#Laravel News

The ultimate guide to Laravel Validation

Validation is an important part of any web application. It can help to prevent security vulnerabilities, data corruption, and a whole host of other is…
#Laravel Tutorials
By Ashley Allen | Jun 03, 2024

Using Eloquent Factories With PHPUnit Data Providers

Using data providers with feature tests can pose a problem because they run before Laravel is bootstrapped. Let's look at how to use Eloquent factorie…
#Laravel Tutorials
By Paul Redmond | Jun 04, 2024

Use a Closure with updateOrInsert() in Laravel 11.10

This week, the Laravel team released v11.10, with the ability to pass a callback to Builder::updateOrInsert(), support for soft-deleted models with ex…
#News #Laravel Releases
By Paul Redmond | Jun 05, 2024

Randomize Command Execution Time with the Chaotic Schedule Package for Laravel

The Chaotic Schedule package for Laravel allows you to randomize scheduled command execution time and date intervals via Pseudorandom number generator…
#Laravel Packages
By Paul Redmond | Jun 05, 2024

Manage Events, Feature Flags, and More with PostHog for Laravel

Laravel PostHog is a package integrating PostHog—a platform to analyze, test, observe, and deploy new features—with Laravel. Learn how to use this pac…
By Paul Redmond | Jun 06, 2024

"Fast Projects" by Larafast: Real life, ready to use Laravel based Boilerplates

Fast Projects by Larafast: Real life, ready to use Laravel based Boilerplates
By Eric L. Barnes | Jun 09, 2024

#Laravel Blogs

Laravel Application Monitoring & Debugging with Sentry

At Laravel, we equip PHP developers with the most advanced tools to create exceptional applications. Today, we announce our partnership with Sentry, making it a preferred monitoring and debugging solution for Laravel projects using Forge or Vapor. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in our mission to ensure that PHP developers have access to modern, powerful tools to streamline app development.
#vapor #forge #partnerships #news
By James Brooks | Jun 03, 2024

#Freek Dev

Handling email testing in Laravel with Ray

Learn how to use Ray to test emails in Laravel!
By Spatie | Jun 03, 2024

Laravel Advanced: Lesser-Known, Yet Useful Composer Commands

Five Lesser-Known But Useful Composer Commands.
By Karan Datwani | Jun 04, 2024

Creating issues is now easier than ever

By Spatie | Jun 05, 2024

A Quickstart Tutorial on PHP Generators

Since working with generators can be a bit tricky if you're new to them, this post offers an intro on how to use them and highlights common pitfalls to avoid.
By Christian Olear | Jun 06, 2024

Optimistic UI Tricks for Livewire and Alpine

In this post, we'll walk through some optimistic UI tricks we apply when using Laravel with Livewire and Alpine to capture the best of both worlds.
By | Jun 07, 2024

#Laravel io

Laravel Advanced: Lesser-Known, Yet Useful Composer Commands

Composer is the go-to dependency manager for PHP, and if you're working with Laravel, you're already…
#Laravel #Artisan
By karandatwani92 | Jun 03, 2024

#Benjamin Crozat

How to Create a Stats Widget in Filament

Learn how to create and customize a stats widget in Filament for displaying real-time statistics.
By Benjamin Crozat | Jun 06, 2024

#Made with Laravel

Livewire Calendar – Monthly Calendar Grid

"This package allows you to build a Livewire monthly calendar grid to show events for each day. Events can be loaded from within the component and will be presented on each day depending on the date of the event.

It's an actively maintained fork of
#UI Components
By | Jun 03, 2024

solidtime – Open-source Time Tracker

"solidtime is a modern open-source time tracking application for freelancers and agencies.

It features:

Time tracking: Track your time with a modern and easy-to-use interface

Projects: Create and manage projects and assign project members

Tasks: Create and manage tasks and assign tasks to project members

Clients: Create and manage clients and assign clients to projects

Billable rates: Set billable rates for projects, project members, organization members and organizations

Multiple organizations: Create and manage multiple organizations with one account

Roles and permissions: Create and manage organizations

Import: Import your time tracking data from other time tracking applications (Supported: Toggl, Clockify, Timeentry CSV)

solidtime is built using Laravel and Vue.js. You can self-host it or use the hosted cloud service (currently in open beta)."
By | Jun 03, 2024

Sentry for Laravel – Laravel Error & Performance Monitoring

"Sentry's application monitoring platform gives you actionable insights to resolve Laravel performance bottlenecks and errors.

It helps you see the full picture of any Laravel exception:

Aggregate errors by factors like request details, user ID, and app version to see what’s new, a priority, or a trend.

Assign custom key-value tags to reproduce the error environment specific to your application, business, and users.

Find answers to key questions: Was it a code error or usage exception? In which app release did the Laravel bug occur?

Improve your monitoring workflow with a full view of releases so you can mark Laravel errors as resolved and prioritize live issues."
#Essentials #DevTools #Plugins #Testing
By | Jun 06, 2024

Cal.et – Add to Calendar Link Generator

"Cal.et is a simple and free “Add to Calendar” link generator that can be shared on social media, newsletters, websites, emails, and everywhere else with ease. ✨

Cal.et is built with Laravel, Livewire and AlpineJS."
By | Jun 06, 2024

Live Charts for Laravel Livewire – Auto-Updating Charts

"This package provides "live" Google Charts or Chart.js charts for Laravel using Livewire. Live as in the charts will auto refresh at a specified poll interval using the Livewire
#UI Components
By | Jun 06, 2024

Lara Zeus Thunder – Filament Ticketing System

"Thunder is a Filament plugin that provides you with a ticketing system. It helps you manage multiple offices and list all tickets with advanced filtering. The plugin comes with a ready-to-use UI as well.

Some of the features:

Timeline for all operations and activities

Transfer tickets between offices

Flexible roles and permissions

Statistic widgets for tickets and offices

Thunder utilizes FilamentPHP for its admin dashboard and uses the TALL stack for the user interface. It is an extension for
Lara Zeus Bolt
that ensures you can create custom forms for each office."
#Plugins #UI Components
By | Jun 08, 2024

Firefly Pico – Companion Web App for the Firefly III Finance Manager

"Firefly Pico is a delightful Firefly III companion web app for effortless transaction tracking.

For several years I've enjoyed tracking my expenses in proprietary mobile apps but after getting into self-hosting I've wondered if there is an alternative that gives me the same functionality without losing control over my data. I've came across Firefly III and I instantly fell in love with all of its features. Seeing that it offers a REST API I've decided to play with it and make a web app that feels mobile native. I also wanted to convince my significant other to use it and so I had to go for the extremely challenging “Wife Approval Certification”. That meant making the expense tracking process as short as possible all while still using tags and categories because who doesn't love some nice reports 😇

Several (bad) ideas later I've come to this version: A transaction assistant 🎩

Firefly Pico is built using Laravel and Nuxt."
By | Jun 08, 2024

#Mastering Laravel

How we test external APIs

Without slowing down our normal test suite
By Joel Clermont | Jun 03, 2024

Better command line diffs for git

Easier to read and understand
By Joel Clermont | Jun 04, 2024

Does this page really need CSRF protection?

Most of the time, the answer is yes
By Joel Clermont | Jun 05, 2024

Magic methods are okay in the right context

We're reasonable about it
By Joel Clermont | Jun 06, 2024

Using a trait to communicate intent

Don't make future devs guess
By Joel Clermont | Jun 07, 2024


Symfony Station Communiqué — 31 May 2024: A look at Symfony, Drupal, PHP, Cybersec, and Fediverse News!

#symfony #drupal #php #fediverese
By Reuben Walker, Jr. | Jun 03, 2024

Penjelasan Lengkap tentang Fungsi Midtrans Payment Gateway dan Integrasinya dengan Laravel

#laravel #php #programming #tutorial
By Yoga Meleniawan Pamungkas | Jun 03, 2024

Mengenal Konsep MVC di Laravel: Panduan Lengkap untuk Pemula

#webdev #laravel #mvc #programming
By Yoga Meleniawan Pamungkas | Jun 03, 2024

Stay Updated with PHP/Laravel: Weekly News Summary (27/05/2024 – 02/06/2024)

#php #laravel
By Poovarasu Sekar | Jun 03, 2024

LibSQL Driver for Laravel

#webdev #laravel #php #sql
By Imam Ali Mustofa | Jun 03, 2024

Création De Site Web Avec Laravel

#laravel #website #webdev
By Media web Services | Jun 03, 2024

2486. Append Characters to String to Make Subsequence

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jun 03, 2024

ServBay 1.3.5 Official Release: Significant Updates and Enhancements

#webdev #programming #productivity #php
By ServBay | Jun 03, 2024

How to generate graph in Pdf

#programming #laravel #wkhtnktopdf
By Nguemoue | Jun 03, 2024

Integrate Snowflake with Laravel

#laravel #php #snowflake #database
By Emanuel Navarro | Jun 04, 2024

409. Longest Palindrome

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jun 04, 2024

Database Management In WordPress: 9 Tips For Efficient Data Handling

#wordpress #webdev #cms #php
By Invezza | Jun 05, 2024

Choosing an online pharmacy you can trust

#mentalhealth #php #webdev #beginners
By Akash Bhise | Jun 05, 2024

Develop Real-Time Chat Apps with Laravel Reverb and Vue 3

#laravel #vue #vue3 #javascript
By Ellis | Jun 05, 2024

php: doing recursion with recursive iterator(iterator)s

#php #webdev
By grant horwood | Jun 05, 2024

1002. Find Common Characters

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jun 06, 2024

Domain Driven Design (DDD) Practice: Live Streaming App Example

#ddd #php
By ma2mori | Jun 06, 2024

Laravel pretty routes in only 2 steps 🔥

#webdev #laravel #backend #php
By Nikola Perišić | Jun 06, 2024

Directory Templates: How to Pick the Best One for Your Project

#laravel #directories #php #webdev
By Serg | Jun 06, 2024

846. Hand of Straights

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jun 06, 2024

Node.js vs. PHP: Key Differences for Web Development

#node #php #nodejsvsphp #development
By Rakesh Bisht | Jun 06, 2024

PHP 8.4: Property Hooks

#php #programming #news
By spO0q 🦄 | Jun 07, 2024

Extending PHP Faker Library to define custom data structures using Laravel 11

#laravel #php #faker #testing
By Victor Lima | Jun 07, 2024

Convert JPG, PNG to WebP Plugin

#javascript #plugin #converttowebp #php
By Luc_C | Jun 07, 2024

Php property hook alternatives

By david duymelinck | Jun 07, 2024

Laravel is Awesome

By Subhendu Bhatta | Jun 07, 2024

Decorator-like function as in typescript on PHP

#php #decorator #typescript #development
By M Rizky Ikbal S | Jun 07, 2024

Laravel 11 + Inertia JS (VUE) CRUD Example: Part 1

#laravel #vue #php #javascript
By Snehal Rajeev Moon | Jun 08, 2024

Homemade Caching

#performance #laravel #restapi #php
By Sharesquare engineering bits | Jun 07, 2024

648. Replace Words

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jun 08, 2024


By Marko Gacanovic | Jun 08, 2024

Drupal FunctionalJavascript testing

#drupal #docker #php
By Richard A. Allen | Jun 08, 2024

Cara dan Langkah-Langkah Instalasi OAuth Google pada LaraveL

#webdev #laravel #programming #tutorial
By Yoga Meleniawan Pamungkas | Jun 08, 2024

Mastering CRUD Operations with PHP and MySQL

#php #mysql #webdev #crud
By Rinesa | Jun 08, 2024

Convert JPG, PNG to WebP Pro: Optimize Your Website Images

#wordpress #javascript #programming #php
By Luc_C | Jun 08, 2024

Run Laravel locally on Ubuntu using Apache virtual host

#laravel #apache #ubuntu #php
By medilies | Jun 08, 2024

PHP sem nada de Xampp e com muito Xdebug no Windows

#php #beginners #vscode #windows
By Wesley Gonçalves | Jun 08, 2024

523. Continuous Subarray Sum

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jun 08, 2024

The uploaded file exceed the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini

#php #wordpress
By Indra Wahyu | Jun 09, 2024

Symfony Station Communiqué — 07 June 2024: A look at Symfony, Drupal, PHP, Cybersec, and Fediverse News!

#symfony #drupal #php #fediverse
By Reuben Walker, Jr. | Jun 09, 2024

How to validate constructor arguments when using constructor property promotion

By david duymelinck | Jun 09, 2024

Why Leveraging PHP Built-in Functions Can Enhance Your Application's Performance

#laravel #php #smartcode
By shahoriar fahim | Jun 09, 2024

Top 10 Laravel Collection Methods You Have Never Used.

#laravel #php #programming
By Karan Datwani | Jun 09, 2024


#laravel #php #backend
By Pedro Pessoa | Jun 09, 2024

974. Subarray Sums Divisible by K

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jun 09, 2024

Emulate User Activity with Bots

#laravel #ecommerce #bots #php
By Yoram Kornatzky | Jun 09, 2024

Integrating Google Translate API with Yii2

#yii2 #php #googlecloud #programming
By ifrah | Jun 09, 2024

#IT Solution Stuff

Laravel 11 Image Validation Rules Example

In this post, I will show you how to use image validation rules in laravel 11 application. laravel provides default image validation rules like image, mimes, max, min and dimensions.

Using Laravel de…..
By Hardik Savani | Jun 03, 2024

Laravel 11 Remove Public from URL Example

Here, we will learn how to remove public from url using htaccess file in laravel 11 application.

Sometimes, we put our Laravel app on shared hosting and want to run it. But we can't set the path to i…..
By Hardik Savani | Jun 04, 2024

How to Install Bootstrap 5 in Laravel 11 with Vite?

In this post, I will show you how to install bootstrap 5 in laravel 11 with vite.

If you want to install bootstrap 5 using vite in laravel 11. Then i will help you to explain step by step add bootst…..
By Hardik Savani | Jun 04, 2024

How to Install Sweetalert2 in Laravel 11 Vite?

In this tutorial, I would like to share with you how to install sweetalert2 with vite in laravel 11 application.

If you want to add SweetAlert2 to your Laravel project using Vite and npm, I can help …..
By Hardik Savani | Jun 05, 2024

Laravel 11 Create Blade File using Command Example

In this short post, i will show you how to create view blade file using artisan command in laravel 11 application. we will use make:view artisan command to create blade file.

Laravel has recently lau…..
By Hardik Savani | Jun 05, 2024

Laravel 11 PayPal Payment Gateway Integration Example

In this tutorial, I would like to share with you how to integrate paypal payment gateway in laravel 11 application.

In this particular example, we will demonstrate a simple way to integrate the PayPa…..
By Hardik Savani | Jun 06, 2024

Laravel 11 Update User Profile Tutorial Example

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create update profile page in laravel 11 application.

In this article, I'll guide you through the process of setting up a Laravel profile page. We'll implement …..
By Hardik Savani | Jun 07, 2024

Laravel 11 JSON Web Token(JWT) API Authentication Tutorial

In this post, I will show you how to API Authentication using JWT token in laravel 11 application. We will learn from scratch about APIs, JWT REST APIs, and Laravel JWT Authentication, and create an e…..
By Hardik Savani | Jun 08, 2024

#DC Blog

How to toggle a mobile menu with Tailwind and AlpineJS

Making a mobile and desktop menu is something that is is super simple to do with Tailwind…
#Tailwind CSS #alpinejs #mobile #menu #Responsive Web Design #navbar #David Carr #Tailwind CSS #alpinejs #mobile #menu #Responsive Web Design #navbar
By David Carr | Jun 08, 2024