Table of Contents

#Laravel News

Backpack turns 8 years old, celebrates with 40% discount

The top admin panel library Backpack has just turned 8 years old. To celebrate, they're having a huge discount campaign.
By Cristian Tabacitu | Jun 17, 2024

Asserting a JSON Response Structure in Laravel

Learn how you can test the JSON structure of responses in Laravel using powerful JSON assertion methods available in Laravel's TestResponse class.
By Paul Redmond | Jun 17, 2024

View Third-party Relations in model:show – Now Available in Laravel 11.11

This week, the Laravel team released v11.11, with support for third-party relations in the model:show command, new Collection methods, Cache events, a…
By Paul Redmond | Jun 18, 2024

Running a Single Test, Skipping Tests, and Other Tips and Tricks

Inspired by Pest creator Nuno Maduro's post about the ->only() method in PestPHP, I've collected tips and tricks for PHP developers to efficiently iso…
#Laravel Tutorials #Pest Php #Phpunit
By Paul Redmond | Jun 20, 2024

SQLite Studio is a SQLite Database Explorer

SQLite Studio is a single-file binary, single-command SQLite database explorer.
#News #Tools
By Paul Redmond | Jun 20, 2024

A Lightweight Cart Package for Laravel

The binafy/laravel-cart package adds the ability to add shopping cart functionality to Laravel applications. It simplifies storing and managing cart i…
#Laravel Packages
By Paul Redmond | Jun 23, 2024

#Freek Dev

Become a debugging wizard with RAY

In this video we're learning how to use Ray to debug your projects.
Weither your working with Laravel, PHP, Javascript or some other programming language, Ray is there for you.
By Bert De Swaef | Jun 17, 2024

#Laravel io

Laravel Advanced: Top 5 Scheduler Functions You Might Not Know About

In this article series, we go a little deeper into parts of Laravel we all use, to uncover functions…
#Laravel #Scheduling #Artisan
By karandatwani92 | Jun 17, 2024

Top 10 Laravel Collection Methods You May Have Never Used

In this article series, we go a little deeper into parts of Laravel we all use, to uncover functions…
#Eloquent #Laravel
By karandatwani92 | Jun 17, 2024

Laravel Reverb and Vue 3 + TypeScript : Add Realtime to your App

In many modern web applications, WebSockets are used to implement realtime, live-updating user inter…
#Vue.js #Echo #Blade
By bienfait-ijambo | Jun 17, 2024

#Benjamin Crozat

How to Format Text Columns in Filament

Learn how to format text columns in Filament to improve readability and make your admin panel look more professional.
By Benjamin Crozat | Jun 20, 2024

#Made with Laravel

Laracon TV – Laracon Talk Directory

"Discover all the talks from every Laracon! We've collected all the talks published from every Laracon since 2013 – organized and easily searchable.

The directory was built with the TALL stack (and is not affiliated with Laravel)."
#Websites #Tutorials
By | Jun 17, 2024

Fynlink – Link Management Solution

"The modern, fast link management solution, all while protecting your visitors' digital privacy! Fynlink is a URL shortener service with a focus on user privacy.

It offers a unlimited teams, members and redirects as well as AI powered custom filters and the ability to create private links.

The main web application is entirely built on Laravel + Livewire. It is built on top of Laravel Jetstream, and uses Cashier for payment, Scout for our super fast full text search engine with Meilisearch. It also uses Echo under the hood for real time notifications.

Other interesting techs used are AWS SQS, EC2, SES, Cloudflare R2 for image hosting, Queues, AI Gateway, Vectorize, Workers AI, KV, D1 & MongoDB Atlas as database. We also use Redis for caching. However, the redirection service along with a few other services are built with honojs or plain node and deployed to Cloudflare workers."
By | Jun 17, 2024

Laravel Dismissibles – Manage the Visibility of Recurring Dismissibles

"Dismissibles for Laravel is a package for easily handling dismissible, recurring objects like popups/notifications/modals on the server side.

Say you have a popup you want to show to every user, daily for a week. Users can dismiss it and it should not show up again for the rest of the day until the next day.

This packages handles the complex logic regarding whether the (dismissible) popup should be visible to the current user at the current moment. It basically handles the visibility of your dismissible. It's highly customizable, making it very flexible for many scenarios.

Because it's serverside we can easily get statistics like who dismissed what, when and where."
By | Jun 21, 2024

Job Hunt Manager – Job Application Manager

"Job Hunt Manager allows you to manage your job applications, something useful in though job markets. You can organize your applications, interviews, tests, assessments, files or related contacts.

You can also upload your CV, get recommendations about it via AI and automatically correct or generate cover letters for each job.

Job Hunt Manager uses Laravel, Livewire and Tailwind. Also Meilisearch and Memcached are used on the backend."
By | Jun 21, 2024

#Mastering Laravel

Why we use phpunit.xml

Instead of different env files
By Joel Clermont | Jun 17, 2024

Making sure tests don't reach the outside world

Keep things fast and stable
By Joel Clermont | Jun 18, 2024

Refactoring logic into a policy method

So much nicer
By Joel Clermont | Jun 19, 2024

Troubleshooting an empty session

The importance of knowing your tools
By Joel Clermont | Jun 20, 2024

How to ignore a filter for one policy method

A couple approaches
By Joel Clermont | Jun 21, 2024

#Flare App

Prioritizing exceptions

You can now set a priority for each exception to find out what needs to be fixed first.
#Flare news
By | Jun 21, 2024

#Honey Badger

A guide to PHP attributes

Attributes are a powerful feature in PHP that can be used to add structured, machine-readable metadata to annotate your code. In this article, we'll look at what attributes are, how to use them, and how to create your own.
By Ashley Allen | Jun 18, 2024

How to Publish API Route File in Laravel 11

#laravel #webdev #beginners #programming
By Sospeter Mongare | Jun 17, 2024

Setting up Vim for PHP and laravel in 2024

#vim #coc #php #laravel
By woland | Jun 17, 2024

Macbook air m1 vs macbook pro 15 2018 vs mac mini 2018

By Luigui Moreno | Jun 17, 2024

Artisan Serve no Lumen

#laravel #lumen #artisan #php
By Rafael Neri | Jun 17, 2024

Laravel Advanced: Top 5 Scheduler Functions You Might Not Know About

#laravel #cronjob #automation
By Karan Datwani | Jun 17, 2024

How to Build Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) Using Laravel?

#webdev #pwa #beginners #laravel
By Aaron Reddix | Jun 17, 2024

InnoDB Performance Tuning – 11 Critical InnoDB Variables to Optimize Your MySQL Database

#webdev #mysql #php #programming
By Roman Agabekov | Jun 17, 2024

Symfony Station Communiqué — 14 June 2024: a look at Symfony, Drupal, PHP, Cybersec, and Fediverse News.

#symfony #drupal #php #fediverse
By Reuben Walker, Jr. | Jun 17, 2024

Phone Validation in Laravel Using Abstract

#php #laravel #abstract #phone
By Yoram Kornatzky | Jun 17, 2024

An operation-oriented API using PHP and Symfony

#api #symfony #operation #php
By Nacho Colomina Torregrosa | Jun 18, 2024

633. Sum of Square Numbers

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jun 17, 2024

My first experience with the LAMP stack

#linux #apache #mysql #php
By Marko | Jun 18, 2024

Food tracker app (Phase 1/?) for show how you split your money

#laravel #redis #react #postgres
By Carlos Estrada | Jun 18, 2024

PHP HyperF -> Overhead + Circuit Breaker

#php #hyperf #overhead #circuitbreaker
By Thiago Silva | Jun 18, 2024

Action pattern in Laravel 🧩

#webdev #php #laravel #designpatterns
By Nikola Perišić | Jun 18, 2024

Filament PHP Blade UI Components Visually Explained

#filament #php #blade #components
By Andréia Bohner | Jun 18, 2024

Why clean code matters

#cleancode #architecture #php #singleresponsibility
By andersnicolai | Jun 18, 2024

Understanding Static vs Self in PHP

#php #oop
By Mohamed Idris | Jun 19, 2024

826. Most Profit Assigning Work

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jun 18, 2024

Discover How Easy It Is to Stay Updated with! Join Our Laravel Developers Squad Today!

#laravel #php #webdev #javascript
By Rashid Ali | Jun 19, 2024

Enhancing Enum Constants in Laravel with Description and Label Attributes

#laravel #php #enum #attributes
By Rashid Ali | Jun 19, 2024

Join Our Vibrant Laravel Developers Squad!

#laravel #php
By Rashid Ali | Jun 19, 2024

1482. Minimum Number of Days to Make m Bouquets

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jun 19, 2024

How to Improve Development Efficiency with PHP 8

#webdev #php #beginners #programming
By ServBay | Jun 19, 2024

TomatoPHP Filament Plugins

#laravel #filament #tomato #php
By Fady Mondy | Jun 20, 2024

Belajar Membuat Project Pertama Laravel

#webdev #beginners #programming #laravel
By Ryo Otwell | Jun 19, 2024

How to Register Middleware in Laravel 11

#laravel #webdev #beginners #php
By Sospeter Mongare | Jun 20, 2024

Laravel 11 Changes

#laravel #webdev #beginners #programming
By Sospeter Mongare | Jun 20, 2024

Stay Updated with PHP/Laravel: Weekly News Summary (10/06/2024–16/06/2024)

#php #laravel
By Poovarasu Sekar | Jun 20, 2024

Debug Filament Search Query

#php #laravel #filament
By Ariel Mejia | Jun 20, 2024

Creando un producto por menos de 10€

#startup #product #php #laravel
By Jorge Eψ=Ĥψ | Jun 19, 2024

Let’s go for the best PHP Frameworks in 2024

#php #phpframeworks #phpdevelopment #phpprogramming
By Zoltan Fehervari | Jun 20, 2024

How to Provision a Server With Laravel Forge?

#webdev #laravel #beginners #php
By Aaron Reddix | Jun 20, 2024

I’m switching from Laravel to Rails

#rails #laravel #fullstack #ruby
By Reza Shadman | Jun 20, 2024


#laravel #sail
By Alanna Burke | Jun 21, 2024

1552. Magnetic Force Between Two Balls

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jun 21, 2024

Create an API for DataTables with Laravel

#laravel #datatables
By StackPuz | Jun 18, 2024

Why Hiring a PHP Developer is Essential for Your Web Development Needs

#hire #php #developers
By dylan | Jun 21, 2024

How to render notes and note page in php?

#php #beginners #programming #learning
By Ghulam Mujtaba | Jun 21, 2024

3 reasons why I love Doctrine

#php #doctrine #database #oop
By Andy The Web Dev Queen | Jun 21, 2024

1052. Grumpy Bookstore Owner

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jun 21, 2024

Resolving Log Permission Issues in Laravel

#laravel #php
By Fernando Muller Junior | Jun 22, 2024

Display dropdown in blade in laravel

#webdev #tutorial #laravel #beginners
By Sospeter Mongare | Jun 22, 2024

Turso libSQL Installer

#webdev #database #php #laravel
By Imam Ali Mustofa | Jun 23, 2024

Symfony Station Communiqué — 21 June 2024: a look at Symfony, Drupal, PHP, Cybersec, and Fediverse News.

#symfony #drupal #php #fediverse
By Reuben Walker, Jr. | Jun 23, 2024

PHP: yes, it's possible

#php #beginners #programming
By spO0q 🐒 | Jun 22, 2024

1248. Count Number of Nice Subarrays

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jun 22, 2024

How to Contribute to Laravel: A Step-by-Step Guide

#laravel #opensource
By Mohammed Samgan Khan | Jun 23, 2024

Laravel Create Virtual Database Column

#laravel #sql #webdev #beginners
By Paulund | Jun 23, 2024

Backend Developer | Laravel, PHP

#job #laravel #php #backenddevelopment
By Taofeek Adekunle | Jun 23, 2024

Quickly Set Up a Local Web Server on Mac with ServBay

#webdev #beginners #programming #php
By ServBay | Jun 23, 2024

1438. Longest Continuous Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than or Equal to Limit

#php #leetcode #algorithms #programming
By MD ARIFUL HAQUE | Jun 23, 2024

Introduction to PHP Development

#php #webdev #backend #programming
By Amna Akram | Jun 23, 2024

#IT Solution Stuff

Laravel 11 – Install and Configure Laravel Debugbar

In this post, I will show you how to debug laravel 11 using laravel debugbar tool.

The Laravel Debugbar is a very helpful tool for developing with Laravel. It works together with the PHP Debug Bar.

By Hardik Savani | Jun 17, 2024

Laravel 11 Send Email Via Notification Example

In this article, we will learn how to create and send mail notifications in the laravel 11 application.

Laravel notifications are a powerful feature of the Laravel PHP framework that allows you to se…..
By Hardik Savani | Jun 18, 2024

Laravel 11 Notifications With database Driver Example

In this tutorial, i will show you how to send notification with database driver in laravel 11 application.

Laravel notifications are a helpful feature in the Laravel PHP framework. They let you send …..
By Hardik Savani | Jun 19, 2024

Laravel 11 Comment System with Replies Example

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create comment system in laravel 11 application.

A Comment system is a primary requirement for blog website or any tutorial website. A comment system on a blog …..
By Hardik Savani | Jun 20, 2024

How to Integrate ChatGPT API with Laravel 11?

In this article, I would like to share with you how to integrate Chat GPT API in laravel 11 application.

<strong>What is ChatGPT/OpenAI?</strong>
ChatGPT is a smart computer program made by OpenAI. I…..
By Hardik Savani | Jun 22, 2024