#Laravel News

Integrate Cloudflare Turnstile into Laravel and Livewire

This package is an easy way to integrate Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA into your Laravel or Livewire app
By Eric L. Barnes | Mar 07, 2024

VS Code Extension for API Insights

Treblle releases a VS Code extension for API Insights, a free tool to assess your OpenAPI Specifications. The tool scrutinizes API performance, qualit…
By Steve McDougall | Mar 04, 2024

Tailwind has Open-sourced the V4 Alpha

The Tailwind team has open sourced their progress on the Tailwind CSS v4 as an alpha release. This version is a very early peek into something that wi…
#News #Tailwind
By Paul Redmond | Mar 07, 2024

Query Builder whereAll() and whereAny() Methods Added to Laravel 10.47

The Laravel team released v10.47 this week with query builder whereAll() and whereAny() methods, the ability to use sorting flags with Collection sort…
#News #Releases
By Paul Redmond | Mar 06, 2024

The Evolution of the Laravel Welcome Page

Look at how the Laravel welcome page has evolved over the years.
By Paul Redmond | Mar 05, 2024

#Ashallen Design UK

Using `Collection::times()` in Laravel

#Laravel #Tips & Tricks #Web Development
By Ashley Allen | Mar 06, 2024

#Freek Dev

State management in Vue 3: Why you should try out Pinia

In our latest post, Nico talks about the best state management strategies for your vue.js applications and dives into Pinia, the intuitive store library 🍍
By Jamison Valenta | Mar 08, 2024

Laravel Zero – Let’s build a TCP server

Building console applications can be a lot of fun, but also quite challenging. Laravel Zero, however, falls short in the first part.
By Oussama Mater | Mar 07, 2024

Enhancing error reporting with custom context and glows

Learn how to improve your debugging experience with custom context and glows.
By Spatie | Mar 06, 2024

Running custom Artisan commands with Supervisor

While Supervisor is commonly used with queue-related commands, there is nothing stopping you from using Supervisor to run and monitor your own custom commands.
By Goran Popović | Mar 05, 2024

Validate Data Types in Laravel Collections Using the `ensure()` Method

Learn about the “ensure” method and how to use it to verify that only items of a given data type exist in Laravel Collections.
By Ash Allen | Mar 05, 2024

From Backend Dev to Front and Center: A First-Time Speaker’s Journey to PHP UK 2024

After years of asking myself “why not?”, at this year’s PHP UK Conference I gave a talk in front of a large audience for the first time. It was a nervous, scary, but exhilarating couple of days – I’ve shared my experience in the hope it’ll encourage others to take the same chance in future!
By Paul Conroy | Mar 09, 2024

#Laravel io

Dark Theme with Laravel Tailwind and Alpine.js

Welcome, brave Coder, to the intriguing world of shadows and code! Are you ready to embark on a jour…
#Laravel #Blade #Alpine.js
By d3adr1nger | Mar 07, 2024

Preventing Duplicate Form Submissions Using Atomic Locks

Duplicate form submissions or requests can be a common issue in web applications, often leading to u…
#Cache #Laravel
By whoami15 | Mar 07, 2024

Laravel Zero – Let’s build a TCP server

Hello 👋
A few weeks ago, I began working on a TCP server for an upcoming annual CTF hosted by my te…
#Blade #Laravel #Packages
By oussamamater | Mar 07, 2024

#Benjamin Crozat

Disable “packages are looking for funding” in NPM

Learn how you can disable the “packages are looking for funding” messages in your project or globally.
By Benjamin Crozat | Mar 04, 2024

#Made with Laravel

Linkinize – Collaborative Bookmark Manager

“Linkinize is a collaborative bookmark manager that lets you save, categorize, and search for links with ease. It is a browser extension that allows you to create and share links with your team and co-workers in a snap.

Our backend runs on Laravel 10 and our Frontend is made with InertiaJS and React.”
By | Mar 08, 2024

Laracord – Framework for building Discord Bots

“Laracord is a micro-framework providing a powerful starting point for your next Discord bot. Quickly build functional, elegant bots using Laravel alongside DiscordPHP.

⚡️ Out of the box support for databases, caching, and many other Laravel features thanks to Laravel Zero.

🚀 Instantly generate working bot commands and event listeners with 0 knowledge.

🧑‍💻 Automatic handling of registering/updating/unregistering application slash commands.

👷 Generate asynchronous services/tasks that run parallel to the bot.

🌎 Optional HTTP Server with native Laravel routing and Livewire support.

🔧 Fully configurable and extendable.

💄 Beautiful console logging with timestamps.

🔍️ Fully documented and maintained.
#Chatbots #Frameworks
By | Mar 08, 2024

#Mastering Laravel

How to set CORS headers for built assets

And do it efficiently
By Joel Clermont | Mar 08, 2024

Something to know if serving scripts for other sites

Especially if you moved to Vite
By Joel Clermont | Mar 07, 2024

Loading relationships inside a queued job

Do it the Laravel way
By Joel Clermont | Mar 06, 2024

A better way to drop a unique index

It involves less guesswork
By Joel Clermont | Mar 05, 2024

Why pagination sometimes has overlapping pages

A deeper look inside the database
By Joel Clermont | Mar 04, 2024


Websockets with Laravel, Soketi and Laravel Echo

#websockets #webdev #php #laravel
By Danny Festor | Mar 09, 2024

Hello guys can you help me in this Laravel code

#webdev #laravel #php #beginners
By YSF | Mar 08, 2024

Easy Polymorphic Relationships in Laravel ! One To One Relationship ?

#laravel #backenddevelopment #php
By Kepson Diaz | Mar 08, 2024

Laravel Roadmap

#laravel #php #learning #webdev
By Nikola Domazetovikj | Mar 08, 2024

WhereAll and WhereAny In Laravel 10.47 Update

By Robin Dev | Mar 08, 2024

Ensuring Robustness: The Crucial Role of Null Handling in Backend Responses

#webdev #programming #laravel #vue
By SHIVAM GUPTA | Mar 07, 2024

Laravel SaaS Boilerplate

#laravel #saas
By Serg | Mar 07, 2024

La importancia del archivo composer.lock en PHP

#laravel #php #composer
By Angel (AJ) Cruz | Mar 07, 2024

Conditional Input Fields in Livewire: This or That but Never Both

#webdev #tutorial #laravel #livewire
By Kennedy Gitahi | Mar 07, 2024

Filament v3 – Multi-tenancy form component scoping

#filament #laravel #php
By Miguel López | Mar 06, 2024

Padronizando seu código através dos Git Hooks

#git #laravel #php #braziliandevs
By Ronildo | Mar 06, 2024

Realizing an RBAC scheme in Laravel Nova

#laravel #php #security
By Sharesquare engineering bits | Mar 06, 2024

Properly Passing Data from Laravel Blade to Vue Components

#laravel #vue #webdev
By Martins Onuoha | Mar 06, 2024

A Practical Approach to Renaming a Model in Laravel

#laravel #php
By Joe Czubiak | Mar 06, 2024

Introdução aos Testes Unitários com Pest em PHP

#php #laravel #webdev #learning
By Bruno Barros | Mar 06, 2024

How to deploy a Filament app

#php #laravel #filamentphp #webdev
By Mike Barlow | Mar 06, 2024

It’s okay to use Laravel’s Database Queue Driver in Production

#laravel #database #queue
By Lukas Heller | Mar 06, 2024

I built a SaaS using Laravel, Livewire & Tailwind CSS

#saas #laravel #tailwindcss #php
By Zakir Hossen | Mar 05, 2024

Running custom Artisan commands with Supervisor

#laravel #supervisor #console #artisan
By Goran Popović | Mar 05, 2024

EmailOctopus SDKs for PHP and Laravel

#laravel #php #api #newsletter
By Goran Popović | Mar 05, 2024

Send, validate, and store Base64 files with Laravel

#laravel #php #base64 #json
By Goran Popović | Mar 05, 2024

Understanding Laravel Traits

#webdev #laravel #beginners #php
By Mike Varenek | Mar 05, 2024

Optimizing Performance: A 2024 Updated Guide to Setting Up Caching in Laravel

#laravel #caching #database
By ReadySet | Mar 04, 2024

Ispconfig3 jailkit laravel api nginx directives

#ispconfig #laravel #jailkit #nginx
By Adam Mateusz Brożyński | Mar 04, 2024

Laravel Deployer Free package for laravel and nodejs apps Deployment

#webdev #laravel #packages #deploy
By Omar Alalwi | Mar 04, 2024

#IT Solution Stuff

Laravel 11 New a Health Check Route Example

In this short article, we will show you a new health check endpoint in laravel 11 framework.

The release of Laravel 11 is around the corner and it is packed with a lot of new features and improvement…..
By Hardik Savani | Mar 08, 2024

How to Create Custom Middleware in Laravel 11?

<img src=”/upload/laravel-11-custom-middleware.png” class=”post-img” alt=”laravel 11 define middleware”>

In this post, I will teach you how to create custom middleware in laravel 11 framework……
By Hardik Savani | Mar 07, 2024

How to Publish Broadcasting Channels Route File in Laravel 11?


In this short post, we will show you how to publish broadcasting channels route file in laravel 11 framework.

The release of Laravel 11 is around the corner and it is packed with a lot of new fe…..
By Hardik Savani | Mar 07, 2024

How to Create and Use Trait in Laravel 11?

<img src=”/upload/laravel-11-trait-example.png” class=”post-img” alt=”Laravel 11 Custom Trait Command”>

In this article, i will show you how to create and use trait in laravel 11 framework.

By Hardik Savani | Mar 06, 2024

How to use new Dumpable Trait in Laravel 11?


In this post, i will show you how to use new Dumpable Trait in laravel 11 framework.

The release of Laravel 11 is around the corner and it’s packed with a lot of new features and improvements……
By Hardik Savani | Mar 05, 2024

How to Publish API Route File in Laravel 11?


In this short post, we will show you how to publish api route file in laravel 11 framework.

The release of Laravel 11 is around the corner and it is packed with a lot of new features and improve…..
By Hardik Savani | Mar 05, 2024

How to Create and Use Enum in Laravel 11?

<img src=”/upload/laravel-11-create-enum.png” class=”post-img”>

In this article, i would like to show you how to create and use enum in laravel 11 framework.

Laravel 11 coming with a slimmer …..
By Hardik Savani | Mar 04, 2024

How to Publish Config Files in Laravel 11?


In this short post, we will show you how to publish config files in laravel 11 framework.

Laravel 11 comes with a slimmer application skeleton. Laravel 11 introduce streamlined application struc…..
By Hardik Savani | Mar 04, 2024

How to Customize Default Middleware in Laravel 11?

<img src=”/upload/laravel-11-default-middleware.png” class=”post-img” alt=”Laravel 11 Schedule Command”>
In this article, I will show you How to customize default middleware in Laravel 11 framework.

By Hardik Savani | Mar 09, 2024

How to Register Schedule Command in Laravel 11?

<img src=”/upload/laravel-11-schedule-command.png” class=”post-img” alt=”Laravel 11 Schedule Command”>
Hi, In this post, I will show you how to set up schedule commands in the laravel 11 framework.

By Hardik Savani | Mar 08, 2024