful feature for enhancing user experience and maintaining state across page refreshes.
By Philo | Feb 05, 2024

#Laravel io

PHP attributes in Laravel

Say Hi to PHP attributes

Attributes offer the ability to add structured, machine-readable metadata…
#Laravel #Routing #Middleware
By oussamamater | Feb 09, 2024

Code to an interface!

Hello 👋
As you get more serious about programming, you inevitably encounter the phrase “Code t…
#Architecture #IOC
By oussamamater | Feb 08, 2024

How to Synchronize Google Events with Laravel

In the previous article, we learned the general principles of resource synchronization from Google a…
#API #Laravel #Packages
By dnsinyukov | Feb 06, 2024


How to Create and Apply Validation Rules in Laravel

Ever had trouble checking user data in your web apps? It’s important to make sure this data is…
By Inshal Ali | Feb 06, 2024

#Mastering Laravel

Watch out for this when testing Artisan commands

A weird reason for a failing test
By Joel Clermont | Feb 09, 2024

A clean approach to testing events and listeners

Focus on what each thing should do
By Joel Clermont | Feb 08, 2024

Another reason I like fillable instead of guarded

Every little bit helps
By Joel Clermont | Feb 07, 2024

A safer way to check model strictness in production

Without annoying your users
By Joel Clermont | Feb 06, 2024

Why does Laravel offer a max password length validation rule?

Doesn’t hashing make this irrelevant?
By Joel Clermont | Feb 05, 2024

#IT Solution Stuff

How to Add X Twitter Share Button in PHP Website?

Hi Artisan,
This extensive guide will teach you php twitter share post button. you will learn x twitter share button php. It’s a simple example of custom x twitter share button php. we will help you t…..
By Hardik Savani | Feb 09, 2024

How to Add Pinterest Share Button in PHP Website?

Hello Friends,
This extensive guide will teach you php pinterest share post button. If you have a question about pinterest share button php then I will give a simple example with a solution. If you ha…..
By Hardik Savani | Feb 08, 2024

How to Add Linkedin Share Button in PHP Website?

Hello Developer,
Today, the php linkedin share post button is our main topic. if you want to see an example of linkedin share button php then you are in the right place. you can see the custom linkedi…..
By Hardik Savani | Feb 07, 2024

How to Add Facebook Share Button in PHP Website?

Hi Dev,
This simple article demonstrates the php Facebook share post button. We will use the Facebook share button php. I want to share with you a custom Facebook share button php. If you have a quest…..
By Hardik Savani | Feb 06, 2024

PHP Format Number with 2 Decimals Example

This tutorial will give you an example of php converting float to 2 decimal places. you will learn php number with 2 decimals. We will use a php format number with 2 decimals. you will learn php f…..
By Hardik Savani | Feb 05, 2024

#DC Blog

How to disable Laravel console commands

Suppose you find yourself in a situation where you need to disable or intercept a console command in…
By David Carr | Feb 05, 2024

15 years of blogging 500 posts later

You know, it’s funny how the big milestones can sneak up on us.
By David Carr | Feb 05, 2024